C.D. # 18088 Various Location Street Lights Railroad Agreement, - - T'7- AG ltd b®tw®en ` ri E b? t <p 'IC qe� TMS AG . , NT* ale and Ont6red tat* thIS day o y � , � � �#� •� � ... C . AWS -4 ' o �rpo ratia of the State: of Ptah j btre i ft er c-LIl ed w k al ir#&9 d 0ozpauy") : party of the first party and a1 -TY OF SAL, INA, a Municipal 0o rpo ration of the S`ta' i of Kansas, Owivinip0ter oa l d "City"), party of the seeon4 part., 1 $STfI3 On March Sp 1931"j, the Board of 00missioners of the City passed prd9 xaabae No.. 40279 ate eovy of whiah, marked "Ithibit B0, is heret* attaaobad and Mai, ai, a part heraot# requiring 'ae aaia rail- $ ea p"Ies tq ;.Baht certain aatreets of Salina. By, the provisions 4t said Ordin- ame the Rallroad Company to required to .Install aaai/or mainta4z street lights at varlbus.pointo ftire its track$ tatorseet or a%tend alon o r -Ula streete The 01ty .is willing to arrange er tU4 14vtallAtionv j*tatena a and operation o the stareet lights aeh sh are, by said 0rdinaaxaes Nay. eke *i, area�uI re to bay ' iastalied and maintained by the allar*aad 0:ampasyo 4a on the ht by the Railroadd a a�1 y to ,the City of the mounts hereinafter spec aad. AGS NOW , ; .O , it a a ta�ktaaa"l.l;l agreed b and botween the parties her to as full st 04ti on I. 0M TO ARRAW FOR INSTALTATION AND MAINMANCS The City shall arrange to have installed and maintaine4j, to se ►l e e the p �risio Of said Qrdi» .noe•ffo. 4021. a the els*ea (11) ' strest lights whioh,o by the pro-rialoha of aid! Ordlzanaaa `Wb,. X402 'i are is be installedtd/or ma!ntoid by 'the . ►ilrasd'ftap'any or Jointly by t he band lr(*d C pa ►Y 'and ' Atchi.aazou p Topeka and Santa to Hall- way 0ait � . eeld eleven street- lights t4 be nstella►d 004/or » in tai z'ed is the looat ,ons sheer by yellow, li s as the PrIAt hereto aattaa� d, ., dated .reb az' 1g;: ions Identified as 0.1. Drawing No# 519,39# . ed, "Extibit A* and hereby made a part hereof, 'ghsaaiiread y smell tae tie 0�ty apaaa bills rendero ' by the City, for than instaalutiea +a4d Via- ta►a se of chid satrset I� hta.im ts bated on the to �a raateaa a 4148,100 r to o for eea�h of affix 400 04ndle power street 2iOht$ is ataa+d an follows (1) At the iaterse�eti'i at saute re street and the Railroad Oompanyts min 1 ael. "ol". (2) User the Int6raeation bt TbIv4 and.31m Streets; (3) ;Feer the lnto.rseot$on of Fourth. m4 Ulu Streetat 4) 4t,the iateraeet.Z:ou of Irinth street aaA the Railroad Company's' main line; (5) 14tr the Interseotiot of Fourth and Ash Streeter; and (d) At the ntersootio 'of Ohio Street and the Ra lroad. Qday*s main line, (b) $$0.00 Der a v#i for Oae 250 o"410 power street light at a poJat:. one hundred fifty (150) feet south . ar the Intersection of Fourth Street and I rou Avjsnue (o) One-half r s for eaeb of three 400 eaAdiO, parer street lshte x eatred gol .c s 1) ,4t' the interseetton of rets ke and orth Streets; () At the intarsect iou of SejeAth a Vorth Streets; ( 3) At the intersection .of Porth .as ; Fourth. Streets* i4d On# -third of $44,00 per a a ,Forone, uo *a ;dower street light at Fitth € id. North Street*.* Section Z# C-OWLIA= VZTH ORDIMMS Ito*, 4027,01, The nt by the Rsilread bills r ldar b. the City for the installation and mintsname Ot said ;street lights' ss opeeifed iri Seatlon,,2 hereof sal be deemed to be full and complete disebar bj tbe- aIXraad Com- pany of aW lts 16bliastions under said 'Ordjaa. ,e NO, 4027. Sec ti as 4. EMOTIVE DAA -. 'IM*, TbIs agreefteut shall tam effect as .e the first day, of Jul ' 19.3-I* and, hall ��tiaua h` - f U11. NFOG 6r . a Period of tw, y6 re .. M WIMW WOTMOF#the parties hereto .have, eausead "a. this agreement to be " Oze aut d in duplio to as of the �t first horoin tteu* Witness: AID OWAXY# "Wftp"5��l rx _« CITY OF N'A* wNri�wMW�� _ .. .. MMM�MYi1M• .