Railroad Crossing Maintenance CoNSOLIDATED-SALmA 8 ORDINANCE NUMBER 7097 . I (Pub I i shed in The Sa Ii na Journa I {)p..(ßfYîtvr lc , 1968) AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN RAILROAD COMPANIES TO REPAIR AND MAINTAIN CERTAIN RAILROAD CROSSINGS WITHIN SAID CITY: PROVIDING IF SAID REPAIRS ARE NOT COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME SPECIFIED THAT THE CITY OF SALINA SHALL PERFORM SAID WORK AND ASSESS THE COSTS THEREOF AGAINST THE PROPERTY OF SUCH RAILROAD COMPANY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS: Section 1. I That the Union Pacific Rai I road Compariy ¡s hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain in accordance with specifications now on fi Ie in the Office of the City Engineer that portion of the streets occupied by its tracks where the same intersect Santa Fe Avenue, Twelfth Street, Fifth Street, Elm Street and Ash Street within the City of Sal ina, Kansas. Section 2. That the Missouri Pacific Rai I road Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain in accordance with specifications now on fi Ie in the Office of the City Engineer that portion of the streets occupied by its tracks where the same intersect Fifth Street, Republ ic Avenue, Frankl in Avenue, and Santa Fe Avenue within the City of Sal ina, Kansas. Section 3. That the Rock Island Rai I road Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain in accordance with specifications now on fi Ie in the Office of the City Engineer that portion of the streets occupied by its tracks where the same intersect Twelfth Street, Ninth Street, Fifth Street, Santa Fe Avenue and Ohio Street within the City of Sal ina, Kansas. Section 4. That the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rai I road Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain in accordance with specifications now on fi Ie in the Office of the City Engineer that portion of the streets occupied by its tracks where the same intersect Santa Fe Avenue, Fifth Street, Ninth Street and Twelfth Street within the City of Sal ina, Kansas. Section 5. That in the event any of the above named rai Iroad companies should fai I, neglect or refuse to repair and maintain the said rai I road crossings above specified within thirty days from the effective date of this ordinance, that the City Engineer is hereby directed to proceed to have such work performed and that the costs of such work shall be a I i en upor, the property of sa i d ra i I road company and sa i d costs sha II be assessed and taxed against its property in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publ ication in the official city paper. Introduced: November 18, 1968 Passed: December 2, 1968 ( SEAL) i ( .~/ Attest: , J "- 1..W~/~ City Clerk \ ,.... MAY 15. 1970 TO: FROM: RE: NORRIS D. OLSON. CITY MANAGER D. W. BASSETT. ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER RAILROAD CROSSINGS This report consists of a visual survey of the condition of each existing railroad crossing in the City by the Field Party. The comments in this report as to the repair of these crossings are not meant to be requirements needed to bring these crossings up to our standards but to create a smooth riding surface. Attached is a print of our standard railroad crossing plan. . I think this should be considered as a minimum design since the railroad company may have a design equal to or better than this, and should be considered. The problem on most of these crossings..is the lack of continued maintenance rather than the design. The crossings marked * are crossings that are constructed according to or very near to our standards, and most of these are in need of some repair. Mr. Mitchell. Santa Fe Section Supervisor. from Strong City came by on April 29. 1970 as the Fi e 1 d Party were check i ng the cross i ngs. He advised that they were going to start work on part of their crossings within two weeks. ATCHINSON. TOPEKA, AND SANTA FE RAILROAD * ~ JweJ.tlh (12TH) Street crossing (North of Bishop Street) 1 Track - Wood planking. . Planking not too worn but is loose. Plank and rail are below street grade. Ni~l!:D Street crossing (North of Bishop Street) 4 Active Ir~cks - 1 Abandoned Track - Wood and concrete planking. The 4 active tracks are wood plank and the planks-are in good shape except the third which is bad. They are all below street grade. The abandoned track is on concrete plank and the rails are removed. The.planks need to be removed and a new street put in place or else an overlay would be as effective. '""^'..;... , yS~Y~D~Q__(~~~Street .crossing (Sout~ of Ncrth Street). 