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Ohio Street 12 inch Water Pipeline Crossing Agreement (2)
~ .'. .- .. (; ,'.. ..".:." ., ." FjlRM' 2002ll 3-61 OLD 4940 " t . MP R;d. v~ I' .~~, , . PIPE LINE LICENSE. THIS INSTR!}MENT, executed in duplicate, Jlln.e "1 , , . . . 19(:/'; ,Witnesseth: The. undersig. ne....d. '. Carrier he.re. by.grant..s,. . 'but' on solely. the herein. e..x..:p. r.essed . te.r~s. apd . condi.ti.ons~ ~nd th~.... IJ.. n,persign<<<.:; d Licensee . aa'an$~ M1n:1~:i.pa.1Corpo:rat,1()a' ), to be addressed at: Q~tiy1ta:u" D'th,.& A$~9'tH SaJ.1.n~J) 'l\.au$a~. " (showwhether.anindividual,co.partners, or corporation an' d.state whereiri incorporated) ',J:- .' . ......,.. ". '. . ..... ;'~. '" " . ".' '. ,hereby accepts, per~!ssion to' install, keep, maintain, repair, renew and ~sefor" conveying $mlitary seWQgG the Lice'nsee's own one . certain' proPO$~., continuous line ...:. of " ..., . . '. '.. '.. :. . (n'umber) . '. . "(proposed or existin~' . ," '.';' . :. ''') .. ".' do jJ_ Ca.st. I rot! , .pipe, 10 .iU.rihet;l , in' diameter, andappuit~nan'ces, includirig"fo~t .f~~1;:.Of' 11ll;.ga~....lo","".('}: ("!Ol"i'Ug~ted . :m~t,al en("!as~qm,.'tin c;lled Pipe Line, on the Carrier:s' pr;perty, herein called Premi~es.:.Pip~' Lin~ ~iil be' u~ed . to .' pip$ .' "...," '... ..' ....,.., '.:...:,:........:.':.:... ':.' : I ' . '..: >,,; , .' ~()nvey S~I1!l.g$ a~.grs.v1ty.t:\QWo,' , ." . I ~ ," ~ ." '"' , " ~. OJ Pipe G~esh~llintetsectCarrie;.'.s existing . " ,.' .' of Section' " 7 .' ,a~~ $ali~it . (place).,. on, ~xhibit f\a.ttached heret() as part hereof. '. traektii (track or right of way)' . T.J..4S " R, .~. W ~,. ilL N6rt..l1w~at'Qu~er ':.... .1 . Salinta County , . . . .(county or parish) . Approximate location: of Pipe Line is indicated by . heav1G10l~ . ~ ' Kansas (state) line " ," . 1."Licensee sha:llat'alltime~ keep Pipe Lin~in good' state of repair. All work by License~'hereunder shall.be performed i~ a safe and workmanlike manner. ,Lice.nsee shall furnish, or 'do at Licensee:s ow~ cost a'nd responsibility any and all things and when and as from. time to time req~ired to accomplish whatsoe,,:er t~e Licensee at~~~pts or is bound to. do a~ an~ ti~ehereunder. ,Licepsee',shall 'adjust PiPe l..ine.a.':, to any phYSical change as ma,de at any time m; any of Carner s property; at allWnes Keepmg upper surface of Pipe Lme'at !east.:!.O 1'6$",' . . ..... ~~1eltt below bottom of rail thereover: Lieensee shall cause'Pipe Line;. before b'eing used for anything. inflammable, to confOrm substantia!.ly. to Exhibit:13 at~ached' hereto .as pai-i: nereof: Said things, including-the 'time and manner of dqing any work, each shall conform .to 'therequii-ements of' Carrier'as well. as of any 'State; Federal'or. M unicipal:'authority,. Carriefrriay acting for' . '. Licensee furnish ordq, and Licensee'shall pay and ~be'ar .th~ c.ost of, anything which,liereif! reql}ire0 of.:.I-icens~e at an'y time,~ither sh?-ll hot be furnished or d01,1e ~ithin ten days follow:ing.Carrier's written request therefor orshilll beunaertak~ri.byCarrier at Licenst;~'s'request;and . Licensee on request shall in ildvancedeposit 'with c=arrier the estimated costtheteoL If deposit ,be less: tl-ian actua1.cost, Licensee shall pay " the differe!1ce;Y more', Carrier shall repay' difference. ~~~~~~~l;\rms~ " ~ Any. other payment s~all.be made wlthm t,:,,~nty days follo~mg receipt ?f '~II1. LlceI{.see shall: pay' ~ost to Carm,r for aI\', . labor, mcludmg wages of'foremen, plus '10% t6 cover superVISIOn and acco'!.rtmg,. plus, vacatIOn allowances,. paid hohdays and healthancl welfare benefit payments applicable 'to' said labor, Car.rier's cost'price of all materials Lb. \.>. Carrier's ,rails. phidO%..to cover .handlingancl accounting, plus freight at, tariff to point of use,' ilnd ,excise taxes applicable-to ~aid labOr' and n~'aterials.' Carrier may connect: With and dis- charge'.s.ewagei~toPipeLine\vhi~ese'rving';'sse~er..,'" >, .-.,'. ". ':"","';'.,:' ,.'C. '.' ,. ':.,'..;.:.....,:.:.. .' . . " . _'. ' )."., ~ '" " . ." . ) , ~, ','- I ., . " .. . .z: :Licensee agrees to (a) inaemnify. and' save harmless the' C~r~ier from and'~gainst all claims', suits, damage~, c'ost~ (including at.torneys' . fees), losses and e){penses, in any' manner resulting from' of arising.out of.or in connection 'wit)1 the laying, ma\ntenilnc.e, renewal, repair, use, , . existin'ce or removal of. Pipe, Line, iridu'ding. the b'reaking or the saine or any leakage therefrom, and (b) .;ls'sumeall risk of loss' or damage to Pipe ~ine and thec?ntents ther~of regardles:s of how:ca~sed. . . 1....... .' . (lst)~bl:~;r~if~~f;fh~llbeginthl;fy 'da~sfJl1~2in1 ser"ing;'b;'Lic~nse~ ~n Carrier, o/~~t ;:~s~~~t:r~~~~~'~~~i~:f~rriri~e~~i~~n~~u~~~: .term hereof or (2nd), at Carrier's ,election withou~ further notice by expiration of six months without t~e Pipe Line having beef!' installed or by Licensee failing(a~l) to cure any default ,or (a-2)-to show statutory right to install oPipe:Line'within: . ,'. '. .' thirty. days following Carrier's written.request therefor, Anyn'otice of Carrier shall bedeemeq served .when :posted. conspicuously on Pipe~ine or 'when deposited postage prepaid in U, S. mail addressed as aforesai.d, Not -later than'last day, of term hereof Licensee shaH remove Pipe Line and restore Premises. Any of Pipe Line not'so remove9 shall at Carrier's election .without notice b(deemed abandoned; Covenants.' herein shaH inure to .or bind each party's heirs, legal rePresentatiyes.' successors and'assig!1s; provided: no right of Licensee shall' be trans- ferred or assigned, either voluntarily, or involuntarily,' except by express agreement acceptable to .Carrier. Carrier or Lic;ensee may waive any:default at any time of the other without affecting~ or i~p';liring any right ar1sing from, any subsequent default.' , . . " no,': ,; . . ~ t. .MtS~tm1['.~A.O:L:81!C1lUUUt~D. ~l~_.' WITNESSES~; 'n...~<.. '.' " . .' .. Of;..;'" L;-.\~,.. ,', ," . . ....)J[........ .....'.~... ~::;. ~."'..).t:':.:...:..:.::...... ...:..:.......'::...; " , '. -~. '. - :.. .:. . . .' '. . .- " , ~ " , . ." '.' ..'.... .~....,:. -:"~::.....7..~-. .. ......:...~........ ..,:'. " ...... ," . AT~E~~;"---...~" .:' ~ lZ..B-~:~'X)::~~:oii:~ "Qlerk': . "~" "-,,. . ~ -'" \. ,\,;" '" I" . .. ,. ~I . ".:) ,; , GITY OF sAL:titAlI: ~Sj~ ,,'.' . .. ". '. ,'~:")'~t'. '~J . " B:r~;:;.~~' '. .-.(Seal) . .l.\(ayor . As 'Li~ensee, second party herein, ,-. ,: ...,......:~......~ ,,- ,.... <""- fORM 24032 i .' OLD 781~ .. 'f' ~''f ~'\A P. 'JOINT 'L~" , , 'j ;< ~ 1'/0'1 I 'f) , ! I() t.J '1. '> <:) ~ I ~~' ~ , (I) , j , Iv E.t; 5 ~" /2 T145)1f3 w: "'.... I ~ !" I' ----- .-.------- _/ .- _.---..... J ~ .....,.. ------ _....--~ ,/ - ./ ---- ,.-.---..--- -,' .' - . __ ___- -'C 11" /:J!t.' ,__-- 0., ...--:-/'.;, ~'I' .___...___-- - "", ~ I'- ..-/i~ .____.- :>0,; ~ ----.-.-- ...-.-.----: / 1<~ . ~ ~ ....: ------- ..- / ,.,---' .... . ./ / . ........ .. }: ",'. . , , Prop. /0" Son/lory. 5&~ver' '. .:iff?- 3 7 t;; 0 r 3 7 , ...,....-.-......,............__.. .....u..._______ r,' C) ..... "t-. -.... Loco/ion Plan S cQle /'~ /00 o 1 . . ] 1 J .1 r J-!; t "13'1-1') 'f. iff ~;l15 I -:4J- . -~~=~.t8~~.--~./~,.~t:-~-..~~Ot-:-- --- -.:;; ~"'~ .-- . . .' .'.. ~ _ ~ _ I '," ....... ..__.._.______M_-:- " .-. -_..o...--..:-.~---:___ ~ \. .. . . ~ I '" . \) , . . , I ~ ~,~ . . , I ......." 3 ' 1-', 4Z-r-.~--~---+.--_t-~9 ~ I C", , ?~~~~~~4~.~~-bP.;;~~~_==~'''-~,~. -.=>=--....- 10" (,,1 .A'",::<;:t'. M~c,,(<:I".1 <0 I h..;"'Ik:/ . . I' . Section Olong Prop. Son/farf Sewer i'" 56807 s co /4--; / "=- Z ()' Ex !-I / rt! / T :L\ MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD CENTffAi.. DISTRICT 50///70 Subd,.'y/siOi7 PROP. /0" 5ANITAR'r' SEWER' FQR .T4.::: ~'...%" "-~:> ,c.... 5AL/lJA, KAN5A5 , 'I I ,P /'0,,,.0. {-;...o~s/,~ (' J:{OYV/l. -0 OFFICE OF D\.srr~"l CT ENGINEER, O:5QW't?lo/!)/p b NOTE BOOK SCALE il Q TED ; DRAFTSMAN . FILE <J'k-/t,.I,sOJ THE RUCKERT CO. 1M No. 121 PENCILON 7-61 ;.:.:-___.. ~.,.,__h....'_'.__u..n_. ... i...~ l1$ f/2-t-r-1J~---J.~ )-) 3 ! " ~.~, ---'. 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'7 -..-v l.~"~"" ~"'''^'''''-.-.,,' ., ..-...0.,'.................,........" ~ Ci.'.!.'y G.L.l~,7i:: ~C:: fr, 'R 0 /7 .:#if6; s c ~~:. . ~..:J .... . ~~ ,..,....'... ~....._.. .........':: 7.9/2;, .;. . -:.: ..... ~.' .,.; ~~. ',' I', .', " r", "". ~ -.' .., " .. ~. \. I : : , I I I: (.'" '''I- E. C. SHEFFIELD ~ENERAL MANAGER K. D. HESTES ..... ~. MISSOURI ASSISTANT GENERAL MANAGER Mr. H~ F. Harper City Engineer Salina.. Kansas Dear Mr. Harper: ~il -<"" J! PACIFIC RAILROAD I p COMPANY 625 BROWN AVE., OSAWATOMIE, KANSAS TEL. AREA CODE 913 PL 5-2131 September 25.. 196.3 G. L. BROWN DISTRICT ENGINEER W. F. DUNCAN MECHANICAL SUPERINTENDENT File: L-GK-16-l50.3 1-0-4568 Attached fully executed duplicate original of two pipe line licenses.. both dated June 7.. 196.3.. with the City of Salina.. Kansas.. covering proposed 1211 water line and 10" sewer line crossings at Mile Post 494-03.. at Salina.. Kansas. Please acknowledge receipt of these agreements on the duplicate copy of this letter.. returning it to the under;.. signedo Encl. Yours very truly..