Life Underwriter's WeekTO THE PEOPLE OF KANSAS OREETING~S: WHEREAS, throughout the long sweep of history, humankind has sought to meet the risks of life; and WHEREAS, while various means for doing so have evolved, none is mere effective or available to meet the economic consequences of risk than insurance; and WHEREAS, the institution of insurance has given succeeding generations of Americans a systematic, practical method to assu~e individual, family and business economic security and to realize important life objectives; and WHEREAS, the p~udent stewardship of the private insurance business in our country has additionally provided a continuing source of venture capital that undergirds national economic security; and WHEREAS, indispensable to the effectiveness and progress of the life insurance business are career life underwriters--agents, managers, and general agents--who daily p~ovide skilled, empathetic, personal service with vast social and economic connotations; and Wh~EAS, these life underwriters--motivated by personal commitment to participating citizenship and given leadership by the life underwriter association movement--further demonstrate their professionalism by wide ranging involvement in community well-being; and WI-EJtEA$~ the Kansas Association of Life Underwriters is now engaged in a prugram to infom the public of the many and broad aspects of life insuranoe--what it is and how it works and its essentiality to the stability of families and country: NOW, THEREFORE, I, MIKE HAYDEN, GOVE]~NOR OF THE STATE OF KANSAS, do hereby proclaim the week of April 26 through May 2, 1987, as LIFE UNOERWRITERS' WEEK in Kansas, and in so doing, I urge all of my fellow citizens to avail themselves of this opportunity to learn mere about life insurance as a medium for individual thrift and self-reliance and to recognize the manifold contributions of members of the Kansas Association of Life Underwriters. DONE At the Capitol in T~oeka Under the Great Seal of · .~.A ~1 the State this 25th day m~ of March, A. O. 1987. THE GOVERNOR: Secretary oY State ..... Assistant Secretary o? State