Memorandum of UnderstandingU.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division I 14 _. 24: Employment Discrimination/OSC - Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices P.O. Bar 27728 Washington, DC 20038-7728 October 20, 1999 Kay Crawford Director Salina Human Relations Commission & Department via fax: 785-826-7346'. Dear Colleague: The Office of Special Counsel -for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC) is in the process of updating its database of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) partnerships with state and local civil rights agencies. We are committed to continuing to work with Salina Haman Relations Commission & Department, our'Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) partner, to increase accessibility to information and federal assistance on immigration -related employment discrimination issues. The OSC's mission is to ensure that all work -authorized individuals are not discriminated against based •upon citizenship status, national origin, language, accent or similar factors. The relationship between our offices is a system of charge, referral and joint outreach_ Enclosed please find a copy of our MOU with your agency. In an effort to achieve and maintain efficient and effective communication (i.e. the charge and referral system) between our agencies, we are currently updating our files. We ask for your assistance in confirming or correcting your office's contact and statute information on the attached fax back form which lists our current contact information on file. If available, please include updated website address and/or email information. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jennifer Chen of my office at (202) 353-9975. Thank you for your time and cooperation. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely ohn D. Trasvina Special Counsel encl: feedback sheet MOU copy C Employment 40 1 4: p oyment Discrimination/OSC between SALINA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMSSION and UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF SPECIAL COUNSEL FOR IMMIGRATION RELATED UNFAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES The Salina Human Relations Commission is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of the Salina Code, Chapter 13 that prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, disability, national origin, or ancestry. The Office of Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), U.S. Department of Justice is charged with the enforcement of the provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (as amended) which prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of national origin or citizenship status, or in the form of "document abuse." The purpose of this Agreement is to minimize duplication of effort and to ensure that matters within the jurisdiction of an agency are communicated to that agency without delay. The Salina Human Relations Commission and OSC hereby appoint each other as their respective agents for the sole purpose of satisfying the time limits for filing of charges. To ensure • that filing deadlines are satisfied, each agency will accurately record the date of filing of charges and notify the other agency of that date when referring a charge. When either agency receives a charge containing allegations that fall within the jurisdiction of the other agency, the agency referring the charge will advise the charging party that an opportunity exists to file a complaint with the other agency and will forward a copy of the charge to the other agency as soon as possible. If both agencies are investigating a charge arising from the same fact situation, the agencies will coordinate their investigations to the greatest extent practical and share information so as to minimize duplication of. effort. It is understood that neither agency will divulge information under this Agreement in violation of applicable laws. Nothing in this Agreement diminishes either agency's authority to investigate and prosecute charges that fall within the coverage of its statute. LA) 16- 46 W. A. Burnett, Executive Director Salina Human Relations Department • William Ho -Gonzalez Special Counsel for Immigration Related Unfair Employment Practices U.S. Department of Justice Date Date