Medical Services 2010
The City of Salina, Kansas
Professional Services Contract for
Medical Director of Emergency Medical Services
Made as of the 11th day of Januarv, in the year of Two Thousand Ten, BETWEEN the City
of Salina. Kansas. hereafter referred to as the City, and Dr. Sean Herrinaton. hereafter referred
to as the Medical Director.
For professional emergency medical oversight and control to meet the requirements of the
Kansas State Statutes Chapter 65.-"Public Health", Article 61.-"Emergency Medical
Ser:vices", KSA 65-6126.-"Medical Adviser", for the delivery of Advanced Life Support
services provided by the Salina Fire Department through Ambulance and Fire Services to the
City of Salina and Saline County and its surrounding emergency response area.
The City and Medical Director agree as set forth below.
1.1 The Medical Director shall be responsible for the Salina Fire Department
procedures for providing pre-hospital medical care ofl persons requiring the services
of the Salina Fire Department Ambulance and Fire Services.
1.2 The Medical Director shall meet the requirements under Kansas Administrative
Regulations, 109-1-2, "Medical Advisor".
1.3 The Medical Director will work directly for the Fire Chief of the Salina Fire
1.4 The Medical Director will provide the Fire Chief professional opinions and guidance,
as necessary, to develop adequate budgeting for medical operations, adequate
personnel for the delivery of services, and improvements to operations and
1.5 The Medical Director shall ensure that Fire Department personnel operating under
his/her authority are in compliance with provisions of the Kansas Administrative
Statutes, Chapter 65, Article 61 - Emergency Medical Services, and KAR 109-1-2;
Medical Advisor, and operate according to the protocol and standard operating
guidelines established by the Saline County Medical Society and Salina Fire
1.6 The Medical Director will provide the Fire Chief with yearly reports as requested. At
a minimum, yearly reporting will include 1) a report of his/her activities connected
with the position 2) a report on the state of EMS services in Saline County and 3) a
future planning report that will identify opportunities or barriers in providing premier
EMS services for Salina and Saline County.
;.- ,
The Medical Director shall have the authority to:
2.1 Develop medical standards for EMS dispatch procedures to assure that the
appropriate unit(s) are dispatched in the appropriate manner to the scene of a
medical emergency or injury. The Medical Director may provide appropriate
medical quality assurance of dispatcher compliance with these established
protocols. The Medical Director will work through the Chief of Police, and with
assistance of the Fire Chief, when dispatch procedures are modified or
2.2 Define the criteria for level of care and type of response and transportation to be
used in pre-hospital emergency care.
2.3 Have the authority to extend the procedures and protocols permitted beyond that
published in the polices and procedures when in his/her judgment, that is in the
best interest of that individual patient.
2.4 At his/her discretion, respond to the sceneof emergencies at the request of the Fire
Department Command personnel to deal with situations requiring the presence of a
physician. At those times when the Medical Director is not available for such
response, he/she shall assist the Fire Department Command personnel in obtaining
physician support.
2.5 Personally respond to the scene of an injury accident to personally evaluate the
performance of the Fire Department medical personnel.
3.1 The appointment as Medical Director shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief and will
continue unless either party provides 120 days notice of its intention to terminate
this agreement or request$a renegotiation of theterms and conditions in this
contract. '.' ..
3.2 The Salina Fire Department shall supply the Medical Director with a pager, portable
radio, and transportation to the scene of emergencies when needed, the necessary
Fire Department support personnel, and such assistance as may from time to time
be required and/or requested by the Medical Director.
3.3 The Medical Director shall receive no salary or benefit package from the City of
Salina or the Salina Fire Department. The Medical Director shall receive a fixed
amount of $30,000.00 each year to compensate the Medical Director for operating
an emergency medical services delivery system under the medical license of the
Medical Director, providing the necessary professional services as required by the
Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services and Kansas State law to the Salina
Fire Department.
3.4 The compensation provided to the Medical Director may be made on a monthly,
quarterly, or yearly basis (following performance of the services for the applicable
time interval) as mutually agreeable between the Medical Director and Fire Chief.
3.5 The Medical Director shall be responsible for his/her own malpractice insurance
3.6 The Medical Director shall be considered an independent contractor and as such is
not entitled to any benefits other than the annual fee. The Medical Director shall be
responsible for all taxes (income, self-employment, workers compensation, and any
other) due to any government or licensing authority as a result of this contract. The
Medical Director is not covered by any workers' compensation benefits, health
insurance benefits, pensions, leave or any other benefit.
3.7 This contract may be immediately terminated by the City if the Medical Director fails
to maintain his/her license to practice medicine, fails to provide services as agreed,
violates any local, state, or federal laws, if the City determines it is in the public
interest to end the contract, or if the City's governing body does not appropriate the
funds necessary to continue the contract. If the City terminates the contract, the
Medical Director shall keep any funds paid to date. If that total is less than the
prorated value of the annual fee to date of termination, the City shall pay the
remainder of the annual fee to equal the prorated value.
This agreement entered into as the day and year first written above.
