Broadway/Dover Drive 36 Inch Storm Sewer Pipeline Crossing Agreement
101.1> i '. .' .~ . .
<\', !~~.~!. 'PIPE' LI~~'[ICENSE.
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.spp.~~eg. ~9r:-f~~reill',.~I~ Pi~. ~e;~ .OD~ ~Carrie!,s".property,__h~ein called Premises. PiPe Lhte' will be uleil ':!;;'A~Q~y'kly:':
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line on Exhibit A attached heretOupartibereof.
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1. Licensee shill!' furnish' or do at Licensee's, own cost .andresP<msibility any and all things and when and as from time to time
required t.o accomplishwhatsocver the Licensee attempts or is bound to do at . any time hereunder. Licensee shall adj ust Pipe
Linido any' physical change as, made at any time in any of Carrier's property; at aU times keeping upper surface of Pipe Line
at least . ..' 'four and one-half feet below bottom. of rail thereover. Licensee shan cause Pipe Line, before being used for
mything inBamniable,' to conform substantially to Exhibit B ,attached hereto as part hereof. ,Said things, includin, the time and
manner of doing any~ork, each s~all conform to the requirements of Carrier as well as of any State, Federal or MUDlcipal authority.
Carrier may acting for Licensee furnish or do, and Licensee shall pay and bear the cost. of, anything which, herein required of Lic:ensee
it any time, either shall ;not be. furnished or done: within ten days following Carrier's written request therefor or shall be under-
taken by Carrier at Licensee's request; and Licensee on request shall in advanCe deposit with Carrier the estimated Cost thereof.
If .deposit be lessthanaqual cost, Li~ensee shall pay difference; if more, Carrier shall repay difIerence.Lic:ensee'when,retum-:.
iIig'thislicense'('sigried) shall pay to Carriei' ten dollars for: preparing it.': Any other payment shall be made within twenty days
following receipt of l>iU.. ,~icensee shall pay COlt to Carrier for. all labor, inc:1uding wages of' foremen, plus 10% to cover accounting'
and supervision, Carrier's cost' price of all materials f. o. b; Carrier's rails, plus 10% to cover handling and 'accounting, plus freight
at tariff to point of use; and ex.cise taXes applicable to said labor and materials. Carrier may connect with and discharge sewage into
Pipe Line wlUle.serving. as. sewer. . '.
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TheMi,sou;iP~C;fi~"~ l1iir~..d~omp~ny..~ur,,~~~; to s~~~~~ 77 01 t~:~~~~'~'u~t~; ACt.,:~~~~. ~8roi, 1, ~n'in .r';'~~s 01 teorg"n;zetion,..,d
Illbelng~perafed'bY the u;'de"igned trustee under juri$dlc:tion ~..the.Unlt~d,St8tes District Court. E._.ern ~"h;on. E8lIurn District of MlSaOI!rl, and.
" " ' . ' " ,. . d nd of . i" .., 'I _..I Co -"1 t>y $ld Tl'\IIItec 01' his successor trustee,. or trustees;
uPOI? thedate ~hato~nersl>lp ot.comrol'of' the r.sllr08. 8. prQ~Y, .s.....,"a1r-eg m..... ." ". ". nelf tb the art
shslI cease. thl~ 8.recmtntshsl,I)P8? ,f..oto termi"!ate, unle., PUrs""nt to the. decree 01 said court, ICIlfS Igree~ $hell be continued I e<:. Y . P Y
SUCZ~i"'i:.fc::~ee:~~~t't: (:)ti~d~fY and lave harm1e~1 the Ca~rier from and' apiDst all claims, suits, clama<<es, cOsts (including
. attorney's fees), losse,.and expenses, ill any manner resulting from or arising out of the laying, maintenance, renewal, repair, use or
existence of Pipe Line, including the breakin. of the same or any leakage therefrom; and (b) assume all risk of loss or damage to Pipe
Lirie and the Contents thereof regardless of ho.w Caused:';' . ,..-., . "" . . .' . . '
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3. Tenn)ereof shilibegin;with .' '$ep.,.temp~?J':" :'16;' ,19"4:'1 and continue thereafter until concluded
(1st) byexpiration;of', ...thirty daysfollo~ng'servinSj bY-Licensee on 'carner,' or vice versa, of written notice of ii1~ention
to end term hereoLorf.(2rid),atCarrier'seleclion withOut further notice, by expiration of .. six months without the Pipe
Line having beeninstalltid' or by. Licensee 'failing (a-I) to cure,.anydefault or (a-2) to show statutory right to install Pipe' Line
(b) within .' : ,,',thirty,':days.following Carrier's written,reque,st'therefo~., Any noti~ of-Carrier shall be deemed served ~hen
posted conspicuously'on...Pipe Line or when deposited, postage prepaid, in 'U. S. mail addressed as .aforesaid. Not later than last
day of term hereofLice~s~e shall remove: Pipe Line and restore Premises; ,Any 'of Pipe Line not so removed shall at Carrier's
election without'notice be',<feemed abandoned. Covenants .herein shall inure to or bind each party's heirs, legal representatives,
successors, and assig'ns ;Lprovided,:. no right .of Licensee shan. be, transferred or assigned, either voluntarily, or involuntarily, except
by express aJZreement"acceptable .to Carrier. Carrier or Licensee may waive any default at any, time of .the .other without affecting,
or impairing any ;~htluising from, any su~uentdefaul~. . (. .' . . ,
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Ch af OperatingOff!cer.
.A. Curler,. firllt party herda.
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Salina,: ',~s~.,: (, ',_:: P. Wenger, " ,
saidCityfS,~~O~~be and he is her~~~'.'dulY authorized am Ju'llyempowered
to enter: iiit 6~';ari:1' execute for and ''in t,he' name of the City one certain'
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SeT>temb~~~~;;L> ,,' 19~4 '
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written:'ag~&~~rt dated
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Ci ty, and, ,Gl!t"A~. THOMPSON,
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D;EB~OR, respecting the grant by said Trustee am accep,tance Qv the City of
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nafrnis:si9P to im~tall" keep and ui3 e
" .36 inch corrugated iron pipeline
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p'n said' Trw3'; fS premises in said'City, true, copy o'f said agreement being
attached hereto, as part hereof.
H~ -E. PetersOJ'l
, dq herebyc~!tify that the above and' foregoing
as Clerk of the City of
Sal1...... K ,,'
, ~&Cl' ana aft
is a true copy of the Resolution duly p a~sed,approve.d and adopted as by .
law prescribed" by and on behalf of said City by the City Council on
! Oct~ber' 25 .
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1'4.? 197-24
I/(,/g. 2'7, /.9$4 FiI"No.
S..I.: ] In.h :'J"~.P.liil Not" Book P"II"
Offi." of I1s r I. ENGINEER
c.?:iawaf0i'17/e) KanS85 Dra/..m"".r I.;