11-17-1988 Packet j - ..--- SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION MEETING: NOVEMBER 17,1988 4:00 P.M. TIME: PLACE: SMOKY HILL MUSEUM AGNEDA: Minutes Treasurer's Report 1. Festival a. 1989 budget b. Staff report 2. Museum a. Committee b. Staff 3. Horizons a. Grants Meeting, November 2 b. Grants deadline, December 1 c. Horizons 50 4. A.I.E. a. Shakespeare/Creative Writing: 1988-89 b. 1989-90 c. Arts Task Force - USD 305 5. Projects 6 Other 'j -' ,. , . 4 SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 1988 The meeting was held in the Commission room of the Smoky Hill Museum. Members present were Randy Graham, Vi Justus, Ned Rose, Dan Diederich, Mary Nell Beatty and Jane Weathers. Staff present were Martha Rhea, Lana Jordan, Connie Burket, Tom Pfannenstiel, Marlene Stine and Linda Ochs. Washington Fellowship in Review: Martha Rhea gave a review of her summer as a fellow at the National Endowment for the Arts. Graham distributed a letter from Dennis Kissinger, City Manager, complimenting Rhea for the services performed this summer. Attached was a letter from the National Endowment Mr. Kissinger had y'ecei ved. Treasurer's Report: Rhea stated the -$20,000 under Income, Miscellaneous, City of Salina will be omitted next month. Pfannenstiel reported the Museum is working under a revised budget as of August. The Treasurer's report was accepted by general consent. Festival: Jordan reported the Super Supporter Core Committee is working on the gathering for October 27 at Bank IV. Tony Redwood will be speaking on the economic impact of events like festivals in regional centers like Salina. 70-75 businesses have been contacted. A brainstorming group consisting of Jamie Hall, Karen Graves, Dale Cole, Larry Denning, Ann Siemers, John Boyd and Betsy Poer met last week to discuss next year's Headline Entertainment. The consensus was to charge $5.00 or less admission, plus a button for twelve and older, and bring in a big name entertainer. Jordan stated the budget for the concert would be estimated on a minimal level with the Festival subsidizing at the same level as last year. Beatty suggested contacting the Bicennential Center to see what groups draw the best crowds. Rhea stated another suggestion was to have only the one concert at the Bi-Center Saturday night. The group also discussed the organizational structure of the Festival. The Commission is already the policy making board so a board for the Festival is not needed. It was suggested that a core committee of Festival chairpeople meet every other month until April, then monthly, to keep each other informed of their activities. It was also suggested that a PR committee be formed to develop and oversee the marketing aspects of the Festival, and that a Speakers Bureau be formed, especially to reach into the region. Finally it was suggested that divergent Community Groups give their thoughts about the Festiva1 in one-time "think-tank" situations. The Commissioners expressed an interest in knowing when the various committees meet. The '89 Festival Budget will be in next month's packet. Museum: Beatty gave the Museum Committee report stating the committee met last week. The Baseball Exhibit is going well. Ruth Ascher gave the quarterly Friends report at the meeting. The Friends are underwriting a Ty'aveling Trunk project for $2,500. The Friends membership drive will be in November. The museurn store now has a committee assisting Gayle Rose. A copy of the License Agreement between the store and the City was included in the packets. ~ ~ . . Pfannenstiel reported the revised Collections and Exhibits Poli~y with changes noted was included in the packet. The Museum committee accepted the changes at their last meeting. Graham moved and Beatty seconded accepting the revised Collections and Exhibits policy. The motion passed. The statement will be corrected and distributed to Museum Committee members, Commission members and sent to the City. Pfannenstiel gave the Museum staff report. He had lunch in Kansas City with Dr. Tom Meyers, MAP consultant. Dr. Meyers will be here during the first full week in December and will want to speak with some of the Commission members. Pfannenstiel has been working with Dr. Bill Caldwell of Brown Mackie on the Oral History Project. Mary Douglass and Pfannenstiel have been working on a plan for the layout of the collection in the basement. 