Accomplishments Report - 2000
Dennis Kissinger, City Manager
Shawn O'Leary, Director of Engineering and General Services
2000 Accomplishments Report
February 6, 2001
I am pleased to present the following list of the key accomplishments of the Department of
Engineering and General Services during the year 2000. While these are the work products for
which our department is most proud, I truly believe that our staff is dedicated, hard working and
effective on many other projects and programs throughout the year as well.
_ m
. Acquisitiol1 of a $12.3 million grant from the Kansas Department of Transportation Local
Partnership Grade Separation(LPGS) Program for the construction of the $18.3 million NortH
phio Street Overpas~Y[ojec!. The anplicatiollProcess in~QI~ed a full engineering discovecl
Qhase for thenroj ect.
. The Sanitation Division provides a special pickup service for our customers. The goal is to
provide this service within 24 hours of receiving the request. In 2000, there were 3,062
special pickup requests, 3,058(99.9%) of which were accomplished within the allotted 24-
hour time frame.
. Managed seven(7) division operating budgets including four(4) general fund, -two(2~
enterprise fund and one(l) internal service fund totaling $5,04~,~04~ ~Actgal EOY jp.s:nding
was $4,263,810.48 or84.~ perce1l.t of the t9till blJ.dgeted amount1
. Enhanced the public education efforts of our Household Hazardous Waste Program. Met
with teacher in-service groups, presentations to elementary and middle school students and
participated in EcoExpo 2000 Career Fair for high school students.
. ~cquisition of a $3.1 million grant from the K~sas Department of Transportatio~ System'
Enhancement Program for the construction of the Interstate 135 and Water Well Road
interchange Project. This project is a collaboration of the City, Sa~ ~<2Y.nty, th~SaliPJ
Airport1\u!hori!y ~nd th~ ~alina Area _Ch'!, of C.Q..m"!p~e}
. Completed installation of on-board liquid calcium chloride treatment systems for all salt
spreading trucks within the Street Division. This allows for better and faster ice/snow melt
on the street when temperatures drop below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The December, 2000
snow storms were a good test of the effectiveness of this system.
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. Realigned the Street Sweeping Program to one additional 8-hour shift(50 percenn
increase) to the sweeping operation, without adding staff or equipment. This has allowed u~
to meet our goal of sweeping all arterial streets every two weeks, all residential streetJ
monthly and downtown streets twice per week. This ~Rerational c!u!ng~ resuJ!ed in a mark~
improvement in the cleanliness and appeal ofthe City~
. Assisted with the City's first design/build process for the Salina Municipal Par 3 Golf Course
and storm water detention facility(Lake Snyder).
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. Successful completion of the $4 million South Ohio Street Corridor Improvement Project!
bne of the largest locally funded infrastructure projects in the history of Salina. The project
kas finished ahead of schedule and under budget. Weare particularly proud of the pub lid
involyem~nt and acceptan~ ofthmeJlroject thIW!ghout th~ g$ljign...and COl!.stl}lcgon_pj1~s:--
- .,.
~ .
. Developed KDOT application for a $1 million transportation enhancement grant, in
collaboration with the Arts and Humanities Department, for the first-ever state-funded public
art project in Kansas.
. Effective management of the Saline County Solid Waste Management Committee 1n;;I~ding
two phases of the Venture Grant Program, numerous other solid waste programs and
administration of a summer internship. In addition, the Sanitation al1d Street DivisionJ
tliverted over 3,000 tons of yard waste materials from the landfill waste stream. ThiJ
material was delivered to Kanza Composting to be recycled into useable products. AnotheJ
35 tons ofmateri~t ~Sll~O qiyerteA12y t.p~ Household Hazardous }\Taste Facili!YJ
. Installed and implemented the Fleet Controller software program. This has improved our
preventative maintenance program for city vehicles, reduced our parts inventory and
enhanced the financial accounting for the Central Garage facility.
. Implementation of the City's .$10.7 ~ili~-;- Capitai Impr~v~m;nt Program including th~
three major sub-CIP areas of Street Maintenance, Flood and Drainage and Traffic Signat
Upgrades. Only four minor construction projects and one design project were deferred untq
,,fOOl. All remaining.projects were completed on time and under budget. In addition, som9
major 1999 construction projects were completed in 2000, including the Centennial Road
rroject, Cloud Street Bridge Replacement, South Ninth Street Utility ~,)~stem Extensions!
Belmont/Magnolia Traffic Sigllals ~nd Schilling/Virginia Traffic Signal~
. Upgraded sluice gate actuators at Founder's Park mill dam. This improvement reduced the
required time to open the gates, in the case of a flood event, from 25 minutes to 9 minutes( 64
percent less time).
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. Development and implementation of an in-house Supervisor Training Program(based on
ICMA model) for four mid-level supervisors in the General Services Division. This iJ
cJlnsis!~!lJ wi1h",9!!.t;, del1artillent.pl1ilosQP1!)~ of r~building the oQe,rations from the foundationr
. Received the "Excellence in Public Works Program Operations Award" from the Kansas
Chapter of the American Public Works Association for the City's yard waste collection
. Reorganization of the Street Division including reclassifications, cross training, reassignment
of duties and formal team building sessions. This will ~treugthen ~nd ~nhap.fe the QRer,atll?!!J
resulting in higher perfoD11~ standard~ illJg.e fut:!!r~~
. Replaced 412 pedestrian crosswalks with "continental" style markings for improved
pedestrian safety and visibility.
. Installed power-backup system for the City Fueling Facility. This will allow continuous
fueling services for city vehicles in the case of a power outage. (
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. Upgraded five(5) traffic signal systems on Magnolia Road, Schilling Road, Ninth Street~
proadway Boulevard and Belmont Boulevard to fully actuated, on-demand systems f01~
improved traffic safety and efficiency. Also, installed thirteen(13) additional traffic signa!
p.r~p.tion devices at key)ntersections to im.Rrove traffic safe!y' duril1g evmergencies.l
. Completed procedures manual and full cross training of General Services office .staff to
improve customer service and efficiency, especially during employee down time.