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C.D. # 8088 Ellsworth & Jewell Alley 10 inch Sewer Pipeline Crossing Agreement
k, t r .Ij s Cont. Dept. No. 8088 A G R E E M E N T between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CONPAVY and CITY OF SALINA. a��,Dated , 1923 Providing .for the construction, maintenance and operation of a 10" sanitary sewer pipe line crossing right of way of the McPherson Branobr at ,. Sali na, Ks. r�ss 12/14/23 DUPLI C ATE ORI GI NAL. r PIPE LINE CROSS ING AGREEMENT. THIS AGREEld1ENT, made 4d en"t ered into this day of _, 192 y �nlllltw n the -- ON PACI IC .OAD C QJfPANY, a cor- pornt ion of the St=ate' of Utah, (here dnafter called "Re 11- ron d Com��p any"�, arty of the first part, and OITY O ,,1 A,. vie CQ*!unt , 0.0 _ (hereinafter called "Licensee"), party of the second part, WITNESS ETH WHERW, the Licensee desires to construct and thereafter maintain and operate 4 ten in0h sanitary ,sewer pipe lines (hereinafter called "pipe line") across the right -,of way and underneath the roadbed and track or tracks of the Railroad. Company et or near . Saltna , COU-11ty of Wine , State of Kan o as in the location described as follows, to -wit; Utending over and aeross the right of stmt and Underneath ar scr000 the aroodhod and track of the R lvo O y s 'o Z non ling a railroad and. Interseating at tight eagles thereto tho vent line of said traok at Inglueorfe SurreW OtAtion 129 plus V3 f cot uOh 100ati.on toine shy 'Uy n '�rokoa yellow line on the ttuOhOd Print Y1ran the Offloo, of the Railroad Oompany' o i vision n inefts. said PTint Uing dated December, 4, 1023 . " 'bit A* and her o'er' W849 a Part hoer et. The railroad 00mpsiq is Willing to grant unto e, I'iotax6 Me right to oonstrus4� iii t rocket �'�, her tem hereof tomaint in an epOrotc said 164, line in l ,ti oh OVIO d o oxibnd subj oot t o the Oondit ons' ti UilatiOne eav enants a.nd n o+e me hemi n t q'q';6i,n . A4 IT 18, TM$tjPORZI AG=,1') by &niia between thd :pa'rA1es:-. 'hereto. as follows, to -wit! RAI . LROAD COLUPP2.1 I Y'-GFJ-ITTS RIGIVLIMSE-E TO The Railroad--,.CoMpany. does here,6,y,grant unt,o'=tho Licensee theright to Construct' --and thereafter,.durinjk the. term hereof, to maintain- and operate the. said pipe line iry the location hereinbefore described., which*grant is made expressly subjedt to the obser4ance. and performance by the Licensee of all,and. singular the qonditions,-covendnts7-and agreements hereinaftex contained to- be by the Licensee 'kept, observed and perfotmed'b (2) RBITTAL: see shall pay t 7e (3) SIZ.'P,'A1,TD_.T71Nb Or, PIPE: The said pi -pe. line, where it crossz;s underneath the said. roadbed and irac'k or tracks, shall be constriicted_- of oadt -iron ;; pipe 'with an int6'tnal diamoter of tAn inches and the same sh,,,.Il be constructed onstructed and maint,n.ined.ai such an elevation that the top thereof, sh-11 be n,6t less than 3.4 feet below. the base of t$P rails of said track or. tracks. (4) LMP11U, -TO BBkR 121TTIPL:; AXP-wXS13 'Licensee' i3hall bear The., :nd 71,exi- the entire cost,a p6ns6 incurred Ah':connecit-ion with tho. construction..''mainten- arice': repair pair I and ranu-,wal of said: pipe line, including.