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C.D. # 23428 Chicago Street 6 inch Water Pipeline Crossing Agreement
d»lnoh Water pipe Lin® Csossin9 a tout. Dept. No. 23480 DUPLICATE ORIGINAL. ,City Copy =Is AGRSMMT, made and entered into this 3 day of by and a wton WON PAOIFTFAULROAD COMPANY. a oorporation of the state of Utah (her®inafter 'oalled "gailroad Cobipaay" ), azd CITY OF SALINA, a municipal corporation of the :Mete of Kansas (hereluaftor oalled "Lioenses"), WITUSSA�M xT6EAs The Lioenses desires to construct, maintain and oporate .a a-ingh .water pipe, line (hereinafter petarr�►d to as "ripe Line") ao,ross the, right of way And _undor the 'traoke of the Railroad Company �t a. point ;436;` 7 feet distant westerly (when,measur® along the pouter line of the Railroad Company's main tsaok).from the north and south, center Ltae of, ssotion ll, Township 14 South$ Rango- 3 pest ,of the Sixth .prinoip01 :M6iibiaa at Selina, Saline County, lan6as,.- i.n the ladcotiou ahown by -yellow line, on the print hereto .att4ohed, 400d August 3, 1938, marked "Exhibit A", and hereby mane a part hereof. AO11VXM : NOWI REFORk, it is actually agreod by and between the parties hereto as .follows: Seotio►n 1. RAILROAD COMPANY GROOS '9104T. In oonslderation of the .eariv4uante . and agreements' herein Contained to be by the Liaeuoeo -Kept,' observed and perforoted, tits .Railr+Qad Company heiosbi granto to the . sen- aee,--subjvvt to the :ter*s ; agd' oaod3.t ono heroin e'tk, d-,. :the right to oonstruot and the'rea'fter, during thetem hereof, to maiutAin and operete the Pipe Line "acroo�s, a'mi'd right of way and under said traoks in the looat oar► ab©wit by ye110, line on . Exhibl t A. section so CdNStAVOTIQN Agip ,NAINMANCB* The Pipe Line Mall be cons* ruoted,;. inta1ned, repai3 ed and r+enswed ' by, and; at the expense. of the `Lloensee in, ` dc. Qr4 ani a in, all reaps*%$ with plans, and spooifioations apps owe b3 the Railroad Company*, All work is oounestion With tie- 904 X tion, � malntenanos, :.xopa r and'. �ron+ewal of the 'pipes Line Pt bw done,-,undor the supervision andto the sat sfaotio t�.4 l Railroad Company. The Railroad Cvmpanyt to the extent that ; it -ady doom assoesary for the .safety aextd..,aon� 1nuous operation it" tib.,t*a(iks duiing' the lmo'14uoh worm iii 'bo1 ' d 0* mar prQrid9 ' cad msinta1A Su6b traeih. supports as aro nooessar and the Uaehe►ee shall reimburse the Railroad O+tpany for all eras ponse inourred by it in providing suoh.subparts and maintalw. IMtr g�`f`io during oonstruation. prpmptly. rft+ar rendition cis s Therefor. seotion 06'' NOTZON OF COMMOMmT, 4r W.0a., to bioonse�r shall' xhoti fy tho R+sllr* Comps at. least .hours in a4�raaea .,of the ooe4e+�w�nt of any oofh underneoth or ' in the vio 011ty of said . tra�!'i+ is oonneeiioa• 1t3 too of nst utotio#s, .m®int+sne hae, rsarp # r read al erg , the Seotloa 4* 99` IMBRFE.RRRC'�R i ITIS R" RG QF3-1 'IIOX'R« The pipe JAno shall, be oonstruetod, maintal4eds 'rep airo'ai V*Aewod, operated. and used is 4,uoh. roamer as to bamse no interfor-046.0 whatsoever with tub #onstaut, 60Ab t zutous and unint®rrnpted use of the s e and other �p op r of the #.l ikd Co*pn , and 'Aotlhjng'sha bd donna or suffiefe to be done by the Lieonsee► that w441.40, . Ift" any mercer, impaLr. the 000ty of said tyaoho or other propersyll 8e01,01 4. LIABX=Tro The shall izdemnlry hold haftless the Railroad Company from and against any 644 all llability�, loss$ damags, 01.mat 40%64460 *oats and expense of whatsoever. nature, invluding sourt costs and attbruoye1 fens, ftlab mom' result fivia injury to or death of persons wbomsoo*4r, o'r dasmags to or 'Loss or destretotion of property whatsoever (la - eluding damage to the