Water Purchase Agreement ,~ ' .. t ,. l _' . \,t-,.'of '. ~...,~ <>. .-1" ' . ',"(':~;' .' ,~~\-:-;.,,< "\ ---.-----. ! 24: Water Service/Supply/District 3 I ~ .---_._-~---_.- ---~ ----- ,--_/ 24 . L ___h----/ ""/I f!t"....... t ."\,...;... Pt;P~ .1- .. ':'. i ;~T"'r:r:~ ". .,?- This ;~!}reenent,:'1a,~f' a~(~ E'nterc(1 into thi5 _ ~."tI<. day of ~~ ,1970, L~' ,In,: Lebl<2f'r. thE' Ci ty of Sal~na, Kansas, a nunicipal corporation of Saline County, 7':an2as, hereinafter referred to as the "City"; and rural Hater Diqtrict :';0. 3, Saline County, Kansas, a rutal 0ater Oistrict duly organized an~ existing uneer the laws of the State of Kansas, hereinafter referr0d to as th€ "DistriQt". t.;'ITNESSE'l'H: WnI:REAS, the District is duly organized and existing under the previsions of K.S.A. Q2a-601 to 636, inclusive, for th~ purpose of constructing and operating a water supply ~istribution system to serve water users within the corporate touLdaries of the Dis- trict, and to accomplish this purpof;e the District TJil1 require a supply of treated water; and , ( , HUEREAS, the City owns and operates a water treatment plant and supply distribution system wit, a capacity currently capable of, serving the present customers of the r.ity's system and the es- eimated nu.mber of addi tional ',.,rater users to he served by the said istrict:in accordance with the Water System Study prepared by Wilson and Co . . Engineers, and ,11: ::;urplernentsther~to f and , ~'lIIEREAS, by Ordinance l~o. 80 '1(. enacted on the D4/fJ. day of .~. , 1970, byt~:e governing lody of the City, the sale of wa er to the District in accorcance '.'i th the provisions of this Agreement ,."as approved, and the executicm of tJ-te 1\greement forth~ City, by its Hayor and City Clerk, was duly authorized; and . ""'j. ~ f ~. l'1HEREAS, by Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Dis- trict, adopted on tI.'le ..;.:~ day of ..j~ ' l?7?, the purchase of water fron\. the c~ ty ~n accordance "WIth d1e prov~~llons of this, Agreement ~Jas approved, and th,' execution of the i greement for the District, by its Chairman and :':r:cretary, ,.,as dul:' au thorized i ; NOH THEP-EFORE, in consh~cration 0: the foregoing and the :;covenants hereinafter set forth, parties hereto do hereby follows: vlATE.R ;'Ci ty 'the points of delivery hereina~ter specified, ng the term of ,tnis.>agreeme.nt or any renewal or extension thereof, potable ,treated 'water maeting aFPlicable r\lri ty standards of the .Kansas ,;~~~;.~~~~: ~ f;I~~~l~'ti:~~j;ll;!l~j~~I~j~~;~r~iJi,~~~t~,~:~~i;E:;~~~~, .".:'2-.,,'?:TE:PJ., ,OF Ac:;13EEur:3T: J.~nsagree~etlt shall extend for a . . . ".:,.ternr'bfrorty (40);tea,rs from the date of the initial delivery of ':):;,an~.water. to.. the Dlstrictasevidencedbythedate of. th~ '. first {"" .',,'st:atcnent'l,iubmi tted by t.he 'City .to . the'riistrict~ and, 'thereafter..,:""'; ejjmail::~renew~dor..e~tend~d.f.Qrsuch.teJ:ini9?:...~~:rT:1!;/.as.f!.1a:_bernut~.r. . "".i,tia.lly::;-av;eed upon"by,,:.t:h~,~!'tyanQPistrl.ct. ..,'h".", ' .,............ ".':""";'.. ;:~:."il"".' . .' . ....~'!~;,:'.;;.'