- Rhy- and all qx�ehse. which Wiry "be incurred by the Riili bad Company irx.confiedtion therewith for supervision, i;n-speetldnI i'-ot.hers- wise. All work. performed 'in c6nne-ction v,,i th the --c6hatfuc- tion, maintenance, repair 6nd.renewal of said. pipe 1i p within the limits of the tight of way of the Rai lroa4,0om- pany shall be done u,fideg the direction 'of and aceprdina to cati 46 planzi and -'spe ci ti: Ions, approved by the Railroad - Company. (5) 'PERIAIT SIMIJEXT 'TO,JTS DS OF RATIROAD COM)ANY: The Railroad. Coinpany,nol*,,,iithr;t,,.ndinr,, the' afo:te- s a;i d r,w— ,r�ao,, t shall ha��e the ri.-ht 'V'ratai-n. itsexisti- . track ' or tracks in'theii- present Aoczatvanand Lri Vicinity 'of siaid. pipe .line and nothin,,,7 --'shall be :done "or* suk-- fe . red6 be' -done by the LiceRsee I at any. time that. woul4 in.an'y,manner irAp,-Ur.the usefulness: or s,afety , .6f,such track or • hacks,'or of any other' tracks that he re' after. , may by con-. sltru'ct-ed-vrithin the iimits of said rip -ht -'*of -The Raili. road` Company reserves and'shall have the ri ht at any- and P.1 I -time 9, to Make such changes ,in its eicittiril.'tr, ack.- o: p tracks and 6tructures., or -in the present standards thereof, and to construct, maintain and operate suoh ad'ditional.traCks and structures on said right of way in the vicinity of -.s+aid pipe line, and over and across the same, as from time to"time it may elect; and the Licensee shall bear the expense -of;.mak� ing such, modifications in or changes in the location of -said pipe line as may be r6quired .by the Railroad- Company in con- vection with such changes in said ,track or tracks and struc_. , tures, or, in the present standards thereof, gn't such addition .r:,..I al tracks or structures. All the terms, conditions `end: stip-. ulations herein expressed with raferenee to the maintenance,. repair :and renewal of said pipe line in the location ber,ein-, before described, shall apply to said pipe line as relocated, ehang,ed or modified within the contemplation' of this'.seet.ion. (6) PIPS LINE NOT TO NT-M-2aE UjITF OP H, ATION OF RAIZRO'P: The said pipe line and all parts thereof within. and outside of the limits of the right of ,way and premises; of the .Railroad Company -shall be constructed and at all times. maintained, repaired, renewed and operated in such a manner , as to cause no interference whatsoever with the'constant, can tinuous and uninterrupted We of the tracks, property and - 1 premises of the Railroad Company, both as regards operation, maintenance, repairs and renewals, or w�-w'construetion by the Railroad Company. (7) . SAL114 .0i'' RIGHT OF WAY 'In; the event the Railroad Company shall dispose of any portion of. its property on which the said pipe line is located, then and in -such event the right 'or license herein> granted, with respect to the portion of said pipe line 10-. cated on the property of the Railroad Company so dis po9ed Of* shall forthwith oease and determine.. (8) LIABILITY: The Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Railroad 'Company from and against any and all damages, claims, demands, actions,- causes of action, 'cos.ts and expenses of whatsoever nature which may result from any in ju* to or the death of any person whomsoever, or from the loss of or dataag to. -property of any kind -or nature, including damage to tht- roadbed, tracks, equipment or other property of the Railroad Company, when such injury, acath,.loss or damage is duq t4 the existence of'said pipe line, or to the construction, msi tanance, operation, repair. or renewal thereof, OT to the oAn tents therein or therefrom. (9) TEBMIKATION : Disuse of said pipe line for the purpose oanem plated in this agreement, .continiiiing at any time for a poria of one year, shall constitute an abandonment thereof by the � -a- Li,cens.ee. and. of the.grant herein made, and in case. of such an zbmsno6nment� or of :the breach by the Licensee of any of'. t#,.e conditions, agreements..or cov-Oftnts. hexe.in"contained. the Railroad 'Company -shall have the right; to terminate this agreement. by ;giving totheLicensee thlrty.(30) dtys" notide in writing of its tnteption,sb to do, and'at the expiry-, ' tion of thethirty.(30), day period mentioned in such notice the. -license herein. granted shallterminate,, and the Licensee shall .be without r,,eqourse,or redress of any character, against the Railroad Company by'rdason thereof,. (10),REMOVAL OF PROPERTY OF LICENSEE: Wi thi ft fifteen (.15). days a ft er the, t er mi nat i on -of, this agreement howsoever, 'the Licensee shall remove.: -e'll"Prope. erty of.the, Licensee. herein provided for from that ..p or t:L on of the right of way of the Railroad Company: not occupied. by the said roadbed and track or tracks, and shall restore, to the -satisfaction of the Railroad Conpqny,'. the zaidright. of way to as. -good condition as it wasin at the time .of the - con- struction of said pipe line; and i I f the Licensee foils so to do, the Railroad Gompt-my may do such work of removal end re- storation Pt the cost end' :expense of the Licen-seee ' The R"vil- road Conipeny mEy, at its option, upon such termination, . at . the entire cost end expense 'of the Licensee, remove that Por- tion' Of said pipe line located -underneath said roadbed and track or tracks, end restore said roadbed to as good a. con- ditiori as it,was in at the time of the. cons.tiucti on of said Pipe;li-ne, .or -it mer permit th6 Licensee to do such work of W '.1 removal.' bild 'resi .61lati on under the supetvis'ion,.of the Railroad Company; and ixt-the event of the removal by. the Railroad Com- pany of the property of the Licensee :.nd of the rest oXation of said roadbed and right pf way as herein provided, the, Railroad Company. shall in' no manner be liable to the Licen- see for aiW. damage sustvined by the` Licensee for 'or on ac- count thereof, and . such. remoVal*and restoration shall in no manner prejudice or imair any right of action for damages or otherwi.