roadbeds, traeks, o"ipmont or other, property of the Railroad Company or pr6pertrin Ito oars or oustod , wbon such Injury death f loss, d.estreation. o damage grown out of or arlses fr the burl ting of ' or 16ie � its 't#he Pips .no; or in any other way whatsoever is due te, or arises beaauso of;, the esisto oo of the Tips Lino or the sohstruOt�.ou, operations use., iaa htonanoo ' rogpai,r or ows.1 of the Pipe loins or any pert thsr qf, or ;o t e ®vnteats . fhd*eih or therefrom. ;d the ,ir oe4ses does hereby release the Railroad Ooe►pany from all llabtl,ity foie damageis, on i4coun of inauyy . ter the pipe Line fto*,W W aauss whntsoever. Seo xon Vii. WAIVRR OF DRUqU. . The Wilvear' by the Railroad' Ot psny of the li sash Of WW conn. ition, oovenaut or agreement herels. eonta red to 'be kopt observed and :performed by . the 1A064$00 -shall in ao� ,dray impair the .right of the Railroad Calcar to , a veil tsoX � ' any subsequent breasb thereof. nt ' e zloonsoe Shall not asitgn this a loient~ '*ii out the sritt+Dn o4!nt of the Ra,lnd Compr.. �. �. e agreezent $he'll tam WOOL as -of the date foot ',he*e11i written "a'shall +,crRt ante la l fores'end erg o t .:ee l6ng as the POO 1446.1ren "46 u derheAth the l raoke ot, .the. gailroid dftp ! . oSubjeet' to the provisions or Sdotion I bereoft this Ag"Omen't shall 'be handing upon seal 1-jui re' �e the bovieflt of the parties hereto and thelar te;speoll"i ,Otteoeaeere A44 "Signe*. WITUSS. RBOF, the parties' hereto have onu;eaQ iia agreement ..to U eaem�te4.. in ,dnpi.Uati 'e of the date first berift written, t ee s VMOb' P XPZQ : RAIWOAP OOIWAW# 4 / 0040rol Manager... C Ell RESOLUTION 7,3-,z-, MMAWt fto MON. - F IM ►;RM ' AW tax"to *i or 41MU o "s an 6 Ott fteting the 10rt tf � of a i. Vater pips Ii""Bias w : O W 8ft"S,. er- tracks of this Adl"ad at 8a lust Isawl .fid ag"00MIt Was Mentined. Board of Commissioners %HEREAS, the n /of the City of has said proposed agreement before: it :and has. given .it- care- ful review and cons :ideratioa; and V;HEREAS, it is considered that the best interests o f sa i d: Ci t y of c l will be subserved by the acceptance of said agreement; Board of Commissioner: THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE /OF THE CITY OF . TA QY UNS03, That the terms of the agreement submitted by the Union Pacific Railroad Company as aforesaid be, and the same are hereby, accepted in behalf of said City; That the Mayor of said City is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of said City, and that the City Clerk of said City is hereby authorized and directed to attest said agreement and to attach to each duplicate original of said agreement a.certi- fied copy of this resolution. STATE SOSO s s COUNTY OF it , City Clerk of the City of 84 , hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true, full and correct co yy of a resolution adopted by the Council of the City of _ at a meeting held according to law at ----r- on the 3 day of as the same appears on file and of record in this office.. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have and aff' the corporate seal of said day of , 192 . 9� City Clerk of the City of StAto of hereunto set my hand City, this (�— (seal) UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Q. T. A."AMSON. DIRTMOV WrGXNRRR - BABTRUN DIRTRIOT Mr. Chas. E. Banker, City Clerk, Dear Sir: OPERATING DEPARTMENT ¢1790 Salina, Kansas. 1419 DODGM RTRIDRT OMAHA. NEBRABIKA October 24, 1938 Agreement C. D. No. 23428 covering a 6" water pipe. line crossing of our track and right of way at Chicago Street, Salina, has now been fully executed and one executed copy is attached hereto for the record and file of the City. Will you kindly acknowledge receipt? Yours truly, 0