Ordinance Regulating Street Crossings (Not Adopted)UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAILROADS UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD P OFFICC OF Trainmastor UPRR. BTg1:OgflD 9-IB-B000O IN REPLY PLEA.E REFER TO 560. NO. Salina, Kansas, February 9th, 1920. Honorable Edd Ilnathows, Tvlayor, Salina, Kansas. Dear Sir: - Again referring to your kind letter of January, 12th about proposed ordinance relative to travelers on the high -way disregarding signals given by crossing -watch- men. I am attaching here -to, tiro copies of such an ordinance, submitted by our Safety Department and passed upon by our Attorney, ii1r. Blair at Topoka.. Your further consideration of this matter will be highly appreciated. ITAVI/C . Yours truly, Trainmaster UPRR. �t An ordinance regulating street traffic at street inter- sections and railroad crossings Be it ordained by theiiayor and Councilmen of the City of Salina: Sec. 1. All persons shall observe, and comply with all signals, warnings and directions given by any duly authorized officer or by any watchman or flagsman stationed at street intersections and railroad crossings. — — Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of Section One, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than and not more than " 0 An ordinance regulating street traffic at street inter- sections and railroad crossings Fe it ordained by the Mayor and.Councilmen of the City of Salina: sec'. 1 All persons shall observe, and comply with all signals, warnings and directions griven by any duly authorized officer or by any v+atch-man or flagaman stationed at street interoac'tione and railroad crossings. i Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of Section One, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not less than and not more then ORDINArICE N0. An Ordinance granting to The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail- way Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad Company, the right to construct, operate and mmiintain a track on North Street in the City of Salina. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR A.lo) COIi iISSION ERS OF THE CITY OF SALINA. Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby given to The Atchison, 'Popeka and Santa Fe Rail,a!ay Company and to the Union Pacific Railroad Company, their respective successors and assigns, to lay down, construct, maintain, possess and operate a track l described as follows: A connecting track about 266 feet in length extending along North Street and across Santa Te Street, beginning at a point of connection with The At chi son. Topeka and Santa FZ R, -,i lwa'y Comps' ny' s trac s j1u , 4 , serving the. Shel labarger Lill and -:levator Company, said point of connection being about, 75 feet south of the ^cut}; line of Santa Fe Street produced across North Street; thence in = northerly direct=ion to a point of connection ;.ith th(^ Union. Pacific. R6f.lroad Company's r F.ek�s�veei rNff�the./'Vn�R�oµb.�i<fn/�gFot:n.�.,�miliing Corspar�,y. wy/.t GG_t..n..,.....{. 0/ pec. 2. This orainance ta'•;e effect and be in force } from and after its publication in the !J/ Approved ��ert> �c /` ATTis.ST City Clerk