2008 Trash Program "\ DANIEL L HEBERT District Judge (785)309-5837 dan.hebertralsaline.org MARY B. THROWER District Magistrate Judge (785)309-5843 marv.throwcrQ)saline.ore: JEROME P. HELLMER District Judge (785)309-5839 ierome.hellmen@saline.ofe: TODD M. HEITSCHMlDT Court Administrator (785)309-5843 todd.heitschmidUwsaJine.ore: PATRICK H. THOMPSON District Judge (785)309-5840 oatrick.thomoson0lsaline.org STATE OF KANSAS 28TH JUDICIAL mSTRICT TERESA LUETH Clerk of the Court (785)309-5831 teresa.! ueth(a)sal ine. Of!! RENE S. YOUNG District Judge (785)309-5838 rem:. VQun g(?i1sa] ine. ore: City-County Building P.O. Box 1760/300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67402-1760 FAX (785)309-5845 KEVIN J. EMERSON Director afCourt Services (785)309-5842 kevin.emerson(a),saline.oH! MEMORANDUM TO: RE: Jason Gage, Salina City Manager Trash/Litter Projects Please consider this proposal as a fonnal request for grant funding for the continued facilitation of Trash/Litter Projects for 2008. The grant received from the City of Salina is crucial to our office in continuing these projects. It is our plan once again to supervise these projects to provide community service and to help in cleaning the streets and roadways. Please view below the proposed budget for 2008. We are hopeful that the City of Salina will continue funding these projects. Our office is planning to increase the number of projects for 2008 to a total of twelve (12) projects as per the budget, starting April of2008. An added change as well this year will be splitting the projects up into the Spring/Early Summer & the remainder of the projects into late Summer & early Fall. This will allow our office to offer the projects to a greater population of probationers as well as to spread out the number of months in which litter and debris is removed from the city streets and roadways. Attached, please find our proposed dates for scheduled projects, in addition to alternate dates in case of inclement weather. This is the letter our office uses to notity probationers of the scheduled projects. One Trash/Litter Projects Coordinator: $50.00 per project ($50.00 X 12 projects) $600.00 Two TrashlLitter Supervisors (2 per projects) $50.00 each per project ($100.00 X 12 projects) $1,200.00 Transportation Safety Conference, Topeka, KS April 29-30, 2008 (flyer attached) Registration Fee ($35.00 X 8) Mileage for two vehicles ($210.56) $490.56 TOTAL BUDGET $2290.56 the 23rd day of January, 2008. Kevin J. erson Chief Court Services Officer Cc: Chief Judge Daniel L. Hebert Todd Heitschmidt Rod Franz DANIEL L. IIEBERT District Judge (785)309-5837 dan,hebert!i71saline.om MARY B. TfIROWER Dis/r;cl Magistrate Judge (785)309-5843 mar\', thrower@saline.om < .. > ? JEROME P HELLMER Di.~rrict Judge (785)309-5839 icromc, hcllmcr{@saline.org TODD M. HEITSCHMIDT < .' COIIYI Administrator ,~ (785)309-5843 todd. he itschm i dtW'1sal i ne. org PATRICK H. THOMPSON District Judge (785)309-5840 natrick.thomnson@saline.org STATE OF KANSAS 2STH .JUDICIAL DISTRICT TERESA LUETH Clerk oj/he COllrt (785)309-5831 teresa.1 ucth{@sa]inc.()T!l RENE S. YOUNG District Judge (785)309-5838 renc.voung({/)sal ine,or!! City-County Building P.O. Box] 760/300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67402-1760 FAX (785)309-5845 KEVIN J. EMERSON Direc/or ofCoUYI Services (785)309-5842 kevi n. emerson01sal ine. Of!:! RE: Community Service You have been ordered by Judge serVlce. to perform _ hours of community This is to advise you that Community Service Projects have been scheduled for the following dates: April 19, 2008 April 26, 2008 May 3, 2008 May 10, 2008 May 24, 2008 June 7, 2008 June 14, 2008 August 23, 2008 August 30, 2008 September 13,2008 September 27,2008 October 4, 2008 **The following dates are reserved in case of inclement weather May 17, 2008, June 21, 2008 & October 11,2008. You must present yourself at the Salina Police Department, 255 N. loth Street, Salina, Kansas at 9:00 a_m., to work a project. You will be given instructions regarding the projects when you report_ Projects will be held from 9:00 a_m. to 12:00 noon. Failure to perform the required projects/hours will result in adverse action against your probation. Court Service Officer . . Conference Features Designed to share and update infarmotian from all facets of the transportation safety community, this conference will provide timely topics of interest to each of the torgeted audiences. The program features a keynote address, plenary speaker and breakout sessions on four themes: injury control, law enforcement, youth issues, and roadway safety. . who Should Attend Low enfarcement personnel, judges, city and county government officials, educators and counselors, engineers, EMTs and EMS workers, bus drivers, safety advocates, special-interest group representatives . Fee $35 per person includes admittance to the entire event, handouts, refreshment breaks, and two lunches. Payment must be made in advance by check, credit card ar cash. . Exhibits The exhibit area offers exposure to the latest transportation programs, gadgets, and safety technology. Interested exhibitors should call Barbara Miles 01913-897-8528 for details . Further Information A detailed brochure (containing a registration form, hotel accommodations, etc) will be mailed in February 2008. For more conference information or if you do not receive a brochure: Phone: Toll free 877-404-KUCE (58231 or 785'864-KUCE (5823) Fax: 785-864-4871 . Registration www.ContinuingEd.ku.edu (keyword: tronsporlolion) Online registration avoiloble late January, 2008. For KDOT informallon: wwwksdot.org Click on safety information section. . Please share this information with your colleagues through e-mail, bulletin boards, staff meeting announcements, newsletter calendars and articles, association meetings, and staff routings. TtT T S;:Q~':n~NG Conference Registrotion: $35