Cloud Street 8 inch Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Crossing Agreement f',;- MP Rd. / Form 494J', . "'" ...,'~ ..PIPE LINE LICENSE..... uf THISINSTRU~E~T. executed in duplicate, . . .,> ,~'~ . '. The un. .de~.;~iJ,1...~..d. p.. ".~. ,t~. ;:..~.[...'.h. ~r. e. ~y pn.., '. t. s... but on solely the'. h~.rdn e.~press, ,ell, ,tl:~. .' and. :?nditions, ("" ;~9:i:o:a~ "', (!Jarp~:r~w.~lt~rr;r '. '. ),to l,1e adw:es:sed at,': ,$/aJj.n~' '~as (ihciw wh~er ati IDdiridl:lli1; CO'~rtDen; or corporatioD and state 1"heretI11~eorporated) , " ,,' " ' .' ;". v .' I ',~:, " '.' ", . ," ", he!eb~aCcepts, permissio,n toinstal!, keep 'and use.for co~ve~n~~~~f!' , . theLi~~'s own, ..P. ".n..' $;:certain 'l::)~l\)c)S.'.. ..... con. ti. .nuo..U8.lirie..... '. of c as... t.. '. ir. .on ';'~ ;':';:;~~,),','; '- (number);" . ~..ore:a.ti.ng)_:'. ,""',' ,,' '!""'-'~, '.';'\, ". .... ,L,",':.:""", :", pip."e. '.' 8 inches inCardiameter;' ahd..app~nces, including J.!,'ilic,',h, '~a, 'f3,t.i~(),tl"Qa~~.g. ':"', ~erein..Called Pipe Ciile;'on the rids 'propeIty,'herein'called Premises. ~',:<" ': ',. ,':': . .., , , '. ",' " t", ,'\,.'.",,\,,,). ' ", ;,i,"-{ .' . . ~~, i}",. ':\. ''>"h"'" .' . .' 19~~::'Witneueth: and the und~rligned Licensee '. {. I' 'main track' " in southtvaS~ .'.uart~r: (triCl.'oi'rlli'ht'of'vay):'.'. ',"" 9. '. "',". T. ~ .R.~V' .S~~~(~~1ml~r1~i. Approximate location of Pipe'Line is indicated :by :l\~\avtv .b+3l,~' , Pipe LiDe shall intersect Carrie,r:s existina ofSectiong~" I Kansas' , at or 'near S~fl~:~" . , . 7'{itit"i) , .'. ~~c.) line on Exhibit A attached hereto as part hereof. 1. Licensee shall furnish or do at Licensee's own cost and responsibility any and all things and when and as from time to time required to accomplish whatsoever the Licensee attempts or is bound to do at any time hereunder. Licensee shall adjust Pipe Line to any physical change as made at any time in any of Carrier's property; at all times keeping upper surface of Pipe Line at least fout and one-half. feet below bottom of rail. thereover. Licensee shall cause. Pipe Line, before being used for ~nything.iI;rlIa~~ble, tocqnform substantially to Exhibi~Batt,aCh~ he~eto.as part hereof. Sil:idthings, includin~;.the time ~nd lnanner -of. dOIng 'any work, each shall conform to the reqwrements 9f Carner as well as of any State, Federal or. MUniCipal authority. Carrier inay acting for Licensee furnish or do, and Licensee shall 'pay'and bear the cost of, anything which, herein required of Licensee it ,any time, either ,:shall not be furnished or done within ten days' following Carrier's written request therefor or shall be under- taken by Carrier, 'at Licensee's request; and Licensee on request shall in advance deposit with Carrier the estimated cost thereof. If deposit be less than actual cost, Licensee shall pay difference; if more, Carrier shall repay difference. Licensee when return- ing this license (signed) shall pay to Carrier ten dollars for preparing it. Any