Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan . ," " 'J :',' " I I' C IT, ()' saLina mity of ~alina ~..~..... ,'. ., . "'....... ........ ..-. ..... ......... r .... .." ' .... '.. .' """ , ". '"'''' .", .~,.. Amrrirans UJii~ IDisnhiliti.rs A\rt QJrnnzitian Wlan' ,..~.: 'rEsEntEh iSy: 1nirqatl II. 1norgan, Assistant Wity inanagtr J'July 25, 1992 ..... '. ,,:.:~:;:.. I . ". July 25, 1992 TO: Dennis Kissinger, City Manager FROM: Michael Morgan, Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)~ Title II Requirements - Transition Plan The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted on July 26, 1990. This landmark legislation provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local government services and programs and telecommunications. Simply, the ADA prohibits all state and local governments and some private businesses from discrimination on the basis of disability. Specifically, Subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act extends the prohibition of discrimination established by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) to all local government services, programs, or other activities. Also, discrimination is prohibi ted by local government instrumental i ties, agencies or contractors. Transition Plan Required No later than July 26, 1992 a local government employing fifty or more individuals must develop a transition plan identifying all structural changes needed to a public facility to achieve program accessibility. A public facility is defined as a city facility that provides an opportunity for the public to participate in a program, activity or receive city services. Program accessibility means no qualified individual with a disability shall, because a municipality's facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by individuals with disabilities, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be subjected to discrimination by any municipality. The transition plan is required to guarantee that the local government operates each service, program or activity so that the service, program, or acti vi ty, when viewed in its entirety, is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. Achieving program accessibility does not necessarily mean that a public entity has to build new facilities, tear down walls or make any other structural change if other methods of providing services are available. t;;, ~ '" Solutions may include alteration of a program, such as moving the location or providing transportation. Also, in unusual instances, the program might be eliminated. However, if there is no other feasibl e al ternati ve to make a. program accessibl e, the publ ic entity must make structural changes. An important element of the ADA's non-discrimination mandate is that disabled persons be provided services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. This policy does not preclude local governments from offering separate- programs. However, disabled people cannot be precluded from part~cipating in integrated programs solely because separate programs are available. Transition Plan Defined The transition plan is the document that identifies all structural changes needed to a publ ic faci I i ty to achieve program accessibility. The United states Department of Justice indicates that structural chanqe includes all physical chanqes to a facility, not merely changes to structural features such as removlng or.. altering a beam that provides load-bearing support. Installing 'a ramp, widening a doorway or lowering a toil et are considered structural changes. Structural changes done to compl y wi th program accessibility provisionsimust comply with requirements for new construction. .' . Although the Americans with Disabilities Act does not specifically state what should be included in the transition plan it is advised that the transition plan must: . * identi fy physical obstacl es in publ icl y owned or I eased facilities that limit the accessibility of its program or activities to individuals with disabilities; * describe the methods that will be used to make the facilities accessible; * specify the schedule for taking the steps necessary to achieve compliance with this section and, if the ,time period of the transition plan is longer than one year, identify steps that will be taken during each year of the transition period; and * indicate the official responsible for implementation of the plan. Title II of the ADA requires public entities that have authority over streets and walkways to provide curb ramps at existing sidewalks and the transition plan must include the schedule for installation of the required curb ramps. It is recommended that walkways that serve entities covered by the ADA should be given priori ty when determining which curb ramps should be install ed first. (2 ) . .. Notice, Comment and Public Availability Interested parties must be given an opportunity to submit comments and a copy of the plan must be made available for public inspection. A copy of the city's plan will be available for review at the Salina Public Library and the City Manager's Office. Al so, disabl ed individual sand disabi 1 i ty groups wi 11 have the opportunity to review the plan and submit comments. A copy of the plan will be provided to the city's Accessibility Advisory Board, the Occupational Center of Central Kansas, Association of Retarded Citizens and the Kansas Vocational Rehabilitation Center. Completion Deadline By January 26, 1995 all structural changes identified in the transition plan must be completed. Accessibility Standards In preparing the transition plan staff followed the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) to ensure the recommended structural changes would be accessible to disabled people as required by the ADA. The ADA Accessibility Guidelines were developed by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and are the official ADA accessibility guidelines as well as state law. What to Modify First? The United states Department of Justice in their regulations recommend that when making structural changes to a faci I i ty an owner should consider these four priority areas: * Provide access on public sidewalks, parking or public transportation. * Provide access to those places where goods and services are made available to the public. * Provide accessible rest rooms to the physically impaired and add signage for individuals with disabilities. * Provide access to the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages or accommodations of a place of public accommodation. ~ (3) . .. The Transition Plan for the City of Salina Attached is the transition plan for the City of Salina. The city facilities were inspected by staff building inspectors including Mike Peterson, Chief Building Official for the City of Salina. Please note, the estimated costs are just that, estimates and are only provided for informational purposes. The format of the plan was designed to include solutions, not just legal requi rements. For exampl e, rather than stating provide accessible path of travel, the plan might indicate movement of table and chairs to provide a minimum of 36" .wide path of travel. Fundinq, Completion and Readily Achievable Chanqes Al though, the 1993 Ci ty of Salina budg~': incl udes $60,000 to begin structural changes, future funding will be necessary. Schedules for structural improvements will be included in the transition plan as input is received, priorities developed and funding secured. All structural changes will be compl eted based on priori ties determined to meet the needs of.the disabled. It is important to note that during the inspections, in addition to identifying structural changes needed, numerous physical but non- structural changes were found that require completion to ensure program accessibi I i ty. These changes are termed "readi I y achievable" and should be completed as soon as possible. Examples include accessible signage, parking, elevator control warnings and height adjustment of certain counters. .. .. ~~/ Including both structural and readily achievable items in the plan allows the plan to serve as a to do list for the City to make sure we complete all the necessary changes. The transition plan will be a valuable tool guiding future decisions on what items should be prioritized for completion. Conclusion Completion of the transition plan for the City of Salina represents an exciting first step in achieving accessibility for all citizens who uti! ize our publ ic faci I i ties. The transi tion plan should be. considered a preliminary assessment of needed changes As public comment is received, revisions to the pI an, incl uding priori ties and schedul ing, may be necessary. Finall y, ensuring that persons with disabilities have equal opportunity to access, use, and enjoy the goods, services and privileges that the city offers is a task well worth the effort. (4 ) . ~ CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Transition Plan is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II - The plan must be completed by July 26, 1992 The purpose of the plan is to identify structural changes that a public facility needs to ensure program access~bility. - The City of Salina's transition plan includes both structural and readily achievable items as a means of self-evaluation. The transition plan does not review facilities that are not considered public, such as the Water and Wastewater Treatment plants. - The plan should be used as a tool and as a checklist. - The plan should be considered a living, breathing document that is intended to be revised may times. The plan is not set in stone. - Estimates in the plan are only rough estimates and reflect a worst case stenario. . - Even though the plan might indicate costly structural changes are needed for program accessibility, upon review and citizen input, such changes may not be required. The plan is intended to stimulate input and solutions, not be put up on the shelf. - Schedules for structural improvements will be included in the transition plan as input is received, priorities developed and funding secured. - All structural changes need to be completed by July 26, 1995 l .. city of Salina - ADA Transition Plan List - 25-Jul-92 I 1______________________________________________________________________________________________. \ ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 : :: :: :: Est. :: ::: :NlI'Ilber: : Project Location :: Dept. :: Costs :: Insp. : :Done: '======-================================================-=================================_====1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I . I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 :City owned parking lots :Streets and sidewalks city-wide :Central Garage :Stage/Roof - 100 Block South Sante Fe :Gazebo - Oakdale Park :Police Adrrdnistration Building : Meroorial Hall : Lakewood Park and Lodge :Jerry Ivey Park : Indian Rock Park : Centennial Park : Phillips Park :Steve Hawley Park : Hawthorne Park : Sunset Park and Baseball Fields :Bill Burke Park I :East Crawford Recreation Area : : Kenwood Park by Rail road train : : Oakdal e Park : :Mmli.cipal Golf Course :Thanas Park : Salina SWimning Pool - Kenwood Park :Lum Felton Park :Carver Pool & Building : Carver Center : Dean Evans Stadium 'Friendship Center 300 West Ash - Recreation Offices 300 West Ash - Human Relations Offices 300 West Ash - Finance 300 West Ash - Personnel 300 West Ash - City Manager Offices 300 West Ash - Water and Sewerage 300 West Ash - Planning and Cann. Developnent Spillman Plaza 100 Block South Sante Fe - Arcade Rest Roan 100 Block South 7th Rest Roans - East side 200 Block South 7th Rest Roans 145 North 5th Rest Roans 100 Block North Sante Fe - Arcade Rest Roan 100 Block South 5th - East Side Rest Roan Bicentennial Center Fire Station #3 .Fire Station #1 :Pire Station #4 :Fire station #2 :Ccmnuni.ty Theatre Building : Animal Shel ter : smoky Hill Museum I , , '. .-'1 I , I I I I I CITY CITY GS BID PR POL PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR PR HR FIN PERS CMO ENG PLAN BID BID BID BID BID BID BID Be FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE ARTS POL ARTS $10,000 $20,000 $5,050 $1,000 $4,500 $8,250 $12,050 $21,700 $11,900 $8,200 $8,000 $7,300 $7,300 $7,300 $14,250 $11,400 $4,400 $5,500 $23,400 $12,350 $5,300 $12,750 $2,500 $10 , 200. $2,100 $2,650 $6,750 $1,080 $990 $1,170 $1,060 $2,850 $1,510 $900 $0 $0 $1, 725 $1,500 $2,850 $0 $800 $36,970 $75,050 $11 , 500 : $2,950 : $2,700 : I $26,650 :: $9,700 :: $11,450 22-Jul-92 22-Jul-92 22-Jul-92 20-Jul-92 20-Jul-92 20-Jul-92 20-Jul-92 11-Jtm-92 11-Jun-92 I 13-Jul-92 : 11-Jun-92 : 11-Jtm-92 : 11-Jun-92 : 11-Jtm-92 r 13-Jul-92 : 13-Jul-92 : 13-Jul-92 : 11-Jtm-92 : 11-Jun-92 I 14-Jul-92 Il-Jun-92 14-Jul-92 11-Jun-92 14-Jul-92 14-Jul-92 14-Jul-92 14-Jul-92 30-Jtm-92 30-Jtm-92 30-Jtm-92 30-Jtm-92 30-Jtm-92 30-Jun-92 30-Jtm-92 15-Jul-92 15-Jul-92 30-Jun-92 15-Jul-92 10-Jul-92 10-Jul-92 10-Jul-92 01-May-92 23-Jul-92 23-Jul-92 23-Jul-92 23-Jul-92 23-Jul-92 23-Jul-92 23-Jul-92 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I , I I I I ==============================================================================================: Total = $439,505 ~ CI'l'T OF SALINA - TRANSITICfi PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: City owned Parkinq Lots Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 22, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 1 ================================================================================================= Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost II II I I I I C~lete ================================================================================================= Install accessible parking spaces with signage N II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install acessible paths of travel fran parking lots to pedestrian walkways y I I I I II II I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I' II II --------------------------------------------------____-------------------------------------______1 II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I' II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II II II 1.1 II, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I' II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " II I' II II -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------- II II , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II , I II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' II II II =================================================================================================== CI'lY OF SALINA- TRANSITlaf PIAN July 24, 1992 Location: streets and Sidewalks City-wide Page: 1 Date of Inspection: July 22, 1992 Project: 2 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost I I II I' II CcJtt:llete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------- Install curb rafl'l)S for existing sidewalks y 1.1 , I , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 II I I I II II I' I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l Install detectable warnings where sidewalks cross .vehicular : Y :: : : :: : ways : :: :: :: : Jo" II I I II I ~< 'I I I I' I I --------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install sidewalks to all public areas :Y , I II I' , , 1 I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , , , , , I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , I' I' I' II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II 0, I I '.