NE4-26-T14S-R3W (2) i .. - ~....-.,,~,.. . REBECCA SEEI1AN ' /,~,~.'''~.~~~EGISTER OF DEEDS SALINE COUNTY KANSAS ~:"/~t'O":~~S"\J.. Book: 1173 Page: 1001 \ ... r ,.... .', IJ 0' ~ . ....... rI .,~'./ Receipt -: 'IB9B6 Recording Fee: .20.00 "'''~~/ Psgee Recorded: 'I CN ~ ~ Date Recorded: 5/23/200B 3:18:09 PM c TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 30 tt. day of Ap.,." , . 2008, by and between THE LUTHERAN CHURCH-MISSOURI SYNOD FOUNDATION, TRUSTEE OF THE JOSEPH AND AUDREY KRONEBERGER CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST #2 DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 (the "Grantor"), and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, (the "City"): WITNESSETH: The Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the City, a temporary construction easement in, through, over, and across a certain portion ofland owned by the Grantor, as legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit B (the "Temporary Easement"), for all rights of ingress and egress of the City, its employees, contractors, and franchisees, for the purpose of matching grade between project improvements and improvements such as driveways and sidewalks, for a term of two (2) year commencing with the date of this indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has signed this Temporary Construction Easement this 3,'fl. day of At'; , . 2008. SYNOD THE LUTHERAN CHURCH-MISSOURI v FOUNDATION, TRUSTEE OF THE JOSEPH ANDAUDREY KRONEBERGER CHARITABLE REMAINDER UNITRUST #2 DATED SEPTEMBER 29, 2005 By ~~~,v T. J. An , Sr. V. P. Customer Support By ~ . Book: 1173 Page: 1002 STATE OF MISSOURI, COUNTY OF SAINT LOUIS, ss: This instrument was subscribed, sworn to, and acknowledge before me on ~ , 2008, by T. J. Angus and Wayne R. Price, as Sr. V. P. Customer Support an Assistant Secretary for The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Foundation., Truste~ of the Joseph and Audrey Kroneberger Charitable Remainder Unitrust #2 dated September 29, 2005. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal the day and year last above written. J. SUSANN ROSALES Notary Public - Notary Seal State of Missouri Commissioned for St louis County My Commission Expires: September 06, 2010 Commission Number: 06936037 ~~~~ otary Public [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-l437e(a)(13)] -2- .. . Book: 1173 Page: 1003 Owner: LCMS Foundation, Trustee of the Joseph and Audrey Kroneberger Charitable Remainder Unitrust #2 dated September 29, 2005 Broadway BoulevardIHageman Avenue Intersection Project # 85 U-2109-01 TEMPORARY EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tractofland located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 14 South, Range 3 West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said Northeast Quarter, thence on an assumed bearing ofN 8go48'16" W, along the North line of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of 1304.19 feet to a point 17.00 feet perpendicular east from the centerline of Hageman Avenue extended; Thence S 0OO10'4T' E, along a line parallel with and 17.00 feet perpendicular distance east from saidHageman Avenue centerline, a distance of262.82 feet to the point of beginning; Thence N ggo52'30" E a distance of 16.45 feet; Thence S ??oo7'30" E a distance of39.56 feet; . Thence N 43 0 13 '35" W, a distance of 24.05 feet to a point being 17.00 feet perpendicular distance east from the centerline of Hageman Avenue; Thence N 00010'4T'W, along said line being parallel with and 17.00 feet perpendicular distance east from the centerline of Hageman Avenue, a distance 01'22.00 feet to the point of beginning. Said Temporary Easement contains 506.04 square feet, more or less. ,\\nnu."" ~'\~' \ M 11 "'t. ~.. ,,'t. ~..~ ........lif/~.." ~ . "'.. .,~ " ~ ..~C~..,~()... 0:- I ... ~. ~ . . -:. - . . .. = : 3 · : ; : ~ : ,:. .._,...D~: .. I " "''''- · : 'G.~.. .t...--"l!l ~...9:/ .,,~'A~.. ""~" .- ~ :.#, ,,,,,........ . .~'" lJ SUR\! ..... '1, . .... """,....,..... Exhibit A . . .. . 'Book:- 1173 Page: 1004 EASEMENT ACQUISITION t ONNER: LCMS Foundation. Trustee of the Joseph and Audre; Kroneberger : Charitable Remainder Unit rust "'2 doted September 2~, 2005 NE Cor. Cloud St. Sec. Une ----r--1 of NE'!4 NOffTH L1N~ OF 1'10 AS/' OUAFfTER OF SECTION 26. T/4S. R3W ; ~. ^ I I 1.304.19' I ~C.) ~ ~I~ \ 1;j c:: 1;j C-J ~Ill~ ~ A tract in NE'!4 NE'f.t \ ::r:: Sec. 26, T/4S, R3W "'~ I~\ I ~ I~ I "" ~ T/E I I I 1 I I I I I "" I ""I ~. I ' I . '2 ~ '% , , ~ ---~ -I-~ ~I 1;j Jil r ~"" ';._' rL~: ~ l~ "" ~ , ) --..I Scale: '.""'00' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 "This does not constitute 0 lego/survey. drawing is for informational purposes only.. EJchibit B ~ocP tJOJl)(.., (f1/7:{ yl//lvIJIL . w1l1 fJ~ up..