%6 that the Railroad Company may_ have vgain6t, the Licensee. WAIVER OF BREACH: The waiver by the Railroad Cdmpeny of the breach; of any condition, covenant or agreement tter'ein',dontaintd to be kept and peirformed,,by',the Licensee' shall in no wav*i' ' the right o:r,th* 1 110ai r e Railroad 'Company to avail itself of any .subsequent breach thereof. (12) AGREE MNT 'NOT, TO BE ASSI GNED: The Licenbe'e shall not -assign this Pgreement. or any of the rights hereunder' without th6.written "ons'ent .of the Railroad Company. 13) TERY OF AGREEVEITt:. the This agreement shall be effective from and after ]PU A day of Des 00 e'r Sig 21 t -4- and shall a onti rue in full force and, off ec,*,. unt ill terminated to prv*idedtand all of: the 00*e'nint's, 'agreements and con- ditions herein oontaized, , on the pert of the Lioensee'' to be kept, observed and performed sha 1 11, at tach to send .run with the see &g* systeft oi'the 14censee'';ar 'Which the said pipe line is - a part. (14) SudOESSORS AND ASST=S. This agreement sball ,be bl ndi.x1g' upon' and inure to the benefit of the Railroad Company, its successors and as- signs, the Li deAsee and.thesuccessors in interest of the Licenses, in and to said sewage disposal system. IN WITIMS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this agreement -to be executed as df the day and year first herein written., UZON Ir LA, 19-Y ]�K, QAD COMPA Its 11[Tyau� L Attest: City Olerko -DIM RESOLUTION WKBRXAS the UNION PACIFIC- RAILRPAP OPWANT 4as tatade ed to the CITY OF'841kk ttit'i 'if # 0 Kan, sas, an agree- ment, providing for the a onstruoti on, mai nt enanoe and ,operation Of a ten. i nah sanitary sewer pipe line extending, `ever and across the right Of Way of the Railroad Company at, 'Wailla# Saline County, Xansas- and WHEREAS O' it is considered that the best interests of said City will be subserved by -the execQtj ' agreement; 042 of such TIUMPORB, IM IT RESOLVED By THE CITY'COMSSION- IFRS OF THE CITY, OF SALINA, STATF, OF KANSAS: That the terms of said agreement be and the same are. hereby aco,asited'on behalf of said City,, that the Mayor of said Otty be hereby authorized, empowered and Ab'directed to execute said agreement on behalf"- of said City' d that the City Clark be directed to duly attest the 0.9me" STATE OR KANSAS - ) COUNTY OF SALINE dl erg of the City. of Sali%ft$4 State lov ir 121; as, hereby a tl fy that L the above and foregoing is* 4"true COPY Of a resolution adopted by the CityQui Y, of said 0, at a Meeting lawfully Y a held on thi..