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The City of Salina, Kansas
Professional Services Contract for
Medical Director of Emergency Medical Services
Made as of the 11th day of Januarv, in the year of Two Thousand Ten, BETWEEN the ~
of Salina. Kansas. hereafter referred to as the City, and Dr. Sean Herrinaton. hereafter referred
to as the Medical Director.
For professional emergency medical oversight and control to meet the requirements of the
Kansas State Statutes Chapter 65.-"Public Health", Article 61.-"Emergency Medical
Services", KSA 65-6126.-"Medical Adviser", for the delivery of Advanced Life Support
services provided by the Salina Fire Department through Ambulance and Fire Services to the
City of Salina and Saline County and its surrounding emergency response area.
The City and Medical Director agree as set forth below.
1.1 The Medical Director shall be responsible for the Salina Fire Department
procedures for providing pre-hospital medical care of persons requiring the services
of the Salina Fire Department Ambulance and Fire Services.
1.2 The Medical Director shall meet the requirements under Kansas Administrative
Regulations, 109-1-2, "Medical Advisor".
1.3 The Medical Director will work directly for the Fire Chief of the Salina Fire
1.4. The Medical Director will provide the Fire Chief professional opinions and guidance,
as necessary, to develop adequate budgeting for medical operations, ad,equate
personnel for the' delivery of services, and improvements to operations 'and
equipment. .
1.5 The Medical Director shall ensure that Fire Department personnel operating under
his/her authority are in compliance with provisions of the Kansas Administrative
Statutes, Chapter 65, Article 61 - Emergency Medical Services, and KAR 109-1-2;
Medical Advisor, and operate according to the protocol and standard operating
guidelines established by the Saline County Medical Society and Salina Fire
1.6 The Medical Director will provide the Fire Chief with yearly reports as requested. At
a minimum, yearly reporting will include 1) a report of his/her activities connected
with the position 2) a report on the state of EMS services in Saline County and 3) a
, future planning report that will identify opportunities or barriers in providing premier
EMS services for Salina and Saline County.
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The Medical Director shall have the authority to:
2.1 Develop l1l1edical standards for EMS dispatch procedures to assure that the
appropriate unit(s) are dispatched in the appropriate manner to the scene of a
medical emergency or injury. The Medical Director may provide appropriate
medical quality assurance of dispatcher compliance with these established
protocols! The Medical Director will work through the Chief of Police, and with
assistan~ of the Fire Chief, when dispatch procedures are modified or
2.2 Define th~ criteria for level of care and type of response and transportation to be
used in pre-hospital emergency care.
2.3 Have the authority to extend the procedures and protocols permitted beyond that
published in the polices and procedures when in his/her judgment, that is in the
best interest of that individual patient.
2.4 At his/heli discretion, respond to the scene of emergencies at the request of the Fire
Department Command personnel to deal with situations requiring the presence of a
physician. At those times when the Medical Director is not available for such
response, he/she shall assist the Fire Department Command personnel in obtaining
physician support.
2.5 Personally respond to the scene of an injury accident to personally evaluate the
performa~ce of the Fire Department medical personnel.
3.1 The appointment as Medical Director shall be reviewed by the Fire Chief and will
continue unless'either party provides 120 days'notice of its intention to terminate
this agre~ment ,or requests a renegotiation of the terms and conditions in this
3.2 The Salina Fire Department shall supply the Medical Director with a pager, portable
radio, and transportation to the scene of emergencies when needed, the necessary
Fire Department support personnel, and such assistance as may from time to time
be required and/or requested by the Medical Director.
3.3 The Medical Director shall receive no salary or benefit package from the City of
Salina or'the Salina Fire Department. The Me~ical Director shall receive a fi?,ed,
~ <-". [ \" , . I . ,
amount of $30,000.00 each year to compensate the Medical Director for operating
an emergency medical services delivery system under the medical license of the
Medical Director, providing the necessary professional services as required by the
Kansas Board of Emergency Medical Services and Kansas State law to the Salina
Fire Department.
3.4 The compensation provided to the Medical Director may be made on a monthly,
quarterly, or yearly basis (following performance of the services for the applicable
time interval) as mutually agreeable between the Medical Director and Fire Chief.
3.5 The Medical Director shall be responsible for his/her own malpractice insurance
coverage. ..
3.6 The Medical Director shall be considered an independent contractor andassuch is
not entitled to any benefits other than the annual fee. The Medical Director shall be
responsible for all taxes (income, self-employment, workers compensation, and any
other) due to any government or licensing authority as a result of this contract. The
Medical Director is not covered by any workers' compensation benefits, health
insurance benefits, pensions, leave or any other benefit.
3.7 This contract may be immediately terminated by the City if the Medical Director fails
to maintain his/her license to practice medicine, fails to provide services as agreed,
violates any local, state, or federal laws, if the City determines it is in the public
interest to end the contract, or if the City's governing body does not appropriate the
funds necessary to continue the contract. If the City terminates the contract, the
Medical Director shall keep any funds paid to date. If that total is less than the
proratedvalue of the annual fee to date of termination, the City shall pay the
remainde'rof the annual fee to equal the prorated value.
This agreement entered into as the day and year first written above.
DAY OF J{lnwu\{2010.