other payment shall be made within twenty days following receipt of bill. Licensee' shall pay cost to Carrier for all labor, including wages of foremen, plus 10% to cover accounting and supervision, Carrier's cost price of all materials f. o. b. Carrier's rails, plus 10% to cover handling and accounting, plus freight at tariff to point of use, and excise taxes applicable to said labor and materials. Carrier may connect with and discharge sewage into Pipe Line wlBile serving as sewer. The 1\4j~.4ourj P>>cific.P AHr~Rd Comp-any. pursuant to Sect. inn 77 of tne Bank"uDrcy A.ct. g~roved M8~eh J. l<nt, is now in proce"s of reorlIRniZAtion ;:tnd i~ heing operated by 'heu'."ie'.....iv.nt:d t rt.Jst~c under jud..dicl.lon of the Unttt:d Suut'!! District Court, Ep.t'ltern Oivi-,ion. Ea,,-r. rn l)j~l-nCl nf l'vh~~ouri, ~-lnd. u~n' ,the dart: ,th~t 0-'\/~,,,.I':"! It:' or {.tl:fl.n~)1 ot t.he rI:u!F(,ud flnd pfoo~try of said R'",it,'OHd Compnny by said Tru~ree or his SUCCl'SSO~ trU~T~.e Qr ttuHecs; shall c~Hse. [hi!" a8re~mt.nt ~h;.'lH Ipro facto tt:rminate, unless, pur:suant .lO the decree ot"said court. ~id agteement:_ shall be continued in eflt.:ct by the party 5ucce~ding to such ownership, or conuol. ' 2. Licensee agrees to (a) indemnify and save harmless the Carrier from and against all claims, suits, damalfes, costs (including attorney's fees),.\osses and expenses, in any manner resulting from or arising out of the laying, maintenance, renewal, repair, use or existence of Pipe Line, including the breaking of the same or any leakage therefrom, and (b) assume all rilk of loss or damage. to Pipe Line and the contents thereof regardless of bow caused. - 3. 'Term. be.reof shall begi':1 with . Junel. ! 19~~; ! and continue th.ereafter .until c<?nclu~ed (1st) by expiration of thirty days followmg servmgr by Licensee on Carner" at' vice versa, of wntten notice of mtention to end term hereof or (2nd), at Carrier's election without further notice; by expiration of six months without the Pipe Line having been installed or by Licensee failing (a-I) to cure any default or (a-2) to show statutory right to install Pipe Line (b) within thirty days following Carrier's written request therefor. Any notice of Carrier shall be deemed served when posted conspicuously on Pipe Line or when deposited, postage prepaid, in U. S. mail addressed as aforesaid. Not later than last day of term hereof Licensee shall remove. Pipe Line and restore Premises. Any of Pipe Line not so. removed shall at Carrier's election without notice be deemed abandoned, Covenants herein shall inure to or bind e.ach party's heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns; provided: no right of Licensee shall be transferred or assigned, either voluntarily, or involuntarily, except by express allreement acceptable to Carrier. Carrier or Licensee may waive any default at any time of the other without affecting, or impairing any right arising from, any subsequent default. ' AftU'l: ~)/ WmqSlllS : ,.