}.� i $ o — :.) yr�s+r a E 4. t IRMA x the X01 p. 1t 0 .RAS OAD COMPANY' has Umd erect to t ' O I" OF . AWIMs tate of KaA-s4o # an W, sement 0ovsAna tb# instalUtlowl, vaintonanoe aid operation of oor`t n. street . hto In tbo • einity or -the tra ok's Of that Won pa oltio 2a�i� road. Go any ata ina$ snsas, said agreew nt bei 1- dent. fit,$ AIS, ftlo4 Paoifis RoiiroO 000€ panyt e Contract t epartzent 3soaaand` RUS the Board of Oity Comiss ionere of, the 01ty of Sailliae has nnid'. proposed agree pit before it and has given en f t oaraeful revitv and Qoasideration,g a WMRRAS# it is coasidered that th , best Interests said City of a*itns will be subserved by th* 0000ptawe of said ae. eemout1.. That tbo ter =. of the, aasoment submitted Vthe Wen Paoiria Ra lroad COMOMY. as, a:rot ai-ai b+ ;t autKa ga , earn hakebys scoo ted is behalf of the City of $a 4,n4#* SUItS of �a�a as `het t1w ousivom, of, tho mrd ot, tr. asio rs Of said City Of SaUzA ie boreby authorized, tiered and di ted to. a cute said oa nt on bAilj, o� said 01tand that the 0 .ty Qlor ' of 'amid city of Saiilmo is harehy ftt or-. ISed and Atroatdd t0 Ott tat ss id agroemnt and 't oattach 'to . a Aol d tp .:t+ a tae � » + " s $ nt s. da ti ad 'saw ► thi a� resolutt III STATS OP XWWAS r COUNTY OY SAS . dleft of t he its' or Salina# Zvoss. or s, . ere tie that t tib e and fora ing Is a� tr t ;ill and 0�eet *OPT of a resolu- tion adopted tb Bo d of.03t ca .ss ane 'than . of Saline at At meeting held aceording to lLaw at Salinat i vansts * on that §Ed day of August 10 1, -ns the soid appeard on . re and.or, roaor n. SAM` offue IN TIMMONY MRXOIP# I have hereunto set my hand - and affix6d the oorporato seal of the City of Salim# State of Unseat- of (SEAL) 0 e3m or Me c1ty, or Salina. , v j �� z� ,:tom -h ' -� lry ' � �4` / `�� �, �Ql; 1,.•,(,�� �- '` � `/ �--...,,� , , . ���' I / / N_ +, � I � p, . _ � ✓ r /�°' 11 F'; (i .T• 54/ ,�fF�d�np/�., pi►r'lFi',r T���rLL�j q sH'zi t 219A 00+0-61+81861W�,, � - �' �" is! � �ll1ANIV dl lbdltitliNl l0 `�_, f � ( 3A2S J•9 O D'd 1 , 37 If 41. / �i" �/ � ` � ��`�'� 0 r� FYI ��5�„� . , _ � /l �✓ �f! /j�f�^�'�/')/'j' G/OJ �� �� •I'�Z O�? ' I � ! "u1. ��I �vl+ �" �r `/1 r d r. L9'991NAlf10$58'*fib k'� `\ Y o / Ll H�VOHddV 3lld Ntldsl � 8t.9b �•. --_ �I �.. ' _ � e�' o - a3QN,9 31YId (1?JNl S9 � x•1.,\ !'.7boaaaV 3i,d NYdS L E i N <IJ, ,' os B 5z 181 ON Mai .� •ally Uoas 5• � ' > /,� L11 +,`,5. I f / +��'p �.du�ds•� �;; °6a6r, '6uix Uods j +z�Ev�bjiaN `�.. gyp?, ` • � .� `� 43Is OA' - '� _\�i_. \� b , 1 \ �. \ _ i / � 4u.�� -S �� •lit i h\ J r4 �-1p y,. R � � r � c ' I . l � < ` ,' ate'' � �•�,'�,-. �, �� �`�'" •--•.. I, L J �'� / / ti9 �lu�' Ali � J, � •� ! "� ;, °%.i ! �V.1 , � y, fi t /./�� , �• T. �` :.t�� �`'w�,,� � ^,�•, ��F/dJp^� r �►i'/�i�•/r T'�1e1� i6`� d�(/ tif'0'j�S1��7=_:;�.,��d ^""^..,.� �' � � r,`r,"t tv ' it r '' 9 1l1ANIV d-L lbeS V IIN1 10 NtiB n o0+0 -61+9186 �w 3 94�d` _ _ _ +81 AA-8 'J'9 0'7'd 708 +0 ZB Ol J (..� jf y N / tl �• ��+:i / L� a < ,` 't,��: + j'� ' _ i, %`"'° ..... •.J� d r � � •., , I4 o ryf •EL+Qf_i. d ; y j _� l G J`� tv N�`•�� j r�1f771 tal ::,:-L -991 oN AV10 5'8'+£f : % u 'r_, r'�� f. , .I �`•� S fit"` a / < / /� �fsly 4s i y jjr J 00> qH !H]VOdddtl 3lld NVdS, �8£+9b ;•...}•'-- i ��+" " r �, � h ?o aaaa�� 3[end naHis9 rt 4,� i �)WbddV 3'Id NbdS L O'Z.'.+ is / / / . '�' ^...�.. �+ '• 09 l l J 52181-00 maN i ti �S ft f iL -it + £'98 i-c2slu9 A/0 X99 a C9 +65% c) 2C,+6S 'buiv FQ-� s ps �S 3 i e of th, a or 400'00'i OV40'0#. rade 004,0 e81 : '00 -1 _, �„ iii, "j- es be req"�e� Ve equa e).,� l u, .