6.2 Set Budget Amendment Public Hearing CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11/23/2009 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: 6 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 1 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 2 BY: BY: Rod Franz ITEM: Set December 21,2009 as the public hearing date on the 2009 budget amendments. BACKGROUND: Typically, at the end of each year, we do a budget amendment to accommodate changes that have occurred throughout the year, or to provide for full distributions of funds received for certain "pass through" contracts. While the specific amounts of the amendments this year have not yet been identified, we anticipate that amendments will be required for the following funds: · Arts and Humanities: To accommodate revised structures and addition of the River Festival. · Convention and Tourism: To accommodate actual distributions of the transient guest tax. · Special Sales Tax: To accommodate changes in capital projects and tax stabilization. · Flood and Drainage Fund: To address levy tree removal and certification preparation. · Gas Tax: To address use of carryover and more aggressive implementation of improvement projects. Staff is reviewing year to date financials to determine if there may be other areas which require modifications to budgeted amounts. The recommended hearing date is December 21. Publication of the Notice of Hearing will occur no later than Decem ber 10th. CITY COMMISSION ACTION: By motion, set December 21,2009 as the public hearing date for the 2009 budget amendments.