~. . .:-:..;~:~~. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~-:~T--- I II II I I , I' 'I " II , I , I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II , , II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' , I , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' , I II II , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I , I , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II , , , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' , , I' I' II II -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- I' I' I' , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' 1 , 1 , , I I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' , I , I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' 1 I , , II 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I I 1 I I I I' II =================================================================================================== crn OF SALINA - TMNSITIaf PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Central Garaqe Paqe: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 22, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 3 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ================================================================================================= Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost Carplete ====~============================================================================================ Install curb cuts Y II II $500 II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install acessible parkinq with signaqe IN: : :: : : ----------__________________________________________________1______------------------------------ I I II I I II I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install acessible signaqe lY , I I I $400 I I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II I I I I I II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Secure door oats l N :: : : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever handles on doors N I' II II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II , , , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace closers lY II II $150 I I I' I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I' II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a uni-sex accessible bathroan :Y , , I' $4000 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II I' II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone N , , , , I' I' I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , , , , , , , I' , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' , , , , , , I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , , I' II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II I' , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I' I' I' I' , , , , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: I' 'I I' I I' II I' I -------------------------------------------___________-------------------------------------______1 I II II II I I I I I II I =================================================================================================== l CI'lY OF SALINA TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: stage, 100 Block of south Sante Fe Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 20, 1992 Project: 4 Inspected By: Mike PetersCl'l -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, : s. I: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: Ca-rpl ete : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___1 -------------------------------------------------~-------------~---------------------------------I Install rart'()s to stage : Y :: $1000 :: : I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .~. I I I I I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II -------------------------------~-----------------~-----------------------------------------------. II II II I I II II II I -----------------------------------___________________-------------------------------------______1 I I II II II I I II II II I ----------------------------------------------------__-------------------------------------______1 I I I I II II. I I I I II I I . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II =================================================================================================== CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Gazebo - Oakdale Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 20, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 5 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- =================================================================================================: S :: Est. :: Actual :: Item IT:: Cost :: Cost :: Ca1i>lete I :================================================================================================: Install ranp and guardrail to gazebo : y :: $4500 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I II II II t II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II It , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' t I t I " " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II I' , I II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It II II II " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II t I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t I II II II " , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' II I' " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II t I II " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I " " II " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II II I' II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' , I It " , , II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II I I II II --------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------- , I II II II " " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I , I II t I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II It II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I It II I' =================================================================================================== CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITIaf PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Police Administration Building Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 20, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 6 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------___1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 S :: Est. :: Actual :: Item IT :: Cost :: Cost :: Carplete I -------------------------------------------------~---------------------------~-------------______I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Install curb cuts and rarrps : Y :.: $2000 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Add railings to front sidewalk r~ : Y :.: $500 :: : : : Reconfigure parking spaces to add accessible spaces and signage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: : N ::: I II I I II I .~., I I I .,..: I II II II I --------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------: Secure doormats at edges :N II I I II II I I II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~---- Replace door handles and )mobs with lever or loop type handles or knobs Y $1500 II II II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures :N II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N II II $400 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove sane fixed seats in the court roan for wheelchair seating area I $500 I I I . Y I I I I ~~> I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower ccnmter sections to 34" :Y II II $500 II II II II > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add non-slip surface to front stairs Y II II $750 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install audible and visible signals to elevator IN II II $1500 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower elevator call buttons N II II $500 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install braille markings next to buttons - elevator IN II II $100 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add raised seats to toilets : Y II $200 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace faucet handles IY II II $100 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, with signage volune control and N induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place cane detectable barriers around water fomtain Y II II $150 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II '1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I I' II II =================================================================================================== . CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Memorial Hall Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 20, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 7 ----------------------------------------------- =================================================================================================: : S :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: ~lete I ================================================================================================= The exterior rarfl)S landing RUSt be enlarged :y II II $2000 It It II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Railings for the exterior ramp RUSt be replaced y I I II $1000 I I t I t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I I It $500 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add short raJ'lil/level to side doors :y II II $1200 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure doornats at edges N , I , I I I I I I I t t ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace door handles and knobs with lever or loop type handles or knobs y I I I II It II $1800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures N , I II $500 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace 2 interior ranps I Y:: $1000 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add non-slip surface to stairs : Y :: $1500 : I : I ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ Add handrail to stairs : y :: $600 :: : I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install audible and visible signals to elevator :N II II $1500 It It II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace stall knobs with lever type :y II II $100 t I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace faucets : y :: $200 :: :: I ------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------______' N :: : : II I I II I I II I I I J I I Install accessible phone with signage, vohme control and induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place cane detectable barrier around water fountain : y :: $150 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I II I II II It ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ I II I I II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ----------------------------------------------------_____________________________________________J I II I t II I I II II II I ----------------------------------------______________-------------------------------------______1 I I I I I It 1 I I I II II I ------------------------------------__________________-------------------------------------______1 1 II II II I II II II I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . CI'lY OF SALINA - 'l"RANSITION PIAN Location: Lakewood Park and Lodge --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Project: 8 Item ================================================================================================= : S.: :,T : Est. Cost I I II I I I I Actual Cost I I II I I II CCJ'li)lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all public spaces Le. restroans, shelter house, playground areas, nature trails and fishing areas I I l .'1 I I y $10000 Install curb rarrps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I y II II $3000 I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- North restroom building: Lower toilets Reconfigure wanens restroom for manuvering area Install accessible signage Lower urinal y y N Y $1000 $500 $100 $200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Shelters: Install accessible tables Install accessible signage N N $1000 $100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I :1 South restroom building: Lower urinal Install accessible signage y N $200 $100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lodge Bui lding: Install a curb ramp Install handicapped parking with signage Install handicapped restroom Raise lowered floor in main roan. Relocate all activities to main floor. May require conversion of garage Make other levels Ell'Ployee only y N Y Y N $500 $5000 Install accessible phone with signage, vol\lne control and induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N II II II II II I I II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II --------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I II I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY' OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN Location: Jerry Ivey Park --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Project: 9 Item S T ================================================================================================= Est. Cost t I II It t I :: Actual :: Cost II II I I II C~lete ================================================================================================= Install curb raJ'lt)S y II t I $1500 I I I I II II Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, Le., shelters, bathroans, playground areas, and tennis courts, etc. y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2500 Install handicapped parking and signage N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II II $700 I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage on all buildings N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $500 Install wheelchair accessible seating areas for playground and tennis courts y II II $200 I I I I , , II t '1 I I I I Install accessible tables N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II If II II $1500 II If ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure wanens restroan for mmuvering areas : Y :: $1500 :: : : : -----------------------------------------_____________-------------------------------------______1 I Install grab bars in all accessible stalls : Y :: $1000 :: :: : ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------: Install raised seats on all ,accessible stall toilets : Y :: $500 :: : : l Replace lavatories :Y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: II , I tf II $800 If If Lower urinals :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II If II II $400 I I II Install accessible drinking fountains Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II $800 t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessibl e phone, with signage volume control and induction coil N I I II , I , t It I I II 11 II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I If If II If II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If If , , , I II If I I I I " I" " " ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ t II II II I t I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II If t I II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , If II , , 11 II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If If II II , t II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II t I It I I II II " --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF SALINA .,. TRANSITlOO PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Indian Rock Park Page: 1 Date of Inspection: July 13, 1992 Project: 10 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ================================================================================================= Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost II I I II II Caq>lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures N II I I $200 I I I I I I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, i . e., shel ters, bathroans, scenic overlook, and fishing area y $5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install handicapped parking and signage :,.N :: $700 :: : : ." ---------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------- Install accessible signage on all buildings ',- : N :: $200 :: : : 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, with signage volume control and N induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables : N :: $1500 :: : : -----------___________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 Install accessible drinking fountains : Y :: $400 :: :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever )mobs : N :: $100 :: : : ~~~;ii-~;~i~-~i~-~-f;~~~-----------------------------l-;-ii--$~~~--ii---------ii- -;.-~~~-~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II I' , , , I . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , I II I' I' I' II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' , , , I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " " " '" " " ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I I I I I II I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I , I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II , , II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I " II II =================================================================================================== ;1 CITY OF SALINA - T1WfSITI~ PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Centermial Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 11 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, : S :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: Carplete : =================================================================================================l Install curb cuts and r8q)S : Y :: $1000 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 t Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, i.e., shelters, bathroCllB, playground areas, and basketball courts Y $3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install handicapped parking and signage N II I I $700 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage on all buildings N II I I $200 I I I I t I 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install wheelchair accessible seating areas : Y I I $1000 I ------------------------------------------------------------1---1 :--------l Install lever knobs : N :: $100 : I I 1______---- I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables N I I $1200 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fountains :Y II II $800 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible playground equipnent I N I: I I I I -------------------------------_____________________________1______------------------------------ I I II I I I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II I I II II II II I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II =============================================================================================::=:== . CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITIOO PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Phillips Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 12 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================= I tern s' : Tl Est. Cost Actual Cost I I II I I II Ca'rq;)lete ================================================================================================= Install curb cuts and ranps y II , I $1000 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, i.e., shelters, playground areas, etc. I ,I ,'I I I I y $3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking and signage N II II $700 I I II I' II ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- Install accessibl e drinking fountains :y II II $400 I' II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install wheelchair accessible seating areas I Y l ------------------------------------------------------------l~--: Install accessible playground equipnent : N : l $1000 I : :--------: l---------: l---------- I II II I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables N II II $1200 II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .1 II " I' I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__~___I I II II II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I I I II II I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I I I II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II I II II " ----------__________________________________________________1______------------------------------ I I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I' , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I II II , I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Steve Hawley Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 13 Inspected By: Mike Peterson =================================================================================================: : S :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: CCJ1'I)lete : =================================================================================================: Install curb cuts and rart'Q;)s l Y :: $1000 :: : : : 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, i.e., shelters, playground areas, etc. Y $3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking and signage N II II $700 I' II I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fountains Y I I I I $400 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install wheelchair accessible seating areas : Y I -----------------___________________________________________1___1 . , Install accessible playground equipnent : N : : $1000 : 1______--, , I I I I I I I 1______---- I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables N II II $1200 I' II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " II I II II ., ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II ., II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ----------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II 1.1 II II ------------------------------------------------------------l---------------------------~-------- I II II II I II I' II ----------------------------------------------------------------::--------7:---------::---------- ., I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I ., II II ,. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------: II .1 II I II II I I I -----------------------------------------_____________-------------------------------------______1 , I' f I I I I I I I I II I ::===:=========================:========:=:======================================================== . CIT! OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Hawthorne Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 Project: 14 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Est. COst Actual COst CCITQ?lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install curb cuts and rarrps y : t $1000 II 1 I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, ~.e., shelters, playground areas, etc. y $3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking and signage . t.,'N :: $700 :: : : ---------------------------------------------------------~~------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fountains :y II I I $400 I I II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install wheelchair accessible seating areas : Y I ------------------------------------------------------------:---: Install accessible playground equipnent : N : : $1000 : 1________1 I I I I I I I I 1______---- I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables N II II $1200 t t I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I t I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I t I II II .1 I I I I I I -...... 'I ------------------------------------------------------------:---77--------77---------77--7-~i?~--! I 'I II 'I t ---------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------______I 1 II II I' I I II II II I ----------------------------------____________________-------------------------------------______1 , I I I I I II 1 I II t I II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I . I I I I I f I I II II II I --------------------------------------___________________________________________________________t I I I I I I I II t I II I ---------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------------------l I I t II II I I t I II t I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I II II II I I II I I II I ---------------------------------------____________________________________________________~_____t I I I II II I I II I' II I -----------_________________________________________________1______------------------------______1 I I I I I I I II I II tit I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 , I I II II t I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I t, I' t, II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I 1 I It II II II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: SUnset Park and Baseball Fields Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 13, 1992 Project: 15 Inspected By: Mike Peterson =================================================================================================: : s :: Est. :: Actual :: Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: ~lete ~=;~=~~=;:~~=~~=~;=~:~=~~~:;~;~~=~;=~~===========~=~=~~=$;~~~==~~=========~~========== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, :Y II II $2000 I I t I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure raJ'l'l)S for walkway along the stream :Y II It $500 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking and signage :N II II $700 II II t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fountains :Y I I I I $1800 I I I' t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install 36" wide entrances to tennis courts, basketball courts and horseshoe pits Y $750 I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible playground equipnent :N , t II , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables :N II II $2400 I' II t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage : N :: $600 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ Adjust or replace door closures : N :: $200 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install grab bars in stalls lY II , I $800 II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install raised seats in stalls IY II I. $400 I' I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace lavatories :Y II II $800 " I. II t I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, with signage volune control and N induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace mirrors IY II II $200 II II t I " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs :Y II II $100 II II t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I It II I I II I I --__________________________________________________________1____________________________________1 I I II II II I II t I It I ----__________________________~_______________________-------------------------------------______1 I II I' II I t I II I t I -----_________________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I II II II , II I t II I ---___________________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I I " I' II I I I I I I II I ------________________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I II I I II I II II II I =================================================================================================== . CITY OF SALINA TRANSITIOO PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Bill Burke Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 13, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 16 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------_1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, : 5 :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T':: Cost :: Cost :: Carplete : -------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------__1 ------------------------------~-------------------,-----------------------------------------------, Install paved pathways to all ball fields and provide paved : Y :: $4500 :: : : : areas for wheelchair seating : : : : : : : : Replace ramp to north shelter house -------------------------------------------------~-------~:-~------------------------------------: Y I I II $200 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure raJli)S to dike :Y II II $3000 t I II II II , . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , . Reconfigure parking lot to provide accessible spaces IN II II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fomtains :Y I I I I $400 I I I I t I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage :N II II $1000 II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables in shelter houses IN II II $1200 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of the ccnmter to 34" N II II $300 II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures : N :: $100 :: : I ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ Remve obstructions to 36" pathway in restroans : Y I: $100 :: I : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace lavatories :Y II II $400 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install paddle handle on faucets :N II , I $100 I I II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessibl e phone, with signage vol una control and induction coil N II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs IN II II $100 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------:---------------~-------------------- I I II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II -------------------------------------------------~~----------------------------------------------, I II II II I 'II I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1---- . CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: East Crawford Recreation Area Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 13, 1992 Inspected By: Hike Peterson Project: 17 ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost Ca'rq;llete ================================================================================================= Reverse door swing for wanensrestroan stall door in : Y :: $1000 :: : : concession building : : : : : :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 Install accessible signage for all roams N II II $400 II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace or raise tables N II II $1200 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure parking lot to provide accessible spaces N II I I II I I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fountains Y II I I $600 I I I I II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage for parking N II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs on all accessible bathroan stalls N I' II $200 II I I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of the counter to 34" N I' II $300 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures : N :: $300 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------:----------------------~------------- Rearrange chairs and tables to provide 36" aisles : N :: $0 :: :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs N II II $200 II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower all hand dryers to 48" or less : Y l: $200 :: l : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 Install accessible phone, with signage vol\llle control and N induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ I' II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .1 I II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , I' II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . CITr OF SALIHA: TRANSITICft PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Kenwood Park by railroad train Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 ----------------------------------------- " Project: 18 Inspected By: Mike Peterson =================================================================================================: S :: Est. :: Actual :: Item t T :: Cost :: Cost :: Ca1'f;)lete , =================================================================================================' Install accessible playground equipment N 1.1 It I I " I I It , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an accessible path of travel to all publip areas, Le., shelters, bathroars and playground areas, etc y t 1 t I I I I I II t I $2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install handicapped parking and signage ,..,." l' N t I t I $700 I I II I I It ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add raised toilet seats NIl It $200 It It I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, with signage volume control and induction coil N $500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables N II II $1200 II II It II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure wanens rest roan for nanuvering areas y II II $500 It II I' t I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- Install accessible handles for bathroan IN:: $100 :: : I.,;,:?::.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------~---------------~-~~---: Replace mirrors IN:: $100 :: :: : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I Install accessibl e signage IN:: $200 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------______1 I I II II II II II ----------~------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' II II II t I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' I II II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I t I I' II I II II II -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I I t, II II II -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- II I' I' II t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II t t II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I , I II II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIT! OF SALINA - TRMfSITIaf PLAN Location: Oakdale Park --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- . July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Project: 19 Item S T ================================================================================================= , I I' I I I I Est. Cost Actual Cost I I II II II CaJi)lete ================================================================================================= Install curb ral'l'PS :Y I I I I $3000 I I I I II II Install an accessible path of travel to all public areas, Le., shelters, bathroans, ice rink, playground areas, formal gardens and tennis courts etc. Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $10000 I I II II II II Install handicapped parking and signage N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II $700 I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signs on all bridges N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, with signage volume control and induction coil N II II $200 I I I I I I I I Install accessible tables IN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' $500 II II $2400 I I , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install 36" wide entrance to tennis courts :Y II II $400 II I' I' I' Install lY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II lever knobs for bathroan II II $300 I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace mirrors : N :: $200 t I I I I' I' - Install accessible signage :N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II It $600 I I I I Adjust or replace door closures Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' , , , , $200 II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add grab bars where needed :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I Raise toilet seats lY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' Replace lavatories II " $200 : Y :: $1000 II II $300 II II I' I' II I I I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible dri.nking fountain Lower dispensers : Y :: $200 :: : l ----~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Y :: $1200 II I' II II Install wheelchair accessible seating areas for playground and courts Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2000 I I I I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' , I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II I' II , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II I I I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I t I I I II II II =================================================================================================== " C1'n OF SALINA - TRANSITIaf PLAN Location: Municipal Golf Course ---------------------------------------~----------_/ Date ~f Inspection: July 14, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Project: 20 Itern S : T ': =================================================~===============================================1 Actual Cost CCJ1i)lete Est. Cost I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install curb rant?s Lower a section of cO\mter to 34" rnaxinun y y :: $1000 II II $250 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rearrange chairs and tables to provide 36" aisles IN: : $0 : : : : , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I Install handicapped parking and signage IN:: $700 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I Install 1 ever knobs y II II $300 I I I I I I I I Install accessible phone, with signage volune control and induction coil N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $500 Install accessible tables N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I : ~ II II $400 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a uni-sex accessible bathroan in the clubhouse :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Install accessible drinking fO\mtain : y :: II II $4000 II II II II II II Bathroan - install accessible signage N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $800 II II $200 II II Install accessible signage N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II $600 II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Add grab bars where needed :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Raise toilet seats l Y :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Replace lavatories lY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Widen bathroan entrance doors :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I $500 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $1000 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .$500 II II $800 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $800 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I. II II II II I I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II I I II --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Thanas Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 21 =================================================================================================: : S :: Est. :: Actual : : : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: carplete ================================================================================================= Install accessible tables N II II $1200 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible playground equipment N I I II I I I I II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I I I I $200 , I II , I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install grab bars for accessible stalls I Y :: $500 :: : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I I Lower urinal Y II I I $200 I' I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, with signage volume control and induction coi I N $500 I , II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace lavatories : Y :: $500 II II I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible path of travel to: restroars, shelters round house and playground area Y $2000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :N I' II $200 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I II I II II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I' II II I' II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I II I --------------------------------------------------------------------------, I II I II I II I II l---------l :---------- I II , 'I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' I I II II II < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , , II I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 'I II II I II 'I II , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. I II I I II I I II I I II I ---------_____________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I II II II I II II II I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ \ CI'lY OF SALINA i TRANSITICfi PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Salina SWtmming Pool Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 14, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 22 ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , : S :: Est. :: Actual : : : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: Carplete : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Install accessible signage : N :-: $200 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Install a rarrp for path of travel : y :": $3000 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking with signage :N II II 1 I I I 'I II ------------------------------------------_______J____________~---------------------------------- Install accessible entrance gates .,. ty I' II $1000 I' I I 'I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add a non-slip surface to stair treads N II I I $200 I' I I I I 1 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone, .with signage volume control and induction coil N $500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install hand rails for stairs : y :: $750 :: : : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--I Add lift plate for wading pool : y :: : : : : : -------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------------~~-~~: Install a uni-sex accessible bathroan with shower .. I Y I: $4000 :: J ::~. ~~~~:_ ~: -------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------~~~.