Renewal of Group Dental Contract << , ww\v.ddtacletlla!ks.(om REVISED J nuuary 6, 2009 Ms. KrystaI Noms City of Salina 300 W Ash, Room 206 Salina, KS 67:402-0736 RE: Renewal of Group Dental Contract Group #90396 Dear Ms. Norris: Your contract with Delta Dental of Kansas will renew on February 1, 2009. We are pleased to be able to serve you and your employees again and are committed to our continued partnership with you. Because Delta Dental mal,es every effort to hold increasing dental costs to a minimum, your administrative rate for February 1, 2009 experienced an increase. Effective with your February 1, 2009 renewal, the administrative l'llte for your dental coverage will change to $3.40 per subscriber per month. In addition, we would like to offer dle following one or dlree year rate cap options: Current Rates Admin Rate: $3.25 NOTE: Change Renewai Date to February 1, 2009 New Rates $3.40 Option 1-1 YR Admin Rate: New Rates Option II - 2 YR $3.25 - 2009 - No Increase $3.40 - 2010 2 year agreement: Pass for 2009 and $3.40 for 2010 Change Renewal Date to February 1, 2009 Current Rates $3.25 *NOTE: Admin Rates: New Rates Option III - 3 YR $3.25 - 2009 - No Increase $3.40 - 2010 $3.55 - 2011 **NOTE: 3 year agreement: Pass for 2009 and $3.40 for 2010 and $3.55 for 2011. Change Renewal Date to February 1, 2009 Current Rates $3.25 Enclosed is a policy endorsement to indicate your acceptance of your option for this renewal. Please sign and return one of the endorsements in the enclosed self-addressed envelope, or fll.-,,{ to (316) 462-3329. Thisl endorsement must be returned by January 8. 2009 to ensure timely submission ofyow group's renewal. DELTA DENTAL OF KANSAS r619 N. Waterfront Park-way P.O. Box 789769 Wichita, KS 67278'9769 Main Telephone; 3,6,264-1099 Customer Service; 316'264'45rI Marketing & Sales: 3 [6'264:84l3 Eligibility & Enrollment: 316';1.64'45fI 800'733-5823 800'234'3375 800.264-9462 800'234'3J75 Fax; 316-462-3393 Fax; 3r6-,ph-3393 Fax; 316.,~6:.l'3329 Fax: 3I6-462'3394 .. , We look forward to the continued opportunity to be of seLinceJo you and your employees. If you have any questions regarding your renewal, please feel free to contact your agent or me. Sincerely, ~ fJlcdu& !1r ~ Amy Natalie Account Executive AN/kam Enclosures .. , REVISED: January 6, 2009 RENEWAL CONFIRMATION NO.1 FOR GROUP"#90396 Attached to and forming a part of the Agreement To Provide Dental Care Benefits between City of Salina (plan #90396) and Delta Dental of Kansas, Inc. . It is agreed and understood that effective with the February 1,2009, renewal, Section I, Number 6 shall read: RATE: Admin Rate: $3.40 NOTE: Change Renewal Date to Febmary 1, 2009 OP'TION I -1 YR OPTION 11- 2 YR RATE: Admin Rate: $3.25 -No Increase *NOTE: 2 year agreement: Pass for 2009 and $3.40 for 2010 Change Renewa~ Date to Febmary 1, 2009 OPTION 111-3 YR RA IE: Admin Rate: $3.25 - No Increa<se **NOTE: 3 year agreement: Pass for 2009 and $3.40 for 2010 and $3.55 for 2011. Change Renewal Date to Febmary 1, 2009 D ~ D Please acknowledge acceptance of your option for this renewal by signing below and returning one copy of the renewal confirmation in the enclosed, self-addressed envelope or fax to 316-462-3329 by January 8, 2009. ~~OM 11-. &'tj-L Printed Name pC)- !rYl Dat L ~ {).a~ Sjinature . Agent's Name ~::t. ~X ~ru7?tt'^-' Delta Dental of Kansas, Inc.