Ohio Street 12 inch Water Pipeline Crossing Agreement .:,. :: t~?"" FORM 2002'1 3-61 OLD 4940 " ,- MP Rd. PIPE L~NE LICENSE THIS INSTRUMENT, executed in duplicate, June 7 ,lcP3 ,Witnesseth: The un, deriign~d Ca, rrier hereby grants, but on solely the herein, ex, pressed terms and conditi,on, s', and th,e un,d, ersigned Licensee ~ Kansas lVlltlJ..o;!pa.L OorporatJ.on), to be addressed at City Hill, 5t..h & Ash Sto, ~lina, Kansas (show whether. an individual, co-partners. or corporation ~nd state wherein incorporated) , hereby accepts, permission to install, keep, maintain, repair, renew and use for conveying water the Licensee's own O!:le certain proposed. continuous line of '-' v (number) (proposed or existing) Cast Iron pipe 12 It in diameter, and appurtenances, including72 feat of 12 gao-21 1nl'.>.1: ~orru~ated metal ent")aSEm'/-~n called Pipe Line, onthe Carrier's property,herein calledPremises. gipe Line will be used for , pipe ~onvey1ng l.>1ater, with m~imum pressure of €>0 pouods per square inC'ho ~ Northeast Quart-,ar Salina eounty (county or parish) Approximate location of Pipe Line is indicated by heavy solid , in Pipe Line shall intersect Carrier's existing of Section 12 , tra("ks T.J$k or rig~t;~ wa~ \1 Kansas (state) line , a t ;;'iJ~ Salina (place) on Exhibit A attached hereto as part hereof. 1. Licensee shall at all times keep Pipe Line in good state of repair. All work by Licensee hereunder shall be performed in a,safe and workmanlike manner. Licensee shall furnish or do at Licensee's own cost and responsibility any and all things and when and as from time to time required to accomplish whatsoever the Licensee attempts or is bound to do at any time hereunder. Licensee shall adjust Pipe Line to any physical change as made at any time in any of Carrier's property; at all times keeping upper surface of Pipe Line at least four and one-half feet below bottom of rail thereover. Licensee shall cause Pipe Line, before being used for anything inflammable, to conform substantially to Exhibit B attached hereto as part hereof. Said things, including the time and manner of doing any work, each shall conform to the requirements of Carrier as well as of any State, Federal or Municipal authority. Carrier may acting for Licensee furnish or do, and Licensee shall pay and bear the cost of, anything which, herein required of Licensee at any time, either shall no't be furnished or done within ten days following Carrier's written request therefor or shall be undertaken by Carrier at Licensee's request; and Licensee on request shall in advance deposit with Carrier the estimated cost th, ereof. If depo~~~~~~~","LicelJ';;7~MJ.!.J:l~ the difference; if more, Carrier shall repay difference~~~UUGmrgt:ilIillj~m1f6~~P"'l!~~ ~ Any other payment shall be made within twenty days following receipt of bill. Licensee shall pay cost to Carrier for all labor, including wages of foremen, plus 10% to cover supervision and accounting, plus vacation allowances, paid holidays and health and welfare benefit payments applicable to said labor, Carrier's cost price of all materials f. o. b. Carrier's rails, plus 10% to cover handling and accounting, plus freight at tariff to point of use, and excise taxes applicable to said labor and materials. Carrier may.connect with and dis- charge sewage into Pipe Line while serving as sewer. : 2. Licensee agrees to (a) indemnify and save harmless the Carrier from and against all claims, suits, damages, costs (including attorneys' fees), losses and expenses, in any manner resulting from or arising out of or in connection with the laying, maintenance, renewal, repair, use, Cexistince or removal of Pipe Line, including the breaking of the same or any leakage therefrom, and (b) assume all risk of loss or damage to Pipe Line and the contents thereof regardless of how caused. 