Cloud to Hwy 81 12 inch Water Pipline Encroachment Agreement I _ ~ , i": 0' '~ " 11/8/67 ~L 472..,/10 THIS AO__r, eacuted.1a duplIcate, J)<::~<.:.~,,{rrb-Y"' /2-. ' 1967, by and ~tW'eenMI$$QUfU\ P1\CIFIC. BAILROAJ) OaMPAR, a Missouri cGl"Poratien, here1naf"ter cal1_ "'~Ral1%'oadtt, and thfl!. OXft gJ'. ~A, a.K\mlclpal C01'J>Ql"S,tion of th~ ,State of IUlIaas, hereiRafw1"'called "City~ ,"W1fN1SSifBa ~.~".\;.:~;c.."".,' I It' Ii T~h ~;r~'''' ..A D. . -=- ;i', ": ,: . 'Olty d.s1res~1'!nls8101lto install a'12. inCh diameter under- p~d ,water pipe line on lailroad"srllhtot 'WiA7 ~ Sa.l~a, Ktul.s, ~Qc'wh1oh bllroad .ie agreeable upe the W1"lJls, hel"e1n stat.ed.. I ' ! ","'; -",." '.' , i1;~(:",:;;,~)'IQ\il"~t,m,. in c~slden.tlon oftAe,premises, an4 of the pr~s.t,~i'~d ~reem!9nt8 l1ereIutteJ"crmtalned, .the part,lt,ls hereto agree: l'~;;" \; :i,);:_ > " . . ~\!t:L'i': 1. Ral1rqadbere'bt cmnts. solely to tM~t ot its rlght, tI~~,~#~;IiJ1terest" w~t.hwt, fJ:lJ:Ywar~t1, ,~re8s 'or. implied ,anel. 01'1, at el~.,;~;,sole abst Emd responsibility, l1ere'b1aeQepta,lieeusElud ~sslon to' lf1f~~~):;GonstrUot ,.1rAta1ngkEl~ a1'ld usee! t7 'apropo"ad J2...J.nchwa.t,&r ',:une,,'~'~er~"nattet' aalJ.e<i "Pipel.1nEitJ" a1;ong thlt westerly aide ot la1~oa(p s , ,~ht' " , .',to]l"adietanclit ote.PPl'olli..t$l:11,'39 teet .trom apoi,nt 'in Cloud . $trie"..~b~1yto$ junotion,wlthan ~st1a112 Inohwater liileoc:roSltdJ1fh 10. tb.~;,i\~lt7 'ot SalltDa, in the, So\\thwefSt ~er of SeQtlon ~" Towship'14 'S~UtJ1~f~i;Bang~" Weat, $aUn.. CotUstY',hnSl!l19. . " , " , ' "," - ,--~::.;:"'" ';"".' . ,," .. '.' " ", . ~ Zi:: :: ' , ( . : '!'heap}#oxima_ It,)ce.tlea:li)f P~pe ~els show' 'lV' beaVy b1.\1e ' UaesonRaib'oe.dllsWestem Distrlc"hitepl"1nt, ~~' August 3, 196711 'U.EI lo."'4f94gPh~ 1rl Oftice (If: 'Dls'trlct,,"II1r!eer,ltanl&s.Clt1,Mlss~l, , ,~rk$d ExM."blt nl"i7attac~ bel"'eto as partbel"$of. ' . . - ; .'., - - - i..' 1,. - . ,-., - '" _ ,," ,- \ : l, - "f""_ ,-,'. - " .~. '"",-,"'-- -.. .:' -' ,: - -, - - ',: . ,",' ." - . ,,_.,", '-, , . .'. -'.' ... ;;,';; , ,2.. TheliceDS$ and pemlaaioD p$n\e4'. :to City ,'as m Section 1 p2l'cvld~4.9.re cmbjeot .dsUbo~~t$, h<meveJ'"to tile right tnRai.b'Q~d, its euc,Otl~~~rsand assigns., . 11>$ l$/!$e$s a.nd 11c~sees'" tQ Oot1$t~Ct,l ' nc01'18~ct, Qperti~~.._!nta1n, repair and "D~ on,~.ath01"a\'JoVe &13.:road's properv aD'1 t.el~phofAe, ~lelf'aphll powe!" '.1'14 Signal 11nes.,and' pOles; ,t:r.a.c1t~, road'wq$, 'P~P$1.Ul~l;lud ,facilities ot td..mllar .or different cb.arac~:r u are novoi' 1D t:he Vtuture 'I1J!J:" be loca\$d on,'beneatb or aboVe ,Uf1 of' B9.ill"~d'~ .id propertY'. , ' . J . ' " . . ,', 3. $1\7 shall at all times keep Pipe11>$.!ie11'1 ~()od atatfb of ~$pa1r.. .llv~k 'byOlt,. her&~er'8ha~1,be :~rto:rmed in a_fe ,ami vorkmailll1ke ~er.;,Olty shall turnl$hordo, at OlV'sOiiiioos' tU1d"spon~lbl11t1j1 any ~da+l,th1ngs;~4~~ and asfl-. tble to .t~!.' . us4, to aocompU.sb "^, w1u\ts~~~r,the. 01~~t:t.emPt$ or ilB,~ to do at:; tlmG~:retmder~Clt1 shall adjust Pipe Lue to ~.PhYllilloa.l ebatlge as~eat"U17 t1me 1n - any of Ral~d.l sa propert7Jatal1 1>$mea kMpbg uppersurtaC$ Qteame at least 4-1/'- te$t below'. bottom of ~ :nil t.b$!'eover. Said things, ~olu.d'l11! the tiae and mann~r of (loins ant(l40ft.., each ~hall cmlf'orm. to the Nq'tdremenw of Ralh"O$.d as well as of ~ State, Fec!$ralQl", Mimlcipal autbl1>r1ty. (~ .... 1 ..;,. I' I 63530 -.', - -- - - -.- ----- -~ ..--....- - - -- ---'-'~-- " i i I. .'" .. - -. " -, "t, ", - . t~,~ ... '/ c.- . '.,.... ~ S '. ".", 11/g/67 J)~L 47a-70 4~&.1lJ'oad ,may Ilsct:bt6 to'U CUty, ~lSh or do.a~,Olt1~_i1 i'a7 and b~r the eost of, aD1tbing which, ~1n ;~~e4 otCt" at .,t~j( elthel'. shall not be, f\U'nlshe4Qr donewith1n ten"~; toU0\I1I)gItaili"'$" ".' m ttfm ~que~t therefor or 'shaU be un4ertallen ,by .It.al1J'oa.d . lilt Clt;y9G:L NqUeatp andelt,. on,"que4t~ shall,..in advatlC$,l depotit, w-lth ~l~d, .the.st~t~ .coStt . tbereci:r. :It deposit be,lee$ tnu actwlll cG)st"Clty.U.pq4ltterenoEllJU . more,Ralh'oad shall tepq d1t't~ceo ..Oivsha11 pqco~ttO!lat1.-oa~- toy: ." aU1&bor:."ii1olud!ng wa$&S of tore%l1en._ plus 10$ "~cove, acoount~s and, . supe"~fd.on,Rd.lroad 0 s cost, price of all materials 1.0.. 'b~R.aUroad 0 li-raUS,. . plUS ~~. tooQVer handlin, ~accolmt1Dg,pl~s freight at tariff to,., poiDt of.. use~ and~lse taxes appllcable to said labor and ...te:d.als. ' . . ,'. ,':5",CitysbaU and hel'$by aereee to (a) ..ae~all, coet of and . def$n4~ltldemtdtr\ .<m.d, eave btmUes's.. ..the , Railroad.fram. ~d agablst ~ and all e1a~..'.~ts;'&Amag$$" coats (I.nclU4bgattom$:i'f.J' t.laa) p 'l()ssea .'~... ~:aae$ 'in ant~$!" resultbig. tr01l19 &1"leblg-outot or 1ncl_~ to the lafitlth '. . iDBt~ll]Atl0;l9_J.nte.mC$, rea_Iii tepalr, '~ova~" tUS9':O:rc utet$Jlc!8 .ot. ilpe, L1l1e' 91-; atiY.:tb$re()f, 1tAclwU.r:~.g th$ b:realdng' o~ t1:18':'SQV4$ 'OJ"' ..aD7 leakage ,,' .' t~e~~~j)'a~d(bla.s\Ule a~l risk otlosa Cl'd~(jt()'l~ Lln19, and' ~e eontan~~'tb$reot regaWilesa af how _USee"" , . ." . , , ,.. . .. .:' ' ,E)~,:tem 91. th1$ape_'tlnailbe~"vlth ;the4eri$f~sth~~~~..." . abol1e.W1tteil ~ cont~$ tbG~tt$r tOll,so,lo~ga$ j'(U..tt8~11.e.ltallrl{)ad'e' sald~r~~rty 'tv ithep~seeabOv$ Htf4l)"h_Uf11ese,$O()n.rterm.u~~~. "a$ . lt~'l)$ 'at ..ariy ,thne, .byCiqr tail$.ng to cure' .awde~u1tvltb..."t~~, tol1oi~gRaUroad'8 _1'ttflm ~~t'l!t the"toro' .Any. notlceot Ra!hQe!ld e,ball'. be defmleti :serve(l' vbend0~slwd. 'postage ))1"epald, ift,u. s. ._11.~te~'.',to. .Cit1. . Not kteJ!! tlum., lA,at.~. of' . term ber8ofCit;y, $hall nmO'lf~'lpet~ h9lU '.... _d restore .~,tb.~~~aftect.4 'ot. 'ftallroad'at prO~rt7o. AnY;'ot. Pi.pe.L1&e'not . so.reni?ved :a~l at RaUro&uitm,eleotiouwlViout notle~r, bed~a~ddo~ea;.' No d_gessball,be ~ccrlYeftbletr. iaUroad. .~eauseot '$.Dtdl$Po~eeesl~,'ot . City <>i'>,bac(tuse-of a.D:1 failure .ot~ def'$ot!.n, or extt.notlo~ ()tRaUv~f$~lt1e<i . . . . . . . - ", .7. Cltywh~ Ntum~tl11S4cre~nt(s1gn$d) $ball.parto 'b~.... road. 'and. ~l1roaashallisl.ccept tnNBHUND.ll'm.nm AND 'NO/l00"DOLt:.AR$'{$9~P~OO} tor the privilege .g~ted beNi~h, '. ,8" 'Covenetshereu shan~ to; or 'b1Bdeaohplp"tyt srtiNooes.ots ~d l\$sip$.J 'p~()Videdtno I"lgl1t'ot 'CltY'a~U '.~ 'trS.n8te~cl.~'ass~ed,\.. . e,itbervQluntaril7. or u'li'olun,wl1t,. ~xcept .b1.. express . ~ent aco~pt.able ;,t{> '. '8alboad.. " ila!lroad Ot'C1W 'fJla1walvsarq- detaultat ian7,"ime of. .th~otl1er ..... ..' . "ltbollt I9.ttiaot~g lIorlm"lrlns: ~:rl~t. ar.ts!ns trOll;;':~~' s.ubseq~t., def'tiu1t;. . r ' ". . . . . ~ ". _ -,,;, '. , I . I, - . ~. t . . , .' . .... 9" .OlW Shall,oausE) '~l~oad,tsor1giDalheNot.wh~l1d$:tl'Vered, exe~ted (by '01 tY I to Ba~oad to be' aCC~Jlt~id.e~ 'by '~ceJ:1:.Ulad ,oow~t.. iAlfilh . . , . I ;. ,>' (- . .', " , ... 2.... " I , " 0 ! I 0 .' In' : I ~ I : I r- I :'"'---j'::: :~; -'-, 11_. I Ii ! I , i I I I' i \ I , I , , : ' : I J~ _~I ~ ,t ,\ , , 'I' ~? -- ;,! c . ~..' '\, , ' ~ In <:>0 0 0 ;- + <t- In "'l r'1 J-: n: '" , /~~ \\\ ~ (f \ \~.o,j; " ,~\ l~ '\\ \ cJ c "~~~ &:--~ ,,\~ ~o"e>~- . ~~~\/ ~)/ ~~ ",/ ' .\\~ \ \ ::!----\;~' \0: \, M A RQV srr~ 12" \;I/ATEP, LINE. Ef\JGROtACHMIiNT"'---' b" fS3qlJ; --!'....I.- ...." Pi f; c. I.P. '. ------ -------- To 4i.MAIN T.,,,......,,; ,...... _:\ . J!'O RoBe"" \o~) /v" ,~~\ /. -~\~ \\\ <2:~' vI". /' , >1'1 ~ I~I ~\ \, ~I J\ ~I ~ I ~ I -fIJ ~T;'}.~/"II"'I:I"'/J?~:I/;"Y'lr:c-~. ,,'::"(f:'(i(.~f=;I - ; / '>/'7>"., /,~JI/"P ',_IT "~~J~ ' .~.. " _I ~ LOCPlT10N ..- 5 I II -, DOl C. p.", L e, -=;c. NOTe:: /2" C.I,PWAT'e.R f'''1AI~ t-F\P'X. pP.ES,$: GO PSI M IN., DEPTH - 3 I BEL.PW "'I", ..( I J 50 ! ! ( I I ). i ( I - ' :;0 - '1 -"Tr;PtCA L.. c -:,C,<H, e: Sf.c:. TIC!'1""";' /'1-;: 2.0 I ~Ol<. I"::: 5 IVE'~T. " . ~." . THE RUCKERT:C(). 1M 125B 1-64 : I j \ Ii , I lr-- tit ) /-'t:- \{~i. .c ". l ...'1. - 'I ~ P 1(.>> ". d ' '" o <::l ... r )AL.iNC ,.. ,', ,_-__1t SEC. 2~ TI1S.) R3w COu-l\lry KANSAs " j s. W. Jl4 / / /;/ i I I 1-, I~ / ,).: / ~! / ::f:.' ! Vy'i ;' ::::sO / i , f:j.J I / " I I ~i I / ! ! / i i _ , - ' I \ ' .--::::;;;;; ~ ;-- , I __ / 7, _.' ~ i i -/ ,.6 ~ ~' - (/.;-> I " /i i , ' /1 ~ I ,ArJ) ! j \1-1.