Shredding Services
Contact 1:
Contact 2:
NP Contact:
el'", N,m, &IJJ. fIJr. Alj "If ~ (/(0 r f <
Address: . -' '.(/4~'$ 72i-lil/'
Billing Address: ~ n
-3141/ J~(f(Y/{' -Z_3~7 4~~ '
ip~ ~fJ/l
" Zip/Postal Code:
Phone:- r;. fS
Fax: . 7?<
x']q ,S73
30Q c:::1
Zip/Postai Code: '
Phone & Ext:
Phone & Ext:
Phone & Ext: "
Recommended number of security consoles
Cost of security consoles
Estimated collection & shredding time
Cost of recycling & disposal
Cost of travel to and from your location
Billing rate
Estimated cost of service
Recommended frequency for service .
Minimum charge
per minute
to $
~ (J t.y)
Start date of agreement:
Banker Boxes (regular)/X1/
File Boxes: . JIIll .
Lever Arch Files,:
Estimated collection & shredding time
Estimaiedcost for shredding' ,,"
Cubic feet:
. Other:
'" :From:
NOTES: . '
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Signed . _ JJ (j v . Signed
Print Nam' 1lt./J./-_" i . Print Name, Lieu... AnI') ~
Position 4 J (lJI LLqj, 1 (1 All &dn .iff- Position ~ {1Je.r K
new 0 existing 0 change 0 SALES REP:
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This CLIENT SERVICEAGRI?~M,ENT, b~~een Shred-it (':~hred-if\\and ~:th'~'Client" (g\,,~ilrd ove\le~f) takes effecto~ th~, ,
I "start date of the agreement',,'-The:pliiiies<3' .follows: -" '> _L. '.\_.: ,.l.-I,.\ ,. I ..ttL' \\ l\,. . \t:..: J " . d~'.'/I ''111,.
:'" '1~'S~red-!t~Service'S. S.~~~d-it willpJ.o~\ge, th~ foll~i~g,servic~~ ~ "the'Client". -!~s;:i~ .' \l.l,iS'\:. .,~ " :'L'.',
't :,'\'- a) \ .Equipment: S!rred-i~ will provide ,kocked Security Consoles\an~'<Jt~~t \elate~ eq!lipmypt ~n'tlie ~lient's premises for
i - ... 'the collectionand'storage of the Client's Conffdential Materialif.l'he number of Consold i<ill be determined by Shred-
it and based on estimates.o~volume in discussions with the Client. . .'"
br-Document Coll~Ct,~~<.)':'i4~~~t~~~t!on: Shred:it will:.(a) physicallyc,oll,eqt'the Cli,~nt~s.~onfi~~nfi~l Matei'i~l~ on a
regularly scheduled OasiS, as agreed between'Shred-It and.the;~llel\t; at'd'(b)-ap-orclose to theChent's premises,
destroy these Confidential Materials using a.mechanical shredding device (the "Doc/llnent Destruction Process").
c) Certification: At the conclusion of the Document Destruction Process, Shred-it will immediately provide the Client
. . . -. . ..... 'Q . u;-. . ", .' ""\ ' ,
. with a CertIficate. of DestructIOn,': . ". __. ,__.. _.. . '" ,. .' __ ,\,"L\";' '. ~ ' .':"r: 'J
d) Inspection Rights:,1ffequested'15y.the Client, an authorized represehtative oOhe <;:lien! rray; ~t.~nttime, inspect:the
_.D9cun"!ent Q_es.truc~ioitd~rocess~r~~1'" _ ___ _ _ . . ,x -- "-. 'i 'F'i(..:',.. .
e)Do.cum~l}t,Qispo~al !lnd)\e.fxcljng: Sh~ed-!t,~iJl r~~y~le or'p'ose oflhe s:;il,nr;g ~;hred4ed0atetjal. _ __ .
2) . Ownership of Equipment. -The Locke!! Security Consoles and'any otheo-equipm.ent provided to the Client by Shred-it "
remains.the property of Shred-it. . . ,". " .. .
3i Service Fee. As show." on page 1 ofthisagreeni~nt, the Client will pay a "SerVice Fee" to Shred-if,;qual to the greater of:
a)- -the-minimum'chargeor .._ __ . [, . ':H; .~""J.; \':r,v:-... ";~ 1:;:;r-!'.X~ :.... ~'.~. i-C~-11
b) the amount per minute spent by in document collection, destruction and other relatedSer:\(ices.during.the ,~".)
periodonwhiyhtheServiceFeeisbased:.,_'l I: "r't. ,~" ;...., I" !l;~,,:t .. ~....';"j.tI.,""'l
The Clie'nt agrees to pay the Service Fee within 30 days of receiving an invoice fodhe Sen;i~es.
4) Adjustment of Fees. The Service Fee shall remain fixed for one year of the Initial Term. In both'thesecond ilnd third year'
of the Initial Term and upon subsequent automa~ic renewal terms, in its sole discretj.on;,Sh~,"d;it reseT'{e~,thl';T.ight.t9'!!19s!iry
the amo~!1! p.f..fhe ~f'rvic~ Fee from ti~e to ti~e (either the minimum charge and/or per minute fee); provided thatShr~j,iil;
Will not Increase the service fee from time to time by more than 7% per year. ,. ,.. ".,
5) Term of AgreeDlent. The Agreement will remain in force for three years (the "Initial Term"). It will.automatically',renew
for an unlil1!,i~e!i:I)U.mber o~additi?nal one-Y.cill',terms unless terminated by either pa(lY"byw.f!tten,notic~,'at.le~st30 q~y'.s
prior to the expiration of either thelQitia] Term or of any Renewal Term. On termination by either party the Client will pay
,Shred,it all Ol!tst~l}dil}gb,alarlce.s.fur Serv.ices:p.clformed by S.!!r",d:it prjo,! t() tennjnation .Qfthe Agreel)l"nL'~'. ',' ,'"~
- '6) , Early Termination of Allreement. -In the event the Client terminates this Agreement without cause, prior to the completion
, of the Initial or any Renewal Term, the Client will pay Shred-it for the ServiceS,F.ce,s dl!eJor\th~ rerrwinil!g teT(Tl oqhe.. .:,
. Agreement plus a removal fee.of$ I S,Ob:per con'sole. Suc)i<,afly,termination fees shitlroe-calcu]ated based on the,average..
" .'. Service Fee incurred by the Client. for all prior months of the Ag{eement multiplied' by tlie~months.reri1aining in th.e'Initial
~ _. TermorRenewalTerm:,~' :'. . . ' .'-~.~~,- _: ,.-' ~ _. ,?v.7.'-"
7) --Default and Termin~ti~~ fo~ Cause. Upon w,ritten.notice that either party has breatlj~'d thls,{.\greewent by t'' '"
perform 'any oftlieir'respective ooligaiionsJ;;'de.Ji tiiis'Agreement-;-tlie Dreaching parix:~alrJi,:<,,~A6 'd~y's 'i'io';:;'the d~ie ~f'o
the written. notice to.cure.the default. In the evendhitt the default is,not,cured within"stich 30 day period, the non:breaching'
party may imm~diately ~1\llc~1 this 4-gr~nnent without furthe~ n(),lice" No.twjth~t?nding,anything to the contrary, in th~. !'Jy,\'JI)
that the Client fails to pay any amounts owing under this Agreement when due,including by reason ofba!)~ruptcy. ~r.~ '
insolvency, Shred:il may'iitiri1ediately cancel this AgreemenCand retrieve'its eqoipment from the Client, wherever locate'd:~ not made within three business days from receipt of written notice fr6fti1Slil'etlClt'thal paym'etWi!;:'due: The,:?::
Client will pay Shred-it allY outstans!ing,account balances for Services performed by Shred.i&pnif!rGt'll!e~!!Iinatjq~)~Hh<; , j
--Agreement.' - . .... . .-' n. ..., . . -...
. 8) . Excused Peirormance. Shred'it will' not be in breach for failtireJo comply with the-provisions 'oflhi" Agreemefif w,here
Shred-ii's failure is due to circumstartces beyond Shr,~d;i(s reaSpnable control. . .. ...," ", .'
9) MisceUaneou&. This document .contains, the entire'undeI:?tapdil\g.oq!Je,pl!.rtie~ ~,o!,c~f!1ing the subjec! I)l.atterofthi~ ~.
Agreement and applies to any ~ucc"s,s~rsJ~ the ag~eem~d!\~,w"llLa.s'(o any J!~'Y0i:'i'd~i!i<in}i[Cl}ep!l~ca_tions..6ny chahges
)0 it m)J~t b<; agre,,-dj.!! ~riting,}fi1l1)'.p'rovisi<!n i~ ~eld invali~, th':. other provisions o[this ~greement will remain in full
. force and effect.. The Agreement will be interpreted underthe.laws.of.the pro.villce/state inWhi,h it is ex,cU!!ld. .
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