8.7 Agr Oakdale Statue Repair CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COIVNI SS I ON ACT ION DATE T I ME 8/5/1.991 4:OD AGENDA SECTION: Administration ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR ND- 8 AGENDA: PARKS & RECREATION ITEM NO. 7 BY: Steve Snyder ITEM Repair of the Oakdale Park Memorial Entrance and StatUe As you are aware, the entrance memorial was severely damaged by a car accident June 27, 1989. The bronze statue of the Civil War soldier sustained extensive damage (see enclosed sculpture repair outline) and the granite base consisting of the engraved "Oakdale Park" arch and main gate posts were cracked and chipped severely. Since the time of the accident, staff has looked at various options for repair or replacement of the damaged items. Initi .ally, we contacted Ivan Peterson of Memorial Art Company, Salina, for names of companies' experienced in granite work either in replacement or repair. Only one company experienced in replacement responded to our inquiry, that being Cold Springs Granite Co. of Cold Springs, MN. Cold Springs Granite sent two individuals to Salina to inspect the damage and submit a proposal. A Clay Center, KS, firm, Master Carved Memorials, also visited the site and submitted a proposal for repair of the damaged stone. The replacement proposal is $61,170 while the repair proposal is $22,500. In visiting with Mr. Alan Johnson, President of the Clay Center firm, he indicated the repair estimate was submitted as an economic alternative to replacement but ff it was the City's desire to reconstruct the memorial to its original condition, then replacement would be the only option to pursue. He also indicated that his fnma was not qualified to handle the entire replacement project and that only a company of the caliber of Cold Springs would be qualified to complete the work. Mr. Peterson also agreed that replacement would provide the City with the best long term solution for this project. He also feels that though the quarry where the original material was acquired is now closed, a very close match is available for replacement. Mr. Peterson had several pieces on hand for comparison. ~OTION BY C~ISSION ACTION SECOND BY TO: RECOMMENDATION Based on staffs research, it is our opinion to contract with Cold Springs Granite Co. for the replacement of the granite columns and reconstruction of the Oakdale Memorial. We also recommend Bergen's Sculpture Studio and Foundry do the repair work on the Civil War statue for $6,325. The total cost of this project including out of pocket costs for inspection by Cold Springs Granite Co. is as follows: Bergen's Sculpture Studio & Foundry Cold Springs Granite Out of pocket expenses $ 6,325.00 61,170.00 1,300.00 $68,795.00 Settlement was received from the car owner's insurance company for $34,254, (after legal costs). This would require additional funds of $33,241 to complete this project. Earlier this year, the Commission reprograinmed funds in the 1991 Capital Improvement budget in order to complete this project. · p~ SCULPTURE STUDIO & FOUNDRY July 13, 1989 Mr. Keith Rawlings Risk Management 300 West Ash Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Rawlings: The bronze sculpture of the Civil War soldier from the Oakdale Memorial was in excellent condition before the accident. Unfortunately, it sustained extensive damage in the fall from the granite pedestal. This damage was minimized because of the original sturdy construction and the unusually good condition of the piece~ Because of these factors, repairs to the sculpture can be very successfully and satisfactorily accomplished at Bergen's. The current value of a seven foot bronze soldier sculpture similar to the ones in Oakdale Park is approximately one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) each. The completion of the repair work as outlined in Exhibit A will restore this bronze piece to its market value. As Don Chisam requested, I am submitting a bid for the repair of the bronze Civil War soldier. The work to be .accomplished is outlined in Exhibit~A, and the bid sheet is de~ailed in Exhibit ~. As a citizen of Salina, I appreciate the city's interest and concern in restoring the Oakdale Memorial to its original condition. I have enjoyed and admired this memorial for many years as an integral part of the aesthetic quality of Salina's park system. Thank you for allowing me to bid on this restoration project. Sinc~e re ly, ,. .. / ~ Richard Bergen ~...j,: cc: Don Chisam 141 North Santa Fe P.O. Box 361 Salina, Kansas 67402-0361 913/825-7642 SCULPTURE STUDIO & FOUNDRY July 13, 1989 EXHIBIT B COST OF REPAIR WORK Bergen's Sculpture Studio and Foundry agrees to do the repair work as outlined in Exhibit A for the sum of $6,235.00. Payments are to be made as follows: Authorization to start repair $2,000.00 Completion of repair, delivery and installation 4,235.00 [6,235.00 ~ This bid price is good for 30 days from the date on this proposal. 