~._-_. Install an accessible drinking fO\mtain :y I I II $400 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure mats at edges N II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible table N I I II $1200 1 I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace existing curb ramp y I I II $500 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible lockers N II II $500 , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of counters to 34" maxinun I Y :: $500 : --------------------------------------------------------------------------l I II I I II I I II I II :---------l :---------- I II I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I " I I I 1 I II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I II II II I I II I' II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I II I I II I I I I II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I I I I I I I , I I I I II I =================================================================================================== ~ CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: LlI1\ Felton Park Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 11, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 23 ----------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================= Item S T II II II I I Est. Cost :: Actual :: Cost I I II I I II CCJ'li)lete ================================================================================================= Install accessible path of travel :y II II $1000 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessibl e parking wi th signage N II II I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible tables and seating area :y II II $1500 I I I I t I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II t I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t I II II t I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II t I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I II II II I I II II II I ----------------------------------------------________-------------------------------------______1 I I I I I \I I I I II I I II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 II II I II II II --------------------------------------------------------------------------::---------1 :---------- I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II t I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II t I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II ----------------------------------------------------------_______________________________________1 I II II II I II II II I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I I I I I I I I II II II I =================================================================================================== I ! . CI'lY OF SALINA ~ TRANSITION PLAN Location: Carver SWimning Pool --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 14, 1992 July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 24 Item S T ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Est. Cost Actual Cost CCJ'lillete Install accessible signage Nil II $200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a rarrp for path of travel -,' I I Y II II $3000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' Install accessibl e parking wi th signage N II II I I I I I I II I I II Bevel entrance door threshold Y It II $150 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add a non-slip surface to stair treads N II II $200 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~------ Install accessible phone with signage, volume control and induction coil N $500 1 I I I , I t I Install hand rails for stairs II I' $750 ----------------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------1 I ; , lY II I' I' , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lift for pool II II $1000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II IY Install a uni-sex accessible bathroom with shower : Y:: $4000 II I I II II II II Install an accessible drinking fcnmtain II II $400 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II lY II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure mats at edges N II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' I I I I II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II . II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I II I II I --------------------------------------------------------------------------l I II I I II I I' I I' :---------::---------- , II I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t I II II II II II I I II II II I II II II I -----------------------------------------_____________-------------------------------------______1 I II I I I I I I I II I I I II II II --------------------------------------------_____~____-------------------------------------______1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I " I I I I I II II =================================================~================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PIJ\N July 24, 1992 Location: carver Center Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 14, 1992 Inspected By: Hike Peterson Project: 25 ----------------------------------------------- =================================================================================================: : 5 :: Est. :: Actual :: Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: Ca'li>lete ================================================================================================= Install curb ranps y II I I $1000 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking with signage N II II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure doormats at edges N I I II I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install 1 ever )mobs I Y :: $200 :: : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Adjust or replace door closures : Y l: $200 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I I II $200 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place cane detectable barrier around water fountain y II , I $100 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone with signage, volune control and N induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of ceunttar to 34" maxinun : Y :: $250 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ Install lever )mobs on stalls : Y :: $100 :: :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust toitet seat N 'I II $50 II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' I II I I 'I ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I II II I' 'II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , II I' II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II II =================================================================================================== . CITY OF SALINA -. TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Dean Evans stadiun Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 14, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 26 ================================================================================================= Item S T ESt. Cost :: Actual :: Cost I I II II II C~lete ================================================================================================= Install accessible table N II It $600 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking with signage N I I I i I I II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add non-slip surface to stairs Y II II $800 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs for doors and stalls . J.'Y :: $200 :: : : --------------------------------------------------------~~~------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures Y II II $200 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N II II $200 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of counter to 34" maxinun Y II II $250 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone with signage, volume control and N induction coil ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible drinking fountain : Y :: $400 :: : :. -., . -------------------~----------------------------------------!---::--------::---------::-~-~~~--- I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II I I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II I' II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II II I II II II ----------------------------------------------------------~-:------------------------------------ I I I I I II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II I' II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II I' II II ----------------------________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I I I I I I I I II II II I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CI'n OF SALINA - TRANSITICfi PIAN July 24, 1992 Location: Friendship Center Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 14, 1992 Project: 27 Inspected By: Mike Peterson =================================================================================================: : s :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: COOl>lete : =================================================================================================: Install curb rart;) : Y :: $1000 :: : : -----~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking with signage N I I I I I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I I II $200 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install I ever knobs :Y I I II $200 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures :y II I I $100 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure mats at edges N I I II I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of comter to 34" maxinun :Y II II $250 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone with signage, volune control and N induction coil -----____________________________________________________________________________________________t Install accessible drinking fomtain : Y :: $800 :: :: ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ Repair or replace rarrps : Y :: $3000 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs for stalls :Y II I I $100 II I I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower toilet seats :N II II $100 I I I I II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace lavatories : Y :: $1000 I I I I II I' II II I I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' I' , I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I I II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------. I I' II 'I I II I I II II II II I I I' , , I' II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I II II ====~============================================================================================== . CI'IY OF SALINA '7' TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, Recreation Offices Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 28 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================= Item S : T .: Est. Cost Actual Cost Replace inaccessible knobs with lever type y II I I $180 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reaarange furnishings to provide nBnuvering roan, ':mail slo.ts'l' Y :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I Install accessible signage N II II $100 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone N II II $800 II II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I I' II ,I I II I I II 1 -----------------------------____________________2_______________________________________~-------: I I I I I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------l 'II II II I I II II II ,I, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II , , -------------------------------------------------~T---------------------------------------------- II 'I II I II II II --------------------------------------------------,----------l------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II --------------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------- I II II II " I II II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I II II II I I I. II '1 I --------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------______' , I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I I I 1 I . I I '1 II I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I L CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITICIf PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, H\.I'I1im Relations Office Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 29 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- =================================================================================================' Item S T II , I , , I I Est. Cost :: Actual :: Cost I I I I " " Carplete ================================================================================================= Install I ever knobs y II II $90 I I " I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Relocate reception area desk to provide a 36" route N I I II $0 I I I I " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage Nil II $100 I I I I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone N II II $800 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II "I II II ------------------------------------------------------------:----------------------------~------- I II II II I II " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II " II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - . II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------:-------------------~---------------- I II II II '" I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II " , I , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II , I , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II I I II II " =================================================================================================== . CITY OF SALINA TRANSITION PIAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, Finance Office Page: 1 Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 Project: 30 Inspected By: Mike Peterson -------------------------------------------------~____-------------------------------------------1 -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------1 Item S T I II I I II Est. Cost :: Actual :: Cost I I II I I I I CaT()lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install lever knobs lY II II $270 II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rearrange furniture to allow 18" of clear wall space either side of doors N $0 ------------------------------------------------------------~~----------------------------------- Install a text telephone .....,... " I , N II II $800 II , I II II Install accessible signage N II II $100 I I I' II II Lower a section of counter space to a ItBxinun of 34" , , , I I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I' I' ----------------------------------------------------j--------------------------------------~~~-~~ I I I I I , .: I I I I I I I '.. /'i.'