Support Humidification System --....-. II SALI NA@J[F~Center . 2004-2005 BOARD MEMBERS Stacy Clark Frank Coady PRESIDENT John Divine Judy Edmands Kelli Exline Paula Fried Bob Goodwin Charley Griffin TREASURER Peter Johnston Patrice Lewerenz .s Livingston Mark Ritter l\IOl'Illan Yenkllf Sam1Yn ReetI\ Hardy DlRECTtJ1l . November 11, 2004 Commissioner Debbie Divine Commissioner Alan Jilka Commissioner Don Marrs Commissioner Monte Shadwick Commissioner Paul Webb Dear Madam and Sirs: The significant support of the City of Safula for. facility maintenance and utilities has helped the Salina Art Cen!~bring world-class works of art into the center of our community and region.--1'he environmental conditions necessary to house and care for irreplace.~ltfand highly rare works of art are becoming more and more demanding as the Art Center gains stature and as the standards of care rise within the mu.Di profession. With increasing regularity we must protect and stabilize workiby such important artists as Andy Warhol, Francesco Goya, James bsenquist and Mark Rothko. The Salina Art Center must maintain an average of SOO/O humidity at all times to attract these important loans of art and to comply with contracts from major museums including the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Oallety of Art and to meet accreditation standards set by the American Association of Museums. Because of the increased and growing need for state of the art standards in our galleries, we are requesting an addition to our contract agreement that includes the allocation of expenses for our humidification system, not to exceed $3,000 annually. The Saliaa Art Ceuter, IDe.. respectfully requests eODSideration by the Salina City Commission to support the Art Center's Humidification System at 242 South Santa Fe. The expenses inCUlTed for the Humidification System over the past three years are listed below: 2003-04 Regeneration Rental/Service Regm~ation S~Sypplies Total Expense $2,400.00 $ 91.50 $2,491.50 2002-03 Regeneration Rental/Service R.en~ritUon Salt/Supplies . Total Expense $2,400.00 $ 321.00 $2,127.00 242 S. Santa fe. PO Box 743. Salina Kansas 61402-0743. Tel 785.827.1431. fax 785.827.0686. info@salinaartcenter.org.www.salinaartcenter.org . il . 2001-02 Regeneration Rental/Service Regeneration Salt/Supplies Total Expense Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, ~ Saralyn Reece Hardy, Director/Curator Salina Art Center Cc: Dennis Kissinger, City Manager Mike Morgan, Deputy City Manager . . $2,400.00 $ 462.02 $2,862.02 .