Tenth & Crawford 6 inch Water Pipeline Crossing Agreement
.. . , ~
~~\ '.
j -.. .. .
','. ,.This agreement ,mad.e Jand entered into, this' ~ day df.' March
19~6 ''bY land bet'Ween the Oi ty of Saltna,PaJ:1ty of the first part,
n~rf:!ine.f.'~e~ referred ,to afj the ca.ty ,andthe Missouri Pacific Rail-
r9adC(i)mpany, Pax>ty of the second part, hereina.tterreferred to as
the o Qmpiany, WITNESSETH: " . . .
WHSREJtS said C:I)mpany is .i?heoWnerof a tract ot land 11lthe
Northwes~ Q.~e.:rter of Section .:aa, Townshi:p ,14 South,. R~ngEl5 West~
in Salin~ Q.ounty, Kansas, lying.imrnediat.elYSouthof' the publiC high...
way known as the Crawford. 8.treet Road, 9!" the. ,Golden Belt Highway and
West <:>8 ~her.~ght of' way of said Company, whioh traetsa~d Cornpan:Y'<
desires fO' develop fop indus~rialpurpos,es, and desires the use of
water from the Wate:rvlOrks' system of the Oity of Salina Ea:nd is in need
ofanexteh'Sion of said "le.te,rworks system so as to serve said p:t'operty;
WHE~iEAS theC1ty of Salina is unable tlo extend said system to
said trapt, from the .present terminus. of said system in the City,..
for the (t"6ason that the number of users along such proposed extension is
insuffic~.ent to JustIfy th:e S[Hne and to produce fl reVenue equal to that
require~lbYl~W .bef'ore ~uoh 6xtans.ionoan be paid for out of the funds'
of the '(dater i:vorks Depe.rtl11ent of said City~
. NowITHI::REFOIi.JE; in,. :qonsideratioh oIl the pr~ises, and of tho mutual
. oovemantls and agl"eements hereinoont.ained, said company agrees to
finance phe construqtion of awater main, not less than six (6) inches-
in dia111ejt~r, .tooonnept the present terminus of the watersyetemin
said Oi ty, at the intersection of .. tenth Street and Orawford A venue,
wi;th the property ofsa..;t.a Company i ovena.scribed, theoost of said
main- not to exceed ~i.3 ~ooo..oo . , .
The Oity Engin.eer of the Oity of. Salina shall design aaidextension.
and prepare plans and speoifications for the same and shall supervise
thelayiJh.gand construction thereof, and the 8&.meshalT be in all re...
spects shbjeot tahia approva.l. .' Sa:t.d ma:l.nshfil;llbe of cast ironplpe
of a tYP$ and quality to bea.pproved b:f said City Engineer, rmd shall
be laid ~pprOllCimately in the c.enter of <the public highvmy, ,which lies
pal;'~ly'Vl+thin . and 'partlywithqutsaid C itY,a.nd . known .e.isQrawford Street
and the~ra'wford8trel9t Road 0; The money to be .furnished by the Company
for the laying and 0911.structlngof saidma.in shall be furnished by it
promptly /uponthe " presenit~t;ion of VQuQherse,pproved- byths City Engineer
showingtne amount expendedfol" labor ap.d materials used in connect'ion
t;here\vitfu. . Any o()n$1.Uner along or ,adJacent taenid main may connect
I " . .......... '."'. .', ." . ,'.... '. ..... '. .. ". ,'. '."
therewitfu,provided tha:t alloonnectionsmade withsaidwa't~rtna1n by
I ' .' .. ." '. " . '. ,'" .
the Oomp~ny.or by any oth~rconsu.mershall ben~de ,:tna.ocoJ;'d.ance with
the o.rdina.nces, rules and regulations of the City of Salina, and the Salina
waterwor*s Department l"elating to the .ti.~e of water from. sHid waterworks
system,,~[~d! ~der th~..superv~sion an(ldl:r;eqt~on 9~. thes.~Beri~~~rl('l.ent of
saidwater"fOl~ks df3P~l.rtment .or the Gity...Eng1nE1}ep e.nd..no.J:luCh connection
shallbelmade exc~ptohapplicat:i.onmade therefore to said superinten-
dent.. a.nd its approval b:r him.
. .