>; ,.,,,>/~./ ! / ... I '? 0~:./ / .7' ~/ / \ / ' ~i... / , , /' I (b -- I CJ I .;.. I \).,. / '" / ~~ /!::if / (J J i "j' -::J. .I 'f o a + C) K ,~ M ;-;:::--.. E. X L.5 T 11'\1 (;) / /21/ WATer:( L,NE. X-IN" S..A.N,5&.,- PARl'<. i ~. .-; .>1 ~i~ ~ i -.. ..! , I 63530 . PROP. /2/1 WA'1ER. LINE /53crl:t 01' 12l! C..I.? EXH J 13 fT' "f:'," .,.1 I MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPAI\ry , W,,:~>TE:"'N O;15TR\r.:,' PROP 'v~ A TE R, L f N..E ENc.R6AC.;4 ME ~ 10 S EAVE. I I C,TY OF- SAt-IN"" . SA'U I\l A K;:~tNSA.S '8/ !3-/t.'7 ",' File N~. 3;-.0; ~c:r., , Scale: 1 "inch equa15.laQ.;~~. Olli.. of D 1.5 l. ENGINEER K.A''I.il'\.> Ct')' Me- ",., Note Book Page . .! Draftsman ~ ".:r: I l .- '''--' I :1 ~\ ," I, i i i' ') -.j ,- "'if' ,": ., \ 11/1/67 3M....L 472-70 orcU.I'lM,ee, Qr resollJ.t1on, &1$ passed or approved as ,l)t law prellloribed. as shan ~ke ~bllS, a. valld tmd biDd1ttg a~t of City i; -; ~,., .. .'.';' , ;;1:,;, . ,. ,INQ~~rt the partIes h.ere'to have dl117 e;hcuted this agreejenta.s. of the d~ttlr$there1nabove ,witteD.. '" ,.,..,;;-",;;'," " ',' ",:,- '.;......' ~ESf" , .,~r:":'~\:;:;:",-'T_. ,,<.,,'....,i..'. < .<.-:;;,,-./, :.;~-".. . Y, ',;._' '~./, ~'.~,/~ ' ' " Aft&S~r:~:';:'~" ,/ ;$y, ;;'".', " ~ ... ".;':'t)~ .ClA 4~' . ", ~lt701.k ' .'"') , ( c-.f r :~ , ' By; -J GIn ' OF~mNA .~~,....,.,....~,...~. , ,te"., ;l)r \ ,", '';'.'' ... .3 .... -'I c f;. . .., .. , '-_ (, )..._ r ,. - , . o ;-.. ~. " ." . ,-. .. RESOLUTION NO. 2968 . A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AGREE~lliNT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SALINF., KANSAS, AND 'EHE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY REl.1\TIVE TO INSTALLATION OF A ThTELVE-INCH WATEH. LINE ON RAILROAD RIGE'E-OF"-WAY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. That the proposed agreement bet.ween the City of Salina, Kansas, and the Missouri Pacific Railroad CompanYr identi- fied as Contract No. JM-L 472-701 dat~d November 81 19671 relative to installation of a twelve-inch water line on railroad right-of- way at Salinal Kansas, between U. S. Highway 81 and Cloud Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Section 2. That t.he Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf o~ the City of Salina, Kansas. Adopted by the Board of Comnlissioners and approved by the Hayor this 27th day of November, 1967. ~ ~// pi //--~ ,.../.--.--.......... r. "- /. /, /"./ ----..~ ~._. -_.. ~__--_...-._.... ~.-',~...f_/'-._(/.....- / ._....~1 / ,'..# '-......../ __n-. ~4--,...._.< ,1/ ,!.,/ / /., ...,.....,..{.\ c..': ,...,..7 ~.- .~_.. -~~r--~+~' ...~/., , .. j ---....