141 North Santa Fe P.O. 8ox 361 Salina, Kansas 67402-0361 913/825-7642 '~/~ SCULPTURE STUDIO & FOUNDRY July 13, 1989 EXHIBIT A BRONZE SCULPTURE REPAIR OUTLINE 1. Disassemble sculpture at split in waist and inspect interior for hidden damage. 2. Remove base of sculpture, straighten and reform. 3. Remove hat, re-form head and hat. 4. Remove both broken hands and repair damage. 5. Remove rifle and repair damage. 6. Remove head and repair break in neck. 7. Repair break in left leg. 8. Repair break between feet and base. 9. Cast new bayonet. 10. Cast new bill for hat. 11. Cast new medallion. 12. Make new bronze mounting studs and bolts. 13. Reassemble total sculpture, hat, head, hands, gun, body parts and base. 14. Chase and repair all surface damage to various parts of the sculpture. 15. Sand blast and patina surface. 16. Deliver to site. 17. Install sculpture at site. Crane service to be provided for by the City of Salina. 141 North Santa F® P.O. Box 361 Salina, Kansas 67402-0361 913/825-7642 ROCKPORT INDUSTRIES 402 GRANT STREET, Ir,~ E~" ~ CLAY CENTER, KANSAS 67482 (918) 632-6449 25, 1989 Dea~ Doft~ eow, c~ you. have a~moved .Ote~ ba, o~e ~ 4oa, ~ ,~o Ou~ ~ ~ be~jond Ina.. .l .:/;, I lng is to be spanned by a folding iron grill gate. · , ' , Two eleven-foot excedras ex.tend to tile front from the walk gates, ope,n. lng'onto the fooL,-walks on either side ,o[ the street and facing.each other, this memdrial On .the face of the back of each ex- are to b~ car~ cedra is a 22-inch bronze medalloon, granite wall One Is of John A. Logan. in honor of I space for ~wo, John A. ;L~gau i~ost, ~. PA. R., this is-for comme~ i The Union today' presents a picture city and/ the ot~er is a bas relief of men Who f~ll in' the 'Present -of the beautiful new memorial gate Col. Wm. A. Phillips, founded of Sa- war, and it iS hoped by the commlt- !to be erected a.t,the Oakdale .Drive lina. - ' ' ,' :" * tee that' th~ last space may be used entrahce to Oakdale park, work on - ~ounted-on the main gate _posts, commemorate the incident and -date~ which has, commenced, which are 12 feet high, are l~ronze upon whiih a permanent ~Orld peace' , As tlm picture shows it will be figures 7 feet ~ inches high. 'The may be established.' . one of .the handsome~t pi~ces of work ~tatue of a CL.vll_ --~m' ve/eran :is 0'n .- S~ltn~ baa ,])een dUator~.in ~b_uild~..g_, of the kind in the state. ~The gate one s~de and o~ the other is the fig- a memorial of /S/is-~harae-ter, ~u! a~ .will b'e 52 feet wide, .15 feet in depth ute oi a Spanis~ war veteran dr Pres- last the town iS'to h~/re.sne o!'-whick and 19 feet high. It-~vill be of beau- ent day soldlerl. On the face of Ike all' of Saline county may feel proud. tiful "Victoria White" -granite from latter post, .in ~r~nze, is a rd~roduc- ~ Stuart & '~Son." local' monum~it :,~he New England quarries, and, tion of the bronke button worn'by the dealer, South Fifth' ~stkeet, ',are the. United States standard bronze. - Spanish war veteran, 15 inches i~ contractors and they '.have~'ialready The gate will rise- up on either diameter. On ~[he face of the o~her c0fi~menced the work of erection~hav-. side of the driveway, leaving a twen- post is to be.found the Ci¥il warn vet- lng placed the foundation, whiclt is of, ty fopt drive for' vehicles. This open- eran's button? , . concrete, last week. The arrival The~walk gateways are arched ovel~!,the granite gnd bronze i,s expect~ and On .the freize of these arches I.~~soon. · .... ' "~ ' ' * ' raised in stroi~ relie! th4 -nam~ Hugh Al.price, a monument~.'arelii-, " ' 'tect of Chicago. with the assistance, "Oakdal~ Park, ,,, , Appropriate ~ns~Iptions dedicati6n of George E. Stuart. designed th,-' /) the dead war heroes. ~ gate. ~' · " ?" ' ' '. '. ::','.i"i:}t id into the 'face .of theI A, large watei COlo~ plctdi'~'of'f 'ea;:h excedra, leaving .go. re completed is now~on e.khib}z ~o,r.~ lnscriptio~s. One ~ in the' show Windows Of tht Seltz[ rati a~g~ ~.t.h .e.U...v.~.. ~ ~t_.h,e.:{ ~.t,ore.~~ ~..N'..o~h-....!~ut..~. ~1~¥ :~.~.~a~l' . , , ' · _--. -'.. '-_;.; . ~,.~ . . r'~.