6 Tracks - Wood plank and asphalt fllled. rhe first and second tracks need the asphalt repaired or replaced. The third and fourth tracks need to be raised. The fifth and sixth tracks need new planks, asphalt and also need to be raised. Sant~CI~venue crossing (Between Pine Street and North Street) 5 Tracks - Wood-and concrete planking. The first track is concrete planking and is in very bad shape... The rails are also low. RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 PAGE 2 ..~_..,_._-_.-,"-, ."--.. * Main line or second track is wood_planked and the asphalt and concrete headers are high. Planks and rails are all right. The third track is wood plank and in fair shape except at the extreme west end. The fourth track is concrete plank and is extremely high. Fifth track is wood plank and is low while the concrete headers are high. ~ Fitth_(5A1H) Street crossing (Between Pine Street and North Street) "3 Tracks - Wood plank and asphalt filled. The first two tracks are wood plank with asphalt filler. The- asphalt -is in bad shape. -- Third track is wood plank and the plank and rails are low and should be raised. - - ~orth ~fe't crossing (East of Fifth Street) 3 Tracks - Qood plank and asphalt filled. The asphalt has several holes and many raised-~laces and should be replaced or filled and leveled. Asphalt is 4" high on the south end. ~ Thitd_(3RD) Street crossing (North of North Street) Wood plank and asphalt filled. - The rails are low, asphalt 10\1, and the wood plank is high and in bad shape. - ~ Second_(2ND) Street crossing (Lincoln Avenue) 4 Tracks" Wood plank and asphalt filled. The tracks are low, asphalt poor and-it needs to be planed- between the existing slabs. - - - - ~ - - ) f.r.Qot_Str.eet crossing (North of North Street 3 Tracks - Asphalt filled. _ Asphalt filler between the tracks are all in bad condition. Rails are low and not planed between the existing slabs approximately 35'. ~ _ Ohio_Stre~ crossing (North of Woodland Avenue) 2 Tracks - Wood plank with asphalt edging and covering. The planks are good but the asphalt is in bad shape. Both the rails and planks need to be raised. ~JoJ llm Street cross i ng (Wes tend) Asphalt filled. _ The crossing is rough but theairt street beyona is rougher in comparison. * * " ~ RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 - PAGE 3 MISSOURI-PACIFIC RAILROAD * ~.. hie lfth (12TH) Street cross i ng (North of Bi shop Street) 1 <Track- - Concrete plank. The concrete plank needs to be fixed. asphalt on either side is unraveling. c~ne. Ninth_(9~~) Street crossing (North of Bishop Street) 2 Tracks - Hood plank. . The wood planking in fair shape but -the rails are below grade of street. . Ei~h~TH) Street crossing (South of Pine Street) ~Tracks-:-Brick filler, wood planking and asphalt filler. The first three tracks the bricks are low. The two remaining tracks are wood plank and asphalt filled but the thrid tracks is lower than the fourth and fifth and asphalt needs to be repaired. -~..- Seventh (7TH) Street crossing (South of Pine Street) 8 Track~- Hood planking with asphalt covering. There is. bad planking on the second tracks but the rest need asphalt patched and smoothed. -.~-_.- Santa Fe Avenue crossing (South of Pine Street) 1>TracKs - toricrete plank and wood planking with asphalt covering. The concrete plank with a thin asphalt covering is worn off and needs to be replaced on the south two tracks. Rail is approximately 1" low. The asphalt overlay is raised up on the third track (main line) and rail is 1" low. North two tracks are wood planking with the street between having asphalt overaly. Rails are about level with the asphalt but the wood planking is low. Fi~T~) Street crossing (South of Pine Street) 7 Tracks - Wood planking and asphalt filler~ All of the tracks except the fifth track are asphalt filled and need the asphalt smoothed out. Hood planking on the fifth track. is in good shape, -. . .~. Third'(3RD) street crossing (North of ElM Street) .~TracKs - ~od planking and asphalt filler. South two tracks are wood planking and asphalt filled. -The north two tracks only have an asphalt filler. The asphalt is in bad shape at all four tracks and in between tracks. Rails are low and should be leveled between existing concrete. ~ ~~on~treet crossing (North of Elm Street) 2 Track~Woo~~1~nking and asphalt filler. Rails are low but the wood planking is not too bad. impossible to help because it is on a rail curve. tracks is hi gh. Rails are low and the street There are a couple of big * This crossing is The asphalt between RAILROAO CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 PAGE 4 E~eet crossing (West of Third Street) '1 TracKs - Aspha It fi 11 ed. The track:is low and asphalt needs to be patched. NO~~St~~t crossing (Arthur Avenue) . 