8.19 Declare Surplus Property CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMI SS ION ACTION DATE TIME 8/1/1988 4:00 P.H. AGENDA SECTION: Administration ORIGINATING DEPARTlVlENT: APPROVED FOR NO. 8 City Attorney AGENDA: ITEM NO. 19 LB¥: Greg Bengtson BY: Resolution Number 88-3985, determining that no further public purpose exists for a certain parcel of land owned by the City and authorizing its conveyance to the adjacent property owner. Background At the June 6, 1988 City Commission meeting, the request by Woodrow A. Ross and Cia M. Ross for a quit claim deed to a small parcel of land owned by the City and located in the Chicago Addition was referred to the City Engineer and City Attorney for recommendation. Attached are copies of the request letter from Mr. Ross, dated' May 23, 1988, and a certificate of survey for the subject parcel of land. Also attached is a copy of a memo from the Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities to the City Attorney regarding the request. Based upon the recommendation of the Engineering Department, the proposed resolution determines that no further public purpose is served by the City retaining title to the real estate and authorizes the Mayor to execute a quit claim deed conveying the real estate to Mr. and Mrs. Ross as the only adjacent property owners and the only persons who can effectively utilize the real estate. Staff recommendation The staff recommends that you adopt the proposed resolution~ COMM I SS 1 ON ACT I ON MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: