Smoky Hill River Bridge Levee Crossing Agreement :J . ~";l1 J.1.f.,;. , AOHEERENT, execuwe1o'1n c'h..tplIcato as of II' 195 9 J b:i,i and between tUSgOUR! PACIFIC RAILRO~ CO~}PAlrY1 a. HlsS:-JUfl eorporation;herelnafter called "Railroact,'t, and tn..;?!l CITY OF S#I.LL"lA# cIC8.nSAS, a munl- .. elpal corporation or tl1.~ a~ate or Kansas, hereinafter called ':C!tyll, WITUESSETlhi: "! A J~ s: In connection t1i~ha tloQd proteetlcm, project b3ing developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . along the SfiiOky H1.11 River,. Salina, Kansas, City . . desires that Railroad: grant to it certain easements . !nand to c~rtain of 'Raill"'CadJ a rig.~t of' \,:ay prc!,erty ': tOl" the establishment" thereon of a. levee cressing and appurtenances, an~ for the j.mpro~len:ant of ara-ln- . ag-.l and drtlinag,;, racl~i ties ~ , tt'he establlshment of said levee }fill necessitate an adjustment in nai_l'road's exiatlng tracl~s, emban!c... r.)ents and ral1facilities, and negotiations pertain- ing thereto arc In progr-ess between the Railroad and u. S. fl:rmy Corp a or Engineers. . . \ RallrQad :i.s ag:re~ableto t,Tanting the easGl.1'lenta :referred to abovo. but solely under the tams al'10 concHt1ons hereinafter s~t fOl~h. ll()'ld, T1lt!.tlli.t~RE,lt is agr.Jed: .",... AI~icle I ... ... . f 1~ In considera.'ti<.,h of the covenants of the City hereina.fter contained, aml the faithful p;;:riormanc~ by Q1ty .ther~of, and upon and subJect, to the ter:ns" concLtticn5 and excepticnain this agreaneht e:q;>r.aSf3ed) Railroad heI~)by grants, to the e;;:t;~tlt of its rigb.t, title and interest" to City an E.:'\SBHmrr solely for th'3 purpos'es hereinafter sat fcn~th, in and to the following descrit.-.ad tract 01'" parcel of Railroad 's. ~ight Dr lim.y p!'{iper.ty, l1e!'>,slnafter callcdl~Pre- . !11SeaI1, situate in f'-aline P01.rnty, !c..:1Jlsas,at Salina, to-'il1t~ . From the' lnt.erscctingwest line or Section 3, . TOi-IDShip ll~South~ R::.nge.):2 t1eet, Saling County, .Kansas, me<lSUrJ eantwa:t'dly, along thee~nter lina of fhi:1.lroad t s r-Klln t~ck, 235 re~t, toth~ point of' .tteg.L.~ing; thence !1orthwardly,at right angles to . " , . " .'. .... 1 ;, d~scriood course,:50.feet to a point in.Rall- 's northerly prope~~y line; thencaeast~mrdly, Ral1roa(j' S' said tiortherly property line, 120 thence 6cuth~xard+y # at right ~.l1g1esto .,last t1esC''ri~~d, course, 62 feet to a point 12 feet distant, "soutl1wavdly a.t ri@'1t angles' to said center line of '. .... 1la:G.:i..oad 'amain traclq i th~nce east\'ial'dly, parallel with th~ sa:Hl center Itne of Railroad. 's main tracl~, . 2312 feat ; thence nortl~!ilardly I at rightangles to last GGscribad COtlrseJl ...62 feet to a point in Railroad · B . ',:mid northerly p::'opi,;rty line j thenc~ eastwardly along . 'Railroad I s said northerly property I1m~, 308 feet; . thence south\1ardly, at' rlght angles to last described "CGUl"OO, lOO1'2et to a point in Railroad's SQutller1y , 'property lin':; thence tl<est~4ardlYf, along Railroad's said southerly prop~rty line, 2740 feet; thence north- " " wal--<.11y, 50 feet, more or les~1 to the point of 00- " 'ginning, containing 3.00 aC!"