25 people attended the Volunteer orientation last month with 4-5 new volunteers. The baseball opening had 100 people in attendance enjoying the collection and listening to Mike Lamone speak about his love of the game and collecting. About 70 people attended Dr. Carothers talk October 19. Planning for the Gallery space downstairs is beginning. It will probably take about two years. Several exhibit services have been contacted to act as consultants. Justus stated the City Commissioners appreciate receiving the Museum Committee minutes. Horizons: Jordan reported final reports were in the packets from the Human Relations Commission, the Salina Coalition for the Prevention of Child Abuse and the Salina Community Theatre Association, Inc. The grant meeting will be Novermber 2, 3:00 p.m. in the Commission room. The grant packets are available. Twice as much money has been requested as is available. Rhea reported Horizons 50 renewal will be November 13. Donors will be asked for $550 a year for three years or a one-time donation of $1,500. The City Light Orchestra will be entertaining the group. Burket reported the Jazz Series is underway with a great start. The first concert had about 200 people in attendance and 156 season tickets were sold. The Janice Borla group gave a clinic for college students and adults on Sunday and spent the next day in a high school clinic. Evaluations have been sent to the students and teachers involved. The next concert is February 5 and will feature Spike Robinson and John Pizzarelli. The Four Freshman will perform April 16. Rose suggested having the artists do an evaluation. A.I.E.: Burket reported there are four applications for the creative writing residency. The Committee will be meeting to review them. Steve Andresen will arrive October 29 to begin the Shakespearean residency. He will be at Central two weeks, then spend two weeks at South during December. In February he will be spending four weeks in the Junior Highs. The Commissioners will receive his schedule. The A.I.E. state convention will be held in Salina February 9 & 10. Headquarters will be at the Salina Art Center. Educators from allover the state will be here. Judith Radocy is the Arts in Schools planning Coordinator. The theme of the convention is "Arts Are Basic" and will deal with establishing arts as basic to sequential education. They are hoping for 300 people in attendance. Rose asked if the Commission could assist in any way and Rhea replied that she will keep them posted. :J ... .. ',..... Projects: Burket reported on the Built Enviornment Workshop led by Ginny Graves on October 15. Development of a graduate course for teachers is under consideration. Eugene Friesen gave a 45 minute concert October 20 to South and Central band and orchestra students. He then conducted a 2 hour workshop with selected students. During the evening he gave a concert at Christ Cathederal. IN OUR TIMES has been distributed to all school libraries and was enthusiastically received. Patricia Goedicke will be giving a poetry reading November 3 as a preview of the Poetry Series in Spring. Sara Duffield will be writing a one page education sheet for each of the Festival purchase award art pieces going to the schools. Other: Graham suggested the Commission consider recommending a change in the appointment of terms from March to September. This would coincide with the terms for officers and the work of the Commission. Beatty moved the Commission terms begin in September, with appointments made by the City Commission in August, Rose seconded. The motion passed. The change will now be recommended to the City Commission for consideration. Included in the packets was an expression of interest form used by the City Commission to help in the appointment of citizens to the various city boards and commissions. The next Commission meeting will be the Horizons grant meeting, November 2, 3:00 p.m. The next regular Commission meeting will be November 17, 4:00 p.m. , c,r ..->> SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT AS OF 10/88 INCOME TICKET SALES USD 305 KAC-COMMrn~ITY DEVELOPMENT KAC-PROGRAMS MID-AMERICA ARTS ALLIANCE SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY COMMUNITY GROUPS (ARTS BLITZ) SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL INTEREST INCOME DESIGNATED FUND ~1USEUM MISCELLANEOUS INCOME CITY OF SALINA CITY (SALARIES - SA&HC) CITY (SALARIES - SHRF) CITY (OTHER) TRAXLER BOOK SALES ANNUAL BUDGET 500.00 12,000.00 4.400.00 6.600.00 1, 750.00 500.00 2.000.00 14,215.00 87,300.00 4.200.00 27.760.00 YEAR-TO-DATE 670.00 12.000.00 4,400.00 6,375.00 1, 750.00 560.00 947.43 3,547.14 61. 00 20,000.00 1,280.50 THIS MONTH 670.00 1,400.00 61. 08 110.00 207.00 INCOME TOTALS --------------- --------------- --------------- 2,448.08 EXPENSES SALARIES - SA&HC DIRECTOR ARTS PROGRAM COORDINATOR/EDUC. ARTS PROJECT COORDINATOR CLERK, PRINCIPAL SALARIES - SHRF OFFICE SUPPLIES CAPITAL TELEPHONE MEMBERSHIP POSTAGE LITERATURE TRAVEL IN-TOWN MILEAGE PRINTING OUTSIDE PROF SERVICES - OTHER OUTSIDE PROF SERVICES - ARTIST GRANTS PROGRAM MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE TARLOVSKY AND AXHELM PROJECTS NEWSLETTER ARTS BLITZ ART A LA CARTE MUSICAL ARTS COMMUNITY RESOURCES ARTIST IN EDUCATION-L. SHEPARD ARTIST IN RESIDENCE-D."~DDLE WICHITA CHILDREN'S THEATRE CREATIVE WRITING POETRY SERIES MUS ElJ"M PROJECT SUPPORT ARTIST IN EDUCATION-G. GROSS ARTIST IN RESIDENCE-P. TR~LER 88/89 CREATIVE WRITING RESID. ARTIST IN EDUG.-SHAKESPEARE 161, 225.00 87,300.00 4,200.00 2,350.00 1, 000 . 00 4,000.00 600.00 1,500.00 250.00 1,300.00 700.00 2,350.00 12,500.00 500.00 900.00 1,975.00 1,310.00 1, 000 . 00 3,800.00 1,875.00 1,500.00 5.750.00 2,500.00 500.00 3,500.00 50.00 950.00 8,550.00 8,515.00 51,591.07 2,335.86 603.96 3',420.84 495.00 977.11 172.35 823.21 42.25 2,350.00 12,500.00 450.63 1,608.73 1,021.38 1,196.67 2,187.00 355.00 6,010.86 2, 113 .50 3,478.38 3.012.35 323.50 8,404.66 9,452.62 5.00 1,142.80 272.44 767.85 100.00 113 . 42 39.00 58.50 575.00 543.83 465.00 30.00 2,000.00 46.56 225.00 424.00 EXPENSE TOTALS --------------- --------------- --------------- 5,660.60 161,225.00 64,4$3.66 " -.J J-" SALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMM. BALANCE SHEET AS OF 10/88 ASSETS CASH IN BANK PETTY CASH SAVINGS ACCOUNT CD #0189 FIRST BANK 8,109.83 50.00 3,755.56 500.00 TOTAL ASSETS 12,415.39 ------------------------------------ LIABILITIES ACCTS PAYABLE ENCUMBRANCES .00 TOTAL LIABILITIES .00 BALANCE ACCOUNTS BEGINNING FUND BALANCE TRANSFERS NET GAIN/LOSS 25,307.98 .00 12,892.59- 12,415.39 TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET WORTH 12,415.39 SALARIES-SAHC YEAR-TO-DATE 74,784.16 THIS MONTH 7,098.00 ';t . u) r~ --- 'J -t- "",\ \.~-"'y\ ~\ '" ., . " "' "' , " to'" .... u.i ~ .t> 0- '13 al ~ .t> t.~ ~ t.~ <:;l .... (,.j -J to'" ... ---'-'- --- --.--. ~ ; 9 ~ ... ~1! ." !.J ~ .... ~ ... ... ~ ... -J . o to ~ ~ ... -' ~ ;i .0 (0) . o o '0 '<:;l . ..... ."" 'co> ! . g' it- iCO> I i e. ~s "'!":-,. ~~ ::: ~,;, w.-,;J - ... -' ;.: ,,- ~ o .. t g . '" (5 .... ~ . e co>. , , , .. , , l . -. 