133 Government Retain Control r"" Re: Salina Northern Railroad Requesting Government to retain control ", . I , ._~---_._--_.---_._..'-- . . . '. . .. Ad~pkdby: the Council ._:..___~_~___:___~~1~_~~__~~!~L____' 91 8 . . . . .' . Filed .in my olficelhi! .4th day of _____. ..June 1918 --Ghas..--E.Banker- . Cilv r:l'j'k o " 1.__/ --.---~j;,w~\li..~--_.. I ,/ :,.t: I ',' , " I :::~:}~ ..'.. -: . .~, ";')."'t" . . .~. . ,'.,;:;,= .. '.'. BE IT RE~OLvEU, By the May6rand Council of the ,city of ,Salina, Kansas, that whereas, the "citizens of Sallnahave for If twenty yearS desired a railroad between Salina and OSborne, Kan-, sas; ,and after various attempts finally caused TheSa.lina Northern Railrolfld (;om~ny to build a railroad at a cost of approximately One Million uollars, ,to the citizens ..in Salina and alop.g ita route, Twenty Thousand of which was expended by the City of Salina in terminal bonds and Thirteen Thousand uollars spent by the citizens of Salina in financing said railroad; all of which - ' was done for the purpose of affording quiob transportation of the wheat and farm products of the farmers in the community through which the road traversed to the markets and, .. WHER.D.:AS, it is understood that the government contemplates releasing management and control of said railroad which, if done, would cause a financial loss. of over a milliori' dollars to the' citizens along the route of said road ; would cause the cost of marl{eting the products of the wheat and other crops to increase about five hundred per cent and whereas the people of said vicin- ity are greatly incensed at the gross injustice of the cessation of the operation of ",said railroad which would occur if the gov- ernment released control thereof, Now Therefore, Bl!.: IT RE~OLv~U, By the Mayor and ~ity ~ouncil of the City of Salina that the Federal Government be requested to retain the control and operation of The Salina Northern Railroad Company and that we further-convey to the government that it is our opinion that it is necessary that said road be operated for the welfare of the country in this war; that it would be a gross injustice to cause the citizens of our community to lose the million clollars they have invested in it, and that it would work ar;reat hardship upon tho farmers along the route of said railroad to cause them to expencl vast sums of money for transpol'tation of their grain and products '""j' 1, / _._.._______,tu'.:JrJICnM'IA~~~ ------..-.....---.. ~~;.~;~~~,:;.,:j"".:,..,:""",'.i.il.'~~:',\:":~""'~,'.'.:J""""~""\':\<'i' :""'l.""~~:\,",' ,":',:,',~..:,.':'. 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Att..t, (fft:<ff~/ , City Clerk. - / t 1918. (SEAL) Edd Mathews, Mayor. :;:":,~t.: :o-.;.~ :\:,tJ':',:;~j,~:'~!,;~;"'71:1-1~"~'\'~(\~;l;':. .c,:: '.:-:~~;';':n'fA,~~;o~,~;.\~."I."',l'~ ':";.''r'~~",~,. ""~-'l,":'! I r~-,-.,-:.~;. ""-,'0;:"';,'" 'J"'''''! ""'<'"', '''~,' 'oj ....-, 'r'"'" ';. f~;!tll~~~~~f!li~:ii~1trl!~i~tllf'~~~:I:~.~.. ...:~;:;"'t\~ .>~~!'e,.tnm,::: ~:~~:,~e... r,~,~~~:sted:~~?~~,~~1nthe. ~oritr,o~' :.., ' \\;:';)1 , I .- a~d ope'rat~on o~ The'Salina Noryhern Rallroa~,Com- !:::i~ ,'. i"'. ' . " :. "', .'. ".". ' , " ", '" , \ ..... , 'pa!i'yand that we f'urtherconvey to the goVernment ,",;~, ", '.'., '(,. .' ,', , ',:" . " th8.t,1t 1s .ourop1n1on,that it is neoessarY that ~"':.1' ' .' . . said '~oad be operated' for the welf'are of' the country in this war; that it would be a gross injus- tice to cause the: citizens of' our commUnity to lose the million dollars they have invested in it, and that it. would ~rk a great hardship upon the farmers along the route of said railroad to cause them to expend vast sums of money for transporation of their >I grain and products which would be necessary in the . _.J) .ftvent said road was abandoned by the government, C~-J and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event said road is abandoned ~y the government, that it is the ~pinion of this body that it ~ould be a great dis- - crimination against The Salina Northern Railroad Comr,e.ny and in favor of the trunk systems through- out this state. This resolution was unalnimously passed by the Mayor and Council of the City of Salina, Kansas, June 3rd, i\ttest: Chas. :S. Banker. City Clerk. STATE 01<' KANSA::i ~OUNTY O!<' SALINE SSe " ~bereby certify that the above and foregoing i8 a true~nd correct copy of a resolution passed ... \~i:;!,i\I.~I~I,~~~~~~~1~f~~1~~J'g,~~;;~~~ \.' . . I 'I , ootin:try:'ln;th1S;.;a%';".th8.t:lt.:woUld be a gross1njus-; . . . . ..,.. .... . " ,~;A.:. . :... . : . . tioeto oatise' the:'oltfzensof' 'our ooinmunit'r to . lose '. , . '; ',' '. '.._",.'- ',,_', c::,..:. "" " the m111ionXdoll,ars"th'9y' ha:Ve .invested1n1t, and that it. would ~k a. great hardship 'uponthe farmers a.long the route of saidrallroad.to cause them to I I 1- expend vast sums of money for transporation of their ,. grain and prodticts which would be necessary in the '. " .)ilve~t said road was abandoned by the gov:ernment, c? \ . . . . - I I and, : '1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event said road is abandoned ~y the government, that it is the .. ,-'ov, .~pinion of this body that it~ould be a great dis- - cr1mination against The. Salina Northern Railroad Comfany and in favor of the trunk systems through- out this state. This resolution was unai~imously passed by the Mayor and Council of the City of Salina, Kansas, June 3rd, 1918. (SEAL ) Edd Ma thews, . Mayor. Attest: Chas. E. Banker. city Clerk. STATE 0.1<' KANSAi:> '~OUNTY OF SALINE SSe " y-hereby certify that the above and foregoing iea true ~nd correct copy of a resolution passed by the Mayor and Council of the city of Salina, Kan- sas, June 3rd, 1918. ~ .... . _. _ .'. .C1t.~ oJ