-3S, mo:reor less. ~ . ' . . . Approximate location of' Prenlses is shotm l'Jhere en- closed by brown lines en Railroa.d's Kansas Division white print, file No. ll-C-78, prapared in Office of Assistant , Engineer, Osawatomle, Y.Jmsas,cated OCtOD-3P 9, 1958, revi'Bed January 7, 1959 . marked, E)Jllb1t A, attached hereto as Ptu>t her-3of. I . ,....... . , . ' 2:' This easement:: 1s grantad'to Clty solely for the' . " fOllowing PUrpqSBS: , (a) For the purpOS>3 of establishing, construct- ing, maintaining, keep~ng and using across P:remisas, a~ aI,lQ adjac..:nt to Railroad' l3 Chainage' Staticn3705 + 05. as andtmeresl1oi'm. on Exhibit A;C.lty t S one cer- tain proposed earth leyee and appurtena.'1ces, including, but not limited to, a .concrete s111 D;n>;ath and acJJacent to P~i1roadta tracks, ne~inafter,collect1ve1y called ., Dlevee 11; a."ld . ',. . (b) For the purpose or excavating, cleaning, re- .'<<>nstr'Ucting, improving, changing and maintaining (1st) an eY~sting drainage ~itch along Premises, located be- tl'laen said Laveeand Ffll1'i?Oad':-; bridgl) JIo. 4925 (227), as and where sho\'m onE..""Jlibi t A, ~~d(2nd) the e;clsting chann~lof the Sncl{y.Hill Hi ver and ra"lin~ parallel ., thereto,. llhe,r'-~ the S$.r~cI'oss;)S hcmses. be::.i!ath Rail- road's said bridge No." I}925 (227)# as 'an.d where shol'Jn on. E:;rllibit A. - I~ ,~' ... ". Thasald o.ra:lna~ditch referred to In:(lst) ,ana the saldchal111.s1androvihe referred to ,in (2nd), ',of 'this subparagraph ,(b)' are sometimes hereinafter ,colle c:'(;ive ly called uDralnage F:~cl1itlesu. ,"" ""," "Ii" " """ " . """"" 3. Except .forer,.isting pole line ofWes'l;ent'>Union ~legraph Comp?..ny and the II \'fires thereon.~1ch .'"';aI'\ltobe 'adjusted in. a.ce-ordance with the provisions of p'q.ragraph 3 "of Article II of this agrbement, 'thls g,ra."1t of 'easemerit*s. subject and subordinate to tl1e presant and future right in "Railroad, its successors. II ass:tgls, lessees' and. licensees, "" : tq" }(eep" rnaintain, use" o:p;ar>ate and l~new QO, "beneath or abovei sUl~face of Pr.arrrl.se~ any telephone, telegraph, pO''1er, eOnlraunicat:i.on or sil'J':'lal Iltnes. 'Ooles and lor appurtenances, ~... II "... /1 _... tracks, roadways, pipe li:peEI, structures or facilities of similar .op c1iffqrent charrctel", hereinafter. collectively, refel"Ted to as "Improvemeptsll, as nm'l located,; and to con- $tt'Uct, install end, thercp.fterma1ntain$ use" operate a.1'ld ranaw:t on, baneathor aborfe surface ot:' Premis'3sany or all . of said Improvements, proVided the SSrt-e do not materially . lnterfe~ tdth; or materi~llY impair, City'S useo! Premises . as hereinabove providad... ii , .. . . . . . i ' . .. TO HAVE PJ.lD TO HOLD said easement unto City, for 69 long as P!",;m1ses shallll be. usad for the pu~oses afore- said, it being exp!'essly Istipulated, hOi'IeVer, that Ii' City shall abandon the U&.3 of !e-a.id Premises for such purposes, or any part thereof, the ~aS'3oont herein granted, as to the portion or portions so abandoned, shall expir--3 and. terminate I' at the time each such polijtion 8J.'1all be so abandoned; where- upon Railroad shall have i~he same comp1.otetltle to Premise a lH> abandoned as though thfa13e pzr.~sents had never been executed~ and the l"i~t to enter t~eNcn and excludaCity therefrom. CI'~ 'I I Ii Art1cll1 II Ii '. . ~ '. " , "II ' 1. City shall, I~ithout any cost or exp.~nse to Rail- road" establish and construct, 01" arra.'1ge for the establish- ment ,and construction of.!i the said lai/ee, and reconstruct, improve and changa, or al~~ge for the reconstruction, irn- , pro'lement and changing.oiJ:,. the said Drainage F.'''.c11ities in accordance tilth: . .', , fa) so far as applicable, plans prepared by the U.S. Ar.ny E.'1tZ1nq'er District, F".ans8.sClty, Corps of Fngineers, a.'"ld ~slgnated: "", "Smoky Hill lli ver', Salina, Kansas, Flood C-entre! ," . '.11 " Project, Ccnstructton Plm~s for <illannal Cutoffs " and Levees, Se9tion II" I1j .. ;; , " ,- it ".... " . dated February,. 1958,.11 ~lh1ch plans by:re:ferenee are: j, . . 'Jnade a part hi}I'Oof; and '. . . . ,:".' ..' . .'~lb )130 :fa!' as ap~~iCable,.speCif;~tlons pre- pared by the U.S. Army Engineer> District, Kansas City~ Corps .of Engin~;~rs.. and c:.leSi~ted: . >' III",' ..' . . . '. ''']flood -Protectiop Project, Kansas River Basin, '. 'S.'nO!(y 11111 Rivel~Jlil Yznsas, Specifications for . Construction of Channel Cutoffs and L9veea,. "Section IIn ill . . - -, ji ~, , , ji whieh, ~p\i."~l.r-l cattona ~y l--ere~nee are ~.ade a part . hera~ of.. '. Ii J. ,.... '. ". i:...;.... . , . Ii' ,..,.. . '.' ". .... 2. City ahal1~~m'l:)\n'sa and pa:.,:ti"~e Railroad,. or' .causa R~i'ilroad to be reimq}lrSed and pald, j..for any coata and . expenses 1ncurrac1 by Eal1wad and as deemed necessary by Raill'"oadfs Division Super~rteridant at Osa~Iatomie, Kansas, fer or on .aeccu.~t of (a) 17j~azmen ,or watehmen'i c:r other pro- teotive seI"lices, dev-licea lor stroctur-~s,.provit"iQcd by Rall- . road to promote the safet:;ril of na:1.1road'8opel'ationn, an1}.)loyes and property during 01" inca. dent to the est'ablishment a.1td con- struction of said Lavee o~i the r~constructfuon~ imp!~v~ment and Changi..11g of said Drainag:e F(~ciltties, ";fW..ar ("0) tGm~crarl1y supporting, removing; or replacing Raill'oad:r;t,~ tracks, during or incident totheeonstni!btion of concr~t'e sill b;~noath saId traclcs; the saiacosts andl expensestoirrcftutl.1e (1st) cost of all labor' jncluding lm,gbs of ro~,.;men,;il),lu$ 10% to cover accounting, super-vision a..i!'d use of tools';"'.\('2nd) vacation, hollA...,.. and health a1'1d \'1el!~"ara "al1owancee"iCfl' emnloyes ena.ao:ed in o~cnnected with such 1~~0111q . (3rd) cos~{{ot materials and supplieS f.o. b. Railroad' 3:: rails, plus 15;~'ttDcover handling" . account1.ng and transporta~i~cn; (l~th) excise ta;cea applicable to. said. labor and material10j a.."1d (5th) pre.m'5mi"J.s on WQr~.;:menJe Compensation, Employers Li1hbillty, Public .t~billty and Proryel"'t'l' D':jma~e lnsurance lanDlicable to th~ ~ork nerf. ormedor ... " -,. . II ........ - Servic~s furnished by Rai1iI'oad. ..... . . 3.' Railroad sha~:l, at the cost. O'fCity .fadju'st, or En'range \'Jith vJestern Un1~: Telegraph Compa.~w for the adjust- ment Of,E0ction of eXist~:rg pole lir.eofA:za!Ld Telegraph Com- pany and all t11ras thereon' includ:lng thO~H!,(Jj! P.al11'ood.as may be uccessar-,y by reaooni of the establ~Shment and constr..lc- tion of leYda.' City asr-~~a to ray to r.aj;1:a;~w.w.. promptly f'ollol'llng rece:lptof billllltheref0r"a.'1y.'a,n;Q.,~11 sums anc1 costs. inCluding customaI"'J snrchrih:-ges and addit:i:C:rlis~ 1ncurr~d by 111 , " . Riilroad 8...710 said Teleg!'aW1 Compa.'1j" b;rrea'S(QIDl of, such adjust- mOllt . .Il' . ;)1 . '.l" . '11,. ..-: "1. -:",.: '" " .. ~ ,1\ ':~l~ ' . ,I ~ .,1; -k '>1 " ....Ii 1'.<' . ,'!I . 'I )i " -.11 . . . -. - . ~. . .jl:' -', - .' -, . 