C.D. # 5260 Minneapolis & Beloit Alley 10 inch Sewer Pipeline Crossing AgreementVag AOiiZFK", made and entered Into thio O day "0`i. )ffeli' ati.On cf the Stnto of Utah, (herei..n,&Xtar eallod "Rv4lroad Company*), party of the first part, and tha CITY OV SAUNA., Saline: Cbanty; Wansaa�w (hereinafter cam led 1 tine �. party of the socond part, WITIMSO 1t , OVALS.: The City d:esiros to 'c onstrtaet and. thereafter . to main.tai,n Und operate a ton inch sewer pipe ling across e right of way and underneath the roadbed and track of the MoPherson Branch of the vokilrqa4. of the. Railroad Company along the eentex lire (pro- dueed)" ref the alley bet e.en. inneav' olis anA Beloit Avenuee at Edina,Win nth►,, � as y ,. thw pr sed leoati ou the�re0f 'being s�ie� by 'bro"k n. ye -31,10V Lina On the att.aohed print marked "I.?xhi.blt AW and hereby made a part hereof* AOR EVEIM NOW � RZY it it mutually covenanted al d. agreed by and, bat -ween the Oarrtiaz haret,6 as of OV0 tq�wit t l RA11ROAD "Ca 'AN ORANTS - WOW TO' CITY: The Rai.lydad. Company hereby grants to the Citi" the right to coaztruart and thereafter vai.nta b azd.o este the said sover pipe. lane (hereliaaf•tar called 'pipe lids") atro.04. the right of way and uz erneath the roadbed aid t ai Of the Railroad, Company the ovation, aferaa4d;bjc-et to the conditions, eoviona.nte and stipulations hireinafter centalned* (2 ) CITY TO 1 n1WR SITTIRS MENU Tha City shall bear the entire dente of een.- strueting and thereafter maintaining, re airing "and rens s ,. the pipe it ae, including, any and all expense 3 ia+C red by t)ae Railroad Covpnny in c*nr.aetion theravith in. providing, .false.. words or steer, protectiva inetallaijonn or conotructi ono doe ed neolpseary by it to. -insure the 'Oaf*- and; uninterrupted use and operation of its trail , The City shall re-.*butee the 11ailread Company with the amount of the expense soineurred by it within. thirty days after the rondit.ion of praporly certified 'bbl .n therefor by the Railro&4 Co ny. (3) 81ZX ANIS X11TD OF PIPS Tex 1 4 line where ieeated Underneath sal- roadbed and tra y A be constructed of gyred stebdard east iron Pipe ten' ""inches , in. dia ter; it being `u eratood that the top thereof ie 'te Ua Act leas than fire feet below the base of the rails of said. trail. (d) WMM UXD=R ROA=D TO BZ ZATj3yACT0Ry T D COMPANY: All work perfornwd by the City nndorra th and in the ii=wdiate vicinity of acid roadbed aAd track of the H 1 Im ul t64, clomp y' Am oo eati on with the canetructf.er , .Mtean eAOj repalk and renew of the pito llnsimll be done #n ' aeoo4ance► with plans and �►pe�ai.f`# ca'�ione approved by aid eta% the, d;iree t4on of the Hallrioad O "Y. 0AMTX. OP "TRACKAGE NOT TO BA f A17RMD Tho ,Rallroad Co rang shall have the right to retail track4ge 40 "OV aonstruct6d and- operated. It1 its prevent location aver.and a --erose thepe�.n,�, nothing shn11, h dote or sufte4,0'4 to be ' one by the City et any �ti whts would in any manner impair the safety of said tradkage or any ether trap a.pge that the Ptailroad Co"any. , hereafter conatruat in the vi eI ti ty Of aai.d exi oti" tratkao The Raj1v ►ad Co ny ehall hava the right at any tATAO tO Make Ouch changes in its axiati,ng t.rackmSe and atruo. ttarOo and to oonztvuct,. maintain tnd- operate'Patch additional traoXmge tmd ctructurea inthe vi pity of a :d P-%isting trackage and estrutta7,ree where tha p pa line im to be son- etructed and acroze the Same as from time to time it Vain. eIeet # and in the event it bace ee neaeagary toovo, chime or !