North Street Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Crossing Agreement (2) -7 2M 7-40 PIPE LINE UCENSE THIS INSTR,UME."NT, ,ex. ecute.d in dupIi~ate, .. f,"jo"..~,."e.r, >'- 1m' tJ: , ,194 ..., Witnesseth: ( aT~~1~1~t8~~eo:att,ir.lnt~/"b~t an 'salely the hereiri expressed'-terms and canditians, and the undersigned Licensee S~tllna, .S;:~her an, individual; ~o-;~hneis..oi-' corporatioti and state wherein .incpiporai.ed) . ), to. be addressed.,' _ . .... .'~" . } .h<<:reby a~cepts, ~ermlsslan to. mstaII, keep and use, far conveying se:wage .. , the LIcensees awn .~.~ : certam .,p.r.p&~4 ,,-' continuous line af' , . , ' 'v.1t1'11'1e4 " om.... "-#.... 1:1' . (nu!"ber) " . (jjro~osed or. existing) . .' . . " .".., ,pIpe . ,al.lijU....&.cUe, eln: dIameter, and appurtenances, mcludmg BAIi11 holes'. . : herein called Pipe - Line, 'an the CarrieI"'sprop~r!y,herein ~alIedpie~ises. 'P~M:;w.iiJ..liO.oW6.aQ. , Pip 1111e' sbaJ;l.enter 'Qarrie1'.'s jremisesat a'po:hi'~ln the nortli'l1zie'''o:f North Street, 28 :fee:tnol'th~aterly ~om th-e,'cailterllIle of Oarrier' ~ _m tr aQlt aiui - . eztendnGrtheastward:tt',paralie I.to.a,aid :ma1n-'traek ana. tr aok No.' .l~" ~77 '~~etC~1>,O s' mauh(i)le, approX1mateJ;~.:refJhoWl:1 by heavy da~ed white I1m~ onE~,1bit,' .'-'s,tta@.ed he'1'et08s ,pa~t~eraot~:-" ' - . '~ Pipe Line :Sfta+i-~~?'~_~~-eoJristiTIg- . .~. 0113' ];e.~a~~d,1.~~'., "". - ~aliD..e(JGu.n.t~ ' - " '(county or parish) A.~~ate~t.i.ari,.Qf .P~~.indl.r.a~lw__ , ., at Oil. ('l'rll'l::'lP_...~f-.....~ ; iR." , . haas', at'~~Sal1na , , , "(state)'.' , '., (place) , 'liM-_ 6JiI;~A..at.t.a:cbid. b~Ai:J;Q_as...~li.r.t...Jw;eQf. 1. 'Licensee shall f~rnish ar do. at Licensee's awn cost aIid respansibility any and all things and when' and as framtinie to time required to 'accomplish whats,oever the Li!=ensee attempts or is. b-oundto ,do' at'al1Y time hereunder. License~ shall adjust Pipe Line to any physiCal ,change' as made at any time in, alli :~f, Ca'trier's, property; at all til!1es k~epinguppel' surface of Pipe Line at ,I.east " four and, OIic-half, feet belaw bottom'. of.rail tperej:>ver: .Licensee shall cause, Pipe, Line,' before being used .for lI.Iiything inflammable, to conform 'substantially to Exhibi,t B' ~tt3che(Lhereto as part, hereof. Saidthings,including the time and manner of doing any work, each shall conform to., the reqilirerpentsof' c;arrieras',Vellas of any State, Federal orM!lnicipal authority. ' Carrier maY'acting for Licensee' furnish or do, and Licensee shall p'ayarid bear.. the cast of, anything ,which,' herein'required of Licensee, at any time, either shall not be furnished or done within ten days.iollowing Carrier's' \vritten request, therefor or shall be' under~:' , taken ,by Carrier' at Licensee's req~est ; and Licensee on request shall:in .advance, deposit \vith Carrier._ tile estima,ted cost tHereof. ' If deposit be less than actual cost, Licenseeshilll pay tlifference; if more; Carrier shall repay diff~rence. J:tt'AT1Il!I......~ll..,lI'AM.;,~lA ~~.ill'Il~,lxftliJl'b.~~itWM^ A~yather payment shall.b~ inade'~it~iri, twenty d~ys 1Oi1OWUig receIpt of .bilL' . Lfcensee snalf-p'ayUcoSf'1(j'''Cai-ner~~~c1udillg wages af foremen, plus 10% to. caver accountmg and supervision, Car'rier's cost price of all m;!terials ; to., b. Carrier's rails', 'plus 10% . t~ cov~r, hal)dlirig and accolmting, plus .freight at. t~rif! :tb. po!n! of '.