South Street 12 inch main Water Pipeline Crossing Agreement
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i Licensee's own cost ...nd lrci~i1it.v :my and aU things and whenarid,'as'/fr0hjin:;e[o tit"".'
'~ Licensee attempts or is b to; do at any time hereunder. Ll"' set'i\';3halI:adju~j, Pip;;
. at any time in any of CaiilH's .prpl~erty; at all times keeping uP... irface;;pr:iP,ip~. Line
feet below bottom of rail t. . ';'Licensee shall cause Pipe Line~ iore.being'_'ilse<lfor
stantially to Exhibit B attf ~ret\J as part hereof. Said things', 'i!i'c.!udi!l~;::tlletime and
conform to the reqllirementg.dl':r (13 well all of any State, Federaror;.1\~u!ildPf\lli.ut1iority.
, or do, and Licensee shallp <. .'. "bear-the cost of, anything which, herdn'required:orpicense~
.: ed or done within ten d;i#>f.f.lrovJii.1g Carrier's written request thei'~f6r'
'; and Licensee on request sh~ll"!i.n;'rid\Tatlce deposit with Carrier thc':estirnated'cOsft.hereot
icensee shall pay difference;' '.if:'riJore..Carrier shall repay difference.';1.~-
. .' '. .., '. ' . ". ." .... Any other payment shall be madewithin:t~e:ritY" days
following receipt: of: 111;::!Ei,c~9s~e';::s~all pay cost to Carrier for alJlabor, iilcluding wages of foi'emen, pltl5;'1O.%)~'co~'eracc;')unting
and st1pervision.Ca'b:ier~sjcbst;priCejof all materials f. o. b. Carrier:s;~~ils, plus 10% to cover handling andr}.u:b::itinting;'plus'fi'eight
at tariff to pointofuse;-arid e ' ise!,t;u:es applicable to said labor alirj: . eria!s. Carrier may connect willi a~~.Jdik.hargesewage into
.. :;~;;:~;~~~tdif: ~~~\)::;;;.;;..~:",:~;~~J,j D?;~;" c" .....~f'f;r,;~~;:~;E:t1ti2]tt~~;~~~~;,~h:~
,>))<""'.cl'e'd~te,'lin~.' 'O'II.I,,"rshi "the ro,fr""d and property,of ,,..... .,<';oP".y . Y. ". T "';n b'" .'. .'~ ':'....ft':.:.".
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. 2. Licenseeagl~~r;M:;~a.Jn tify and save harmless the ., and against all claims, suits, da~Iag~s;::c~st~~ (irtclttding
;l\ttomey's fees), loss~si3:nd;.~xpe in any manner resulting fro out of the laying, Illaintenanc~;','ii:'n:ewal;repair,use or
existence of Pipe'L~ne;:in'clp'alng~.. .... reaking of the fiarne or any . from, and (b) assume all riskiPW9~SO!"daJ:nageto Pipe
14ine and the cont~n~s(~~r~~:f;1"e~~r~less of how caused. ' ., " ," '" ." "
. " . : _ : '.' ,;,-';_ ,''''': ""::'''':':::',_<,'~' ;'!"_ . " ,_ , ,'_ , . _', ' :, ., ,'. I; '.:-. " ,- _ _ , _~", ;''", '.', ..
,. 3. Tenn. heieo(~s~l;il.i\ffpg~l;i~~ilh,;.~]v '1:JL . . ; .' 19~2 ! and continue tl.~,';untilc?riclu4ed
(lst) by expIratlOn.of"":',,<::,;\tJill;ty:;;days folmwrng ~rv1tlt~, byL! ..... ..... ....rl'le1'. Iff \!lee versa, of wQtten:.notlce.of: mtentlOD
to end term bereof,',ciri2iJd,);""'tiCli!-rier's election ,without furthe~/n(jl yexpiration of. six mchitug'widioufthe"Pipe
Line ha \ling beell"installed~l)i';kensee {ailing l a-1) to cure~"ai1y:" e :1>1 t or (a-2) to show statutory right tei install Pipe;' Line
{b) within '.. thirty.'dars. ...Viing Carrier's written request0;:.'" or:,' Any notice of Carrier shall ,be. deemed served 'when
posted conspicuously: o:l)'J'ipe;I.irie.:;\Jr when deposited, postageI" .' ,in U. S. mail addressed as aforesaid" Nbt later, than last
day of term hereof:;r--<ipin!;ef:';'sl~an:;h~move Pipe I~ine and restor..... .. ises. Any of Pipe Line not so re~noved~.shall 'at"Carrier's
election without riptice:he deenied';'<lballdoned. Covenants nerein!.;11allinure to or bind each party's heirs,. legal' representatives,
successors and assigii'srpr'ovl'd~a;:>flO righl of Licensee. shall' be t!:a'li~~etiedi:or assigned, either voll1ntarily;;:or:ifl'voluntlirilytexcept
by. expr.e~s aJZree~61'facs,,:p~abre::t~.tCarrier. Carrier or Licensee::,m~~'~~~;~i;ire any defauJt at a~ t\me of".th~;'pUlf<r.wiih,)utllf,l:l7cting,
or lmpa1r1ng anyngh~~P\f:;:fr.~F.~:rY subsequent default. H;;;r;:;;\::~:\:,'~+~ . .''ll Jt 0 ::J ~~*::/i\ '. "';{~iL,~
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