4 Tracks -'Wood planked and asphalt fllled. The first three tracks are at the intersection of North Street and Arthur Avenue. Fi rs t track is wood. plank and in good shape. The next two are asphalt filled and need to be raised to grade and asphalt patched. Fourth track is a spur for Rounds and Porter Warehouse. This rail is low and the center plank and asphalt are high on the west side of track. ~' . Ohio Str.eet_crossing (North of North Street) 4 Tracks - Wood plank and asphalt edging. Planks are good but the asphalt needs to be cut donw. Rails look all right elevation wise. \ ' O ~West\Elm Stree.~ossing (West of College Avenue) )0-.1 Irack<Wood' plank. ' * /T.he"'WOod p'lanking is in good condition. ' P.ar.k_Str~eet crossing (West of College Avenue) 1 Track - Wood plank. and asphalt filler. Plank is worn and the asphalt needs to be replaced. 0. A~h_Str.e~t crossing (West of College Avenue) 2 Tracks - Wood plank. The east track 'plank is worn. * * * * ~a~e St~~ crossing (West of College Avenue) 1 Track - Wood plank. . The wood plank is in fair shape. .UniYer.sj~y~ crossing (West of College Avenue) 1 Track - Wood plank and asphalt filled. ' The plank is worn and asphalt needs to be worked. IJJ Walnut Str.eet,crossing (West of College Avenue) .1 Track - Wood plank and asphalt filled. Plank is worn and the asphalt needs to be patched. Spruce_S.treetfcross i ng (Wes t of Co 11 ege Avenue) to Ll Track~~o'od plank. *\\- The.c<woo1J planR is in good shape. ~ ' South_Str.~t crossing (West of College Avenue) Wood plank and asphalt filled. The asphalt is in fair shape and plank worn. J~~o~dsAven~e.croSSing (West of Hancock Avenue) 2 Tracks - Wood planking. Plank on the west track is worn and the plank on the east track is raised on the north end. * RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 PAGE 5 !i.r~a_nk]Jn~S~tr.e.eit.,cr.oss i ng (L'Jes t of Hancock Avenue) 2 Tracks - Wood planking and asphalt filled. W~t track plank is worn and asphalt needs to be filled. .BgQubJ.ic._Stteet"srossing (West of Hancock Avenue) 1 Track - Wood plank and asphalt filled. . ell t needs to be fi 11 ed to make smooth. 1/ .B~iJ..dty!Y,.,.B~..2. crossing (South of Republic Avenue) 0"'-'1 Tr'l.C~ood plank. . . * Thnood prank is in good shape. W~ Cloud Street crossing (West of Roberts Avenue) 1 TracK - 0500 plank. * Wood plank is in fair shape. ~Street (West end) Asphalt filled. Asphalt filled but rough and the street beyond is dirt. RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 PAGE 6 ROCK ISLAND RAILROAD * tJ~ Twelfth (12TH) Street crossing (North 'of Bishop Street) ~~ 1 TracK - Wood plank with asphalt filler. The asphalt filler is low and the rail at the west end is low. A few planks are raised and this creates quite a rise in the surface. .~(9TH) Street crossing (North of Bishop Street) 1 Track - Wood plank and asphalt filler. " The plank is 1" to 1-1/2" 10lver than rail. The rail with a normal street. One section of the street the and on one side it is 2" higher than normal making a ..s.e~.fn~L(7TH) Street crossing (North of Pine Avenue) 4 Tracks - Asphalt filled. Tracks need to be raised to the concrete and asphalt needs to be patched. " " .san~a1% Av.ewe (North of Pi ne Avenue) 3-Tracks - Wood planking with cold asphalt filler. The concrete headers and asphalt headers are raised up and need to be lowered. N~ Fifth.,.(5TH) Street crossing (North of Pine Avenue) 'I Active Track - 1 Abandoned Track - Hood plank and asphalt fillet'. The active track is wood plank and"is in fair shape. The abandoned track is in great need of asphalt patching. tJ~ lhj(d~(JEP) Street" crossing (South of North Street) This is a dirt street crossing and rough, N~~treet crossing (East of Third Street) ~Track ~Wood plank and asphalt filler. " Rails. need to be raised and plank and filler replaced. N~ .Sec<u!~Q) Street crossi ng (North of North Street) :n.'Sj5!ialt filled, " The asphalt is in poor shape and rails are low and loose from the ties. N~ Front Street crossing (North of North Street) Asphalt filled. Rails need" to be raised and the asphalt is in poor condition. Ohio St~~roSSing (North of Woodland Avenue) "'=- .-- -- 2 TraCKS - Asphalt filled. Rails are low and the asphalt needs to be filled for patching and leveling. is about level concrete is broken bad raise. RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 PAGE 7 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD * ~ Twelfth (12TH) Street crossing (North of Bishop Street) o Iracks - Wood plank and asphalt surface. The first and fourth tracks are wood plank. The other three are wood plank with asphalt surface. Asphalt ,overlay of the street between the first and second track has a dip in it and if filled, would be smoother. The tracks with asphalt surface need to be pa tched. /JavIl- ~~,nth, (9TH) Street crossing (North Street) 10 Tracks - Wood plank with a light asphalt surface. The first three tracks are in pretty 900d shape except they need more asphal t surfacing. Fourth through the seventh tracks need the asphalt surface patched. The eighth track has a high plank followed by a low plank which makes this quite bumpy.. Ninth track looks like it could be raised some and the last track needs patching. rv~ Santp_F.