- day of at Whi Ch a qia*run was present, as t, e same appears on fi'j e and of, r ea ord i n my of ri 0 0* erk of the --Ci i Y t rte, i j k fj �iCi CO W � W Sewer Pipe Line Crossing §!gi na Kansas. Goat. Dept. No. 8088-A DUPLICATE ORIGINAL City Copy THIS AGRXZWWI, made and entered into this 22nd day of July 193.5 OtW44A UNN PICIAU WERYAD IMM; a ;0'rporatTon of the State of Utah (hereinafter called "Railroad Companytt), party of the first partq and CITY OF SALINA, a mnicipal corporation of the State of Kansas (hereinafter called "City"'I party of the second part$ WITNESSETRi RZOITALS; additional sewer Pipe lines across Said right of way and under- neath said track. The parties hereto desire to terminate said contract of December Zlv 192ZO and to enter into a now one to set out the terms and conditions under which said A4"e- sewer pipe lines hereto- fore constructed by r shall continue to be maintained and operate4,, tit NOW THEREFORZ, It is =tually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: Seotioa 1# RAILROAD COMPANY GRANTS RIGHT. In oonsideration of the covenants and agreements herein eontained to be by the City 1ept, observed and per- The portions a sewer pipe lines looete4vor ba, loea4eA- *A a right of 001100tively 48 "Pipe l4nes" and singly as "Pipe Line". Q 1peda adapea ON Qoaw oluds 611.0^510's aibztd of e2po The Qin ad afloat: ourrobt' OT 0 Q1, 4 t T IF WOE* itftht 1&Aa404 is advaaae *r the eeam+ asa at or amt 8a14 r1 t Off: war, in opangation .4,4k the 0040 re, fleation aastme amtIOAS ieeatiea er gra Viral et at the ipe sea. Seoti 4. D Pi4A=� N OR RIWATION 47PIPS ice- fte Qit SI at its aaIs expeaa+�,� e &,was oil 0041ft + tl o"i at a. is bra Pips !A 00 or move alap , S' part th e t 04 xww '1eaatie be votuired bar the Xp�d 4 �� a� any, � � is 0+a 0tiaa �ritl� U0 taa� . at tp�' i 1a a#+ a8aa ► r ,. pa aa��, 00i. oporst,10,41 ""at ead fiad►tiea or volooation at, V-011road tra0 t te1040' 14 tilepbous signal or ataer pale andwive iimeoe, pipa, ii b a" ether ! "hies 04 tha 8ai� a004041W 'ap*a thi aeadMOAS Said si�, pulations Itereta OxVrossod Itk to 400 to tha Pips Uses as Said V10% of. .Var in tho 100atiea+b ho"iabetore koioitbea ehaup to the pa U400 a$ wdi Fiat s �M^ � pa�aoat04 is the. 01001UO3% 40 Sol an, M103, WITS RAI AQAV VJ 4TONSO PS, �a as a wtaiaed ire aiargd t4a+ 40 , ota fr(10 uredo 0 vo aa t a# ,. B ated104 SuGh tear to' ba!aa to" MS ahatt et ep ►eaat , gnat IRA ter Iptod, Vitae ofuo frau and ataep P%%vortr or the l". *06.14 Q as # .444 ,1 a a 1. daae ► auff's d to "ba teaeby e t tit .tit 1 d+, lair t1te sar,14 . at nal tpask$ � 0, r + a P p Py... e t3,t%a.i ize�!'� aa; Maid havoloss, tie I a & a4 001ww", ftom and *MAIALvt .aar ate.ate 10 1.11 is as a .. +ia� o, eaata and expenses at ►' + aa# , . i c aaa *t *pa' at tb aepb + as �+� " r�►aa� , , ia��� �►. dna ��` tae +� ae"BTS ar' 4 � t+ a 'leas ep . 4eatpaati�ra +�►� p pe a�► aaover iieai.vc d + , to tae' roadbed: t,nw)to# stat apt or athar �repa p a .the ti, ad 4 m s paartg is ita 0a"er OUStod'r), jjn suolk yo 4aa , IoBeat"Oben oar d ► out of a apiaea f"A tha t ot e ■ ot , *4040. M— vl% th 1 Q - ► � � Aa moo ' $ % ► ' ! far a1F ', iPk+k 1� tro" '01 U, frost'! SAY Suif.40 , 0kts ,,V4r, ' , ��'�'�11! 4�� �,� •'#f #1 #!!}��lR' /R�� �iMY�II �*F ww}�F �� � l Q4Atp�►�'` It the Ai sp iih04., th, .