4. Anything in *hiS agree~ent to the contrary nott'I1thstan<1ing City S~1Bl11IiPre'J'(.mt any of ita, or the U.S. Army Engineer District' s'l~ontractorc, and the agents and employes of euchcontracto'fs, from crossing any of Ha11- . - road t n t?acks vIlth vehicle:s or equipment of any kind or 'cha.racter eXC-3pt at open and public crossings, unless and Ul1tl1 Buch contractor a.xec~tes a license agreement with, and of a form S<:1.tisfactory to,111 Railroad p~rtajJ11ng to such crossing and agrees to ,!'"3iirbur-se P.ailroad rOI" the cost or pI'O-.r1<11ng and rer:.loving such crossing, wi:1tchclan expens,g or other costs w!lic~ Ral1roadldeems necessa~J for protection - I of Ral~:road 1 s property and I I operations. I - ..' 5.Clty shall, I~ithout any cost or expense to . 'Railroad whatsoever, rr.aint1f-in, repair and renew thesald Levee and the said Drainage Factlities, as."1d keep sa:td Drain- ag-e Facl1.itles f'ree and cJJ~a.r' of .anydebris" sediment or ether obstructive matter tihlch would interfere wlth~ or 1m- .' pede" th~ proper funct:ton~pg thereof. . .' L. . . .' . '. I:~ . '. '.. - ' ," . .'. ':1 " 6. Solc.nr; as the elevation of Railroad's tracks shall be lO\'ler than tb~ e~evatlon of said Le,vee,resultlng; in a gap therein, P.ailroadl[ authorizes City) dur,Hrg any pf,tl'tiod or hl&'1 trlater, to te!!JPo:ra~flY fill the gap in said Levee . whe~ intersected by R:J..l1:t'Olyad 13 _t~ckS.t provided City:. . .' . . . II - . A.. gives roason[ftb1e advance notice to Ral11'oad of' sue:'l bei.ng City IS ;intention. B. furnishes anl~1 provides. at. its eolecoBt and ,expane.e" all labor anli t18teriala tor such purpose, and . C.remoV'es" at-I!~t~ sole cost and expenE'.e, all materials pla.ced in or over such gap for such pUl~ose im:nedlatelyupon the II,sub81dence of the sta~ of tho water to a point pe~U1itting such removal ~uth safety' - to the publ! c, and r1::atorea Hailroad I s property to 8ub- stantially its fo~ne~ condition. I) . . 7. Cltyshall ~'1d agrees to derend, inc1er.mlfy and hold har'mlesfJ the Hal],road from and against a'1Y and all 11~bilitY, claims" suits, /!ljuds:menta" dauagas, losses, costs anu expenses in any mann'a~ caused by, arising out of or con- nected \';i-th the constl"Uct~'on, establishioont" maintena..."1ce, III rane-wal, repair" use or e4istenee or said Levee, 01" the re- construction, imprO'le:r;ant~li changing, ma..:tntenance~ reneirial, repair". use or existence ~f Dralnage Facilities, or any thcraor. .. . . . . 1!1 , ii -, ri, r;. .... :1 P.al1road's grants herein are limited to Rail- road's estate 1nthe proP~.l..tyconoorned ~nd ara. Mde TJlithout ,any \!larrantyof title, e)..~ress or Implieoj and no damages 11l1all be recov"'erahle from ',Eailroadbecause of anydlspossession .of City or because of any iifailureof, or d~f~ct 1.n, Railroad' a '" tItle. 9.' T'nia arrreement and all of the covanants and . " ", ,'.... I" ' 'PNvlsicris heI'eof shall r'cl...1"l l'tlth the land and inure toOl" , I' bind each party's successC>l?S or assigns. . .;....~., ',' 10. eit:!, When/'returning this agre-aocnt to Rail- 1'();acl (s:1f:~ed), 'shall ca.U$~ thesa.me to be accompanied b~~ such ol~1erl resolution or ordinance of the gove~1ine body of City, paased and approved I as by law prescrib-~d, and dulY certified" eV:1dencing 1;110 "authority of the person executing this agreement onbeh$.lf, sf, cr ty \d th the pm'ler so to do. , " '" "<:';'1.", ',' . "., 'IN WlTi'lESS }iHEP~OF I ' the parties have duly executed this agreement as of the day and year first hereinabove writ- ten. .',~'~. " ,C'I . tuSSOtTRXCP.'