~".., .,..,,...~, ;,,~'...,~r..~'_.-I kl . ' . · . .. . , , ~ .=~- ~ · , , , . , my~r~, ~e t!~u~n~ ~l~p;~~ t~0ugE its ~o~als ~ch year.~Tcely glalce L~ way(ai~d f(,w if a,~ know li~le 'it r~re~ts. Eve~ c~ty and:-ooOnty '~cihis' h~d 'trouble r~m}e~ing or 'unearthing ~e facto. Yet ~y~t.~an~u~m~d~g' ~m0r~I ~ ~ defim~.a~ ~siHv~ symbol of the spirit which Is Memoria~ Day., ... ..'f. . ~ .... ".'.' ';a . &t ~' wp ~ ~ nor~ entrance to Oakdale park, ~r~ted by'~e coun!~ of Salin~ in 1918 as ~ m~orlal-f0r men Of the civil and Span. ~ wa~ ~ ~ ~k ~t lies ~vond. Below is ~e 1~ u~t top~-by a Union ~ldier. ~ ~t unit ~'a.'R~gh Bi~P from the Spamsh wan Crater are ~ phones co~emo~tiug CoL Willi~m A. Phillips, (lop) fou~mr ~ ~li~. ~d ~. ~ohn A, ~n;'ior whom the ~lina ~t ~ ~ GAR is ~. In~riptions ~ ~e memor~l read "In memorial of the men of this viciniW who gave ~e~ liv~ to ~.~ ~nt~, ~icat~ to aH o~ loyal sons who ~omved dis~guished valor u~n the nation's ~tUefield~". ,.. - ' ~ -' The north entrance to Oakdale I park is one of Salina's out. [ outstanding, and unknown, me- ; -moriais to men of the county. · who have served in the service of their country. Here is the story of its beginning and de- velopment -- a story familiar enough 30 years, ago but long. "since forgotten, apparently.; It took several days of research through city and county official records and the faltering recol- lections of older residents to un- earth facts about those gates at the north entrance of Oakdale park. passed yearly by thousands of Salinans who probably rarely glance their way, looking instead at the eImhanting vistas of park that lie belond, or intent on racing home by the park "short CUt." On Aug; 6, 1917, a small group of citizens appeared before the Saline county commissioners and presented th'elf suggestion that a memorial be built to honor men · . of this. community....who ' had given their lives in war service. The' eommis.sioners ]lad fore- knowledge of the 'plan Of the citizdns and' an that day al)- proved a levy. of a quarter of a mill on the dollar to raise.' money for erection of a memor- ial ~ate at the,' north entrance of' Oakdale park for civil and Spanish wax' veteran~.. · , · Contract for construction of. i--the memorial was let to Stuart ~' and Son, Salina monument corn- { pany, for $13,000. GeOrge Stuart I the son in the monnment, corn-". pany, remembers the day well for it was his. birthday'and his father .had undergone an opera- .,tion .that .day. An artist and architect from .' Chicago designed the gate 'and · 'also made 'the , pattern from · 'which the olaques of Cblonel Phillips -and General Logan were cast., ' · The gate was erected some- time in the ~ear 1918, no records [ have been found of a dedication, ceremony. And even Stuart can'tt remember that detail. The original gate Was not as wkte as it is now. Only 12 feet separated tile .pillars, Also in- cluded in the memorial'at that iime was a bronze gate that folded in sections. After the city .leased the park from the county. automobiles became more abun-' dant 'and motorists frequently hit the open bronze gates when going in or out Of the park. In 1933 the pillars were moved to their present, position to allow a 'wider, entrance, and the bronze gates were transferred to anoth- er piece of city property.' On the left as one approaches from the north is the statue of a Union soldier. Commemorating the 'Grand Army of tile Repub- lic.. On. the right is a figure of a R0ugl~ Rider, commemorating the Spanish war .veterans. The statues were s~ock ca.stings from a bronze company .and 'not / especially designed. Plaques on the circular portion beldw com- . memorate Col. William A. Philr. lips, a founder of 'the city of -- Salin~, and General John, A. .- Logan, for whom the Salina GAR post Is named. · Inscriptions on .the memo~:ial bench on each side of the gate entrance read' ."Tn memory' of . the men of this vtcinty who leave their lives to the defense of their country" and "Dedicated' tO all{ our l~val sons who showedI distfng{dshed valor upon the na-] tion's battlefields." · ] Plaques. immediately below ~ each' statu~ contain 'the s?mbol of the army-the statue repre- sents and the years of the war In which that army saw service. County commissioners at the, time the appropriation was proved and the contract let' ~oP;! the memorial Were Thomas An- derson. E. B. Erickson and.R.F. .Dearing. They, too, have ,{oined the hosts for whom Memorial Day rites were sat~ and flowers strewn in cities of the dead today all over this land.