7.4 HC Landmark Designation CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMI SS ION ACTION DATE TIME 11/7/88 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Development ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. 7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AGENDA: -' Planning Division NO. ~ Roy Dudark BY: BY: Application #HC88-3, filed by the Salina City Heritage Commission, requesting Heritage Conservation (HC) Landmark designation for property legally described as Court House Park, Bishop's Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas (aka 245 North Ninth Street), known as the Leisure Years Center and the Old Saline County Courthouse. Information On October 26, 1988, the Salina Heritage Commission conducted a public hearing on the above application. Notification was provided to property owners in accordance with Section 42-459 of the city code. No one appeared in opposition to the designation. At the close of the hearing, a motion was approved (6-0) to recommend to the City Commission that the subject structure be designated a Heritage Conservation Landmark. Recommended Action If' the City Commission concurs with the above recommendation, the attached ordinance should be placed on first reading. If the City Commission disapproves of the recommendation, the application and accompanying comments should be returned to the Heritage Commission for reconsideration. Encl: Application #HC88-3 Vicinity Map Minutes Ordinance # 88-9289 cc: Saline County Board of Commissioners COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: PUBLICATION DATE No Cat,r man October 5. I988 APPLICATION NO. HE&RING DATE October 26. 1988 DATE FILED Seotember 23, 1988 VICINITY MAP Ail'ACHED Yes ~tLING ~EE N/A O~N~SNI~ C~,~TJ~tCAT~ ~EC~V~g Y~s ~C~JPT APPLZCAT]0N FOR HER[TA6E C0NSE~VAT[0N (HC) Appi~can~'s ¢tame ...Sal~na C~ Heri~aqe Co~mission Applicant's Address 300 N. Ash Sal~na, KS 6740~ Telephone (bus,ness) 827-7287 (home) Owner's Name Saline County 0wrier' s Address Legal Description of Property: Lot(s) Cour~ Hp~iS~ Park . in Block Number in BishoPS Addition Subdivision or Addition Address of Property ~45 North Ninth Street (aka Leisure Years Center & 0td Saline County Courthouse). Area of PrOperty (sq. ft. and/or acres) Present Zoning use: List reasons for this request (include any/all of the following; historical, archi- tectural, financial, or other reason} List documentation submitted to support application. The applicant must supply copies of material documenting the historical or architectural features important to the preservation of the premises within the designated building, structures, land areas and/or districts, including the approximate date of construction, architect/builder, historic significance of persons/events .associated with the property. The applicant may want to check the Historic Resources Survey in the Planning Department to see if documentation is available on the proposed d~signated property. (use additional sheets if necessary} Property owner(s) signature(s) Appticant~.~ signature ~ Date: Date:_ cor~esoondence and communic2[:ons pe~aJning ~o ~bis ag~lic2[ion may ~e fo~oraed :o ;he au~horizeo ~ndividu81. NA,ME OF REPRESENTATIVE: ADDRESS: ~P COCE: TELEPHONE ( Business): AR~ CODE: Application #HC88-3 Salina Heritage CommisE ~ P~NE PINE sz - SUB LIBRARY R-3 sT. ~ I ,: h~ I · COUNTY AJDD. ~LD( ASH R-3 s~ ~ .s~ #3. Application #HC88-3, filed by the Salina City Heritage Commission. Mrs. Douglass stated that the Old County Courthouse was built in high- corinthian architecture. The classical columns are kept by pampus leaves around the building supporting the frieze and resting on a string course. Pedimented porticoes are on each side of the building. These were built by Wilmarth and Zerbe who contributed many buildings to Salina's inventory of historic structures for that period. The building has not been changed except for interior work which is not considered at this level. The door on the west has been modified to make it handicapped-accessible. There has been very little done to this building that could not be easily changed. On Salina City Heritage Commission October 28, 1988 Page 4 the west side there is a glass and metal entry for weather protection and ease of access to the building. This building was erected in 1910. There is a masonic emblem on one side. She stated that the masonic organization may have been in this building at one time. Penny Geis, County Commissioner, stated that it is a beautiful structure and she would like to see it protected for the future. Dennis Carlson, County Commissioner, stated that he was disappointed when it was being considered for dismantling. Historic preservation would protect the structure from this happening. He stated that it is a well built structure. Roy Allen, County Commissioner, stated that this structure should definitely be preserved so the history of the building would be evident for future generations. Chairman Bieberly asked if the commission would care to take action? Mrs. Errebo stated that the alteration made to the door should not keep this building from being designated because it was an addition for the handicapped. She stated that she has alWays admired the building and it should not be torn down. Mr. Burr stated that he is very much in favor of saving the building. He stated that the building is not as old as some other court buildings in the State of Kansas. Nevertheless, 50 years from now, the citizens of Salina will be glad that something was done to preserve the building. Mrs. Errebo stated that Americans tend to want to tear everything old down and she feels it is time to start saving the old things. Dennis Carlson stated that the County Commission has extended the lease to the Leisure Years Center to 99 years so the commission should know his feelings. Mrs. Denton stated that the building will be an addition both architec- turally and historically. Mrs. Dorsey stated that it is a beautiful building and should be preserved. Mrs. Lilly asked if this building is on the original priority list? Mrs. Douglass stated that it is in the top 38 and may be in the top 10. She stated that the State is very interested in preserving this building for its architecture. Mrs. Lilly stated that this building may not be as old as some but it has details that are not prevalent today. Salina City Heritage Commission October 28, 1988 Page 5 Mrs. Errebo asked if the buidlin§ was being used? Mr. Dudark stated that the first and second floors are fully used. There are plans for remodeling on the other floors. He stated that he believes that funds have been approved for handicapped accessibility. Mrs. Lilly asked if the woodwork was taken out of the third floor and placed in the second floor to finish the remodeling? Penny Gels stated that unfortunately some of the woodwork was taken out of third floor. Chairman Bieberly stated that he was one of the architects who helped with that project. He stated that they put a new roof on which should help the structural integrity of the building. He stated that they will do as little to the exterior as possible and that most of the work will be done to the interior of the building. He stated that he is disappointed in what was done to the south and west entrances and he would like to see something done to remedy that. He stated that he doesn't think those additions are appropriate to the style of the building. If funds are available, he would like to see something done to remedy those additions. MOTION: Mr. Burr moved that the commission recommend that Application #HC88-3 be approved for HC designation based on its architectural and historical significance. SECOND: Mrs. Denton seconded the motion. VOTE: The vote was unanimous (6-0) in favor of the motion. Motion carried. Mrs. Douglass stated that in doing the deed research she found that this land has been dedicated to county use and if there is anything besides the courthouse put on that lot, the family and the heirs of the family will get it back. (Published in The Salina Journal November , 1988) ORDINANCE NUMBER 88-9289 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE STRUCTURE LOCATED AT 245 NORTH NINTH STREET FOR HERITAGE CONSERVATION (HC) LANDMARK DESIGNATION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Sallna, Kansas: Section 1. That the structure located on the following described real estate, to wit: Court House Park, Bishops Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas (Commonly known as 2#$ North Ninth Street, the Leisure Years Center and the Old Saline County Courthouse) be and the same is hereby designated as Heritage Conservation (HC) Landmark. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: November 7, 1988 Passed: November 14, 1988 Sydney Soderberg, Mayor [SEAL] ATTEST: Robert K. Biles, City Clerk