The CitYfAgrees to furnish water throughsGtld rnainto theOonipany ,
and such otherconsum.era \'!ho shall makeoonneotion the;r>E1}with, as herein
prov.ided for, allwate:r so furn~shedtobe meteJ:"ed, thI'91;lghrne'te~~ .. ,
t:i.eao:rding, to " rule's'and reg:ri.'la.t:l.QnsoftheWa,tex'De.partment'.-'
_, ..' ";"->"'-~-'--1'~ J>,_~d'''.-=~'''''i'' . c.".. ,~,_-.;~~::,,~;;';~___2_'-:::.:.':.'::.:::::'::' ~:::~:"_-~:"::._:_~~..:'~~, ',:. :::':'::':::=:':~::::l':.::'=-";~_~
Fire hydrants may .be'.eonnected ..tqsaid main by the City, by.aad.:cl,
GompEl,ny,/o;r' bYa.nY0the:!,~"paptiesa,long'f.la~d main o~tside'bftheCitw",.c>f'
-Sa~+na, ~ubJe:ctto the app~oval of' the Supt;lrtntende1'ltQf theW~te':t'~g~~S'S
Department,:ro;r' whiph. achar,geshall be rnade as now or hereaf.ter"bY'>.q~... .
.. 'd1nanee-~~:l?e-V':l;~ed:';'.'-'and.the--ott;r"iIT$.y"'connect.-oth-er'.we:tel'. .-nlaing....to-tfi~.....maa:iJi;::'''-
herein. P~()j1\ided for, ,at ita own e~pen$e ,or permit otherpartiesi:;qd\'"
oonnect\"(~'i:;e:t' rnainsthereto for t.he pUrpose of'se.r.ving any propertyv~~~~W;,';."
in or \lViitho'U::p the City.>>':':
,t, '\'
'Al~oharge,8 for water fl.1rn;i:.~he4 throuJ~h,said main to the Oor)1pany,
o~'toany othe);'consurnel" who shall cQnnect tnerewith, shall beat the
rate~119Wor hereafter provided byor4inance" to consumers of water of
thesam~ class in the City of' Salina.Suo.h charges ~hall be paid to
and col+6cted by the, Oi ty of Salina., and shall, be kept in a separate
fund whtch shall be paid ove,r at" least once. eaah month to the Company
to apply on the money furnished by it in payment of tho' cost of con-
struatingand laying' of said mains. l'fhen the amount soaollected by
.1 . ' . , ' . , '. . .:" '
the City .andpaid by it to the Oompany Shall equal the amount furnished
'By the qompany in pa.yment of such cost., all charges fo:!? Water there....
after fl~rnished through se,idmain to any consumer Shall belong to and
be ret~tned by the City, and the Oity hereby agrees to ;ypllect,and .'
apply 'bIte payments.recei ved by it for water so furnished, ,in pe,'Jrmel1t QJf
t,r~e amo'fllt advanced by the Company, until the same is paid in full, as
herein 'Orovided for_
n'l i. agl:'$ ed that the pay,"e!') t sl:'eee i v~ d by the G.1ty, whiaha"l> to
be appl:ied In 'payment of the moneyagvanqed by the Company, 6[1al1 in-
clude t*e veceiptafol" all water u~ed through se,rvices dire~tly con- ,
nected with the water main on C~awford Street, hereinprov1ded for,
andfror4hyd:rantrental for fire hydrant,S oonnected "lith' such nialn,
wh:I.ohslfal1not .:tnclude water furnished through services or fire hYdrants
connec~~d wi t11 other. m~inawhio!I may be attached to or conne.ctecl with
the main herein involved, or the City may at its optionreimnursesRid
Gompe.nY!Vihdlly or in ,part from th,esUr'pius r-evenue of the wa ter\~!Orks
dep artment"
Xt .118 agreed that. the Enihiri"eI' of 1>1;$ SaUlla Wat" rWOl:'k8 , Depal:'tmen;,
shall d~Sign, p:;Lan 9.l1d auperv:ls'e the laY:Lngpfsaid w.E:J.tel" lnH:Ln and that
the Oi tYjs}:lall hElve the right to install theree,nallnecesaary valves,
hydrants, tees for futureconneetiQns,oJ? permit the installat:ton of any
'e.'d&;i;t:i.o~al,appJ.iaHe'esor "eq,ulprnent which Ttlaiy :H'ith.e'opini6n or said .,
Engineerl be necessary, but the; cost of a.ny suchconnectiqnsorappli-',;
anees, wpichare not required for the pu.rposes qf the Company in conne(J;';;;~'
tion witr. said rnain,sl~all no't he advanced by the Oompany tuiderthe
termSOfj this agreemerit _, . . . .' '. '.' "'.
