Audit # 5471 Alley of 4th & 5th 10 inch Sewer Pipeline Crossing AgreementnR ��,. Yy Vis. • 2i.�U • 1 U' n� os A G R 3 .iI M E S1{ T u between UNION PAC IF I C RAILROAD ILROAD O WANY and CITY OF S2LI= Dated � �T 21.92'0P Providing for the maintenance and operation of a 10" server Pipe ` line extenLing underneath and scrosz the RaPherson Br&noh of the U.l'.R.R. at Salim., 'Tansas. 2*26.20• JUPLIC T" ORIGINAL RMSI 104 Agroem 3tt, Audit Moo 5471, gip. 2-17�- IS AGS To made and entered into this Potation of that lstate of Uta h$ 0 rel, after c .led "Railroad +dompaaay" I # party of the first part, and t OITY cep SALINA Salmi County# Ka as thereinafter called "L aamseare") aarty of the s000Ad part W4VAM: 'fit "Ai the pe es hereto eater d 'iilto W:Sgroo- men,t, on .the soventeenth t 17th da of � b� , 1910, : Under the tame of, Whiob the :4io, ow ee .0onstructed and has SIU00 . maintained aain.ed and operated, a tom: (XO) inOU. s e. w'e r . pipe . XUW arses tb.aa track and promises oil the Aai.lroa d, Company at' saXinal Saline County, Kansas, in the location described as,. t 013 M to -Wit z. IWtsndUw underground across The proms :,24ses and,;undezzeath and aoross %be xoadbed and track of Uke Mopherson. Branch of the union zweitio i.iroad, along a straight, line parallel with and approximately "" ve 6) feet distant east of the Brest line of the alley extending through the block bounded on than east and weat by Fourth Street and kitth ;street, respea3ti.volys and on tb:e north and. egath by Norh Street and Ane Street, respOOU'7 1,V s loostion bow sem. bar broken yellow 13. g aye the at- ah �'t-� tsa ed print# ahioh said a�'tta shed print to marked "Bxhibit A" - aaanai is hereby rade a part h�eroo�„ 9914 agreement ha' IA6 expi.red ata the a vente ,h (17thday - of Deb ry, 1920; and W the Licensee desires to001ati llu e to . maint,aain and operate said ton. 11Q) itch sewer pipe 1; . ( b# rOjUatter called "pipe I.Ine 0) across the trace and premises of iha: Railroad Oompany sia the location storessid, the Railroad Oam:VWW being Vdllivg rub SOO t to thO 'Con i,- tions stipulations, c vemnts and agreem is hevoinaafter IT l$ TORaBB ARX by and between tie paarties he"' to as :10flows , 'to.*Wit % The lra>ad COMPR y does hereby gran', UDU the LiCOnSee that right, during- Ike to hereof, to maintain and operate the a &14 pipe line aat�xOBB " e pa�eaaaais0s, ad�aed ant track of the Hailroalk VOMPWY in the 100atiOu he rai.artb of or a rdesaribeai, i grant is made oresely subjeot to the ob- sei�+ gnoe OU pOr�sh o oe by the i�i>raa ASe10 of 811 and singular t ea naiit$,arum„ csaa'e a kts as a g�reomsgte he►rol4a for a ►n- taai:n+ed to be by the iceAsao .kept a obsaervaed am paexfore►ed4 it being hereby aatipnUted, that a!s ualver by the Railroad Cox- Pa'W of any breach of SiW aaaah oon4itiones oovonants aaaad. aagreemsaats shall ta.210 wa aaIr the ri t of they Railroad " comp to avail itself Doi any v0sequent breaaeoU thereof. (3) SIZA AND KIND OF PIPS: 'The said pip$ line where it Orosae$$ they premises and traaok of the Railroad Oompany is eaonstrMotod of and shall be. maintained with good standard vitrified ola y sewer pipe . ! 02-beedius teat {..1l1) ihohos in diameter,; and said pips lits shall at all timss be maintained at iauoh an ealovaati,oh that the top thereof Shall be not lose than twelve (.10fe et below vibe base of the rails of said traoto (d) Z10B RSHE `To BEAR HNTIRB RS HISA The Z10e326e0 shall hoar the entire aost and expense iza'arred, in soa ooti n with the maiaatecanost repair aand ro.. UGV41 of aaaid. pipe lines Itolndi ag stay and aal l eexpense vhjoh may bo inoorre►d ,by the Railroad Oompa y 14 eyeawnotion themes-.- with for supervision* 11i8po tions, or othervdo ; but. all that work upon them 08asas, Underneath and in the vlotilty.: bf, said read bed and. track 'shaall be doA$ na deer the direation of and .4000rata to plate and; sapeaeolfieaations, approved by the . Raail-- road O oaa. �i PRUI' SUBJEcT TO WDS OF RATMOAD 00MAM.,� ha Railroad Com notwithstanding thea aaat'aaras- said. grant shaall havethe t ea its existing taaraaelc at alit in the rioinity ofsaid pipes line la. i"bs present 2pomw-*. tion* and nothing a be done or suffo red to be dont' by the 108neve at any time that. would In a ► aalanner Impair thee, use- i'valtess or safety of aauoh traehs or of any other timoks that may hearesaaf'tor be oonstraote4L thoreaaeress. and the Railroad 0OMPaUY rQ60rveaa and shall'have the righi at oaa7 and aal.l, timed to make such ohaaa es in said existing traaok and a r�aotareas� o In the present standard thearoofs, and'to oonstrueete, maintain and operate asuoh additional " raaeks or strn+astar+as where said Pipe lined to oQnstruotead, and soross the servo as as frame time to time it may $loot aaa'a::d the Lioextee shall bear thea expense Of moving,, removing or makiag such modifioatio#svin said pipe line so may be required by the Rail.roaad ' Compaa iaa Con eation ,with aanoh ohanges in said t