- ---------------------------_________________________________,___________________________~~3~~___ I I I I II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' I I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . , II I I II II II II I' , I II II II II II II I I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II II II , I II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'I I I II I I' 'I 'I ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------ I I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II I' II --____________________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I I I I I , I I II " I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I ._.i1 CI'lY OF SALINA - 'l'RANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, Personnel Office , Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 31 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- =================================================================================================: 5 :: Est. :: Actual :: Item IT:: Cost :: Cost :: CaTi>lete , =================================================================================================: Install I ever Imobs : y :: $60 : : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I Al ter wall hung desks for proper Imee space : N :: $100 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I Install accessible signage IN:: $100 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Install a text telephone N I I II $800 , I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II I I I I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II '1 II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------: I I I II II I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: II II II I II II II I -------------------------------------------------_____-------------------------------------______1 I I , I I I II I I I I II I' , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l I II II II I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , II II II I I I I I f I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CI'1Y OF SALINA ..:. TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, city Manager's Office Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 32 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------11 -------------------------------------------------~-------------~---------------------------------I : S :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T.:: Cost :: Cost :: Carplete : -------------------------------------------------..:.-----------------------------------------------1 ---------------------------------------~---------~-----------------------------------------------. Reaarange seating in conference roan to allow for!wheelchairl N :: $0 : : : : : seatl' ng , I I I I I , I I I I' I' II 'II I' I' ., II I' 'I ---------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I' I' $50 I I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone N II II $800 1 I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure and remove fixed seating in the City Commission roan to allow wheelchair seating y $1500 . , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace or raise tables in conference roam for knee space ----------------------------_____________________1_______________________________________________ N II , I $500 II I I II II II II II I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II , 'I II II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I 'I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II , I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I' , I , . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' " II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II I' , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I I II I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ I II II II I II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I I II I I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I I I I I I I II I I =================================================================================================== CITY OF SALINA - TRMSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, Water and Sewarge Office Page: 1 Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 Project: 33 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost I I II I' II CQ'li)lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move furnishings (desk and chairs ih lobby) to provide a 36" path of travel to all areas accessed by the public N $0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N II II $50 I' I I , , II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone N II , I $800. I I I I I I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install I ever handles on door Jmobs y , I , I $50 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace desk in lobby area to provide Jmee space N I I , I $400 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lower a section of counter to a rraximum of 34" N , I , , $210 I I II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I I II II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I I II II II I I II I I II I ____________________________________________________________1______------------------------------, I I I II II I I I I II II II I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------______I , 'II I' II I I 'I II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: I I I I II I I II II II I --------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------------------, II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II -------------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------, II II I' I' II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! I:: :: :: ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I I I II II I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I II II 'I I II II _ II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l I II I' I' I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l I II II II I I II II II , -----------------------------_________________________-------------------------------------______1 I II I I " I 'I I I I' I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I---~ ! . CI'1Y OF SALINA TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 300 West Ash, Planning and Community De~elopment Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 . , ----------------------------------------- Project: 34 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ==================================================1===============================================; Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost I I I I I I I I CCJ'I1?lete ================================================================================================= Install accessible signage N II I.~ $50 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone N I I I ~ $800 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install 1 ever handles on door knobs y I I , I $50 I I I I II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II . ...... I I I I I I ---------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- I I I " I I I I I " I I --------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------______1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I " I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I " II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I I I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------:---~~--------~~---------~~-;~-~~--I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II II II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I " II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II " I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ I I I II I I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I " II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I II " I I I I I II ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I =================================================================================================== ~ . CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Spillman Plaza, 200 Block of South Sante Fe Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 15, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 35 Inspected By: Mike Roberts ----------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================= Item S T I I , I I I II Est. Cost I I II I I I I Actual Cost I I II II II Carplete No changes required ================================================================================================= I I II I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II , I , I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I It II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I It I I " It I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' " II , , II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II , I " II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I , , II II " It --------------------------------------______________________1______------------------------------ I I , , " I' I " I I t, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II It I I II II , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' , , I' , , , I , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II II I " II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 II II It , , , , I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , I II , , I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I I " II " ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ II II , I II It , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , , I I " II , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It It II , , , , , , -----~~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II I' I I I I II It ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--- II II II II II , I ~================================================================================================== . . CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITICU PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 100 Block of South Sante Fe, Arcade Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 15, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Roberts Project: 36 ===============================================================~=================================: ItEm S T Est. Cost :: Actual :: Cost I I II II II Carplete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No changes required I I I I I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I ~..' I I I II I I II II II -------------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I II II I II II II -------------------------------_______________________-------------------------------------______1 I C I I I I I II" I I II II II I ---------------------------------------_______________-------------------------------------______1 I I I II I I I , , II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' I' II II II -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~- II I' I' I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I II I I II I II II II ---------------------------------------~--------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II , I' II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II' I I II II II -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- " I' II , I I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II -----------------------~-------------------------~----------:-----------------------------------_. I II II " , I' I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I. II II II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' I I II II II =================================================~================================================= CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITIOO PLAN Location: 100 Block, South 7th Restroans, eastside Date of Inspection: June 30, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Roberts . '- July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Project: 37 Item 5 T ================================================================================================= I I It t I II Est. Cost I I II I I II Actual Cost I I I I I I I I Carplete ================================================================================================= Install accessible signage N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It II Place cane detectable barrier around water fountain Y II II $50 I I II II II I I It Adjust or replace door closures N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I t I II $150 I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add railings to rart;)s longer than 6' Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II Add non-slip surface material to rClq)S N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II Install lever or loop handles on entrance doors Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It I I Reconfigure wanens restroan to provide manuvering space :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' Replace toilet seat/toilet :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Adjust or replace lavatory lY ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------ I I II $125 1/ t I I I II II II I I I I II I I II II I I II II 'I I I I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I I I t I 'I I I' I I II II II $300 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $100 I I II It II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I It $100 I I II t I , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $500 , , II II I' I' II II I II , I I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. II , , $250 II II II I' II II I' II II II $150 II I' II II I I II It II I' , , I' II II II II I' II II I' I " II II ____________________________________________________________1______------------------------------ I 'II I , It 'II II I' II t, I I II II II -_____________________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I t I II II I " I' I' I ______________________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I I' I I I-I I It' II II I ------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------. I I I I I I I I II I' I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I . 4 crn OF SALINA ...; TRl\NSITION PIAN July 24, 1992 Location: 200 Block, South 7th Restroams, Page 1: Date of Inspection: July 15, 1992 , ----------------------------------------- Project: 38 Inspected By: Mike Roberts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost I I II I I I I CCJI'i)lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I I II $50 I I I I II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place cane detectable barrier around water fountain y I I I' $150 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures IN:: $125 :: : : -------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------I Replace thresholds ..~ ': N :: $175 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace lavatory y I I I' $150 I I I' I I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install 1 ever or loop handl as on entrance doors y I' I' $100 II I' I I I' ---------------~---------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- Reconfigure wanens rastroan to provide manuvering.. space y I I , I $500 I' II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace toilet seat/toilet :y II II $250 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , I , I II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~--~. : : : : : :: ..~.;,.r:- : ------------------------------------------------------______I______---------------------~~_~___I I I I II II II I 'II II 'I I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ I I I I I II I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: I II I I I' I I" " " I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: I II I I 'I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II , I , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , I' II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I I II II II ____________________________________________________________1______------------------------------ I I I I I' II I II 'I II -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------------, II II II II , I , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II I I I I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I I II I I I I I I I' =================================================================================================== . crn OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 ~ocation: 145 North 5th, Restroans Page 1: --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 10, 1992 Project: 39 Inspected By: Mike Roberts ================================================================================================= Item 5 T I I II II II Est. Cost I I I I I I II Actual Cost I I II I I II Carplete ================================================================================================= Install accessible signage :N I I II $100 I I II I. II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add grab bars :Y II II $100 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;.liden doorways and replace closers : Y l: $500 :: : I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. I I Raise seat :Y II II $250 I I II II II ----------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------- Replace lavatory :y II I I $200 I I I. II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provide handicapPed parking stalls N II II $500 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure interior to provide manuvering space lY II II $500 II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remove brick wall IY II II $500 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install raRll railings : Y :: $200 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I II I I II I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II t I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I t II II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II I I I I I I II II I ---------------_______________________________________-------------------------------------______1 I ============================================================l===ll========ll======:~~:~~~~~=====l= .1 . ~ CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 100 North South Sante Fe, Arcade Rest Roan Page: 1 Date of Inspection: July 13, 1992 Project: 40 Inspected By: Mike Roberts -----------------------------------------------. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Itern S T Est. Cost Actual Cost Canplete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No changes required I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,r . I I I I I I I II I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II I I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I II II I I I ------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------: I 1/ I I I I I I I I II II ..1 -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------~~ I I I II I I I I II II II I ------~------------------------------------------------------------------~-----------------------: I 'I II II I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I I I I I I' I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I, I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II II , , I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I , I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I I I II II I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I II I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " II I I I I II I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ii il .. CIT!' OF SALINA - TRANSITICff PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: 100 South 5th Restroom Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 10, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 41 Inspected By: Mike Roberts ----------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================= Item S T I I II II I' Est. Cost :: Actual :: Cost I I I I I I I I ~lete ================================================================================================= Place cane detectable barrier around water fountain y II I I $150 II , I I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add accessible signage N , I , I $100 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible handles y I' II $100 II I I II , I ---------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace door closures y II II $200 I I , I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add raised seats - toilets :y II I I $200 I I II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust lavatory y II I' $50 II I I , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------ II II II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II 'I 'I I I I II I I ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I , I I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I 1,1 II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , , II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'I I I 'I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------1------------------------------------ , , I II II I II I I 'I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I' II II II =================================================================================================== T-. . CI'l'f OF SALINA 7 '1'RANSITIOO PLAN Location: Bi-centennial Center --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: Hay, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Roberts, Mike Peterson and Jim Gross July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Project: 42 Item S T ================================================================================================= Est . Cost :: Actual :: Cost II I' I' I' CatIllete ================================================================================================= Add railings to all inside rarII)S IY ----~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' Add non-slip texture to rarrps N I r $1600 , t , , $800 \1 \1 I' 1\ 1\ I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reconfigure park1.ng lots for proper n1.l11ber, size and location of accessible spaces : N : , I \ ,,' II I' . .' -------------------------------------------------~--------~~------------------------------------- Install accessible signage at all entrances for noting ',' : N I: $200 :: :: if entrance is accessible/where the accessible entrance is: : : : : : : Install proper accessible signage for parking spaces N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .\ II , \ , I $200 II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ Install visual fire alarm system :N ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------- II II $1000 II \1 II II Adjust or replace all door closures. Restroan first priority: Y :: $1250 :: :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Secure all doormats at edges : N :: $240 :: : : ' : -------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------~~-~.I Install cane detectable barrier around all obstacles : Y :: $500 :: :: ;,;;}-~": ---------------~---------------------------------;----------:---------------------------~-~~---I Accessible interior signage, height and braille IN:: $2000 :: :: , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Relocate all controls. rrax. of 54", min. of 15", closed fist: Y :: $2000 :: : : Rearrange furniture, provide 36" aisle, wheelchai~ seating :N -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- II II II II $0 II II , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rerrove fixed seating in arena, install accessible seating :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Install nan-slip texture to all stairs, arena first priority: N II II $15000 II II I' II II II Install call button for arena lift :N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I' II , , $1500 II II --------------------------------------------------~------~--------------------------------------- Install audible and visible signals to elevator :N , I , , $300 II , I , , II Lower elevator call buttons N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' I' II II $1500 II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , II $500 Replace inaccessable bathroan stall mobs/accessible stalls, N :: $180 : I :: -------------------------------------------------~----------:-------------------------~---------- Install accessible lavatories in all public bathroans : Y :: $1100 :: : : Reconfigure stall partitions for ground floor lobby toilets Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I \ , II II $800 , I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install paddle type faucet handles N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $300 II , I II I' , Lower or replace food warming carts w/ accessible .iunits/34" , N II $1000 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------______1 'l I : Y :: $5000 :: : : : Reconfigure r~ to dressing roan area =================================================~================================================= . ~ CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Fire Station #3 Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 43 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- =================================================================================================: : S :: Est. :: Actual :: : Item : T :: Cost :: Cost :: CCJlt)lete : =================================================================================================: Add non-slip surface to raJti)S : N :: $100 :: : : : ---------------------------------------------------___-------------------------------------______1 I Install handicapped parking with signage N , I II $1000 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N II , I $200 , I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install 1 ever knobs Y II II $200 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure doomats at edges N II II $50 II I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures Y II II $200 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install visible alarms :Y I I II $300 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an elevator lY II II $70000 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install an uni-sex accessible bathroom : Y:: $3000 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II . I I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------:------------------------------------ I II I I II I " " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' I I