��. ..Al PIP& U SUVAwmaxalor" .0 000 4 p Off" the 0000wi; )said rtot. of, Of tko o ff► pip*, 1AU # it the � ��. �� �� �� � irk of . At.Uo Pipe linos this 94ti io oh r + r pair, of, awtion for Aaftge, r OVAOV-: itiminot the city* w -:011 DRUM The'Wei�► lbs►' .the 0011 of the " ll 6.t C to be so WAY alb" tho v1sut+ ', the a4ur644, .'r .. ' of AV writ tea *046041 of a p Oootloa �lo 001MMOT, 07 DIOS 31s1010i TXM T314 UNA Wd ofttvtkit Ustwoon the tart as hereto dat*4 00000or 31* 10430 SU41 be,, and it O'bOribyo vomd.9tat*4 0 of the otriOU've dots boroot".0 800*101% Is# =MTx" DAU - TIMO *ofi This, fit shou take offeat as at the lath day or 3 *a 40 uuo i ftil rozoo asa at, a as hovoixt providst, $00tift 3a WOOSISSORS, AND'ASSIQNS# subjoat, to the provistoas of 000#0A 10 hereof ►apoemout sholl to bim4lag vpoa "A Lug" to the b Of tho 'Pa"I'Wo Uaroto, am their is T w1=5 WISMOVO the parties horot o bav's oauo.*A' two &0.- oomout t* be, exaOuted It 14AlpU*'tt* ao *f the dato Atits s. MON Plwltlplo Tw IMAD "Way* 0 A 1 1 solution.', ela ing to"a'',contract —wri nion,`Paaific Rai r©a Ccmppo�he maintenance b� Seer®r ` Pipo Linea . � ►� amt* Q►o1�a��"�, �+��� �► +� �.!� a�roaa�as, aha th0 a�lroa�►a� 0' 0�' *'*ooh riihil. a ;r ` ' ram: at Seo- na iw Nama o l ��� .aa�Q►tnt � $a�ont�.�`io inn �'a�tof:��,,�ai��'oa�td , .0 giant +fit .�i *1114*0�so,d� #. I �'y���:y��,�y�+�r��ql��+�f��i b+�q .�aJ��� ` - y Sil►4 7 R� n 1F FfAi�; *,t �! Rh?�"'f� iF T ��� �+R��:. �aa►�da�raat�.on� , it 10 010"140ir A that tnt iatq,O*s off' ,aid at *f fit ft of Baas# adIX. bit ombsom+ by, tho &Oolopta a of ";4 w*!p At.j . .01 JOIE Q' n TATS of XOSAS 'hat Us toxw. of that 44000ioll a ► tt.a4ty to V"vn Poo if to Rsllroa4 QonpW, as oforooai.+A ��� a " ,6 000 ata horebyt as aa�pte in beba�lt or the Olt8 at 5ailafto (tato of aaa %hat that Mayov of 041W +ltd. Is harsby a thort2 4 o owov �d and. d. rsota�d ' to OZO4 o sa�.id o OO t 04 b4ha if of said Otty 044 that 00 01,#, glOrk v$ e"d Oity is hsrabr author�.ead Oreetad yyattost ,a+ a� $seat a d to atta oh-taA 000h d'�t'�llisa to 0. o#F $ a R J Attest Intradneed d adopted _,q "� 935. 77 ty Clerk:.:,:: 'aa��►ax+iFid: l�Ni�o! � r v v .-p GIT . Q' . /;,/.Mayor• K Chas .E. BaniceP ola�r of a 41`t ► ' a :1 t, tai► > o oaf, p is r ►a t the a"bovo a i'a g► a to a tato, ftlI and 4orroot a p' of, a�► .raaa�:UU64 a4l6p od thet Oity 40 oSi to or , Oitf sof Via, a8� Staa►to. of a o :. aft a. of li�la� a oor to law at o SagUnal lauaa , oa : Aar or J� I 5, i ON' Wgmojp# I havo har+a9uww sot b"d and atrUSA tho0orpor0l o feal, of the pith► of Winos State ► ` X440*00 014, doh' ofd .. Jnlg _ is 0' 15 J t :0 „ i 26 c3 I 30 „ : 34 50 21 i 23 -o 2 ( L9' 31 33 35 25 Z7 I I I I ont. No. 35 I I c�0' 50 30 ' 1 48.�• ,. _ ,� e li I I i 50 M.H 1-46 t47 Cz I - -- - - --- - 6 __44 1 -- 9 I `D 2 Y! 4 In U') -. -I +22 I_ .•' c --- -- -- `• --- � I I II 53. I w•• flr �_ ,� -III .:. HOPE :..., C II • _ I O� � , II 5 i • � • c-� •i••• •••• 'Q ( :••.• wl. i • • ��I tie L I I •'• rU .i.. • + ILui 3 O 1 Jf II I 2 3 4 _ 1 _ m T iF '• +Zbxin�5iq U. !I �- `1 (' vI M-.-115'329 Xlnq Post 14.6 Lt. : -�; Curb E'Gutter AVE-- - - ---REPUBLIC- -- -- _! 