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M A ,,:, p; ~ , ~ S ::z ... !;j . -< -l e I m ~ m % e , l.:t! ::> 1"" ~ ~ m ." ::> ~ I'l t.,) .I> ~ -'" Horizons Grant Committee c/o Lana Jordan Salina Arts and Humanities Commission Salina., Kansas 67402 Dear Lana" Please express thanks from the Salina Art Center to the Arts and Humanities Commissioners for our recent grant award for the jurored exhibition. Horizons continues to be an important source of local dollars for our growing organization. As our grant award was reduced from the original request, program and bUdget changes must be made. The program changes are as follows: *The symposium wl1l change to a panel discussion involving two critics who will verbally comment on the exhibit and the role of cri ticism in art. *The catalog will not be printed unless a special publication sponsor can be found. . The bUdget adjustments are as follows: *Increasing the entry fee to twenty dollars for a projected total of twelve hundred dollars. *Deleting the seventy-five dollar symposium fee. *Paying only two outside "critics" who will speak. about criticism. *Reducing the promotion expenses, the administrative expenses and the exhibitilon supplies to reflect the lower bUdget. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Thank you again for the support and your help. Sincen')y' uifutl~ ~:::;n Hardy .. - n...........-..,,,..... ,1(PPt:'ICATIoW"FORM - pag e 4 III. Budget (for this:project only): Please give specifid details'for each, category. ACTUAL CASH REVENUES ACTUAL CASH EXPENSES '1-,200. - .....it;"s'U'l) . . Admissions.............$ 1. Contracted.........:.......$ . Other Earned Income....$ Exhibi t Entry $ ...J.,.,.e&6"# I u.o 1, 9791,~OD Artist or Exhibition 3ympesi:...... Ft.""" ~ ....3.S i I; ~ ...;., 7. ~ Jurors Fees'A~at~S$ 3,500 Peoples Choice 100 . Other Professional '. Contributions..........$ Individual $ 1.000 Juror Services...$ . 500 -4 c~ i 1iies ;(errflGJ> ~ 1f -:2.C() . 2. Travel......................$ 450 Bus i nes s . . . . $ 1,000 3. Hotel/per diem..............$ 100 Foundation. .$_ 4. Space Renta1...............$ '. Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . $ . 1. 375 (Do not list anticipated grant from Commission) 5. . Promoti on/Advert; s; n9.. . . . . $ (Include printing expenses) ,J"%J,- IMS $_ 625 $ 750 6. A9ministrative Expenses....$ (Include personnel, telephone. office supplies, etc.) 7. Other (Please specif~'l.....$ ~.50 ~ ~75.~' KAC . On-Hand Organizational Funds..................$ Ca~alQgyQ $ 1,999 ~ . . Other (Please'specify).$ $ $ ExhibitSupplies $ ...J..Ge-~"'O . $ $ $ . TOTAL Applicant Cash . ".. .-~ ""t r: ~r'I'~ Revenue. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . $ -3, 4S9'- 8. (Add lines 1-6) ~eoo GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED $ .~ nnn- TOTAL CASH REVUE.......$ 7. Ai~f~07 5 (Add lines 7-B) TOTAL Applicant Cash -IfGO?5 Expenses......... ......,......$ ..:l.1Se-' (Add lines 1-7) * . * * * * * * * * * * * '* '* ist the source and cash value of any inkind contributions which can be pecifically identified with this project............................,...$ 1,337.60 pecify: Gallery Attendants & WO.kS ~ j~ ~rs 0 :iiJ.Jtl =:II OIl ~f'," ,.;,.. Operations Manager '60 hours x ~u.UO ~ ~480 ,r' if . SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION . Box 2181, 211 West Iron, Salina, KS 67402-2181 913-827-4640 HORIZONS - A SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANT PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM Instructions: Please complete this form within 30 days after completion of project' and return to the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission. LEGAl NAME OF GRANTEE ORGANIZATION ~/.'no...c: : v .<;" a~~~ ~{".J~1:"c..- ADORESS '1 0 nllc~x, I'1Ac~T (2-" [ I <o.."',.Q ~ (i~ ~'12 rS~..( ,1.0-., ks- PROJECT DIRECTOR_J-t<),"/ \~ ~_C~.Koc-. PHONE 8A"'-~$-:~ ( PROJECT DATES (Start): (Finish): BUDGET: month day year month day year ACTUAL CASH EXPENSES ~ I (PO, 00 1 . Contracted Servi ces. . . . . . . . $ <l? 50 Artist or Exhibition ACTUAL CASH REVENUES 1. Admissions.............$ 2. Other Earned Income.... $' $ $ ere . 3. Contributions..,....... $ ~oo Individua] $ Business...$ <:;t.:n:'">.trO ~HL.R$ Foundation $_ 4. Grants................$ (Do not list grant from Commission) $ ,S_ 5. On-Hand Organizational Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ~3L~ 6. Other (Please specify)$ $- $ $ 7. TOTAL AppHcant Cash Revenue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ / AI 9 (- -a<I (Add 11 nes 1-6) S. HORIZONS GRANT AMOUNT..$ I~~,~ _ TOTAL CASH REVUE.......$ .?~ql_~ (Add'" nes 7 -8) Fee.......$ Other Profess i ona 1 ~It7C~ ~oe>-oo Services. .$~-O-O:J..~JbD to I ?::f- 2. Ira ve 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . $ 3. Hotel/per diem...........u.$ 4. Space Rental...............$ 5. Promotion/Advertising....... $ AJ~ {..21 (Include printing e~penses) . 6. Administrative Expenses....S """9..81 (Incrude personnel, telephone, office supplies, etc.) 0'0 7. Other {Please specify).....$ ISoo - f Sf- Fhi'-z<a ~ $ t.. t1D ~ a M ~"""2.Q.-5 $ -Yuo ~ 3 P4fl../7-e5$ ;1..00 ~ ~~Ad-)-J.~~$ ?in'.~' $ 8. TOTAL Applicant Cash Expenses. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3.2.. '11 ..8<; (Add lines 1-7) ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :tst the source and cash value of any inkind contributions which can be ~peciffcally ~denti fi ed wi th thi s project.... ~ . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . s I 0. C!l::It:J- era ) A.t}rmt> M~L} l{~-9~ /'t,0D0 /JJ1rAA~-WJ-. ' 5c-t, ~~-:. f Sc';f~~/""i~ . !Jf'~ . '" HORIZONS - A SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANT PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM - page 2 List activities: Date Acti v.i t Location Numbers Involved CJL ~ t~llqc Ii ~~ 1/1. --1-( 'jl C~~~~) l.I..dI' ~ce... .Q,<:i-t ( ') 00 ) i ~ J \ Total involved~ Breakdown of Participants Children- students Organization volunteers Gene ra 1 Comnunity List special Total groups-ethnic (add across) sr. citizens, etc. :posure Co ;<;( ,3t'\ ~<6 ;vol ved, 3 .nds-on 3 0.. cc"'-t'>:lvv. ,?t$ -depth rticipation 10 /L-f training .3c 1 tal Numbers ~ qt dd down) I to ~~ Overall Total Involved ~ . (same as "tota 1 invo 1 veda'l in #1 above) Total num,ber of paid, professional artists, performers, and/or educ:ators participating in this project ~ Enclose copies of programs, pUblicity, and/or promotional materials, 'showing the required funding credit as stipulated in the grant letter. Please explafn below how the Commiss; on was credi ted. ~';>_.Q.., ~$..-r.:J(, c,,c. c.(;)M.~'\-~'\-1o-...~l\,-\~iL -,r.... ~ ~ f , ", HORIZONS - A SPECIAL PROJECTS GRANT PROGRAM FINAL REPORT FORM - page 3 5. Write a brief sumnlary of the highlights of this project. Please comm~nt on whether th~ project met your expectations, the extent ofcomnunity involvement, the effectiveness of publicity. Discuss how it affected artistic growth and the planning of future activities for you or the organ1zati.on. (If necessary, attach an.extra sheet of paper.)' TILe /.I.i..n{JJ.e ~ o( :thiA !feOJUJ compe;tL;ti..on IJ}(:Ld t:h.e /.Il.lpeM ftua1.li:g. of.. t:h.e p<JJdLci..pa.n.;fA. TILe w1..nn.eM welt.e /fl.Il. above an!fone '/.I expedP.i:LoM. F /tOm :th.e evlalKdLotl/.J luz.:f.wt.n.ed b!f p<JJdLci..pa.n.;fA and. ob/.leltveM, we have ve.llLp-ed OWt !'J.AAi:. objeciLve :to /.I:l:J.mu.lJLte and. mo:ti..vcde peJttOlll7ClJtce 1..n a mO-d:t -duCCR.A/.If..ul llX2!f: {IlLi:h.ot.d. exception eVeJ'Uj p<JJdLci..panri. and. mO/.J:t ot t:h.ei..It .i..Mhwc:loM explte.d/.Jed. applteci..ation tOIt t:.h.e oppol'dunli.tj, t:.h.e time 01 !leaJt and i:h.e /.Jl1PlmeJt fjoa.l4 1l.e<z1Aed. 101t p<JJdLci..pat1..on. Th.e powell. of t:.h.e /.IclwlaMh1..p-d M de.d1fJnP.::l:.ed IJ}(:Ld -domew!t.ai:. a diAappo.i..n;/men;t We need :to develop a policy :to aLlow non-wi.n.rUruJ p<JJdLci..pa.n.;fA i:.o be ol-felted :th.e /.IclwlaMlLi.jJ/.J 1...1- :th.ey. C1Il.e M.jec:led bfJ t:h.e w1..nn.elt. T~f f!1-ve peJtcerd:. o( t:.h.e p<JJdLci..