~se, .!lond exci~etaxes 'applicable to said laboi:.::iud materials.. ,C~~~~er in~y' 's.onnect, with. and discharge .sewage. into. - PIpe Lme whll,e ~~rvmg .as sewer. . . , . '.. _ __ : . . .' _I. . . C '\ I~ltrt Pacific R >1:ilrosd Comoaoy. pursU1nt to ~e...tion 77 of'tht" Bl'::nkr - , '. . ...V ~ . I .' . . . .' 15 helP}!. ( d~I"l.ted by the unc....,...:'ll)~ned T, U8{ee u<:id r J 'sd r h U - . uotC\ Act, approved Mat'ch 3, J 933, IS now In proeess of reorA'a!1tz:1.ti~n Si-!-d . . UPon, !"'e '(f~[e t;-d( owne ~.h;~ or contt:t4l of the' :...1 und.IC~ldon 01 't e :!11:"ed StBtes Dlstrrct Court. Eait:. rn Dlvislen, Eastern District of t\lilSSOUfl:. <tr.\d h 'l roa 811 'pronerty 0 saId RnlJJ03d rom}:rn' b .'d T ... . S ~d'. ce.'}~~. rhJ5 ag",;t:ment ! haU ipse facto terminate un! " ~ .. .~ .. ,i a) Y :!a1 rus.ce. or successor trUitee or truste~. ..icee_":.n;; Cu .<><:il,owncrsh'p,or conarol, . all. pursuant to the. deeree 01 sll1d court.. sUld 8lrc:emenc shall bs COl1liinucd fA eUeu by rlw",mr:/y 2, Licensee agrees to. (a) indemnify and save harmless the Carrie'r fram and ~gainst all claims, suits, damages, casts. (including attorney's fees), lossesimd expenses, in any: manner resulting from or arising outof t~e laying,'tnilintenance, renewal, repair, use 'or existence af, Pipe Line; incl~ding the breakiI;tg of the same ar. any leakage therefro!lJ.; ang (b )assuine all: risk .of lass. or damage t<? Pipe Line;andthe c.antents thereofregardless of how caused::.... .... '. . ,', ," ,. , 3., Ten;" her~Of shall begin .with N01Tanber30 . . .,' .. " 194$ ; :and co~ti~ue thereafter until concluded. (1st) by expiration of thirty days Tollowmg servmif. b'y Licensee .on Carrier, Or. vice versa, of written notice of intentian to end term' hereof or (2nd), at Carrier's election without further n()tice, by expiration of ..' six months without the Pipe Line having been. installed or ,by Licensee failing (a-I) to cure any default or (a-2) . to show 'statutory right to' install Pipe Line (h) within' . . thirtY days failawirii Carrier's writtim request therefor. . Any !lotice of ..Carrier shall be deemed served when posted conspicuously an Pipe Line ,or ,when, deposited,.pastage' prepaid" in y. S. mail..addressed as aforesaid. Notlater than last' day of term hereof Licensee shall remove Pipe Line and restore Premises. Any of Pipe Line not so remaved shall at Carrier's election withaut' notice be deemed abandoned. Covenants .herein shall irjure to or bind ,each party's heirs, legal .representatives, successars and assigns; provided: no. right- af .Licensee shall be. transferred or assigned, ei,ther valuntarily, ar invaluntarily, except by express al!reement acceptable to. Carrier. Carrier or.Lieensee may waive any default litany time af the other without affecting, ar impairing any right arising 'from, any~~bsequent defa~lt.: . . '.,.. . 0Jf~:. ..'.'..' . . e.J?). -~~. ~ V~IT~.E~SES: '. . ., '-&-iI. ~_ _ ' .--~~-' . . .' .,1{ .:.__.__...-:..........._----~ / qrry It.THOMi!'$(}N ,Tml J?AOIFID:aAI14WAD c: . AS. Tlv:stee 'anil By '~ B n'. _..._._.. ,(. I .. SEAL)' :;:::~.;" ,t ..... .' . ,. , . -. . "'. " ' . nnn_____________--'-,_ . ' '., . , , . " CITY OF SAIJ:NA,' !.'I\NS\S "..D~.~~ .'., . (S I ... -_' .. . _ ~_____n_ ea) MOl . , . ~.,...t<~. 0 A. LieenlJee, :second oarty lIerein. .