16+ 53.9oa�1C�n9 Sold :30.7 20 , I I 7 j 0' 15 J t :0 „ i 26 c3 I 30 „ : 34 50 21 i 23 ! 25 i 2 ( L9' 31 33 35 BELOIT 15 ino)s _5 -501' II I I I l II d +71 I u l +75.84 Road X-'I�qq jj 50' �4 26 c3 I 30 • : 34 50' 2"L 24 26 28 30 32 ... • 34 ti 36 25 Z7 I I I I ont. No. 35 I I c�0' 50 30 ' 1 • I ,. _ ,� e O L I I i BELOIT 15 ino)s _5 -501' II I I I l II d +71 I u l +75.84 Road X-'I�qq jj 50' �4 26 c3 I 30 ... • • : 34 50' ZI 23 Z5 27 Z9 3i .... 35 35 10 I� MINNEAPOLIS PAVING .9 N 00 N 0 rn N rn L2 �4 26 c3 I 30 i•• 32 : 34 36 n� 5 7, 9 i' I 1 13 _ 50 0 ` Czt�• ^ter N.`Mtt�lT7li � - - 1+94 23+ 06.1 � Road ><in9-Dlal-�kRd 50' 4 6 i 8 I0 I .2 ! I 1 16 o I 3 5 7, 9 II I 1 13 _ 15 25 Z7 i I ont. No. 35 I I c�0' 15 T ' 1 • I ,. _ ,� e O L I I i 50 M.H I I U 1151 w I I ELLSWORTH 110 5 00 M 5 0' 4 6 i 8 I0 I .2 ! I 1 16 o I 3 5 7, 9 II I 1 13 _ 15 25 Z7 i er C.E. ont. No. I I I I -a L 4 6 i 8 I0 I .2 14 I 1 16 N o I fV 3 5 7 9 II 50' 15 25 Z7 i er C.E. ont. No. 4230 59 GAY 119+51 Light Pole 411.�Lt. 19.59.S Xm3 Post 15.1 Lt•. /� LT. Av E. +J5 120+05' Light Poled. N 2 - 4 n I (5 I 10 I� 14 16 I o I fV 3 5 7 9 II i5 15 25 Z7 l0'•Se er C.E. ont. No. 4230 I I c�0' 15 N 2 - 4 n I (5 I 10 I� 14 16 I 50 Oel w1-„ �: o, j ! Z3 25 i Z7 1 i i +8I x 21 23 { ng �lgn 14.7 Lt. PAYING AN/ E• 1 4 6 8 10 12 R v 1 - -;�ci j 1 )0 I 1 1 ao 0 3' 125+96. B.We 41. It. ••...` 'i,:, W18 `- 26,09.1XIn9 Sltjn 14.5 Lt. +-53.5t Road X-,t{q '�, AV E. II; I -� J 5'Cemen} Walk N. r, 26tf,27 126+516 D.Pole52°L1. I I I 3 5 7 1 9 it 13 15 N 5. 3 X I rl n �35"E'I'�L'„ 441 r -e •�- i R ._ � __ --_ � ., 50 4 1 9 l 1 :•• •• 50' ! 16 I! Oel w1-„ �: o, j ! Z3 25 i Z7 1 i i +8I x 21 23 25 Z7 29 31 .33 i 35 _ 4 6 9 l 1 �n 10, f tr_ 0 - ! 16 I! Oel w1-„ �: o, j ! Z3 25 i Z7 1 i i I ; Uj 1 ,35 j 35 1 0 1 50' 23 i xr;06 +K� I I c�0' 15 T ' 1 27' ,. _ ,� e n0 i151 tiU I g7 .It '94}21 425.5 No.Edye 29.2'Conc.Walk 8.4'Plonk Wolk. +43.5 No.End 31.6' Plonk XIn9-.6_4G-- - t'-G-1�-0--6--0- °3"G35Ma C.E.Co.+. # 7709 JEWELL •�••~ II "` . ` „ ='0`38.6 Xing 519n 14.21+ ^ � j E . +o,,,LN 00,u X -in A V IC Y.C.. Y'1Pe 25 LOf�(I ' � 9 - +8E�ge 5_Conc.Walk�.. 2 4 6 8 I 10 1 12 14 ! 16 W.B.CuIv. N° 2R- 18 Lonq j ! Z3 25 i Z7 1 i i 31 ;'• 1 ,35 j 35 1 0 50' 23 i 7 19 I I 13 15 110' S n • : 50, - 1 { I e 34 36 1 i 1 1 ! J l: 1 4 't j ! Z3 25 i Z7 1 i Ln 31 ;'• 50 I 24 I ' 26 28 ! • : 50, - 1 { I e 34 36 1 i 1 1 ! •: 4 Zi j ! Z3 25 i Z7 1 i I 29 31 ;'• 1 ,35 j 35 1 0 i 23 i 7 19 I I 13 15 N D I 24 I ' 26 28 ! 30 32 •. • 1 { I e 34 36 1 i 1 >o ! I I 4 ! 50' 10 I 1 0 21 23 i 7 19 L I 24 I ' 26 28 ! 30 32 •. • 1 { I e 34 36 1 i 1 50 ! I I 4 ! 50' 50' L. 1 w c � 3 34 50• t3Z 4 6 8 10 I 1 o 21 23 1 7 9 I I 13 15 N ' 1 I O L I i ji L. 1 w c � 3 34 50• C, 4 6 8 10 IZ 1 o 21 23 1 � 2J a Ii�`-`'' 55 I II Io ' 1 I +53 0' 1 28 I 32 34 50• C, 4 6 8 10 IZ i4 Ib 21 23 I 27 2J 31 ..d•:33 1 I 55 I �o ' 1 I O L IItY60 r r* ` , 132'624 Xing sl3n 14.4 Lt. KI R V V 1, V ..... +b4�?.s'Ruad x,•� 'il � �I 11 I r C6 C6 +14 N0. Ede 5 Conc. 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