C.D. # 514 Front Street 24 inch Storm Sewer Pipeline Crossing Agreementc.,. 51. HWS W=.. m.. 1� IMgItl� M►wn• .AGREEMENT 1001,� per` between b�� R �.k UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY b and CITY OF SALINA Dated 1918. Providing for a 24" storm sewer pipe line crossing in Front Street at Salina, Kansas. \ DUPLICATE -ORIGINAL. " d 'o Ve t :into tAs A 4orporat aorp Of 'vh6 stag of ift-0.(borejuaftow 414all A *Paailflo company" pa.ity Of the first parts Cod avy op min"Saline Oounty. Kansas. (hereinaftor- 04110A the OTA40n$609). party 0 f the seeond Paxt * W1. TNESSN'ru: WjWp.XASt the Licensee. in 000npotion with the exo tension of its storrA Zewor $yStQm iA t4O 01tY Vf 'Salina, 00unty of Saline, Stat* of Kansas, desires to oonstruot a. *ertain I qf.,gorwer whjoh will extend a0rosO AhO right OJ Way and underneath the roadbed end tracks Of thO- pacific Company it the 100atign hereinafter described, NOW THOMOM, for And in consideration of the 00vonants and,' -payments Uvreinaftor mentioned, to be perfor ed and made by the U0009*0t the #801fic 0*mP%W h-Or0*0Y gre' U'Ato the 14joensoO, upon the terms and oonditions hereinaft ,set fortho the right to construct and thereafter maintain and operate during the term bOT00f, a Twenty-four XnOh (24 storm seer extending across the right of way and undernoa the x4a4bed and traaks of the Pacific Company along a 1' straight, line approximately parallel with and Five (5) f e, distant west of the east line of the !Oorthwest quarter of Section Twelve (l2 ) ,-Tom ship Rourt0en (14) roouth.Pange Three t5) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, which said straight line (produe0A) lies within the limits of Front n of said went Street in said City Of Salinao The 190atio four Inch (24") storm suer, where it oroesesthe right of, way of fjo+ the PaOiCompany$ is Otho by veil .,3ine on the prtnt atta wb 06 ohed hereto and markMthltIt iOh Ad at taohed print is hereby made a part kerftf- -'91 The said VtOM SeWeVe vth*r'e it Oxoss0s. the r "'t' of wo, 4 %Aderneath the rea0ed and tra,00 Of the and extend. pa 09 oonstraoted of, and Manta ilted vt' Twenty-four Inch Oe4tt) cast iron pipes '.the groat herein made is expreasXy conditl0ned UPDA the performance by the Licensee Of &11 and sin$Ulax the' .0oVena3ats and aSrea 'mentS hereinafter set fort ted be by .th Liqeo,sere kept, done and performed, e of gatd' 0070naAts bre-I agreements being &Udq'U gonditton ago it being 4100 'h'Qr4P0, .f , stipulated that, a vraiver by the R0110 00Mpar' , , 0any tuall in no way IMPAir the xig#t cif the iio Of .any of SUOU COU4-4 v0spanx to avOl breach thereof. FIRSTz The WenSO-40 agrees to Pay tO the 704 'f' p=fo V r the prlvi'10610 kerOilft 9"A' to 04 the "0' of live'" U -1 f jars (0-00) oof this agreefteftt-,- r the te=,. fta e"d stoXV,"Wers her elzaftera as, ommer pipe Z*0"I all be . 01,40ed at 000 an 01*0v , Atiol of L19L tut ►ti mr1opt shall be not les0 than r fte ('10 f`Oot bels* the base `of the *sill O,f . tho t "Ite the Taoir oempany "Aor WOO it a toads 4nd - th.O , oeftsee agrees tbA n open trench shall b within -h Att of right WAY of the paoiI't-0 OftLp in eomeet :cin. ith,' the sante struct ion of eats. sr pipe 114e, but that sa*d sewer pipe ` die shall he put 1 ponse of moving$ removing or making such shanges in the loa t ion of said sewer pipe line . as may "be required by, the Pacific Company in connection with such obangere in its trao or structures, or in the present standard then"e+of, or 'such addi.t"ional.