3. Term hereof shall begin with Ju.ne 7 , 19 63, and continue thereafter until concluded (1st) by expiration of thirty days f9llowing serving, by Licensee on Carrier, or vice versa, of written notice of intention to end term hereof or (2nd), at Carrier's electiomwithout further notice by expiration of six months without the Pipe Line having been installed or by Licensee failing (a-l) to cure any default or (a-2) to show statutory right to install Pipe Line within thirty days following Carrier's written request therefor. Any notice of Carrier shall be deemed served when posted conspicuously on Pipe Line or when deposited postage prepaid in U. S. mail addressed as aforesaid. Not later than last day of term hereof Licensee shall remove Pipe Line and restore Premises. Any of Pipe Line not so removed shall at Carrier's election without notice be deemed abandoned. Covenants herein shall inure to or bind each party's heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns; provided: no right of Licensee shall be,trans- ferred or assigned, either voluntarily, or involuntarily, except by express agreement acceptable to Carrier. Carrier or Licensee may waive any default at any time of the other without affecting, or impairing any right arising from, any subsequent default. MISSOURI PACIFICRAILReJ\.D C0:t.i>ANY 5680 /~. CITYO!;"' Sil1INA~ KMJ$AS xw~~- ~~P'g;?9P.~?f~J.~ By;~p-; ), ...'i~Cir~..(seal) As Licensee. second party herein. 5c?//n<:> COullly-ko/'l'.$_f:'f ' ^/w,)45ec7,T/45.RZw__.___ , ',__ . ~ ------ , ~-..,,- ~, '19'-'--: '-15-3,1-- '1.___- -. (:Lq.:.;';--/ 6. ----' . ~" ..--.... I ~ ~ 0' _-------- -"(_1------/ _ - / .....-- r.' J-12-t '..- - --- ~/-) -- ../ , · "'. ______ ,i , - :( ~ ...___-- 71-:-~~/--)19:- ./-- _>-1--" , ,/--' ~) " ' ,,-- ~j j./ -,~~~~~" , .,' . /'.;-.,..____..- -- . Prop. / Z. wO'~er Mqln - .~ -~_____ 5/-0..3 7 G 0+ CO 5 _\ G- o 1.'- ~ ~c " =- c' tit ,"---:- o ~. M, P",JOINT '" N,E)4 S<Fc. /(T/45Jf3W, ,. ~ 1'10'1 I 't). , , I.() III I I', ,'\. .......\} , . .>\ i(;)~ I' j \j,~" . I f'- - , 'IY) j \ I -- ~ ji () ....... ::t: o t. I 1 , '/ . , \. fOP.M 24032 . OLD 7!M3 L DC ai/on -p7/on / ": i 00 .I 5c.a / ~ J il15' I. - " ,I -tij-- . . ~5 of.. ot13'1-IS' 'E iF!.- , .. " . ,', .1j . . r ' 'c:. 4:: 5 U f'::' ,. f1 J . ,,---,-,--~~...,-_~. ,_._." _ .:t__.______________"____ \'~;:, '~((Q: ~~,~4~i; ~.'-:ti~ - ~~~. :::~1t ~-Q~.>i ~~...~4~(),:~~,~~,.~_ , ~ It. "WQ.iierM/';n;' C.lf?' 'tvfech, Jo,"n/.s \' Go F.B.I. -Pre-s-i ord" '. - . /ncq S ~q' )./77 z ,,';.Ot '2./" C M ~-J C 0,0 -led, / Z:J Q. ' 5e,Cf/i::}nA/o/7g Pro;;. WalerNCl//1 : 56808 " SCQ/C; /"=7.0' ,,' . .\'-: .. .. , , .: I. t. . v. pro? Crossing' 'I , ,'., THE R.~CKERT r;o. . 1M No. 121 PENClLON j,-61 ~ E '.:All. X/"//8/T ~ MISSOURI 'PACI'FIC RAILROAD CENTRAL' DISTRICT' , . 5t7///ur St..lbd/v/.5io~- PRep. j 4'''WA feR MAl N rOR T,~: c ,:"---~.:"" ,;-:' " SAI-I/vA, KAIV5A5 ;fIlf, ~ ~1 {'/ +- l ~. - / :> (~~'-L~- c~~0"\lt,.~C~! ~!,) ~ . ~-'/~_ \~~7 ." , ,~," '. ~'-L . ,Y;~Cl #~/747 /hlt~f,f,-,J 0t:;..:t..(i C::~'{.:.:t\! C;.: ;~:;.~~"';~'>:~';' U ~..: ", '." . ~ :- ,~ , ~... ~,.,~.~:'':~2~/' (;;,~L~?' ;,}_~'~jl:::~:{'.Ls:::~i 2. ~:~! ::.~).;:.:;:,.~:/ c:<:~,~ ~'G::2'~jX\:;(.! C:'.C.;:,:;' ..~...... -~: ~.' )3);- ::;,::~:1, 5.."(~ . , -;. ~.,....... '-~ ...,' '''' 1:,':):::,) o_t t.hc~ G~]:~~':7' C~!':.G c\}~~.~;.::~_=--:: 1;:'I:;:~::~ t(Z! .,....1'..;',.,.,.,... ,.......;,. ... d:".~-; :~>~.i ~ 7 -.c:&j ""-.." ..., .'. ".. . ..,:" ,\ :;) C;':':'~<'-::: :;~(.i :~,( :.r,"i.. ..,-.... ... J',:':::CY,,':{; "o- . .',.... __.... ~ '._, ! ~L__:.':'~>.;\;{'.,~ ~~~:::;. 5 F<: "\.':".' ~~.:';(:.' 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Kansas,s covering proposed 1211 vlater line, and 10" sewer line crossings at Mile Post 494-03.. at SalinaJ Kansaso Please aclanowledge receipt of these agreements on the duplicate copy of this letter; returnLag it to the llilder- signed 0 Encl. Yours very truly., ~w ..