.. 'i . ~.t';':'!~rc'1~t;;~::(.~~';~t~;E:~;;;;l~t;:38';['~}$~f,ijt0t~1ffr'~:~:'8''';iHJ~;1'ke:~;ifu1L >';":':;;~"'~t .:P91N.TSOFDE~IVI:RYANP,.PRI::SSlJRE:: ''!'h,e 'CJ.ty"shal ~.~k;t~~M,rh~a~~),~it,,~~iS,(1UEg~,~f~~;~i'(~h~"~'t~?iUilltiit~='.~~~~~eb(~~;j,i ,/:pr~ssurc ~han tllat:normally: availah~,e. at ar:y.point nf:de.l$.very is,.i',;j\::;~;,,; "E~!~~~~~ b~~o~:;t~;~~e~isi~~~t~~h~~~~~~ i nio S~~~pg~~a;~~u~i:~=, ", iln.ceS ...shall be 'Ii '.~1!e9.onthe",;Pis.t,~~c:t sy:~~,::m o,f,r;,ore.th'an' .forty,:'::'~L" :'::..~rt:ent,....... (4~% 19f,t.l;e<,l~la)C~mum ....capabi;ity..Qf,.-.1:]lG... a.4':.fected....'meter.. hf'. '........:C7'.,.' "mfJt~,.s,i" '.':tm~;r~~:p-cy...,,~~'~l,~r.,~~;;,P.t/;R~~"'su :":': ";7l;;' . '!?12.~*'<:"t~7:\~g.~e:ln.,',:.~ urp~~.: '::, ~,'.brE;l~k~L:~pOWer'f.~lut:e..;":,~:t9.q sei~O f,watr.-r;tO) " .... ...... ..... ., '-'" v',' ..<:,':.,.y,.""'" ",.r'J."""""", k;., ,.""'" ...........,"",-, ..':... ' .e_i'~ear:al~L\,::,to:rp.aqO"cir):ith . 'sha l' 10. .exCtJ' ~.,tfi-~,;i,:~tSfJ'~.tq#>~8";,";~~,g , '.' . .. , ~! ,i.. .... --~ , ), ,- "",.~J'-:'- ".;~ ~ , - r' ( j 24: Water Service/Supply/District 3 I . 4. F;:\ILcru: ':'0 rL:..n:'~: deli"cr \':1t~r s;:al1 .~.. re::'(?,1ie,' ,,:...~_ ,911 ;"- ',,:J~: 'j;':atc\. tho;,:; event of an e}~tt-:'nded ;,;'.nrtu.''.:'< 0:" '::.Jte:-. cr if t..i.: sur-pI::' ("f \1ater available to thf: Cit'l is ct:lpr,,;ise \'::~i.ri~-' cd over an e;,:t.,;n.].C'c' period of time, the :=:IJtTl~'- of vater to t!:, ~"ist':"ic':'s consun',ers sl,all be limited to t:'J~ Sar.lt~ uses as t;..(.:' SlT:'l~' is linite,:1 to t!v; City's other consumers. r::.' ~ <""!'"ar:7 r : Clrt'Ld '-.;;j lures. fn 5. 0'I'IiER SOlJRCJ..:S OF SUPPLY: ':'he ~i:.:tri,...+-. <;;1all not drill its own \yells or obtain "'ater from any !';ourc~ ot!1Cr than tLe Ci. ty unless thtJ Ci ty shall have given prior \-,:::-i tter~ cons'~nt. 6. NETr.:Rn~G EQUIP:le;'I': The ci t.y sholl furnis}' ard install at the District's sole cost, and t~e City shall suls.quently oper- ate, maintain, calibrate and repair the necessary ~~tpring equip- ment in the sanie manner as for the City's ot.Lcr cons ur::ers. The District shall construct and Daintain at its ~~lo cost an~ exrc~8A the necessary meter housings. 7he City shall caliLrate such ~et- ering equipment to properly r.:easure the quantit: of water deliv<;.t:'ed to the r;istrict whenever such calibration is lIcense! necessary )-"f' the Ci ty or whenever such calibration is requeste<l !)y tbe District. JI. meter registering in accordance v7i th the American Haten-.'orks standards shall te deemed to be accurate. Th~ previous readings of any meter disclosed by tes t to he inacccr:\ t (.: s~,..1J 1 be correcte.