8.2 Grant Easement in Flood Control Levee CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 12/15/2008 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: 8 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 2 BY: BY: Daniel R. Stack ITEM: Granting two right of way easements to Westar upon receipt of payment for new and upgraded electrical transmission lines crossing City Flood Control Levee property. BACKGROUND: Westar is in the process of installing new and upgraded high voltage distribution lines and associated appurtenances along an existing transmission route beginning in Saline County and ending in Reno County. The granting of the attached permanent Westar right of way easements are necessary for this work to occur. The first easement (SA-46A) is located south of Mentor Road just west of the railroad tracks between 9th Street and Ohio Street. This lies between station 410+00 and 420+00 along section III of the Dry Creek diversion levee. The second easement (SA-44A) is located north of Smolan (Mentor) Road just east of Centennial Road and west of 1-135. This lies around station 490+00 along section III of the Dry Creek diversion levee. The amount of property to be granted is 1.11 acres and 2.42 acres respectively. Westar plans anticipate installation of new support structures in approximately the same locations as the existing structures. Those structures will not be constructed in the City's flood control right-of-way, but will be within the "critical area" of the levee. Westar is accustomed to working in areas subject to the Corps of Engineers scrutiny. At the request of City staff, the following language has been incorporated into the standard Westar form in order to document the city's responsibility for pre- approval of construction within the critical area of the levee consistent with Corps of Engineer's review: "Grantee acknowledges that a flood control project constructed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers is located on the above described property (the "levee"). Grantor is the local sponsor responsible for controlling all construction which occurs within the critical area of the levee pursuant to Army Corps of Engineers guidance for work proposed near or within a federally constructed flood control project. Grantee shall comply with required construction and maintenance conditions as specified by the Army Corps of Engineers relative to the levee on the above described property, including, but not limited to, obtaining written preapproval by the Grantor/local sponsor of any construction by or at the direction of the Grantee to occur within the critical area of the levee. Grantor/local sponsor's preapproval of such construction shall not be unreasonably withheld and shall be consistent with the Army Corps of Engineers engineering review." Westar has offered to compensate the City in the same manner as affected private property owners. Westar has offered what it has determined to be the average value of non-irrigated agricultural ground in this region - $2,000 / acre. With a total area of 3.53 acres, the offered compensation is $7,060. City staff believes the proposed compensation is fair. FISCAL NOTE: The easement money collected will go to the City General Fund. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 12/15/2008 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: 8 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK~ 2 BY: BY: Daniel R. Stack COMFORMANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN: Goal #3: The City will provide the highest quality of services, consistent with governing body direction, available resources, and staff commitment to quality. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends that the City Commission grant the two Westar utility easements Enclosures: Westar Energy Transmission Route Map Grant of Right of Way (SA-46A) Grant of Right of Way (SA-44A) \ / /~ I \ .' 'l. '\ ....!~- ~~-'~ . t~s-'__~i . -'\ \\ ~. ,'r-\,/-.) .' "'fIEW '\,.~' I t. ~-n ,-,,\ i ' \\, I, /-, .-.....(. 'N \. /-/ II -"".. .~.", 1 / - - - ''''~--'~r----r--;;,-----'~- -"'---4"L~, ~':-'-'--- I J ,,;.t. ~ . " .~ I ~ I:' ~ <~ :~~rla"""Ill&.~""" .. . .13' "i._ I ~ r/ I. , . I , ,'/ ' ~2 { .' 4.......\ .: ./ .r/-- .. /'r "/~>J / , /" j-~ "'I I~ l." 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'. ~ 3,000 I 1,500 .1 o I 3,000 I Feet Stream Crossings We star Energy Sheet 1 of 9 Source: NRCS Di ital Raster Gra hic: Reno McPherson and Saline counties