'.It 'isuude.J?stood . that theCityshallendeaV'or to furnis'h vlater
for firelprotect~on to any fire hydrfll1t.s Ipoated" Qutsid~ of the . City
but the1"r.shall be no ob:tlgation on tl;16paptofthe city tofurni,s,h
water for 'suchpurpos'es Qutsideof theOit;y:,. andthfitthecfqlig~tion
of. the Gi't;yto fur~:tsh wfl,ter th:rough .s~lid rnainsf'orany otherpurppse
ou.tside pi' theCi't'Y!,~he,.1.; h~ n? g~,eat~I'thal1 its obligation to furnish
water for the .sa.mepu~pose te, MIe re,sidents of the C:ity.
I, . .'. . . ...' . . ;'.. .,. .' ...' :'ir, , '
It ,;Lsundersteod'arH.1.agreed that~he Git;rBnglneel"shall keep a
correct ~cg'o'Unt ofth~expense of (}c)ll'struction and'c()s1;of'.'ma,teri~l used
in i,n'st;a,llling sf?idriia'ip. and anyfiJ:'f3 hydpants locat-.ed on ,the ,public
highway a,~9Qnnect:tO!li.therewj;th,.!,e.nd shall.furnfE3:fr;i ,to. the"'Company~ll;
paYr"oll:Slta;temel1:ts '/fnyoices and ot~el",eV';tdence13p.o,,;ingsuch.cOSlts,.whieh
statemen~s'~ndtn'l1'o.,to'€Js . ,sha~l . be th~ .9aais _f<r~_~"'9:p:~~1~r_s, _qravinon~l1e ,.'
Company for the a.dvances 'to1:Hll'l1ade 'by'-it'herreunaer. '
I . '.' . ..... . ..' ........ ........., ...,.... .... ....... '.. .'. ....... -
INWITNESS'WHPJ1\EOF the Giny of. Saline' ha"s Qa,u~~ th1sinstru.ni~p.t:to
be erc~~up:ed ~y i(t~,F~~,yor. ~ndits seal to Qethep~U#F';.aff"f-:*E39- a!Jdi..;~~t~~t-
ad by... it,~ Gi.~YOl~~~j.,;,sucl~ offioE}I's .ibeing.......the.reWJ.:Cqdu*y aut}'1ori~;e~;.j'by~;...,...
theb9ar9- or i Gormnisslo!}ersOf ~a.;Ld Oity, ?:ind;'~a,:li,@.,Q[~rnp{%ny.ha,~q,a:l;i~;~t:1.th~ .
$.8.111etO: be duJ.y .:e~@eu~ed.b~l its; duly auth<;"ril?li19d ..tpf:f' "orand i it S .... cO,atporat'e
Atte.t: tfM.J1~
1 aI y C erk.
I .' ,
A ttest:~.-1
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~-T---' . S"ecl:'"tah . ·
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.-"'"...-.c ':'~ "~. .' BEIT'RESOLVEDbthe'Boardf.C . ,. . '..... . '.
"..,..,.,. "'<N~1"""; i.I,,~;J!;,.;,,'*;:;i;./.;9;;J:..::..~.,. ;."i~~';S,~ tOE~?:~~;t;9t~:n~:(:' .:.'~! I '., :.'
the ..Cityi:':6(!';saii~9.(;th~k,.the~\"6hfi of 'SaUna. ente~ into' :'
/' e. contra.~':t.(~i th~ ~heM~,s~~~~l;.:~a!cl':f'l'O . R~1lr~'a:~" compa'~y,
providing!! 1'0,1' the"o6n'stri:i.6tion of' a.. s ix-inoh water main
extending from the. presen'tte:rminu's of' the water system
! -
of'theCity of Salina at Tenth and Crawford Streets west
to the property of the Missouri of the Missouri pacific
Railroad Company lying west of the present city limits
of said City and south of Crawford street, in accordance
with the provisions of a certain contract dated March
31st, 1926 ,:.pro'vi'di~gfbr the advancing of the expense
of laying said water ma.in by said Company and the reim-
.bursement of said Company out of the revenue derived
from the .sale of water to consu~ers connecting therewith
and that th~ Mayor and City Clerk of.said City are here-
by authorized to execute! attest a.nd deliver to said
Missouri Pacific Railroa.d Company .said contract, a copy
of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof by
reference as of said dB. te 'o'fMarch 31s't, 1926.
Introduced for first reading, August 2nd, 1926
Passed and approve~August 9th, 1926
Guy T. Helveving
Chas E. Banker
City Clerk
county OF SALINE )
I, Chas E. Banker, .City Clerk of the City of Salina
Kansas, . do hereby certify that the above and foregoing
is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted and
approved by the Boa.rd of Commi,ssioners, August 9th, 1926,
. I
and a record of the vote on its final adoption is found
on page;h/f of Journa.l No. 11, 1926
~ y erk