Talley Addition 8 inch Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Crossing Agreement '~------= .; MPRd.... t.~'iJ" tc2ii" FORM 20021 3-61 OLD 4940 . J ",,;;::::sX;,;c;, . . . .~~~E, LIN,~ LICENSE "',f ',:':;T.HI,*,JNSTRUMENT, executed in d~~licate" · "NQveml:>er' 19., .' ';,:. ,,)rh~:~~dersigned Carrier hereby grants,but~~~6iel~ th~ herein expressed terms, and congiiions, and the undersigned ',; :<.. '( '>1' ~cipa1 GorporatiorF ,', ');"ib 'Be 'addressed at Ci.ty Hall"Sa.l+na,'J~~Sa.S ';':,:>;'" '(showwhether an individual. co-partners. or corporation and state\Vherein incorporated) . '., . '. .... . '<, ~.'. '.":.'.'~~~~'.\..',./.'.;~'~n..'.'.:Y. ~~i;g.'.;.:.'.'.'.'...:. : ,.'SalU taw..... see wag....e.);:::"~(;'...;...';~';y;.;t.n~.f.h. i~:L.".'I.'c.."'.e..i.n."s:..:,:e~::ccep~ri~rmis~~. r.~:i~.. i~S~.ro.Il;~.e.p.~~.,ai.n. tain, ::~~:~::~:~n:nd u~e ';'\~~t':'::ff~d;;'eWIlleCha.ni.ca11t'''c)f~ea't:;\c'', . .(number)., ,',. rpropos~~ o~exi~ting) ',/'''\;;;t:ron;:',' . ... . ,pHie;';'i,"~i',: as In diameter, and appurtenan~es,~ ' ":;l"~" " '. :\_': ," . ~: ../:,;l~,,~s';' '", :", ,_ . " :":;'\, '"':' ,-. ",:'_"'>';"'::'_'_:'~_ 1 . . . , herein c~H~~ti the Carrier's property, herein called'}?~~ri1?eS:,Pipe Line will be used . ; '~,. :i; , ~,: ~~"::~?t~~ '~~:. ,\. " ' sa:ni.tanfStf' ,19 62; :.:;.:;. '.;I'~5~' ,- " -> I~ I,' :-~::<i"~Ar\;,". . :',+'~>; , " ,I '1/:'/' "~\"'.' ,:,': " . ' ' ,,<~:;:!'~':C,>,,',.::,:., , ,~l;:::;i'ii~'ensee ~hall ~t all timesk~ep;'Pijj~';Ei~e!ill'icicid;~tate of'repair. All work by Licensee hereunder shall be performed in a safe i:knlanlike manner. Licensee shall fUTllish' or do 'at Licensee's own cost and responsibility any and all things and when and as from, tl 'I';;i d:r'~q)1ired to accomplish whatsoe~erth~:'~!n.i~~e\'<ittempts or is bound to do at ahy,tilJleh~reunder. Licensee shall adjust Pipe, ~i '.~sical change as made at any, time)i ' Yiofi,Qarrier's property; at all times keeping' upper, silrface of Pipe Line at least'. .';" ,jI2, ~lf~ef:,~.oq'tt();n,.of rail thereover. Licensee shaIVc<luse'Pi~!Line, before being used for anyi:hin " '..' ~~W:W~,b~; ~o conformsiibstantIaIfY~f?;,R,'.~t~~Bheq pereto as part hereof. Said things,' mcI,!~lpgthe tlm.e and m~nner of dOI1~g, ~h~'~~;(1:(i;;;:i:" r~"~~Blji;~,~all' conform to ~he reqUlr,elTj"." ,'.fl~ru:~r',a,s well as of a~y Stat~, Feder~l,or"M-umC1pakauthonty. Ca~ner may actm!