rook and st ruotnare s, or in than present staandaard, tbere of s, and, shah additional trooks or strual nrss. The obligation, of thea Lisesauses in this agreement pray-. aaor bead kith resfsreaaae to the maintensnos, repair and renewal of said, pipe line as originally a oustrndted' shall apply to $aid pipe, line as re3loaeatOd s obangot or modified within the. eadnteaaplation of this seotlon. (6) yin Lin laOT TQ INTBRFRRH WITI OPS Tyra 4F RAILROADt "The said. pipe Uns shall at all tia l hea a�a�ist.aaiarar repairod s relieved and. operated bythe Ljoen.ess in aatxoh '+ea Ma or as to oaausea no Interfe:renov. whatsoever with thea *on- -2— sta4to Continuous and uninterrupted use of the traaeke., Prop- arty and, promises of the --Kailroa4 Company,, y, both as regards operation. mai nteuaa oo, v6pairS Ond meas le,, or possibly a w ,9on+astruttion by the hAjlrga'd oompa 'The Lt*dn ee shall Indemnify and hold harm lose, the ,Rai.lroad 0o from . against my' and a�l,l damago , oia�tins, domfind.s aa� loas , 04 "00 of 40tion.0, eoete and expew'.. a3X Wlataoovlor nature Vhiah m result. XPOM b" injury to or the death of . SZ7 person Whomsoever, Or from the loam of or dsemAge to p opartV o$ any kind or nater o o . ina lu.ding dama ge to the roadbed- traots eol nt . r author .,propbrty of Ihe Railroad cem wWi vrhen suoh in julwo . death, lose or damage is dne tai the existence of saaiai, pipe line or to than ootatraotlou" MUIM$e4 oa3, Operation repair ' or x+�i�owil the ro of * oar ° to the ' � oontents therein ox therefrom* (8) JASUSS 02 PIPS: lIM Asuse of said pipe lime for the p`mawrpose for Which It was originally eonStrueted aeon tIming at any time for a period of one year, aha34 oonotitute on. abandonment ment thereof by the Zioo=106 and of .a grant herein mane, and in ease Of such 04 abandonment or of the brei b bV the Lia eUsee of any of the '00*41tioAst agreements and ee►V a herein oc n- tei»eai, t&e Uatiroado abai.l have th+eright to fermi,» t+e this agreement at Meme by giving thirty ( ) deq s $ not loo in writing to the Lioeasee of its intention to ter-. Mizatik the same., and at the expiration of said thirty (30) . da*vsI 40ti e, the li! em a herein granted shall termite and ape* at an ox*,, and the Lioness shall be. Without r000urse or redress of any oharactor against the gailroa & Oompany b ragason, oroot, 19) RMVAL OF QV LIOUD-SE: mediately upon the toadamization of this areement howsboVer, the, 9,1"ad; Comps shall have the Tight to re- move -move ear id AveIiU6 trolia undozzeatU said ro ad."bed - and traek " Or raeke, aaamd to restore re Ba ld voadbeai to its f er `ooAd i - tion ellat the egos t ' ai d expense of the '404AGee, or it may pe►rmlt the Zigensee to perform such v rk of removal and res tovati.on, v�or its per .eioa ., and the .event of the reg- moval b;V the Asilroad 0, mp Of Sala pipe line, a's aforesaid and o the reeto�ra�.tion of s4id roadbed . tb its fon r dondiw tiono the 4PI'ALIX0414 0ompaW shall In no manner be liable to the Lio eeo $ov any damage sustained o' the lAdeAsee IO or on aaaeac� t Cher+ of s aDAd Wit; -oh removil and rad sioia�uou. ,l. sha ih zjo er pre ud i ao or +air a right 4i uaaati oar : ;for damages. or .otherwise that the Railroad company My haes 10) AGURAMM 13OT TO SS ASSIONIMO fto <.6lo6US*e shall not assign this a arOOM"t . OT as of the rights hereunder without the consent, in writing, of the a"tread company endorsed haatreon, r o K VOI (11) TEM OF -AGBREMUT to, Ond, USQUAMS074% Pebroa s 19209 and. shall oontivie it full .fords- and Offset until terminated' as provide&4 and all of the ogvenamtes afire ments and oonditiaua herein Contained on the part of the liesuses to be kept# observed -and Oerfofted.-shall attached" I and rur with the serer system of the lioonseo of whioh , ssi i" pipe line is a part. (12 ) SVOQBSSOAS AND ASSIGNS: This agreement shall be binding upot and Inure to the benefit of the Railroad Oompa ►, its sueoessors and aosigne, the hioansee sad the sueeassors and assigns oi',Itl �ellais�►o. '. wIT N' ss wH�RBOF, the parties hereto have oau 0 this agreement to be exeouted on the day and year first h re - in writteno Wifteso: Fitness: Attest: 0 ITY OF S. INA 0 X*d C' . :z, ' , UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM IINION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY , OREGON SHORT LINB7 RAILROAD COMPANY OREGON -WASHINGTON RAILROAD &NAVIGATION COMPANY JOHN A. BErrlvE I+'i 1 e Cw 2143 WITZ. CONTRACT ATTORNIDY 1416 DODGE STREET OMAHA, NEBRASKA, May 8, 1924. . Mr. Chas . E. Banker, City Clerk, Salina, Kansas. Dear Sir: I hand you herewith for the files of the city, one executed copy of agreement, bearing; Cont. Dept. bio. 2143, between the Union Pacific Railroad Company and the City of Salina, providing for the maintenance and operation of a ten - inch sewer pipe line extending across the right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad Company at Salina, Kansas. Will you kin dly'acknowledge receipt?' Enc;