~ in accordance with the percentage of inaccuracy found by such .tests and a corresponding charge or credit shall Le Dade to the . amount paid or payable by the ristrict in accordance \-lith such cor-- rected meter readings. If any 'eter fails to register for any per- iod, the al'lourit of water furrd -'1(:(1 (~uring such period shall be deemed to be the amount of \vater delivered in t~:C7 corresponding period ,immediately prior to the failure, unless the City and Di~- trict shall mutually agree upon a different amount. The District shall have access to all meters for t~e purro~c of verifying meter readings" At each point of delivery, the District shall install at its sole expense a meter by-pass, each such meter by-pass to be sealed, and any such seal to be broken and such meter by-pass opened only by authorized pprsonnel of th~ City. '7 BILLING k"-:D PAYHENT: t,ll meters r~~s5stering uater fur- nished to the District shall ;": read at the sarae time hy the Ci ty and the total amount of water ~urnished tljroug~l all of the meters shall be tilled at th~ rate arp:icaLleto th( single largest size meter. The City, shall furnish to the Treasurer of t~lC nistrict a monthly itemized s1;.atpMent S'1ohfing tl1(~ C"l.i:l(wnt 0f uC\+-nr furnished through eaeh meter, the total amount of water furniRlled to the District and the total sum due to t'le City tor such ,,,Tater. Payr.lent for water furnished to the DistriGt shall La rr.ad~; to the City r.-~' the Treasurer of the District v::uhin ten (10) <.~i1Y r receipt of said n1<?nthly i te.mi zed.~.~.~temen t. ,; "',:::>. ",,;;' ". c., -";':';"...".'..."~\./~:-:;': < '<;~y:;C _.:.,,: ':, " -;,'<<5~~:;,;.,\'i',":--/ -,' ,"."'{;:L.'-;-.,. ,;': ,,'~ ::_;j,' . (,,; -<. ..-.', ::, ;c,:,~~/\:::~;;,;} :,~,;>.:; l'-'"'.;'o;:-;:'<'; ':: ;,,':";/'.f"~'~z::::' aater8i~:~~~;~:d~~;i~ b~h~~:l~~~~r~d twent~f-five (l25~) perce~~r of the .z:ate specified in See. 35-55 tl) for roul tiple users through a single meter or Latteryof meters as providedinSec. 35-44 or ' any amendments to either of said sections as 31'~cificd flY Ordinance :lo. . 1~'t' enacted on the. ;la;tL day.of .~ ,1970"<, ,e... ..';-;;[W~;;r.;~i1,;.)t;;~6~~'EtTJ:bN . . .':rh;Distrid:~'~:~'}~~~ti;iii:"t~""th~'City the .."" ,>.,' >',;V.." aetualcosts and expenses of connecting the District's system wi thH;". the. system of the City. '.' "J;.> .,..;,;";.>...,",,, ,;~~i . .... .... ..... .', ~.,,;;,.;":.:.'t:"\..~;~'2i';;~;;{.;;:/,;~\\!~~~:;':';;{,"1~J:. " ~Tm '1~ 'T. .' ,"'" .'.. .... . '~_'. :':i"~'"~;I.~".:,:.'""'"'."""Y':';" (,.";;"~:".' :><,10 .cOtISTRt]\,..ON, HAI..uE..L.NC:C. J1.hD Ot..~...I,".II">T~.en~ str~et. .' shall construct, operate, ('J.ndl'llaintain i ts waterdistributio~ system ...',.. At its sole~ostand expense. All !;rorerty, real.'and personal t., "_.' .~;~~r~~, b;u~~:c~i7;r~~~ ~r:~; ~~m:~bu~~~a~~~O~~;6a~~~Pt~;~e~; ~~e>{..,. ",' the District. " cO.' "--', " >' ': " ,- _, .,":' . . . ,,:' ,,' ;. .cc,.- ,,c,',. ..,,' , ",<,-.,~,:.:'>.i:':'~_':';:.:,-':.':_:l>~;:. .~, ,". ~ ,~",-;,_.'?'''''':';;-_'_'''; ", ;'. ~. ~~;~ rl.,:;:;:::;,,;, :";'~'f;:::.., '>;:;,:;;:;;'\.?:{"'i",-_:-S~:':"i~~:;-:",:-o;.",'L_:';;\'"i;;:'~,,;.:.. ~~c:'.' 'C"i" .;/: ";~::~'t:; . _ ;:_, ';"_ ;."' ""\:";." . .,0 -. ";2:,(';;'li".i;!,WATER'tdRCONSTRU2T~o:1 ~,Thg,C,!ty sh a i i,'prf~~tod~>l i vc ry .. . '. ;"of.water:.tothe,pi,stric~ 'provided.in.;J?a~~g.raph'12..of tti.tii~~gre()n~nt,_! _ ~c .s?:.furnish . to the '.conb:actor.' at .th(-!pointsb{,rjelj.veJ;Y, ",'ateri",~9:J;us~;; .':',tj';,:during the construction .of <t~.