� ra e w t.h. the p Zvi t o's .moi ou%h ; 80OU64 904 of Revs* t tvttes f o e ` tit 9 All UtAt$ r4*QUjre4 'bV m4atalnot by amy flu'Loh t oall 'fiats tow --6. t M, i l0vil'alt 44 ��Ofe t oss 0&4'' Ohol SU"t -3.4144*1 DUPLICATE ORIGINAE EXTENSION RIDER Cent.Dept,Ne. 18 -D 'City COPY To tie attached to agreement Audit No....._. 353".... rAmto ..................................... .... No.Am •.. ........ ............................. I ............ No ................................................. .................................................... No............ ---..........-------- . Between ...... VM..PA41r1,0 R=MAD W-WMY ................. . .......................... . .............................. ......................................... and................ 9M ... QF.Ai �.......................... . ................................................ Assignments -Date...... .................Name of assignee .......................................................................... ................. ........................... Date .............................. Name of assignee ........................ m ............................ .............. Covering min't(manee am armation of stroet 110te at, vVions, Location Sal-ina., Km9ai6 Dated -AA& ... As.. ....Effective Date A!94A1,..AM ......... Expiration (Original)..:Ame 3,01 INS ..............................-- Ex ....... Expiration (by latest extension) ....... A=A'.Aq1 1939 . ........................................................................................................ Supplements, including extension riders—Dates ..... -no JM-- a 3j, 1.150 92A. fty ............................. L ... ."....--•--•-•-•------------------.;-------------------------------------- --------- IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the present parties to the above named agreement that the TWO . ................ 1924..., and that all the terms term thereof shall be, and is hereby, extended to and including ....... 4 .......................... and conditions thereof, as heretofore (if supplements to the original agreement are indicated above) or herein (if any special provisions .are written below) amended, shall remain in full force and effect during the extended term, said agreement with the amendments and supplements (if any) to be subject to termination prior to the expiration of the extended term in the same manner as is provided therein for termination prior to the expiration of the term hereby extended. Special Provisions: Amu, Dated .................................................. 19 . .... Made in duplicate. Witness: ... . . ... ............... . .. ........... .. ...... 0. MAW - ----------- ..................... ................... By ................................................. .......................... amm" jii� ........... ............. Witness, CITT OF SAMA9, �v ............................................................................ 7, ....................... r- A**U % a ----------------------------- . ........... .... .... . ......... . ............................ ............. ...... . ......... (Sea rotty C1 _ft (See Resolutiln No. 132) a D O C UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY THE ST. JOSEPH AND GRAND ISLAND RAILWAY COMPANY OPERATING DEPARTMENT LGSM ADAMS. CHIMP MNOINMMR Mr. E. E. Banker, City Clerk Salina, Kansas Dear Sir: - A-4348 1,616 DODOM BTHHZffI OMAHA. "BIRASKA July 20, =1933 Attached you will find fully executed copy of addendum, C.D.No. 18088-A, to contract with the City of Salina, covering street lights at Salina, Kansas. This copy of the addendum is for your record and file. Kindly acknowledge receipt. Yours truly, Eno. 4 "SHIP AND TRAVEL BY UNION PACIFICI'