~. '. ,"_. ' , " " ,,"" ,J , ~, _ "" " ". ." " ,,__ , " , ' .. ,_ i GWl1\:. TH0MPS0N".' 'T RUS] EE . 'l>'iJI$S0URI '" "".. , ", ; ..", ;'. '. -, . . - " :FA,Oilljt'IQ RA.IIR0AB '(j)OMPJ1.~rY ','DEBPGR '" - ',,' , . ." :'>": ,-.,-- "',. -'",' ",,,, ," :_"".,_ ...~,: --"';' :'i"'..",! --'.... A~ f~~t:)Ei! ~nJll 11~~ .~l1d~vi<i1~a~ ' 4436~,: 'By . . , ~\te f, .~.. :eratin~iGff':toer. ..,. , '. 'AJlCarrler,llht pirt; :hetelli. 'XXXXXXXXXXXXY'.:XY~:x:xXXX ,- I GlT'f OF SAl\N:A! 111tA . !lr :,g Q{ (SoaI) ~~r.... U_. second &arty _et'ela ..~-- .("\,-, I ,--,,) [ a i! :~ <: ,~ ,,, , , '-.;., ';0- t:ir RESOLUTION NUMBER 1581 ~ Board of Oomndssioners BE IT RESOLVED, py the~,of the City ot that lIl1ax S.., Lake, Salina said City's mayor be and he is hereby duly authodzed am fully empowered to enter irt oam execut e for and in the name of the City om certain written agreehsrt dateq " 195 ~ Jl.U'Ja 1 ' , betwee'n sa:i,d , , . . ' . , City, and ,GUY: A.THO~SON, TRUSl'EE, MIS,SOURI, PACIFI9 ,RA,IIROAD COMPANY, DEBTOR, respecting the gr~mt by said Trustee ard acceptance 1::rr th~ City of pe;rmission to' ,install" keep al'l:d use ana inch, cast pipe iinoin a i~...inch , caSt- :tron easing' far conveying sewage. on said Trustee 'a premises in said Cj,.ty, true copy of said agreement being - attached hereto .as part hereofo -0..., I, , , as Clerk of the City of Salina, Kansas - , do hereby certify that th~ above and foregoing :ts a true copy of the Resolution duly passed, approved and. adopted as by Board of Cbmmissioners law prescribed, by and on behalf of said City by the ~:t on 'July 19th 1955 o - - ,~ffixSe~l .~, 'City Clerk.. ". . '., ,- ,.,;,,~ t! 0 '3 ~ ril." , ~tv " Ill.. p, JOl!1[..'y>') -. tit Form 7843 1,5:\ _.~, ~ ...... .~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ !..~ ~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ " S,,!lme, tOvn&1 ~I?Sa$. sW' 4 .seC'.23~ T/4S., R.3W : I ~ ~ c:o :.' 5,1<r~/...0pe" W~"i!>,. ~ :nt!: on6"l'"<!:>u;.w e:'A-..z8/S<o I:) ~ .~ " .1rZ2'. _ t " R/W.7 " t 50' , , ,i I , t . - - , 10' - - . ... - ,. " -.- ]:I- I ," - - . , - - -, -, . ,- 10' &~t:"QPen,t I l~ J , , I #cYnn"/~ I .>" : '1,.1 " ~. I: so' Rlw,? . t ' ~ ~ .'V~/r<s,- .n.;in L I /"1t I......". , oca;,;on. 'vv '.j i .1 '; , ... RI"'~ , Jf3.:rl "- MA ..'-' ,"~-"':',~.2;:50' '-~----~ ---- .50' ,_,,~_/~/ow~:~_~ , "C~.rS Ji:'C/;.O.;l ary t:f "Crrl./,on f.:?h/krj/ kwcr m /2 ~4>-.s-/ /M/1 ~..r/~..9', ,'., ,,;'~ " ' 1 :,?O .: ,"" , ',....., '. . " ,/.f!-rI//411rA. " ' MISSOURIP ACIFICLiNES . C"~n/rc:Y1 ~il.r&'-' P/;";.sicn I .1 i , ,", ,jP(OR~;llo/. S.;'oIA/Qt'h~s :'Aq.9/.~' C;I'"-: X.inf. , "G;~"v/Iy ~low 90~ . /-'ro,Pos<'Pd <5" Jcrn);?i.ry ..fi:o,yer "..Pl;oe .L I~ .{'/:!:t:J.5'$/~?70 fer;;,: (:-\T)" Of SA..kJ~~A;' 'KA N$I\,s ,..', SAl./NA),kANJ"A$. JQm~r~ Z{ 1'1.55 .L~ J File No. ,se.le, Imeh '"i:\JaIlI..,~LAV . Qfti"! 01';""" .,~ ItlIiClNEEB 'Note ~oo" , Pag" ,r.2$.;fW.9~mjqJ&..,H.;.tJii.. Ih-a.r.''''!'.... t5e.,J";/~s;, ~.' ~;_.'--~I..~.._,.". .I".