Waiver for Damage to Private Streets .' . ", . W AIYER OF ALL CLAIMS FOR'DA,MAGE TO PRIVATE STREETS.. C:,";'. ',l:' ',":.' '_-'. "," ~,:-",:"", c..:" . TheCit)"ofSalitlll, Karislis, isa Cityof'tfie rirstClass ~ithin the State Q(Kallsas(her.elnpfter refen;ed to as "the City1'). . ,. .'. '.' . , . .R:iftrR u~ .'Ht1.A', p;~:einafter referred t,<Jas :"tlle Association") is a homeowners association wlthm the corporate limits of the City of Salma, Kansas, organized as a Kansas L L ( . The Association owns private streets, including curbs and gutters, constructed within common area owned by the Association (the "privately owned streets"), The City, upon request of the Association, provides a variety of City sl;lrvices to the Association and its homeowner members, including, without limitation: Trash pick up Water and sanitary sewer utility installation, repair, and maintenance Limb removal resulting from community-wide storm damage Fall leaf collection To deliver the requested City services often requires the operation of vehicles, machinery and equipment upon the Association's privately owned streets. ' IlOlud Name of Association: ((Nf,., ((UI\ It () A By: ~:/t'.. t (name) (title) VERIFICA nON I, ~, having been duly sworn, on oath, veriiY that I am the duly elected PIf"f!,JII ~i of ((ii/t..fl.,,') ltOA and that I have been duly authorized to execute the above Waiver of all Claims for Damage to Private Streets on behalf of the association. ~O~mo-nU)eQlth ob \:-\OE!S<chusetts ~~~W-~y OF SA.U?>/E, 5S: Signed and Sworn to before me on ~ _, 20rft. by (printed name) City, State & Zip Code lP~x Van>e/?j . ~P~~P~&ked ' ot;:lry Public .Q teA THERINI I. SHEtPH!ftD tV~ Notary Public Commonwealth of Massachusetts My Commission Expires '.I.-,.~ August IS, 2014 Association Address: Street & Post Office Box