8.2 Livestock in City Limits CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMI SS I ON ACTION DATE TIME 7/09/90 b,:O0 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Administration ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: N0. 8 City Manager NO. 2 BY: Dennis M. Kissinger BY: Ordinance 90- 9393 An ordinance amending Section 7-31(c) of the Saiina City Code and adding new section 7-35, pertaining to the keeping of livestock within the city limits. Background Current city ordinances prohibit the keeping of livestock (horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats and swine), within the city limits. Horses are allowed under certain permits, but primarily within agriculture zoned areas or those of very large properties. Recently, animal Control officials enforced this ordinance in two cases, one on North 8th Street and the other on Arapahoe Street, Two goats are currently kept on the 8th ~Street lot. The one on Arapahoe has been removed. One of the individuals charged with this violation submitted a petition to the Commission asking that' one goat be authorized to be kept as a pet by the owner of the 8th Street property. Staff was directed to research and prepare some ordinance options on this matter for Commission consideration. Our research and discussion has yielded this ordinance as an alternative for you to consider. Ol~tions 1. The Commission could defeat this ordinance, therefore leaving intact the current ordinance prohibiting keeping livestock in the city. The two goats on N. 8th Street (and any others) would have to be removed. 2. The Commission could approve this ordinance as written. This would replace the existing prohibition with a regulatory method of control, allowing the requested "one pet goat" to be kept within certain minimum requirements. I would call your attention to the fifty foot separation requirement from a neighbor's home. The current goat owner may or may not be able to meet this restriction. His goats are now kept within a few feet of a neighboring home. COMMISS ION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: I ii CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME ?/09/90 /~:00 P.M. AGENDA SECT I ON: OR I G I NAT I NG DEPARTMENT: APPROV ED FOR NO. City Manager AGENDA: . ~TEM NO. Dennis M. Kissinger BY: BY: Page 2 3. The Commission could amend this draft ordinance, either by making it more restrictive by adding other requirements, or by making it more liberal by removing requirements such as the 50 foot separation. Staff is strongly opposed to provisions which have neighboring signature requirements as the only criteria. We will be prepared to answer any further questions at the meeting. COMMISS tON ACTION HOTION BY SECOND BY TO: (Published in The Salina Journal July , 1990) ORDINANCE NUMBER 90-9393 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7-31 OF THE SALINA CODE PERTAINING TO LIVESTOCK WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND REPEALING THE EXISTING SECTION; AND ENACTING SECTION 7-35 OF THE SALINA CODE REGARDING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR KEEPING A GOAT OR SHEEP AS A HOUSEHOLD PET. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section I. That Section 7-31 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 7-31. Prohibited owning: exemptions. --__,~ (a) The owning of any wild, poisonous or vicious animal within the city limits is hereby prohibited, except for those wild animals kept under the permit of the Kansas Fish and Game Commission or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or any animal used for educational purposes. The court shall have the authority to declare an animal vicious because of the inherently dangerous nature of the animal as to persons or to other domestic animals, its history of attack or wounding of persons or other domestic animals, the seriousness of these attacks or wounds, or its potential to inflict wounds in the future. Such declaration shall be grounds for the impoundment and humane euthanizing of the animal unless, without danger to the public, the animal can be and is removed from the city within forty-eight (48) hours. If it is determined by the chief of police that an animal presents a danger to persons, such determination shall be grounds for impoundment of the animal pending the determination by the court of whether the animal is to be declared vicious. (b) The owning of any fowl, other than domestic chickens and pigeons, within the city limits is hereby prohibited, except for caged birds kept as pets within a residence structure. (c) No person shall keep or maintain any livestock, including, but not limited to horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats and swine, within the city limits except as permitted within zoning regulations; provided however, one sheep or goat may be kept by permit as a household pet in any area of the City when the requirements of Section 7-35 are met. (d), It shall be unlawful for any veterinarian within the city to fail to report to the supervisor the examination or treatment of any animal that is owned or maintained in violation of this chapter." Section 2. That Section 7-35 of the Salina Code is hereby enacted to read as follows: "Section 7-35. Requirements for keeping goat or sheep as household pet. (a) Not more than one (1) goat or sheep may be kept as a household pet in areas other than those specified in the zoning regulations. Ordinance Number~90~-9371 Adopted February 12, 1990 Section 3. That Section 7-31 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 7-31. Prohibited owning: exemptions. (a) The owning of any wild, poisonous or vicious animal within the city limits is hereby prohibited, except for those wild animals kept under the permit of the Kansas Fish and Game Commission or the United-States Fish and Wildlife Service, or any animal used for educational purposes. The court shall have the authority to declare an animal vicious because of the inherently dangerous nature of the animal as to persons or to other domestic animals, its history of attack or wounding of persons or other domestic animals, the seriousness of these attacks or wounds, or its potential to inflict wounds in the future. Such declaration shall be grounds for the impoundment and humane euthanizing of the animal unless, without danger to the public, the animal can be and is removed from the city within forty-eight (48) hours. If it is determined by the chief of police that an animaJ presents a danger to persons, such determination shall be grounds for impoundment of the animal pending the determination by the court of whether the animal is to be declared vicious. (b) The owning of any fowl, other than domestic chickens and pigeons, within the city limits is hereby prohibited, except for caged birds kept as pets within a residence structure. (c) No livestock, including but not limited to horses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, or swine, shall be owned, or maintained within the city limits, except that horses which are used for riding purposes only may be stabled within the city limits only in designated areas which have been given a special permit for the purpose by the board of commissioners. Such designated areas, for the purpose of health and sanitation, shall be under the supervision of the health officer. If at any time such designated areas shall become a nuisance or a flybreeding or rat-infested area, the health officer shall have the authority to revoke such special permit within ten (10) days after notifying the board of commissioners. (d) It shall be unlawful for any veterinarian within the city to fail to report to the supervisor the examination or treatment of any animal that is owned or maintained in violation of this chapter." Section 4. That Section 7-46 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 7-46. Animal care requirements and prohibition of animal cruelty. (a) It shall be unlawful cruelty to animals for any person to own any animal and: (1) Fail to provide such sufficient and wholesome food; potable water; shade and protection from the weather, which shall include a structurally sound, weatherproof enclosure large enough to accommodate the animal; opportunity for exercise; veterinary care when needed to treat injury or illness, unless the animal is instead humanely euthanized; or other care as is needed for the health or well-being of such kind of animal; or (b) No enclosure, pen or shelter for such goat or sheep shall be nearer than fifty feet to any building or structure used for residence purposes, other than the dwelling occupied by the owner of the animal. (c) Any such animal shall be kept in strict accordance with animal nuisance and public health laws and regulations. (d) Application for a permit to keep a goat or sheep as a household pet shall be made to the City Clerk. Such application shall contain the following information: 1. Name and residence address of the applicant. 2. Location of the premises where the animal is to be kept. 3. A diagram or plat of the premises, showing dimensions of the premises, the location of the enclosure, pen and shelter, and the distance from residence buildings, either on the same lot or on adjacent property. (e) The City Clerk shall then forward the application to the Health Inspector for a recommendation. (f) If the application is approved by the Health Inspector the City Clerk shall issue a permit to the applicant. A copy of the approved permit shall be forwarded to the Health Inspector." Section 3. That the existing Section 7-31 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: July 9, 1990 Passed: July 16, 1990 Robert E. Frank, Mayor [SEAL] ATTEST: Jacqueline Shiever, City Clerk