II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' I' II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , , , I' , , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' I' II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I' I' , I , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , , /I I II " II ____________________________________________________________1______------------------------------ I I /I , , /I I II " 'I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I I' I' , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' I' I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I I I I I II II =================================================================================================== i"" . ~ CI'rr OF SALINA .. TRANSITION PIAN July 24, 1992 Location: Fire Station #1 Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson Project: 44 =================================================~=============~=================================: : S :: Est. :: Actual :: I Item l T.l: Cost :: Cost :: ~lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install new parkinq area, existinq slope too great N II II $3000 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage I ; 1 N II II $200 II II II II --------------------------------------------------------~~~-------------------------------------- Secure doomats at edges IN:: $50 : : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Adjust or replace door closures : Y :: $200 l: : : : -------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------~----l Rearrange furnishinqs to provide 36" clear opening : N :: $0 : : : : . : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7------: Install non-slip treads to stairs : N :: $400 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: Install an accessible water fcnmtain : Y :: $400 :: : : : Replace door handles and knobs with lever or loop type -------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 y II II $750 II II II II ------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~--t) Install an uni-sex accessible bathroan Y :: $3000 II II II II . , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install a text telephone IN: l $800 l: :: ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ Replace doorways that don't have 32" opening : Y l l $2500 :: : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bevel thresholds that exceed 1/2" lY II II $200 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " " " I" I I II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I" " " I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II =================================================================================================== -------------------------------------------------_____-------____________________________________f I II t I II I II I I II I II .. CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITIaf PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Fire Station #4 Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 ------------------------------~---------- Project: 45 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Est. Cost Actual Cost I I II I I I I Ccrrplete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking spaces with signage N I I II $2000 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N II II $100 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secure doormats at edges N II II $50 I I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures Y II II $50 I. I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Replace door handles and knobs with lever or loop type Y II II $750 I I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I II II II I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II I II II 1.1 ----------____________________________________________-------------------------------------______1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II I ------------------------------,------------------------------:------------------------------------: I II II II I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: I II II I I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I I I II I I =================================================================================================== ,.. . . . CI'lY OF SALINA - TRANSITIaf PLAN July 24, 1992 I Location: Fire station #2 Page: 1 ---------------------------------------~----------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 46 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item S T Fat. Cost Actual Cost ~lete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- Install accessible parking spaces with signage N ': r $2000 II I' I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N I ( II $50 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install railings along sidewalk/ramps :y II II $600 I I II II II -------------------------------------------------------------~.---------------------------------- . t" Y II ,~f"" I I I $50 'I II I' , I Adjust or replace door closures ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , , II II II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I I' I' II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II II -------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------~-, I II II II I I I I II II I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~----------------:~~-~: I I I I I I I; ~.:. , I I I I I I I .. ,,;,\",;_ ---------------------------------------------------------~--:----------------------------~-~--- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , I II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I , II I II II II I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l I II II II I I II II II I -------------------------------------------------_____-------------------------------------______1 I II II II I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I I II II ------------------------------------------------------------,------------------------------------ I "I II II I II I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II I' II " " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II t I II " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' I I I I I I II =================================================~================================================= I 4__ . ~ CITY' OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Community Theatre Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 47 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ================================================================================================= Item S T II II I I I I Est. Cost I I I I I I II Actual Cost I I I I I I II Carplete ====~============================================================================================ Install accessible parking spaces with signage N I I II $2000 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N II II $400 I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install curb cuts y I I II $1000 I I I I I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures : y : :$400 :: : : I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I Lengthen rafli)s to obtain proper slope : y :: $1000 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I Install lever and paddle handles on doors : y :: $750 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 I Install visible alarms I y :: $1000 :: : : : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------______1 Elevator, retrofit to make accessible : y :: $20000 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise toilet seats : y :: $100 I I II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone with signage, volume control and N induction coi 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II I' II , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I I " II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I II I I II II I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I II II I I ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ I I I I I I I I 'II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I II I I I I II II I ----------------------------------------------________-------------------------------------______1 I II " II I I II II II I ----------------------------------------------________-------------------------------------______1 I II II II I I II II II I ---------------------------------------------_________-------------------------------------______1 I II I I II I I I I I II I --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,.. . ,~ JI CI'lT OF SALINA TRMSITlc:tt PLAN July 24, 1992 Location: Animal Shelter Page: 1 --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 ----------------------------------------- Project: 48 Inspected By: Mike Peterson ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S' Est. Actual: : Item T Cost Cost:: ~lete =================================================~=============================================== Install accessible parking spaces with signage : N :: $2000 :: :: ---------------------------------________________J_______________________________________________ Install accessible signage N II II $400 I' II II II , . ---------------------------------------------------------~--------------------------------------- Install a rarrp to create a path of travel that is!accessiblel Y :: $5000 :: : I -----------------------------------------________J_______________________________________________ ~~~:-~:-::~~:~:-~~:-~~~~~--________________J~_________:_:_::__~:~~__::_________::__________ Lower section of counter to 34" IY II II $200 I I I I II " -------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------------~- Install lever and paddle handles on doors Y " II $200 I I II II II: -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- il Relocate cO\mter to provide 18" clear space on haridle side of door Y :: I' II $750 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install manuveri.n9 area for wheelchairs at the en4 of each sidewalk for viewing of kennel areas. :i Y II II II II $1000 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provide area for wheelchair seating :N II II $0 II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II , I II -------------------------------------------------,----------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 II II II , I II II -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- I I II I I , I II II -------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------- , 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II I' II II I II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :1 ____________________________________________________________1____________________________________ ! I il 'I " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II II II , I II II II II II II , I II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II II II II II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 I I I I 'I =================================================~b=============~~========~~=========~~============ CITY OF SALINA - TRANSITION PLAN Location: smoky Hill Muse\.ll\ I --------------------------------------------------- Date of Inspection: July 23, 1992 Inspected By: Mike Peterson .; ~ . " July 24, 1992 Page: 1 Pro~ect: 49 Item S T -================================================================================================= Actual Cost C~lete Est. Cost , I I I , I I I Install accessible parking spaces with signage N ================================================================================================= I I I I I' , , $2000 I I I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible signage N , I , I $600 I' I I I I I I Add a lower rope to all display barriers N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I' , I , I $400 I' II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust or replace door closures y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II I I Lower section of counter to 34" :y I I II $500 I I II I I I I I I I I Install lever and paddle handles on doors y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I I I II II $250 I I II ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install curb cuts y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' II Add rarrps on West side of building y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I Adjust height of railing on existing rart;) to 34" y I I , I $750 , I II I I II II II II I' Secure doormats at edges N ----------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II , I II $1000 I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Install accessible phone with signage, volume control and N induction coil I I II $2500 Lower all merchandise to a naxi.rrun height of 54" N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I I , , I I II $200 $0 I I II , , , , $100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raise height of tables to 27" N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I' , I Add non-slip surface to all stairs :y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II Add accessible signage to elevator IN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I Install a uni-sex accessible bathroom on second floor , I II I I , I $200 II II $100 , , , I $100 I Y : I $2000 I I II , , II II II II II I' II Install accessible stall door handles I Y :1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II II $100 , , , I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add raised toilet seats : Y : I $100 : I : : ------------------------------------------------------------l------------------------------------ Provide accessible water fountain on second floor : Y :: $400 :: : I Add cane detectable barriers to first floor water fountain :Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . I' , , II , I $150 I I I I Move furnishings to provide 36" path of travel N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- II , I , I , , $0 I' I' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , , , I II II II II -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, I I' " II I I' I' II I ===================================================================================================