~ Aven~crossing (North Street and North of North Street) 9 Trac~(3-tracks in 1st group and 6 tracks in 2nd group) -Concrete planking. The first group of tracks is at the intersection of North Street with'Santa Fe Avenue and the concrete planking is in bad shape. Concrete header is high on the first and third tracks. The second group includes the area around their main line and the south two tracks are concrete plank and in bad shape. Third track (main line) is wood plank with an asphalt filler. The asphalt is raised in spots and missing in other spots making the cros~ing rough. Fourth track is low with concrete and the asphalt covering on the wood planks needs to be repaired as some of the planks are worn unevenly. The fifth track looks low and the asphalt filler is badly rutted and raised. Concrete slab between the fifth and sixth tracks is sticking up on the west side. Sixth track has an asphalt filler which is rutted and raised and the rail needs to be raised. Ohio ~~.t crossing (South of Pac.ific Avenue) ~Tracks - Wood plank with asphalt edging and covering. The planks are in good condition but the asphalt is raised up and full of holes making it real rough and the rails need to be raised. * * .~2?~.~orthnS~r.e~t crossing (East of Fifth Street) 1 Track -Asphalt filler. ' . The asphalt needs to be refilled and patched. Elm ~t~~ing (East of Fifth Street) 13 Tracks - Asphalt filled. The first six tracks need the asphalt patched and the next seven tracks need to be raised. ra..!r 8sh_S,tr..e~ cross i ng (East of Fifth Street) 5 Tracks - Brick filler. The brick filler between the rails have raised and have holes. The west rail should be raised to make a smoother crossing. RAILROAD CROSSINGS MAY 15, 1970 PAGE 8 lt~~enue crossing (Fourth Street) 1 Track - Asphalt filler. The asphalt filler is in bad shape and needs to be leveled and patched. "'S~ FourtS. (4T.I+)' Street crossing (South of Iron Avenue) 1 TrilCJk::' Asphalt filler. 6 ,Jt-, ThKtra'ck" is in good shape. e. Walnut Street crossing (Fourth Street) Aspha1}>cti'n er. O. (<"T~tr~ck'ls also in good shape. Mu1bjf~Street crossing (Fourth Street) )\spha1"t""'fll1 e r . The track is in good shape but might require a little asphalt trimming. ~ . South Street crossing (Fourth Street) 'l.'lra2'k~Asphalt filler.' . The asphalt is rough at this crossing. Center Street crossing (Fourth Street) Jlsph"ITt""fi'l'l'er. . Rails need to be raised approximately 2" and the asphalt is real rough. ~~e~tt~~y~~ crossing (Fourth Street) plank and asphalt filler. Rails need to be raised, asphalt leveled and patched. 5:_..... Crawforil Avenue crossing (Fourth Street) ----~~ Asphalt flll er. Rails need to be raised and the asphalt filler is rough. ~d_Str.eet~crossing (Fourth Street) Asphalt filler and plank. The planks are badly worn and asphalt needs to be patched. WjJrs~~reet crossing (Fourth Street) Wood plank and asphalt filler. This crossing is in fair shape. Re~i'~; Avenue crossing (Fourth Street) ~wooa-P1anK ana asphalt filler. The planking is worn. ~ Beloit Street crossing (Fourth Street) 'P1anK""aW'd 'aspha It fi 11 er. . The planks are worn and the asphalt needs to be patched. f.o....Jr MinneaP.QJjs_Av.epue crossing (Fourth Street) Plank and asphalt filler. Plank' is worn and the asphalt needs patching. ~ E.lJswo.r..th_8.~~~ crossing (Fourth Street) P1<<nk and asphalt filler. Will need some asphalt otherwise condition not too bad. .. at:. *' RAILROAD CROSSINGS ~lAY 15, 1970 PAGE 9 ~ Jewell Avenue crossing (Fourth Street) r1iiJik~and asphalt filler. Planks are worn and the asphalt needs to be leveled. 4;- Kirwin Avenue crossing (Fourth Street) ~~d asphalt filler. Plank is worn and asphalt needs to be patched. Clafli~~ue crossing (Fourth Street) -Pl'aiik-a'n.d~a's'pha 1 t fi 11 er. A couple of the planks need to be fixed. _Cl~1..~~GrOSSing (Fourth Str~et) Plank and asphalt filler with edglng. The planks need to be replaced, asphalt smoother up and the rails raised. * RaY..mond.,A~E!J:lue~srossing (East of Fourth Street) '"flOod plank. " Plank needs to be repaired and asphalt edging to be repaired. ~yne Aven~e~rossing (East of Fourth Street) Wood plank. A couple of the planks need to be replaced otherwise in good shape. Belmont Boulevard_crossing 'WMd-PlanJ< . Plank needs to be replaced, rails raised, and 'asphalt edging replaced. ~.8..v..~O.Y!l...i!"ossing (East of Robin Road) Wood P.J.MSK. . P~af1K in 'Cr-Rssing in good shape. * *