~ welte {Aom Sal1.na. One LJ CUJtIl.en:t1!f pl~~ in.:th.e 5ali.n.a 5!f1llpILonLJ and all alte play1ruj:th.e Yout:h. 5!J1llpftonlJ. TAu d~ee of local p<JJdLci,-,r.:x:di..on lw4 /aA- above expec;ta;tLoM. lILe .1.nzpA-ovem€nh in. fIlUdi..ci..aMh.i.p of p<JJdLci.panhJ M/.J alIl.eadu- enh.an.cpd t:h.e mU4i..cal OIt{fan1..yd:LLOM ot 5ali.n..a. TILe puhli.ci.i:J; of iJu~ even.::l:. wLL/ con:l:i.rw.e un;tU :th.e Dec.e.mbeJt 12 conced /.10 :th.e i.mpac:l o( pub1i.cU.!J will /.Iml be lel;t. B!f /.JpOMO/U.m;} ~ compe;tL;ti..on t:h.e 5!fmpILon!f p.oped :to expa.ndi.n. ih ove.n.oJ1 fJoa.ltJ 0(1. pltovi..di..ru;} an expe.llLence ot exc.e.l.1ence :to t:h.e molte advanced /.J c.Iwol. mU4i..ci..aM, 2. /.Juem;;then1.ru;; t:h.e ovellflll mU/.Ji..co.1 1J1.i.li..eu 0/ ::tfte comrn.unj..:bJ :th.JWl.lfJft 4UPPf)/Z,t and coopell.at1..on w.Uh. :th.e /.Ieconda.lUt /.Jclwol. mU/.Ji..c pltofJlW1'UJ , (coni:.../WC-i I hereby cert1fy that the above is an accurate rep('ort and financ"fal record pcz.f}e/ of this project. Records and documents of the. above' report shalT be . maintained in accordance with the regulations of the Salina Arts and Humanities' Hor1zons Program. Records shall be mafntained for. a minimum of three F?Jars. .. . / . S!GNATU~ va-- ~ ~ TITLE ?,es(IJe.J NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ~-&I liel,v< ele""" 4-""Pv-T DATE 11!r ~/!S- Y SIGNATURE (~ \~~ ___ TITLE~L~~Au.r- NAME (PLEASE PRINT) W~I\;Cl..YV.... H.t,roc...~~. DATE IiIISJ<68~ I .. ' J ~~ .)"'- 5UJJYrY/W OF f[j(jI/L!J~~f1T5 COM. ]. /J:tA.e.nIJ-fAcni..ng- and /Jupnlemen.:ting, :the acti..vi..:ti..M and pIl.O~ Oil tlte fTll..lAi..c depcuz:fnten::IA 01- :th.e 5al1.na colle[jM) 4. ex~:the ac:tLv-We4 and in/l-Uefl.U 01- :the 5f1I12pAoltfl ;/;0 a ~:!xd.ew.Uie level and 5. bll.oadeni.ruj tlte en.:f-o!Jment. and appIl.ecio."..ti.on or [jOod InllALc fuoug}wu;:/; :the ~:fa:te; A~ we Aave w.U:ne4~ed tlte accompliAhmenx o/- aJj 01 tltMe objecti..vM :tlvz.ougA :the compet.i.;ti.on, we ll.ea1i.~ :the :timeLi..n&M and nece/.J/JLt.y ot ~ hjpe 01 expeAi..ence. We aiAo ll.ea1i.~ :tha:t we mLM;/; curd:inue and exnand i:hi.A p'/l.onnnm loll. :the beneh -/. oP i:h.e mlMLca1 I . 0--"" i f-A..A- I and educrd:i.ona.l commun.Lti.e4 i.n Sa1i.na. . !ft."': .~ " "\ ompetition a function of the salina symphony When and Where: The competition will be held on Saturday, October 15, 1988, at Mary'mount College Fine Arts Bldg, Salina, Kansas. Eligibility: The competition is open to any student who has not graduated from secondary school prior to December, 1988. Competitors must be recommended by a school instrumental music director or by a private music teacher. Categories: Catenory I: Piano. Category II: Orche$tral Solo Instrument. Audition: Contestants must perform one movement of any concerto on the suggested list, or a concert piece for which tlhe orchestral accompaniment is readily available, that is, approved by competition ad- ministrator. EACH AUDITION WILL BE LIMITED TO 10 MINUTES. Prizes: THE WINNER IN EACH CATEGORY WILL BE AWARDED $300. IN EACH CATEGORY THERE WILL BE A 2ND PRIZE OF $200 AND $100 3RD PRIZE. General Information: Contestants must come at their own expense, and on their own responsibility. Contestants MUST bring their own accompanist. There will be a reception honoring all contestants after the auditions, at which time the winners will be announced. APPLICATIONS MUST BE FILED BY SEPTEMBER 15, 1988. This project will be funded in part by a . grant from the Horizons Salina Arts and Humanities Commis- sion. APPLICATION FORM (Include $10 Entry Fee) (Print Plainly) NAME AGE PHONE INSTRUMENT SELECTION TO BE PERFORMED IS ON APPROVED LIST IF NO REQUEST PERMISSION TO PERFORM: ADDRESS GRADE SCHOOL CITY AND STATE _ZIP DYes o No Selection Composer RECOMMENDED BY (Signature of Instructor) ERIC STEIN YOUNG ARTIST COMPETITION William H. Crocker. Administrator, 148 Bel Air, Salina, Ks. 61401 IV' .. Salina ~ ~ts and 11 umanities Commission HORIZONS CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOV. 2-30: The Upstairs Gallery exhibit, Whittier Hall, Friends University. DEC.3: Children's Saturday Workshop, Salina Art Center. DEC. 5,7,&9: Adult Class, Star as symbol in Art, Literature and Religion, Salina J\rt Center. Dec. 10: Star as symbol in Art Ooen House, Salina Art Center. Dec. 12: Salina Chorale and Salina Symphony, Coronation Mass of W.A. Mozart. Fine Arts Building, Marymount College, 8:00 p.m. JAN 29: Hymnfest, Salina Chapter, American Guild of Organists, Christ Cathedral, 3:00 p.m. Feb. 21: Vienna Boys Choir, Marymount Artist Series, Fine Arts Building, Marymount College, 8:00 p.m. March 1-31: The Upstairs Galle~y exhibit, Fine Arts Building, Hutchinson Community College. MARCH 3: Jinny Beyer Worshop, Silver Needles Quilters Guild, PI~esbyterian Manor Activity Room, 1:00-4:00 p.m. March 3: Jinny Beyer Lecture, Silver Needles Quilters Guild, South High Little Theatre, 7:30 p.m. MARCH 4: Jinny Beyer Workshop, Sliver Needles Quilters Guild, Presbyterian Manor Acitivity Room, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. MARCH 25: Day long events centering on symbols of nests and eggs, Salina Art Center. APRIL 1-30: The Upstairs Gallery exhibit, Fine Arts Building, Sterling College. APRIL 2: Opening of Jurored Exhibition, Salina Art Center. APRIL 2- May 28: Community IIReview This Show Contest," Salina Art Genter. APRIL 22: Panel Symposium on Art Criticism, Salina Art Center. APRIL 29: IIBeAn Art Critic for a Day," Salina Art Center. ~,) ;) SCHEDULE 1988-89 SECONDARY RESIDENCY PROJECT Actor Steve Andresen October 31 through November 11 - CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL hour 1 Jo Reed grade 12 Hamlet or comedy SHAKIN' hour 2 Twila Schneiders II 10 Julius Caesar 1'1 hour 3 Kris Anshutz II 10 Julius Caesar III hour 4 Lee Leaderbrand II 10 Julius Caesar II hour 5 BREAK hour 6 Janice Stanton II 9 Romeo and Juliet 11' UP SHAKESPEARE 'II II II II II II " December 5 through December 16 - SOUTH HIGH SCHOOL hour 1 Kate Lindsay grade 12 Taming of the Shrew and Macbeth hour 2 Anne Denneler II 10 Juli us Caesar hour 3 Anne Demleler II 10 Julius Caesar hour 4 Anne Denneler II 10 Julius Caesar hour 5 BREAK hour 6 Kate Lindsay (drama) II 9-12 to be determined* " II II II " II II " II " II " INTRODUCTION TO DRAMA February 6 through 17 - SOUTH JUNIOR HIGH 7th and 8th grade students of Bill Anderson, June Sutley, and Joanne Eliott SHAKIN' UP SHAKESPEARE, INTRO TO DRAMA; and STAGE COMBAT - format to be determined* February 20 through 1~rch 3 - ROOSEVELT-LINCOLN JUNIOR HIGH 7th and 8th grade students of Ray Fitzpatrick, Karma DeForest, Julie Reddig, Jill Hemenway, and Susan Buck INTRO TO DRAMA, EXPLORING ACTION, and STAGE COMBAT - format to be detennined* * Arti st will consult with teachers involved to design format best suitled to their needs. Additional after-school or evening activities are in the works. They will be planned by the artist with individual teachers. REMEMBER THE TEACHER-TRAINING WORKSHOP IN FEBRUARY---MORE INFOm.,fATION SOON! " PROJECTS: Completed: Art a la Carte....September-October. Eight public concerts were presented during Friday noon hours. The first concert served as a re-dedicationof the newly~ renovated performance area in the Sa 1 i na Government Commons, whii ch will continue to be the site of' the concerts duri ng the fall. The series wi 111 return to Campbell Plaza downtown in the spring. Mus i ca 1 Arts: Russell Wi dener. . . . September 30. Tromboni st RUSSE!ll Wi dener presented lecture-dernonstrationsat Sunset and Hawthorne Schools, assisted by tuba player Philip Black. The two musicians gave students an informative and entertaining program on the construction and workings of the irnstruments, along with a demonstration of the wide musical range which can be attalined on trombone and tuba. At 'Art a la Carte concert, both men played solos from music composed for violin. Musical Arts: Fritz Davis... . October 14. Students sang along when singer- songwriter Fritz Davis gave lecture-demonstrations at Schilling and Whittier. Davis's presentation dealt with the folk music tradition and how students will hel p perpetuate it. The songs he performed at the school sand a.t the Art a 1 a Carte performance were drawn from Kansas history. Built Environment: Ginny Graves... . October 15. Ginny Graves, educational consultant for the American Institute of