(fpr.t"";'i;,;,;i;t, , ,. cen;s~e':.Juqllsh or do, and Licensee shaH,pay:a!1(1<bE;ar':the cost of, anythmg which, here,lnreqUlred,of Licensee at any time, either shall.,nor'<,'::,:>:,;:,; ',::",..;f,,/~b"e':fiI~'ni,~nedor done within ten daysfop6.wiM;,Gatriei-;~'written request therefor or shall be,undertaKell 'by. Carrier at Licensee's request;anCi,"'i;:.,..pi: ,\:,:::;i";,Liceflsee,!">i1:request shall in advance depPJif',\Vitn:Carrier,the estimated cost thereof. If depos\t'be:lessthahactual cost, Licensee shall' Pa:~!": }; he;(jift"erenc~; if more, Carrier shall. n~pa:y;dj,ft"~rence,Licensee when returning this lice~se'(sigried)shallpay to Carrier twenty five dollars , ill','pf~paiingit. Any other paymentshall'be:.:ip:ade'wi'thiri twenty days following receipt of. bilL Licellsee shall pay cost to Carrier for all ""'l:)or;h~;cluding wages of foremen, plusl0%;to:;co\:~(su'pervision and accounting, plus,Nac~tion,allci,wances; paid holidays and health 'aCId ",: Ifar~iliienefit payments applicable tosaid'lab(jr;,Ea:r'de'r's cost price of all materialsf.o;b.G~trier's'iails, :plus 10% to cover handling :an(I ,","'Y:", ccilj'1}ting, plus freight at tariff to poirItofus~;:aridexcise taxes applicable to said labor aridniateda]s.Carrier may connect with anddi~~ , "':'::':'::::~.~~r~~sewage into Pipe Line whil~ servingassewer;,',;"" " . "<'" '.)' :~ ~~:-~':~' "; '.',' .)i--':"'"\" ;;.'-1:";'.' '\'-/"' ",\;J,:::,;"..",,'O' :"., . 'i ';';'{~' '\r'.' ,; 'v i;~arter ,;,~. " l ,..... .~~ loc,"on of Pipe Lin~ i';i!~~~i'~j}~i;i;':~Y :Olld ;; Hl".~, ',- ,\',", ~'" "'J' , ' , 'f:'.'.~( pi pd";ine snail in tersect .', .' ,: "',., '.' , of Section ~aB,~~~;~'~~~r',:1~i);\~to~ ,near ,~a,liha. ':,j' . '.' :,(s:tate)(:",:"";;,,:;:\,,.d. (place) , line b~ Exhibit A attached hereto as part I ft:f~i~.}';: : "",;;.- ; ~'. MI~0URI PAClf,IC RAILROAD ,C0MP~ 5"582~5 ,,,' ;. '/'-, '.. '\ / ,'r, '/ \~ .' QI!:~ QFSa\I;!~~~A> _ , BY:' H;:'~~HH(Seal) :,~,r As Licensee, second party herein. . . XH'X'X'XXHXH'XHXH:JtHXH'X..X'HX'X XX,XXX XX JtX XX X X 1t ",'Tfo J, t{., ." r~ ,,^,- r .S' ~ a'~w .~ RESOLUTION NUMBER 2681 BE ITRESOLVED~;~ythe 'C$ty'Counc~'.6fthccit;y"6t, Salina, Kansas tijat Ralph Exline st'id 'Git.Yi';~' iriDYQi'~e,and~e ,is.l1er~py :aUly 'a\ltf~:ofi~ea :c3.i'iCf fu;l:~~effioOo p9i#i;H:'C~' \t,Q'("e)l,~e'r 'i'llto~nd :0xecwt:e'l'orancf,in:t.l'i~ :i~~~ri!q:9tthe.city one'<;er,t;~n';~n:-ittenagreement qated November 19, 1962 . t' . "', - , . be~~:1ef?n<saJ.d" CityandHrsSOtJRIPActF;r~:RtY:tlROAD"C O~J~.~i~" ;respect-- - ' - ' . - . , ' .t.n~the;grant 'by saidJ?~:t~.b.ID aIld ?pc;qptanc~'bY' t.he Gft.y,:of per.. \l'hissiontoiri~,tau" 'keep: C;ind use and vitrified ~lay and cast-iron ffleclianically jointed, 8-inch diameter pipe line for conveyipg Sanitary sewage at gravity flow, Job 434, Talley Addition. Q!is.a~~ R~j,:rOaqt$pr,~inil?~~4n:ls~d 9itYjl: '-try.o c'opy b.f said'~gi'eenent 'boing ,attk~h6d 'l}ereto' 'llS,\p,at1' ~r'e()t. I, Harold E. Peterson h a~';C~~~kot': ,the Cit~t of . . . , Salina, Kansas v" d,oihe~~~y, 'ccrti'fi,~ii~t/the ,abdve' iaild ,fore~ , gOing,isat,ruecowofth,e, :tles'olution duIypassed, approved ,and ude>1?ieqas brIm.,. pr,es~r'i:bed"byarrl 'on ,bepaIfofsaid City by the C;tty 'Coin;l.9~1".6n November 27, 196 2. <1f~~kt~ ' ',' '. CITY CLERK ' .? . ~ ,- ,'," ' ,- " " Affix"Seal e~ )-<,10 ,- t:.;.! ,,\ ,~). 55825 .'. .' r::'-:-----. j,_. f;' '...' P,. . 1',0 :.40 ~ li€", . .,". f. M;bP,c/11~t , ' ':. '-L~~', i;; " t~j~ ... . V:, ; t')':; I I'" .; ! .r' '~ ',.' . ,~. I I SQ' <" ',' . j~77./ / 7"'0 C. W. of '>fiC..26 , . I ,--:t '''} ,I); " "~I '~( !To' , J R/w ./ /vw. 'l"'..,z. See. .2 '6, ", , I, ,. ..' . A f, ~,> ,.["o:sr' ,. '"., ' Rlw~1 I t 40' C';$-/' .Tn;' R,lJ,e @.4~ -,..~ -~...... ....-: .-;...., - -~ - ~:' .; }."::-~ , . ,"",::"'" . ::::;;iB~,;~,..~,'<j ~ ' ~~ i~ . C'~~\"._, :J -. ...\' ;. ~ ~. 'j:' r , t"" , t..'; ';" ~ ~ \'., " .~~ '"'- , .,11.- " ..' - '. " ., -~. '. -:..' ...''',"' "'-\~ ;<~..~.' " S..4f"I'Vj$ ,Co.f.JNT,,'y.7~:~Iy:S.4.:S:(" {;' ;- .' -.' - '., " .. . .I '." , -- - ,~l '.' . '__ .. " ..... IV U/.: ~4 5 e C..< 6 7:/'fkS~ ,Je;;J tit/.. .",' ..",'".., .... . '. '. ' " .:~' .,' - ,:.~.:,' ~':::.:. ; , l II .,; ,8 I.., , ,It) . · ,.' ?/i' " - -, ~,:; . " ,-r;,;~el..,h.. i?Cl.' . ) ,';'" .2. .~ -. ,."" " ,'. , .. . , " '50'" ' , .1.' ,:, ',' ';0" ~..T~..~r-, ~"~~l' _"_."*-': 0'\, l'i . ~ .~" l ~ 3~ Q,' , V) "" ""',~ III ~. II\~' o %-t ~~ , ~' . . L () c. Q:fi'~,n,.: ';4/0''1';< ~ /'1=, 100',1 ~ .~ ~ 4J '-.I ...., <(" K ".1 ' ~~t("W~f(I-.> "I~~ " I I ,I" ". '.I' .y' '.7 roo :~. . ~..v'''~r:~ ~"60~~ , ',,~ /'ft'li >;.~~t .. . 5'/ ~ 2.' ....,h Secf/on II/on;,$ e/uqr--c '/'/11.'(;> " ...." "'; Sea-/e',' /,::. .20, MIi.. I, f;.'.; ':' ,I: , "p,' B V. C" . .~; :.. ...,. " I r ~~~--.> '. t'.. '.,:.' -'< I:: . 1"/,. i.; ~ I ,., ,~ .. ' .1Q~' 8// ~,~./!/ 5',:}'" ' ,~"r::."8 9 5 .:' 'lJj",J1 f'Vi " EXhlh/ MIS~OURI 'PACIFIC;,#RAIL'R'Of\o. > ." . (E NT 1eA,t..: ~D~ S' .,..11. re. r ' Sa //i? ~ SC/b- I?" v. ,P., ../ C - r-...,....., S. / dtSV n, 'rA ".r..,~",' ':' " " ,.. ,:},";$ i:'q " ()", ," :,;, " ... , A,,?,~ /~ ,;'; ~ 4ro.$$)""'"': .9017 , . C r9. II" r y P/q w '. ;," 1M No, .121 PENc'JLON 7~61 ~ Pro PDS'e/ .p~uI 6'r' 'L ,'a'e {" r.or.s /,,~? rc Serve' " ,,' C I r Y OP, SALIN ~,V MP. 498....0.,- ..' . ' , Sa. ;,./-Ja ''\ ka n 5'Q :s OFFICi::,OF JpfS1"'.A?f ~TE:",GI:NEER,OSo. wo.to;':;:j e', 1<'$. NOT~BOOK'Won eSCAL.E ./1/0 red' .', DRAFTsMA,N j',es DATE//_ /~- '~FI~f,k-}~-1i(i3 .