~,.pi~t;riet's;"syatern;i\t;ratcs;:) ",yJoded> ._,~'kyinparagraph. a. hereof, !,to.};i~;,pai~:'y~Y;$y?'e;:q() . .. c ::G~i;':,;failureto:a ,(bthe'Ois iet.,'" ' -,</' "."-.,.,.', C"'''.:,:' ..:.....':;,,;.,:...'. ~' .l\ ED . " '" ':- "it;,in the area of the District, ?rovided b,nt t!,e : istrict shall ~ r, not serve ~ater to other than agricultural con5umprs on any tract t ~ of ~ss tl.an twenty (20) acres without prior written consent of the "\I Ctl ty \~nd, provided further that all lots 0 r trac ts located with i n ~, ~ the pres~ n t or future Urni ts of the towns 0 f Sn.o lan, Men tor, Sa lnms ,J.." borg ano jJavarJ.a and any lots or tracts w~.J...cn \'.'erc platted on or V, 't be fore Decemter. ~ 1, 196 8, may be served 1,'Y the Lis tee t w ithou t the ~~.~ consent of the c~ty, regardless of the s~ze or area of such lot~ V> or tract~ and regardless of the nature of the consumer. for pur- poses o~ this paragraph 13, agricul tural cons-uncrs 51-:('.11 te deerood to :be those consu."l\~rs who have derived,durinc; the calendar year immcJiately preceding the date on which application for water is made to the District, more than fifty (50) percent of their incon:e for personal services from agricultural pursuits. . '{ '~ t; '. . ..Co;o, . ,,...,.,.~.....~" '-..'~'- >,,_:~ .. 5'-~;~ I 24: Water Service/Supply/District 3 I I , -----------------. ------ ---_/ in 12. !.I:::LIVliJ.Y I"IF \:,\'.:"'P: ," . istric': ,-i,[\11 r;c+ify tLe lit} .,.,rrLting thirty (30) days priL~r to ,th!o:. ~:ate for ~"I" initial ,'ieliv'- of \-fa ter and the C i tyshal: ~'rov i~1e i"a t."r tn t, 8 ri~ trict or. after t:le L)ate s;;e,'ific<1 in ~)i;1.id \'JrittC'D notic'~, ery and r~'he Distri(.;t may serve any prf'Dises situa1:-c", 13. Hl\TEl'- USERS; 14. PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND REPORTS: furnish the Ci ty wi tl'~ a set of the plans and construction of its distribution system when trict shall annually furnish the city a copy report and a list of the names and addresses in the district. 1~he District shall suecifications for cbmpleted. The Dis- of its annual audit of all consumers with- 15. RLLES AND REGULATIONS OF THE DIS'l'PICT. TI''''' Rules and Regulations of the District shall provide the following: (a) itA standard water service connection is for the sole use of the applicant or consumer, and does not permit the extension of pipes or transfer water from one property to another, nor to share, resell, or sub-meter \/ater to any other consumer. If an en\ergency or specific situation should make such an arrangement advisable, it shall be done only on specific written permission of the Boare of Directors for the Juration of the emergency. I' ,. . . _ '. .~.'. '>, i. -, \;.: ;(b}'~';);.;Th~:~~;:~~'ll.be no physical connection between ;)_>!,)~;)'J~;),iGi~t'any p:rivate water system and the \.,ater system of ';}-"~3';;i);')i:2;>the .District. Representatives of the District '4;;;;;~iF~{;j;~)';sball have the rightat all reasonable hours to ":r):f;:!~~i{.'