Change Order No. 1 CONSTRUCTION . .... ..... -......-. --- (mlllltyilSllUllld SI/fCII If/20 Se.ptemper24;i4QO~ City o.f Salina 300 W. Ash Street Salina~ KS67401 To W~om ItM~y IZoncern, Pleas~, incorpora~ethe fc:5I1Qw1ng ch~Jlge~'.intQ,puJ.coi)tractfor tl1econ$tructionofth~ Sali.na family Aguatic<::enter. 1.)SttaUbConstrQctiqnagre~$,toCOntr,al:;t wittI Mbs~JkarArtahd pesifm(otfabticationand Instal,la,tfo!,!O(themosalc:t1Ie pi:lbli,(;'art compone!,!~.'oftheprOjec~ pUrsy~nttO 't:etmS,tb~t wi,ll enabJeStraU~Collstructiontoithe,rneetthe;substa~tlalcompletton .date.underits c~ntract'with theJ;ltyofsalina.. Uquidateddamages ofS2;OOowiUnot, be assessed for ,each calendarday beYom:J the supsta!'!tJa1cornPletioo date ,tha,t tni~.prQJectJs not(:omp1eteanQ rea.c1yfQf fuU .. opetationbytheOwher.du~todelays caus.edbyMosaika Art'and..Design.beyond.the scheduled tirneforthe work:associatedwiththel'nosaic tlleattwork installation. 2) GeneraJCoriditions iritheamourit6f$805;OO shall be paid toStraubConstructionf6teach additto'rial calehdatdayttlecQritractislengthehed d,vetothewotkassoCiatedwlth tile Mosaic ArtWork. lUbe projec~Js a.hi;!ad ofscheduJe and will be postponed or delayed due,crthe Mq,saic Artwork, General Conditionsshaltbe paidito Sti'aub Construction for each additional calendar ,(lilY thejob IS e~tei'lded. 3) the warranty provided by Mosaika wllFbe coordrnateddirectly between Mosalka and the City of Salina.Strallb..Construction will'not'b:e respohsibleto haiidle..any.watranW...isSUesthatcbUld arise wjthtl1e:mqs~JgartW9t~, 4) Any: and allCitypre,approvedcosts associated Viiththe tnosaica.rtworkfabtlcation and instaJlatioh;shalll>e.aHocated out o.fttIe Miscellaneogs..l2quiptnent Allowance. SJSecure onsite storage snail be provided bytbe City of Salina for the storage>ofthe..mosciictile. 6,) reOtingClfthe installatiori area has beenexc1udedftomtloththe cO,ntractwith$tral.,lb Construction and the City. of Sa lina, andStraubConstructio nanciMosa ika}\rtand..Deslgn.Shovld weatherconstraints becornean issue and tenting Is required, thetentin~\y~uld be added to the cOntract With Straub €()nstruction~ndMosaikCl Art C1ndDesignfor cmadd.itional costtobe allocated from the MisCfi!lIaneous Equipl11entAI!9Wance. Sincerely, MichaelStrick Project Manager $tr;iub99n~th.l~~lot)CQmpanYIIj'l~, · .11"l5:ft4~asi9YIVlew .Drive "$"aWl1e~,K$G6221.913(4$1"882Q. r=..l.t:91314$1~96'7 I--~ ~ CIIANGE ORnER PlWJECJ1: Salina Family Aquatic Center 70 I West KenwoodPark Drive ~jlliDli'. KansaS 67401 CHANGE ORDER: I One(l) DATE: S~p(em~~tI24, 2009 STMVIJ~R()J~CT N.O: 468 TO: CIty. of Salina ~OQ W. ;\shS~~~et Salina,KS 6140 I Co~pt:I.l1\.TE: May",l'~",.20()9 CONT:RACTFOR: Salimi Fa1l"~iJy Aquatic Center 'I'becontl'a~t 'is <;l1anged,Mfo1l6Ws: '~1~~~t~fe~9~. thea<<~cl1~dl~<<l~f(9tth~9h~J;1ges'.r"q1J~t~4tQ 'b~,irtcomgtateqii:ito9~rCQnJi'act; TOTAL CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT: ,ADD $ N.ot raUd, Ul1.tU sjgn~tIl>y.th~contractor>.M Subcobtractor. T.he 'o:riginalQOntragfSw..n,was 'Net ,change'by.previouslyauthonzed', Change,. Order The Qohtritct S'UmpnQttQ this QIwhgeOrdhrwas th~ContracfS\un winbeinc~eased by this'Change Ora~r inthe amounfof , Then~wCQritractSu~n inchidillgthis>Charig~ Order wULbe $ $ $ $ $ :1 O;~96,200.00 lO,3QQ,200.00 lO.3Q9,200.0Q C9:gtr~etQt: St..ilWCOnStii1l;tjOI1.CQJnp~hy. J69, Address:, 7775 Meatlow,View Drive .Shawhee;K~IlS~~66227 Subcontractor: ,.-- -, 'P-'--" .....,-.. Address: By: By: Ilt -p - ~ ,-'~~ - Date: (e!:i/a 1 Date: q - :J.EJ-[()Cf