4.3 Life Insurance Week ~E~ ~I.~Y OF ~ALLA KA2~SAS WHEREAS, Salina Life Underwriters continue to provide a security for citizens in need of life insurance in Kansas; ..,,:~n~o, the Salina Life Under~riters of Kansas secure hope for the future thru financial means; ~'~ERF~AS, these Sa!ina Life Unde~.~it~s address citizens financial p!annin~ needs directly and effectively in both crisis and everyday situations; and ?~EREAS, these Salina Life Under~ritres ~ive informed support of our con, init? to continually maintain and improve the quality of financial services to our families. ~0~'~, THEREFOR, I Joe Ritter, ~.~ayor of the City of Salina, ~nsas, do hereby proclaim Anril 26th thru May 2nd LIFE I~.~oURALC~ ~'rEnr~ in the City of Sa!ina, Kansas, ! further urge all citizens to give their support and recognition to the Salina Life Underwriters IN WI~[ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ~ hand and caused the official seal of the City of Sa!ina, Kansas to be a~zxed this day of April, 1907. ter, ~Xyor ~l,