8.7 Partial Fee Waiver CITY OF SALINA RE(~LIEST FOR COMNISSION ACTION DATE TIME . ,-z/~/,q£ 4 ;,~,~ ~ .,-,. AGENDA SECTION: Administration ORI Gl NATI NG DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. 8 AGENDA: City Manager BY: Dennis M. Kissinger BY: Consideration of Waiver of Rental Charges for use of Bicentennial Center Parking Lot for a Carnival at the Tri-Rivers Fair. Background: The Commission has recently discussed this issue, among others involving the Fair Board. In past years, the City's interpretation of an earlier agreement with the Fair Board (for construction of the Bi-Center) caused us to reach the conclusion that rental charges (approximately $1,850 per year) should be assessed against the Fair Board for their use of a parking lot for the carnival activities. Other activities, such as the Mid-American Farm Expo, pay a rental charge. The Fair Board paid the rental fee in 1988, is currently delinquent for 1989, and has requested ·the Commission to waive the fee for 1990 and beyond by agreeing with their interpretation of the Bi-Center agreement (that the Fair Board should only pay actual costs). Recommended Action: Staff recommends the Commission agree to the new interpretation of the agreement, not requiring the Fair Board to pay regular rental charges for the parking lot in 1990 and beyond. The 1989 past due bills should be paid. This action does not preclude any other action you may wish to take on their request for financial support. COMMIS$ ION ACTION ~VlOTION BY SECOND BY TO: