Crawford Street Crossing Agreement ,~ r-: 1-21"; 53-7300-. GUY A. THOMPSON TRUSTEE, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILRO~ COMPANY, DEBTOR To CITY, OF SALINA, KANSAS ) ) ) ) GRANT OF EASEMENT ) ) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned GUY A. THOMPSON, TRUSTEE, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, DEB+OR1 in posses~ion of and operating the railroad and propertJ.es of Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, under appointment by the United States District Court? Eastern Division, Eastern Judicial District of Misso1J.rJ., in Proc~edings'pending in said Court entitled uIn the Matter of MissouriPacif'ic Railroad Company, Deptor, In Proceedings for the Re- organization of a ~ailroad No. 6935, acting herein as such trustee and not individually, herein called UTrusteeU, has gr~nted and by these presents doth grant unt9, the CI1Y OF SALINA, KANSASl a Municipal corporation}: an easement, in , and,to tpe fol oWing described parcel 0 the Trustee's right. of way lands, herein called npremises.,., :J,.ocated_ in Se~tions23 and 14, Township 14 SQuth, Range 3 West, Saline County, Kansas, apprOximately where indicated by ha~ched lines on Missouri Pacific Lines blue print, marked Exhibit A, attached hereto as part hereof, to-wit: A strip of land, 5 feet wide by'150 feet long, lying 35 feet south of and parallel to the north line of said Section 23, being in the Northwest Quarter of said Section and extending westwardly from the east line of said Northwest Quarter. A strip of land, 80 feet wide and 66 feet long, extending across the existing right of way of the Trustee in the Northeast Quarter of Section 23 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, and being 40' feet on each side of the Section line common to said Sections 23 and 14 and extending eastwardly , 66,~eet from the north and south center line of said Sections. - 1 - 1-21-53-7300-. i . This grant of easement is subject to the rights hereby reserved in the Trustee, his lessees," tenants and licensees, and legal representatives, 'successors and assigns th~reof (a) to retain, maintain and operate upon,alc:mg and across s~id premises covered by this easement the ra~lroad tracks improvements and facilities including but not li~iteA to communication, signal anA.electric transmission lines as now located on said Premises and (b) at any and all times to construct, maintain and operate such" additional ra11road tracks across said highway, and such communication, signal and electric transmission lines beneath or over said highway as said Trustee, his successors and assigns, shall deem necessary from time to time. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement unto the City of Salina,. its successors. angassigns, so long as said public highway shall exist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Guy A.Thompson, Trustee, Mis- sourLPacific Railroad Comp::tny, Debtor, has caused this instrument duly to be executed, pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions 'of that certain Order No. 18, made and entered on the 13th day of May, 1933, by the Uni~ed states District Court, Eastern Division, Eastern Judicial District C)f Missouri, in Cause No~ 6935, pending in,said court, entitled uIn the Matter of Missouri Pacific 'Railroad Company" Debtor - In Proceedings for the Reorganization of a Railroad', th1s the .~ " day of January, 1953. . GUY A. THOMPSON, TRUSTEE, MISSOURI PA...C. IFIC......~.....~~~.. '. cr,.. DEBTOR.. By ..... /J{, .. U '. ',' . Chief Operating Officer. STATE OF MISSOURI CITY OF ST. LOUIS ) )SB ) On this ~ t day of January, 1953 beforeme J.G.Buchanan, a Notary PUblic, duly commlssioned,quali- fiedand acting, within and for the County of st. Louis, - 2 - l-2l~53-7300. Misrouri which adjoins the City of st. Louis Missouri, . . app~ared in person R. P. Hart, to me pe~sonailY well known. to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument on behhlf of Guy A. Thompson, Trustee. Missouri Pacific Rail- roa~ Company, Debtor, and a~knOWled.ged that he executed'the . same as ttl:e f:re~ ac"t and deed of said Guy A. Thompson, .:fd~IJ;he. c9ns~d.er~t~on, uses and purposes there+n mentioned "and . set fGrtl1. and IN TESTI~lONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand official $eal this~ I day of January, 1953. , " . My commission will expire May 28, 19~. - 3 - , I GEN'ERAL OFFICES CITY HALL BUILDING Mareh 11. 1963 ~. A.I,'.~,.."'" ",ebb. SaU~..~.IU.8~. , I '" .".. .... J)eazojfr. ,Webbe. ,I \ ",', . " , This .1d.ll,.aCk;nowledg.r~eipt of' 4ta~~ton Crud'ori &1;.. und.. ;youJ..'tfacb. knmm a.sAle No. 2-A-2~~. ' , .'lhank~U'Y~lIlUch for 'this COltaide~i;ion.' , " 'I ' ", YO\ln.~f!ry truly. ] ", " ,I L F:.~80n CUu ,'~.];~1te ~:.:: ; i (I Member.. Kan.2a:z1!.EaguE of Municipa[itiE!.t.