~;i2';enter the consumer I s premises for the purpose of _,,;d'i~0;i~;,inspectio~ and enforcement of this provision. '):;;f~;;:Vlo1ationof this provision shall constitute J.>:l;;/cause for disconnection of a consumer I s service." 'yO'._ ,--------~--~ J ~ 1 i 24: Water Service/Supply/District 3 I I _______ ________~_ _...____-------...----.--J . . , t'. .,.. .. I:J \,;:':;:'::::S:-: ::r~:f'pr:OF, tLr:: ::a rt i ;- :'-~n~ to ,let i n0 'l'::1er a,'tr,ori t~' of t~:eir res~.€:ctivp gov-""v-:....i..n<] 1(':1;5, 1-..:0-.: .::,"'.us,~,' th':"s ,"',.greeJv.:.:r.t to 1 ,e dul~ cxec'Jteu on th: Cil:':' arA~l 'jcar f ::..::::; t. abo"~ ~.'ri tten , CI':'Y: cit~ of Salinn I ;~an5as, 1\ ;~unicipal Corporation of Salir.e county, ?.J.nS35 By__~~~~4:- Haror ,~ t te 5 t ; --~~ city Clerk DISTRICT: tural Water nistrict No. 3 Saline County, Kansas . By 7~~ Chairman , , I ;~) ,~ . l\tteat: ~tld e.Ad_' Secretary ..-------- ""," i"" This contract. is approved on benalf of tb::> FarT'1crs Home Administra- _ tion this 1st day of Jut .' ~~.~ n ':\ ....,,",.,...::'. .., "<.. BY~ ~[~2:t:'1QQ~-~ " '.", . ",.', . lI. ~ 11.. . ,', .c":: . c'. ..' , . ..' ,.' , State Direct r of the Farmers Home ,'" ........... .i~:~;~{~ .. ',.,istrati.cm -.. '. . ,., .'. ,'. ......,...'.:.. " '.' ..<;....: '. ,,~ ". '.~'( , , i..'~!Z~~,~~ ",~: .. ....~...." " " ....'? . "~ ".' . .'. . ..... .,". . '. 'o,'. . '...'. ..... ..' " " .::........" ,. . ":,,'.' ". .,. ,.:" . .:'" .....'. ,,:'..' /: ...,.':' ;, ' '~. ' , .' ,'. '.c.... ,. '," c :,.:', '" .. . " c . ,. " :;.' 'c"; .. ;"i'" o':;. ", ','. <,o''' ...-:" '" .: . c c! ' ,. .. ..' .' ' .. ,,' ' .' . --- ..'.','.. . ,.' '. ..:....,',.... ...".,..... ,,'" . ': .. ,,' . ,.,.", . 'o:>::'''''..:~~;.'...'' "".'. .>...... .." :;~: ',,; '.' ~'" . ..... .: .' " . . : " ...... "" ..,:" ".' ," . i~ . '~"; '. ";~ : . .' .... . ": " c..," .:. ::" . . ..,<;~..~:,~.\";:<: ,;' . "",''':. ';. .,''o . <:" . .' ':.~!;i;:~ "'" .. .,,;', ';'c--." .' >.: .,." .': ..: " :...... c.,' '. ~..c. ..' , " ",.,:':, :.:':: ' ',;, " ' ':';:;: :..' ," , ," .,,,.....~....., ...." ....,' ,....,>.:;> ." ,,"":." ~ ...~".. c, ,,":. ...," ',..: - ".' :i:,> :,:' .:. .,.,,;,~ c, -:' :. ' " "', , .. , . '.,~ ,". . ;'V .,.', ".,,' ~". . ':.<':' ";.':,'.' ": . '" ~ . ,..-;:,;:>.':':-~.~:>,,--,'>::-~- ,:;:':\ ."\:", "'. " '.' .' ....'j;"~;... .'. ,. ~' " . " " '" ~. ......~.. ;..:" .~.' {. . . ,". <:';':c, :'''.'''',:; ... ..,,". ~ ,,' . . . . :." .' ~ '. ;~. ..' .: "". " ' ' . .. :,X ':, .,~ .-;' , .;~ !'';5, J 5J'~J;','~ "\"'G'" ;~:r ." '!....., ,.,': .'.,..' - " '. .-:'~,: '..' .. '.. 'Y. ; "' :"h . c' .,,' '. 'i':~:':~ ;.-".~}; , .)(~i~~:.~ .:.",..~.. ,'. c,,:. .' .' . .. " ";"."~' ',~. .' . . " ' . ~""" " . " . ..~ .' .;'.. ;:..' . ....... .. .'.... ".. .c'. ,,', ;>.:,:.. ""..::. " , . . ... " .. ,. ." ~ . .c. '. ' .~: :::." ,,~. '.' . . .... .~ :. . ~ . .:.' .,. ..' :...:...." ".' ,. ".' ~. ....:.... . ','. ... . , i " . '. " '.' ~ :' '.: ... ,'''. /.. ~ ,,' '0" ~.' " '" " .. .' "... ~.' .. ':':.. ,,::,: '. ' . "J' ....:E~ ....;.. .~. '. '.;,:' .;::"'.":" . . .'''. ': :,' ..'.:," ....' . "; :.,:....., : '::,,~... "..'...., :..