` tracks or structures. The obligation of the Licensee in this agreement prescribed with reference to the maintenancs,rispair and renewal of said sewer pipe line as originally oonstruoted, shall apply to said, sewer pipe, line as relooatedo changed, or added to, within the contemplatfo of this section. SIXTH The Lioensees agrees to maintain the ea,id sewer pipe line outside of the limits of the right of way of the pac if is Company, and to use and operate said sewer pipe line in such a manner as to cause no injury or ' damage to the roadbed, tracks or other property of the Pacific company. it is further agreed that all the work of construction, maintenance, operation, repair or renewal of said sewer pipe line shall be handled in such manner as to cause "no interference with the constant, continuous and uninterrupted use of the tracks and property of the Pacific Company, both as .to operation:, maintenenoe, renewals or possible new construction by the Pact if is Company. MTH: The Licensee hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Pacific Company from and against any and all. daffi ,go*, olaime, demande, causes of action, vests and expenses of whatsoever nator# which may result from injuries to any persons whomsoever or from damage to property of any kind or nature, Including damage to the roadbedr tra+oke, equipment or other property of the Pacific Company, where, such injury or dame is due to the existence of said sewer' pipe line or to the use and operation thereof, or . to the water therein or therefrom, or to the construction, maim- tenanoe," repair or renewal of said sewer pipe line - EIGHTH: " blsuees of said sewer pipe line for -the pur- pose for which' it was originally coinotruoted continuing at any time for a period of one year, shall constitute an "aban. donment thereof by the Licensee and of "the grant hereby mads and in case of such abandonment or of the breach "by the Licensee of any of the conditions hereof, the Pacific Qompeu shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any time upon giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Zioensee of its intention to terminate the saam$, and at the eicplrati.on of said thirty (30) days notice the license here granted shall terminate and be at an end and the Licensee shall be without recourse or redress of any character again the Pack if is Company by reason therreacsf. NINTH s ' Within Sixty (60) days after the t erminat for of this agree MOAt "huwsoSver, the Licensee shall,, " if notified so to do by the Pacific COmPaAYP at its "awn expene i k t. M remove all of Its property from WAS richt 9f -WAY.of the :0 It, .16, Cohip6Ay, and Shal), -ro'ertgre, the imem e's of the Vlvoikto- Comp y" to their OrAgiA411-0onditiog 'all in 06 manne "tistaoto ry to and under the supV' on of aoitlo Company; or the 14witio 0ompeo.y myl r at, Its options Upot such terminationdo zu,*34 work of removal and restoration itself'at the entire cast. and expense, of the Licensee* and in the' event of the removal aCi by the Pf lo Company of ths. property of the Licensee as hereinbefore provided, and of the - restoration of its premises to their original condition the Vacif�o Company shall in no manner be liable to the Licensee for, any damage sustained by the Licepoee for or on account thereof, and the termination of this agreemPpto and such razoval and re6t0ratiQu shall in 110 Manner PrOJU4100 9 , r,$xpair any right of I aetion for damages or otherwise that the pacific Company may have at such time against the tic ensee TENTH; The Licenses agrees not to assign this agre, Mont without the consent, .in writ ng, of the Pacific Oompan, endorsed hereon. xLSVZM*,- This.agroement shall be effective from and after the date first herein written, and the parties hereto covenant for themselves, their heirs, executors, administra, tors, successors and assigns, to keep and perform each and all of the o.ovenants, agreements a -ad aondttions herein ex- -pressed, and it Is, Weed that said covenantal agre.ements and conditionse s1aali attaoh to and run with the said sewer Pipe line of the Lioensev. rK WITHESS WWWX70 the parties hereto have �oaused this agreement to be executed in duplioate on the "y .and date first herein Writon., 'fitness: UNION OJO. COMPANY.. dr t' vittless: Attest: 'V4 e , 40 ARARV, *4- mom 4 \ 00 v r of 4a S TANDARD O 1 L C O. a o \ u a m K + � g 14 C S aw a o + .11 6 + *� r' M Nmw N L - 332 of co ui ` o — Gar--- 7- —y— — t 3 83 o k A = a o 4- 0 c c � s v 0 c v� .N