Pine & Front Street 54 inch Storm Sewer Pipeline Crossing MPRd. Form 4940 ;'2M 1-31 PIPE >LlNELIā‚¬ENSE: tHIS INSTRUM'ENT, executed in duplicate, 'e....1ffi, ).9. , 193 "Witnesseth: . ..." .~ The undersigned Cal'rier , hereby gr~nts, but ol1~qll:ly the herein expressed terms and conditions, and the undersigned Licensee ( . "qS;p~ "~"~t~n O~ '1'_.$;\" .' . ), to be addr~ssed .0 '14" ';~wh,e~heran individual, co-partners; or corporation and state wher<;in .incorPo~ted) . . at .... ....~... ,"_. , herebj"a<:cepts, permlsslon}Q}IlstaIl, keep .and use, for conveymg . . ". .... '. ' sto_S~.' , the Licensee's own..' certain e~.,~~'~ .. .continuous line of l'~j~c;l!1.'~~cJ.> ..' .... ." . , . ,(number) (propos~"or,e~l,Stitlg) . Q.nCl'e~fi ..pipe ,,_ . . in .diameter,and appurtenances,~il!!~i,~~~ !i...',....,h....e..r...l:iI}.;...".g...,.lIl.~dP.,..iP~;.l;i..nn.e e,..pn the Carrier's property, here.in... ca... .Iled.... pr.e.'.'.nu..'....s. e.s....PiPeL...in...e... w, il.l be used in ser.v....l..n. g.. '......,.... " .,.0",,,-,01 ~1:~,f~IUJ ",', '.' . . ' . , and will be~U~~ c~ part of. a piping system connected, with a pipe line owned by '~~~,. .,,:#~1~f~. ..' '. .....' . . ',. .. '" .' . 'for C9vyej"ing s~o:. ~_~fJ '. ". fromQ~1;f .'.' '. ,....... '. ,.,....' to ~1U;~~~'Y.\I' '.' <' Pipe Line shall intersect CarJ:jer'sexi~tjng/.,; 1'J.ght ()~ 'fIfq' U._ ,at .".'l~ne.tj'l'f;Jn$l3t1]1'fJ~ and extend to~u.~.\I'l'~f.gJ;~O~~":l~~ (tracl<;..Q!;'J.ght of way lme) . . (place) . . "., ,.' ". : '(place) . '. .,,' ,.' .., distant ~".. feet, more or less. Approximate location of :pipe Line is indicatedbya'."'~~e and of said pro~~ erty, if limited to ,any track, by white line, but if wider, by ......_ line,onExhibit A attached hereto as part hew;f; 1. LiCensee shall furnish or do at Licensee's own costandresponsihility any and all things and when and as from time to time required to accomplish whatsoever the Licensee attempts or is bound to do at any time hereunder. Licensee shall adjust Pipe Line to any physical' change as made at any time in any of Carrier's property; at all. time~ keeping upper surface of Pipe Line at least four and one"halffeet below bottom of rail thereover. Licensee shall cause Pipe Line, before being used for anything inflamm~ble, to conform substantially to Exhibit B attached hereto as part hereof. Saidthlngs,including the time and manner of doing any work,each shall conform to the requirements of Carrier as well as of any State, Federal or Municipal authority. Carrier may acting for Li<;ensee furnish or do, and, Licensee shall pay and bear the cost of, anything which,herein required of Licensee at any time, either shall not be furnished or done within ten days following Carrier's written request therefo1"or shall be t1nder~ taken by. Carrier' at., Licensee's' request ; and Licensee' on, request. shall in advance deposit. withC:arrier the estimated cos.t.. thereof. If deposit be less than actual cost, -Licensee shall . pay difference ; if more, Carrier shall repay difference. Licensee when return- ing this license (signed) shall pay to Carrier ten dollars for preparing it. Any other payment shall be made within twenty days following receipt. of' bill. Licensee . shall pay cost to Carrier for all labor, including wages of foreinen, plus 10% to cover accounting and supervision, and Carrier's cost price of all materials f. o. b. Carrier's rails, plus 10% to cover handling and, accounting, phis freight at tariff to pointof use. Carrier may connect with and discharge ~ewage into Pipe Line while serving as sewer. 2. Licensee agrees to indemnify and save harmless tJte Carrier from and. against, all claims, suits, damages, costs....;,includ" ing attort:ley'sfe~~,Jossesand expenses, inanym;11Wer Tesulting from or arising out of the laying, maintenance, renewal, repair,. use or existence of Pipe Line;incl~dingthebreaking of the same or a~YJea}{;1ge .therefrom. . . 3. 'Ter~ hereof shall begin with ~'~~~;.J.~,.e ., ~;, and continue thereafter until concluded (1st) by expiration ,of thirty days following serving, by Licensee on Carrier......... , of written notice of intention to end term hereof or (2nd), at Carrier's election withorttftirthernotice, by expiration ,of six months without the Pipe Line having .been installed or by Licensee failing (a-I) to cureany,defaultor (a-2) to show statutory righUo install Pipe Line (b) within .' thirty days following Carrier's :written request theref01\ Any notice of Carrier shall be deemed served when posted conspicuously on Pipe Line or when deposited, postageprepai9,' in'U;S. mail addressed ,as afore" said.. Not later than last day of. term h,ereof Licensee shall remove Pipe Line and restore Premises. Any of Pipe Line not sp removed shallatlCarrier's election without notice be deemed abandoned. Covenants h:erein shall.inure to or bind each partYs heirs, <legal representatives, successors iand assigns; provided: no right. of Licensee. shall be . ti"ansferred. or assigned;: either... volun- tarily qr involuntarily, exceptQY express agreement acceptable to Carrier. Carrier or Licensee may waive any default at any time ,of the other without affecting, or' impairing any right arising.from, any subsequent default. , T~e;Mi..ourl Paclrlc'lllallrolld.Company, PlI. rsuant to Section 77 or the B.n~Ptcy Aet ~~~roved March' 19'" I .. I' f" I -". ber d" .- h'" - -: ..". - ; .; '. -. - -.", . - . vt-' :1. JJ. 5 now n process 0 reorgRnlzat Oft ~m.U 1!@ - ng operate WIt. out trUJtee u,:,der. JUrISdlct!On of the .Umted- ~tate.s . District Court for the Eastern Division of the Eastern District of l\1issouri :'And thiB contract shall not Impose any obhll8tIon upon .t. prop<'rtla or ...et. .uboeQuent to termination of .aid J'ur,'sd,'ct,'on excc t th d' ' ',", . p as e court may lCect. .$$Gum. ;PAOJ;J10~.4a1~OOjp. ,'_' -;. "". :," ,--:, ',"----":":-.', ":' -. "j,_ _,:.'.-.._.-,..... ........,...-.,.. _"".,,,'.:," "0""';':"",- gf,. ' ..... ....y... ......... ..... I~:P~. ~~~-;. & .GEN;~.~;-;.~~;. . .., As Carrier, first party herein. .........~.~~ ' WITNESSES: .// ~;~7 ~i1t:t1fJJ<<U:~~ ...... '.. ..',.1< . ""-"-" .-' ',',., -'