Addendum No. 1 Gould Evans Associates, lC 4041 Mill Street Kansas City, Missouri 64111 816-931-6655 voice 816-931-9640 fax gouldevans.com Gould Evans Letter Addendum # 01 December 18, 2008 This letter is intended to serve as an addendum to the existing contract between the City of:Salina, Kansas and Gould Evans Associates LC for Professional Planning Services dated August 27, 2007. This letter further requests and authorizes Gould Evans to conduct the following work as agreed to below: To prepare transitional development standards and Interlocal Agreement for the Urban Service Area in conjunction with. the Saline County and the City of Salina, as a part of the Comprehensive Plan process. Compensation will be for work completed to date and additional work to complete the USA framework and Interlocal Agreement. Compensation for this work shall be billed on a monthly basis per the following rate schedule: ! i J _X_ Hourly per the rate schedule "provided in the original contract _ Hourly per the attached rate schedule _ Lump sum per the compensation summary The signatures indicate the authorization and agreement to conduct such services per the parameters of this letter, and this authorized letter shall be an amendment to the original contract between the City of Salina, Kansas and Gould Evans respectively. Date: 1-/~tJl Date: , pt ~ C:1Ilocumenls and SetlIngsl/lobblegll..oc SeltIngslTemporary 1_ FileslOLK2FlSallnaAdclenduml.eU_ 121808.doc 1/1312009 Page I of 1 kanso$ city. lowrence . overland park. phoenix. salt lake city. san antonio. san franscisco . tompa architecture interiOr.. design landscape architecture planning graphic design Memorandum I GouldEvans 4041 Mill Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111 t 816.931.6655 f 816.931.9640 To: Mike Schrage, Gary Hobbie From: Graham Smith Cc: Subject: USA Process Cost Estimate - Revised Date: 18 December 2008 Project: Salina Comprehensive Plan Project No.: 0207-6180 Mike and Gary, In anticipation of the work left within our process to produce the draft Interlocal Agreement I submit the attached as an estimate of the remaining scope and associated fee. Currently we are working on the preparation of the Draft Interlocal Agreement. I have shown the work that has been completed to date, through November as well as the estimate of what could remain in the process. I have broken out each piece and estimated a fee for each. Please let me know if you have any questions. -Graham Activitv Estimated Fee Work Previous Completed (April through November) Draft Interlocal Agreement $1,360.00 Includes preparation of a preliminary draft of the Interlocal agreement between Salina and Saline County. A conference call will be held to review the document with City Staff. The draft will be edited by the City Attorney. $12,959.84 Adoption Meetings $4,650.00 (2 meetings) Assumes attendance by Graham Smith and Chris Brewster plus expenses.) TOTAL $18,969.84 ( ?lfchitecturc intE~rioj" dt7 go !0nd3C pe Zirchjt€~ctur ldnning graphic d(:sign C:\D::)(~~Hn~jr;l'; <.\Wi Fh~!.:;'"(;u<2i:'\Uf)j,<F ~; .iE'it k:if ~ ~ r.::: ';'\':<;::,<1 ~ 21 ZOo _ ~~G,; 1;?.:i({(2()vr.~!:~.~,Hl() PM F<19~)"1