\CIFIC R1\ILROAD COf-iF'ANY - )--Y;-J I . '. // tll \ By /~ 1.,'" "'p,f)C,------....., , -~- Vilce! Pres1'oont":Operat1On , ' -'7 . ~._.~.. . . .' 'A~.rES'r : ';. .~./ ;). "'/''";i I' . "'. .. 'P:g.'lvi. 1 l- .It,'',.;t,(/,''',i,'!. L ._s:;.i~~ ,7 '.... .... _,. ASS~lA~I $OCrGtaF$ CITY OF MLINA, ~'1SAS . ,\\ ." ~',-::;. "I Bv \L.~?'--G-c.'r-L-~<-..;../ t1~ _~... I~S" .,i' ",::.' .'I'(1/J ,;, STATE OF rUSSOURI ~ . , ss.~ CITY OF ST. ~Uf;J, ~l,.- I. :::---L' ~-' ~ : ,~ the undersigned ,crf1ce~, a no)o.ry pub :tc y.uly quaIi,fled, comnissioned" sworn and acting in and for ,~ald Ci.t;y in S J.d State'lhereby cer- tify, tlw.t on this I "1:(laY of . }/ A.~? ~1 ,/ . 1951 : . Before ffi'~ perool,1fllly appeared L. A. Gregory I a Vice President of HiSEQUrt Pacific Pill.11rcad Company, a corpora- tion, ~Jho ispersonall:,; l-Q1,O\'Jl1 to me and 1-mmm to me .to be a .: '... II, . . J. t, .:,' ~~ G <,.,', '^'c J!;, Ii:, r' '. ," t n.-- !i II I~, ' i! . I . , Ii' ,-. Vi,cePresident of said conporat1on' a.nd the:catle person who eY~cuted the i'Ol'>Cgoing inGI'~rur.v.;nt# a.."1o. he duly aclmowledged ,the eX03cution of the sarr3 for and on behalf of and as the . II . act and deed of said corporation.. . . II ' ~ In Witness \merebr I have' here~to set ray hand ,end (),tf:1c1alsaal of Off1d~ this Ie> day Qf Gjt~U/, ....; 195 ,1- J,~. ." " ;-' "'li...,.. ' '-... '11'.' \~ .10~;7;7~ Commission. E1fires ~ Vtte<."'1 P ') . Ii . '. \( . ' . . ~. . ^.9 ,~ ( " I!. Commissicnet 'IIil~rll an:! for 1119 Cnunly of Sf. LouIs, Missoartt , whIch adjorns Ulll City of St. LOlliS, CliissoUli, Y1l1elll \his lltt was , . performed. _ STA'pe OF KAIlI,SAS, J : . ss.:' .~ . II .COUnTY OF SALUIE I ~ ~W;1/ tt ,~ I, , ,'-'-c III ..A/ ^--v'r-~ , the undersig)."le4 officer" a notary publiC ~tlY qualifled"cormnissicnad" sworn a, nd, acting 1n and" for said City in ff'~ S,tate#, hereby ,6", r- tifY, that, o,n this ! ~11! day of ,I',-"-~, " 195 / : EefON me parsOIkl1Y ap?eared ~ thu-1 ~ ". ,the III h_~ (1./. tr the City of Salina" r..ansas, a !fu..~icipal corporation of' the State of Kansas~ \'ihO~S ,perBCna,llYl11la1mID to me and Ic:nman to, me to be the. r'L~1 f\.-) - I .of said ~t.mie5_pal corporation and the - sarne Dorsod 'who eikecuted the foregoing il1strl.1r.1ent~ and he duly aclmo~;ledq:ed the execu, tiOR of the ~U:'11'~ for and on . . t::. , III behalf of and ae the act and dead or said ;i'iunicinalcoroora- tlon. ',' . 11! .. : . . II . , . In \H.tness \'fheneof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal of offilbe this day of 195' . 'Ii ~ , ( / (f 6 0 r. mayor be empo\vGred :,' . of the City one certain written agree- said City and HISSOUHI PACIFIC enter into and execute for and m~nt dated January ~ 9, , . RAIUWAD COi>1PLIJY, respectins; the by said RAILROAD arrl, acceptance by the . ' City of perlTliGsion to install, keep in connection wi th the . . .~-,,: , - ". ~ ' ": ~ ,_ , >-r" ,.,~ ';.; .- . . Control Project of Salina, Kansas ,.on said Railroad1s premises in said City, true copy of said agreement being'at-:- I tached hereto as part hereof. Clerk of the City of I, H. E. Peterson Salina, ,Kansas , do hereby cerl:ifY that the above and foregoing is a .. true copy of the Resolution duly paSS1;d, approved an:1 adopted as by law pre- scribed, by and on behalf of said Cit)) by. the City Council on '. February 17th 1959 , .~2 ' . --.,. .-,'- . ~~ '. '-.-~' ---~ ..../~..J1.1~ .' - -J~~~-,-_._ - ~- " .' :---~-~.~.~ . ..) A.-L-h~ . . City Clerk