Architects, presented a teacher-training workshop on bui lt envi ronment educati on in the classroom. Grave~s was assi sted by Salina architects Don Marrs and Warren Ediger. Following the workshop, Commission staff met with a core group of participants for discussion of ways to implement built environment education. A graduate credit course was identified as the most viable option for teachers. Musical Arts: Eugene Friesen....October 20. Friesen, cellist for the Paul Winter Consort, gave a 45-minute concert for band and orchestra students from South and Central High Schools. This was followed by an improvisation workshop, which lasted an hour-and..a-half and was attended by selected students from South High. The workshop introduced students to a variety of techniques which they can use to create "horrie-made music." Teachers and students alike were very enthusiastic. Wichita Children's Theatre....October 27-28. Five performances of liThe Princess and the Peal" were presented to standing-room-only audiences at the Salina Community Theatre. The four daytime performances were attended by all first-and second-graders in the USD 305 system. . The evening performance was open to the public. A total of 1,690 persons attended performances. Literature: Patricia Goedicke... . November 3. Poet Patricia Goedicke, associate professor in the creative writing program at the University of Montana, gave a reading at the Smoky Hill Museum. The reading, supplement to the Spring Poetry Series, was coordinated by Patricia Traxler. In Process: AlE/Shakespeare Project....Fall and winter Jazz Hori zons. . . . Wi nter and spri ng AlE/Creative Writing....Spring Smoky Hill River Festival....Spring ----- ~~ II; Salina f1 ~ts and tj umanities Commission TO: RE: FROM: DATE: DENNIS KISSINGER APPOINTMENT SCHEDULE, SALINA ARTS AND HUMANITIES COMMISSION MARTHA RHEA OCTOBER 25, 1988 At its October 20 meeting the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission voted to recommend to the City Commission that the terms of Arts and Humanities Commissioners begin in September rather than March, with the appointments made in August. This recommendation is made for several reasons: A. The annual meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission is September, in order to coincide with the cultural season/school year in Salina. Officers are elected at that time. B. Because Commission appointments are made in March, an officer elected the previous September runs the risk of her or his initial 3-year term expiring during the period in office, with no guarantee of re-appointment. This situation has occurred with each of the last four chairpersons. C. Currently appointees come on the Commission in March or April, and immediately become involved with the development of the city budget. Appointment in August allows for some lead time to become familiar with and experience in Commission work, prior to the budget process. The Arts and Humanities Commission also recommended that the terms of current Commissioners ble extended for five months, from March to August. This situation would cycle out after a three year period, or with the 1991 Commission class. Of course each current Commissioner would have the option of ending h'is or her term on March 10, but the indication from the October 20 meeting was that no one would choose that route. Let me know if you have any questions or comments, or if there are further steps that need to be taken by this office. The Art and Humanities Commission was most complimentary of the City Commission's efforts to solicit communlity wide participation for commissions and boards, and to establish an approprliate process for appointment and orientation. BOX 218! 21 J W.IRON SAUNA. KS. 67402~2181 C) 13-827-4640 Randy Graham, Chairman / Karen Graves, Vice-Chairman / Nancy !lodges. Secretary-Treasurer Mary Nell Beally, Dennis Carlson, Dan Diederich, lIarry lIughes, Vi Justus, Ned Rose, Jane Weathers Martha 1U)(~a, Execulive Director