<. '.".:-: '. /,.~ '. J "~ :: ~ . ....,...\- .- ,- ~ ....~.'/L.,_. .I . , :~ ';:~~;:~!.C "-'t- --~- ----- ---~-------., I I I : 24: Water Service/Supply/District 3 I _~_. .... "_ __ . SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT This S~Plemental Agreement, made and entered into this~o day of ~ ' 1970, by and between the City of Salina, . Kansas, a' i ipal corporation of Saline County, Kansas, herein- after referred to as the "City" and Rural Water District No.3, Saline County, Kansas, a rural water district duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Kansas, hereinafter referred to as the "District". WITNESSETH: ....' ",. ~ -:' WHEREAS, the parties hereto entered into a certain Water Pur- chase Agreement, dated March 24, 1970, relative to the furnishing of water by the City to the District; and, '" .,'i~:' ;:-: if;'t~_<;":;"'~ -', . ;~f."'f' .' o WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend, modify~nd supple- ment said Water Purchase Agreement dated March 24, 1970 as herein- after set forth; .l,' '. c, :- ~ ~. " ,; ..~ . . NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the mutual consent of the parties hereto, said Water Purchase Agreement dated March 24, 1970, is hereby amended, modified and supplemented as . follows: " :. " ,~,.: 'l~::. The date of enactment of Ordinances No. 8075 and ~,the governing body of the City shall be changed from the of~rcht' 1970 to the 23rd day of March, 1970 to reflect ,daeeupon which said Ordinances were enacted. 8076 by 24th day the correct ".~ . ,.,Ff'rY;~ .' c, ;lj',';?;,,' 2. Paragraph 5 of 1970, shall be and ~." " said Wate~ Purchase Agreement dated March is hereby modified to read as follows: )'5,. 0THEi.' SOURCES OF SUPPLY: So long as the City's\1pplies " >water to the District under the terms of this contract , the ~\;:;,,\.' 'District shall not drill its own wells or, obtain water from )\i.,,~..,}~:;:'\:')'{;,t;any, source o~her than the City unless the City shall have given b. '"ii",\,,".'.,., ';1<"'':,' '",," ......i itt t ,,' ". ~~,:~p~::;:~,i;{;;'"';"'}" ,p.. or wr,en consen . ., """'l.,.",:,,, .,,,,,' (". ~'~. ., , 1 , :.1 '1 , ! I . I '.' .: i '..~ ! , ! .t.......d ?'''"1 ,I 'f i '~ J,,!j ,\t:~ ~i,,:,.~:~ , .::'~ "~'1 1 . 'j i I 1 , j 1 ", " 'j 1 i I CITY: City of Salina, Kansas, A Municipal Corporatioq of Saline County, Ka?sas ~','" ~"~, "".~ ~ , " ' " ~ 'r i , : ~ ~',' , May r, ',"':~~;', ' ; .:~j..t., . . ~ ;..-,,-" " . -~. . . f I ~ ','~ ~ >~~~ t' i~ H I . ' ' \. ;:',,-, 1. 'I 't . - . , "'".: 0, ki'!'l" ."". I "" .~~-:;~ <4 ,:1' .... ,.! .;.):,. .. . ("" - .",,-~ I 24: Water service/sup;r;/Di;~~~; '---~.~---~~-~ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, acting under authority of their respective governing bodies, have caused this Supplemental Agreement to be duly executed on the day and year first above written. '/'"ie" '-.? ~,: . ~..; ~ ..;, ~'" . Attest: , '. ,..\_';'.~ ~ 'l\. .~ 1, ,..<':'i!\ ., ,:~>.. ',:~.:~':~ City Clerk, .~~:: "." ,~. ;.-., DISTRICT: Rural Water District No. 3 Saline County, Kansas -;....,...~. }." By -,' " , " . ~ ~