---./ \ ! I / Mayor' ./ F.TTEST: i,.., <-. '/. /, r' ~..:fi.:.,i:.{'l'i. I""C.~~..' City Clerk i ~ ,;;:- .::J"', ArliE t,~y6~ ,~::,:~:,q .~" ~ ~ "" ""r, "-. ~ ' SAll:Nl ~'KA'NSAS , . . , " ORDER NO. '. ~s ,234 ';1~ PURCHASE ORDER, VENDOR'S COPY-MAILWITH ORIGINAL CHECK NO. DATE PAID 1 Missouri Pacific Railroad Company I DATE December 29, 1967 FUND CHARGE Water & Sewage TO: 6400 Martin Avenue CODE AMOUNT L Kansas City, Mo. 64120 1647 Ship To CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS 67401 ATTENTION or % DEPARTMENT QUANTITY DES C R I 'P T ION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Agreement No. 63530, dated December 12, 1967 for permission to insta11pipe line. $950.00 THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS By kJ~rJ PURCHASING AGENT SUFFICIENT FUN~E AVAILABLE /''' ;;:;.---:0; -0 ,/) #' ....-"(.../ 6-L, <.....-...;:;.~--cr______~... CITY CLERK APPROVED CITY MANAGER ,> I r. ,--,' ~ '0 -- -- ~---~"--~'~---'---'---"--~'--'-"--'- \:~- \ /" tir /' '/ .. FORM 29015 - 6/62 MISSOURI PACIFIC RAilROAD COMPANY CONTRACT DELIVERY & ACKNOWLEDGMENT 6400 Martin Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. 64120 llP-~h~,.. 1A.. 1967 File: 66...cm:..4 City otSalina. SaliM: Kansaa Gentlemen: Attached find bound copy of duplicate original of: Agreelll$nt No.. 63530, dated December 12" 1967 It Favor: City 01' Salina, Kansas Covering: Permission to install pipe line. At: Salina, Kansas Kindly acknowledge receipt of the attached contract on the attached copy of this letter, signing in the space provided and showing title. Please return the acknowledgment to the undersigned as promptly as possible. Yours truly, G. Wi. HOLlM~MN It W. ~a General Manager RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: this ---.: d'ay of 19 Title: -:J' I ~..,..,_ I ~ . ,; b ",' .. , \"~ H. E. PETERSON D. L. HARRISON Uf;r.. 2~&Y \~ f. (' CLtLf OJ~ Q~LL}LCL BOX 746 V-1l SALINA. KANSAS. 67401 . , ARE'" CODE 913 TA 3-9534 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY HALL I am enclosing the two copies of the Agreement JM-L--472-70, dated November 8, 1967, ,V'hich was approved by the City Commission and signed by the Mayor and Attest by the City Clerk. November 30, 1967 I am also enclosing a copy of Resolution Number 2968. The agreed fee of $950.00 will be mailed as soon as the City's Copy of the Agreement has been signed and returned. Sincerely, C'w J '- 6!~/; a1~l.t-:7--Cr-""-' D. L. Harrison City Clerk MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NA1'IONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES FIFTH AND ASH STREETS Missouri Pacific Railroad 6<'!00 Nartin Avenue Kansas City, Missouri 64120 Dear Sirs: DLH/jbs encl (3)