#3 ►d 2'" the pe line to provide for vuet changes in said e'xi at inn trackage or a ruature'a Or fQtr the ednstruati on f SUOh additional trackage and, atru tures thew ;and, in such avant tthe 01ty shall bear., the coat and expense of making the neeeaeary chUngea or modificatione In the pipe Unto This '"retment ahaii take eefrect upon the day #nd year first herein written and shall 'be binding upon and inure to the benefit of th.e Railroad. Campx ruy, its Succeeeort� and aeei.gn'so the City anal tie eucceaaore in intorOtt of the cit, in: und. to its $AvuSO disposal systetj of which the pipe iine. 18 a port, IiN WXTMOSS "' W Oy, toe parties hereto have Caused ,this, asreomsnt to be oxeeutod as Of the d.ay and year first herein yr ttoA. 7# tnee's TIVIO ' PACS PIC PA11ROAD 'COVPANY, it ]4fanager Witness CITY N 0 N N N N N X1 N N Ln N N 0 i t4 I +R b r: N Q1 N 1 _ N O � 4 . f -,n w a No.. -- so i 2 o r� �i6 0 O -tf N era X1 N Ln N i t~ I +R b t N Q1 N 1 _ N f<) 4 MA to Irl w a No.. -- so i 2 o r� �i6 0 -tf J N X1 50' i I +R b t N 1 _ t I MA N 1 i I fi m R v1solm"r I ON "IthO "UNION 00'11"A'IM has tendered. IVO 'the CITY OF !71A1JVA* State of Kansas, an rea- ment settin7, forth the conditions governing theoonp.,truction, mainterAanca and operation of a ten inch newer pipe lin# acrogs the riahit of way and un6ernaath, the roadbed and track of the MoPherson Branch of the railroad of the Railroad Company aloee. the centcr line (produced) of the alley between inn eapolis and Beloit )"verues at Sajimi,, !7,aline County,, Kan a a a M TM,04A301 it is considered that the best int. *z.. e-sts of 9944 r?Ity 71112 "be siAbmerved by the execution of #&J4 71 THEMSFORS1 JS IT P'1101,11]AM -.7Y TES, YOR AND C0'1'TVCTIr- 'r 'r MMONT 01P THY,' CITY r)7r STA .11T, OP Y, A htJ the ter Ts ,)f vyid i4e.-err eement be are., the stme are hereby acce-p'a ted on behalf of said City, ter b t t,e�-' ,yor of mid =lit y be hereby authorized, e.mrow ered and directed to eyeoute said agreement on behalf of vaid City, and that the lit ' '"lerk be dire-ctee to ("iAly- mttt the ama.. STATS 07" IC' SA3, COUNTY OF SALINAI'l I j Of the CITY the above find fore roin'F, is a true colp Y adapted, by the -,"Aayor smd �ouncillpen of 'z ing lawfully held on tbe 40 ]�W dEy Mt T-i2iCh a quO-u-'was present, G1113 file and of record in my office, Clerk 'y that of a reeolution skid city at a meqjt- 0 C erk of -t-Fe—Ul-t—y oF sallna. STANDARD Foa 8 2-22-5000 UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY File C-5260 OREGON SHORT LINE RAILROAD COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY LOS ANGELES & SALT LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY THE ST.JOSEPH & GRAND ISLAND RAILWAY COMPANY JOHN A. BENN.EWITZ, CoNTH.&c,r ArTonwimy !Jr. Chas. E. Banker, City Clerk, Salina, Kans. Dear S iT: 1416 DODGE STREET 0AIA11A, NEBRASKA, !�,jar Ch Zlt 1922 Referring to your letter of March 20th.with which you returned the proposed agreement between the Union Pacific -Railroad Company and the City of Salina, setting forth conditions governing the construction, maintenance and operation of a 10 inch sewer pipe line across mcPherson Branch in alley (produced) between Idlinneapolis and Beloit Avenues at Salina, -r-ansas& This agreement has now been executed on behalf of the Railroad Co pang and one of the signed copies is returned to you herewith for the files of the City. Will 70U niAAAA rnrltpint.? 'nc.