8.12 1989 Proj for 1990 Budget CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COIvlMI SS ION ACTI~'N DATE TIME 2/5/90 o,:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Administration ORIGI NATI NG DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR ND. 8 Department of Finance AGENDA: ITEM BY: Robert K. Biles Authorization to include 1989 incomplete projects in the 1990 budget. Due to the nature of the budgeting process, many assumptions must be made regarding the timing of various projects. As we move into each budget year circumstances dictate when projects are actually implemented. The year of 1989 was no exception. A list of the budgeted 1989 projects which will be completed in 1990 is attached. The funds to complete these projects were not expended in 1989 and have been included in our beginning cash carryover for 1990. In Order to provide clear direction to the staff for the 1990 budget, a mOtion to include these projects at the amounts shown in the 1990 revised budget would be appropriate. Recommendation Direct staff to include the incomplete 198,9 projects at the amounts shown in the 1990 revised budget. COIvN I SS I ON ACTION HOTiON BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA RE(:~JEST FOR COMNI SS ION ACTION P.M. /ItCD ..... AGENDA SECT I ON: OR I G I NAT I NG DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: ITEM ND. BY: BY: 1989 projects requiring reauthorization Project Amount Microfilm reader/printer for Police $4,500 Pay Plan Review 25,000 Uninterruptible Power Supply 13,922 Parks Storage Building 72,000 Street Signage 8,000 River Development 25,539 Bicentennial Center Roof. 20,000 (Increases 1990 budget from $55,000 to $75,000) Bicentennial Center Cash Registers 38,000 Community Theatre 120,000 Total General Fund $326,961 Water Tower Painting (Water and Sewerage Fund) 293,000 TOTAL REAUTHORIZATION $619,961 COIVN I SS I ON ACTION MOTI ON BY SECOND BY TO: