2009 Budget Certification
State of Kansas
2009 Adopted Budget
Amount of2008 County
nage Ad Valorem Clerk's
Table of Contents: No. Expenditures Tax Use Only
I ComputatIOn to Determme LlmltTor 200Y- 2
Allocation of MVT, RVT, 1612UM Veh &. Slider 3
I Schedule of Transters 4
I Statement of Indebtedness 5
I Statement of Lease-Purchases 6
Ful!!! MA.
General 12-101 a 7 ~ 32,..v..,....v ./ ~m;907 8.740
IBond & Interest -ro:rrr II ./ 4,270,180' .If 1,654,766. 4.137
IEmployee Benefits 12-16,102 9 Jr , , ,/ 5,2U3,4118. 13.009
IFlood and Dramage Improvement CO 97-9814 9 ~ J70,7UI
I Sales Tax Capital l:l ..y 3,413,600
Isales Tax economic Development IJ t/ 1,200,429.
IHusmess Improvement District Jj ,/ 90,500.
ISpecial Highway 14 '" 1,958,712
rrounsm and ConventIOn 14 t/ 1,000,000.
NelghborhoOI1 Parks 1:> V 229,983
Special Parks and Recreation 1:> v 273,971.
special Alcohol 10 ,/ 191,447.
HI-Centenmal center 10 ,/ 1,844,214.
aU' Housmg 1"1 ,/ 211,011.
Risk Management 17 ./ 516,540,
Workers compensation 18 ,/ 1,222,115
\.f..~lth Insurance III .l, 8,100,119.
\-entral Garage 19 ,/ 1,774,489.
\-omputer Technology 19 ./ 1,593,936
SanitatIOn 2U ",.. 2,756,501
Solid Waste :ll or 4,458,672 .
liolt Course 22 .j, 965,256
Water and Sewer 23 .v 19,968,869
Non-Budgetel1 funds-A 24
Non-Bul1getel1 funds-B 25
Non-Budgeted Funds-C ;z.~
NOn-Hul1geted Funds-D ~j
otaIs x -J., 95,415,33U .l.I 10,354,161 25.886
IBudget Summary 30
INelghborhood Revitalization Reoate 32
115 an Ordinance requlrel1 to be passeQ, pUblIshed, anl1 attach,:l1 to the buaget? I Yes
To the Clerk of Saline County, State of Kansas
We, the undersigned, officers of
City of Salina
certify that: (I) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held;
(2) after the Budget Hearing this budget was duly approved and adopted as the
maximum expenditures for the various funds for the year 2009; and
(3) the Amounts{s) of2008 Ad Valorem Tax are within statutory limitations.
County C1erk's Us. only
Govermng Body
revised s/06/07
Page No. 1