2008 Service Agreement b~t>AR1MENT OF FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION Rodney Franz, Director 300 WeslAsh, P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 City of ~~ Salina , , TELEPHONE (785) 309-5735 FAX (785) 309-5738 TDD (785) 309-5747 E-MAIL rodJranz@salina.org Website: www.salina-ks.gov Service Agreement This agreement entered into on the 1" day of January, 2008 is made by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, whose address is 300 West Ash Street, Salina, Kansas, referred to as "City", AND the Saline County Commission on Aging, whose address is 245 N. Ninth Street, Salina, Ks 67401, referred to as "Provider." Section 1: Services. The company hereby employs the provider to perform the following services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement: . The Saline County Commission on Aging will provide Taxi Discount tickets as described in the application that was submitted to the City Commission in the Spring of 2007. Section 2: Term of Agreement. This agreement will begin on the 1st day of January, 2008 and will end on the 31" day of December, 2008 . Either party may cancel this agreement upon thirty (30) days notice to the other party in writing, by certified mail or personal delivery. Section 3: Amount of Agreement: The amount of the agreement is: $30,000.00 Section 4: Payment to Provider. The provider will be paid pursuant to the following terms and conditions: Payment will be issued quarterly in equal installments, with the first payment to be distributed no later than January 31, 2008 . Section 5: Status of provider: The provider is a: Federal, State, or Local Government Agency . Agency of Saline County Section 6: Performance Reporting. The provider shall file performance reports as noted: Annual Report within 90 Days By March 31, a request for renewal funding is due to be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, along with an annual ridership report Section 7: Financial Reporting. The provider shall file financial reports as noted: Unaudited Financial Report program. Covering costs and revenues of the public transportation Section 8: Nonperformance. In the event of provider non-performance or non-compliance with any section in this agreement, this agreement may be cancelled with 30 days written notice, or in lieu thereof the City may elect to reduce payments to provider. Section 9: Compliance with applicable law. Provider shall comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local law and regulation. Section 10: City indemnified. Provider shall indemnify and save harmless the City, its officials, agents, servants, officers, directors and employees from and against all claims, expenses, demands, judgments and causes of action for personal injury, death, andlor damage to property where and to the extent to which such claims, expenses, demands, judgments and causes of action arise from the Provider's negligent acts, Provider shall notify the City upon the receipt of any claim in excess of $1 ,000 in connection with this contract. Provider shall file with City, prior to any payment being made, proof of insurance as follows: [gJ No proof of insurance required o Commercial General Liability o Automobile u'ability . o Professional Liability:Errors and Omissions D. Workers Compensation Insurance ,. 0 City if Salina required as additional named insured on policy o Other (Please specify): Comments: All insurance is to provide a minimum of $500,000 single limit coverage. Section 11: Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action. For agreements in which the value exceeds $20,000, provider shall City of Satin a Standard Contract For Service; Page 10f 2 ciJrfiply-~ith the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Guidelines attached. Section 12: Independent Contractor. Both the City and the provider agree that the provider will act as an independent contractor in the performance of its duties under this contract. Accordingly, the provider shall be responsible for payment of all taxes including Federal, State and local taxes arising out of the provider's activities in accordance with this contract, including by way of illustration but not limitation, Federal and State income tax, Social Security tax, Unemployment Insurance taxes, and any other taxes or business license fees as required. Section 13: Attachments incorporated. The following attachments and supplemental documents are incorporated herein and made an integral part of this agreement. o Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Requirements 0 Other: Please Specify [gJ Provider Proposal o Certificates of Insurance o W-9 Form o Proof of Non-profit status Section 14: Official contacts for the City and the provider are: E-mail Lieu Ann Elsey City Clerk 300 West Ash, PO. Box 736 Salina, KS 67401 V. 785-309-5735 Fax: 785-309-5738 Lie uAn n. Elsey@salina.org Name: Title Address: City, State, Zip Telephone: E-mail: Provider: Tom Mulhern Director 245 North Ninth Street Salina, KS 67401 785-827-9818 City: Name: Title: Address: City, State, Zip Telephone: Section 15. Executed on the ~ day of January, 2008 For the City of Salina: Attest: For the Provider: Attest: ~~ ~~i~ prinitame' Signature "('on.- rvtlA l "'^-~ Print Name (J.'^~r- Title City of Salina Standard Contract for Service; Page 20f 2 " ,. ('SalineCc)U~ty"^'. .... .., "," .' ()mmis~iOnonlf\ging ". 245 t:l: Ninth Street . - Salina: KS67401 ,,785:827-9818 ',<,' .",.J , . . . " ,. ~: ~~ ~ . ',. ' , " ~. -~ I;'ax i85-~27-1516www.illil~elp:org/aging:' "" . ". " , ~. \ -',"". <:. ". '. ~ . .' ;',' i ., c."'; . '. 1','" .' '\, ... c',' ',-' ,>' ......... :~ . ,~ ... . '. 'j ~ , .' .' .; " .0, 'j- ." '\-, " ." . . . .' ',. , . '. ',:" ",,' .' .' < .~ . .1 ., "'''','' " ~ ~ ~' > . . ',-;' , . ,.V ~ , > ." ~ , ,. ,.,c" ., .".' ',' .' :<,' . ,'MayI5; 2007 .. . 1-' . . ~ .' .^ ," ,-, ',.(.' .. . p. "-,,',, '>,',"1 . " "'1, Tg:; " Rod Frani;Dire<:tor~fF:ina~ce.' , .' . ,City, of Salimi .. ." ' '., ,',', . ,',,"" .' Froln: TorilMulherrt; Director "" .' . ."'~ali~eSounty,C~n\mi;sioro~ Aging ".-' j.'-'. .. .- ~, :; "'. .,c, ..,:', ," - '.' .' ~ , ~"" . ',.\ ,:',,1- Rp' .' Public Transportation F~mdini'" . ",-;: _/, .....-..'.:'. ':':',';".~ : ~:_4.': :'.'<" . "'," ~_'~ ,'.:'; ,<,.' , _._"'., ,_,,~:." ':.. We .wouldlike to'. request renewed public transportation funding from'the.Citycif , '-, \ " '" ...,. .. " '.. ," ,- " .. ,-- , Salina f()f budget year 2008", " . ,', . , " , f' , .J I, , ..... ~. "'" , .,' '. " , ~. : .. '__,' 1 ~ ). _ 't '. -:.:, ..' .J' '. ". ,:'_ ... '_"" ',', "".. ",,,,.." . _ .:".;' , . We have re"eivedappmvaLfromKDOTforour p~oposai to partner with OCCK', ,. ; and in!egr~te ta~i rides into the ()cCKpu!ilic transportation service in Salina. :; ", This ri~w mode of service wiIl take effect J~ly' I, 2007, KDOT has tentatively , approved a grant of $43,?00 to the Coriimissionon Aging for the year starting , '.July I; 200T This representS a $9,000 increase over 'our current KDOT grant.; : ,,~~>~.'..~..-t,<,,' "\,;_:>>;'j-~':;. ::{,:\' '::'--:1""":'-0:.' '~':'~"<.:;',...~...,~~. ~~''<.~:~'":,:,,,:!'~ .:... - , -. ' " \ , . The' enclose'd "Taxi Company Discussion Points" was used in r~cent discussions . 'with taxi,companies and outlines ho'w the new'service will work. ", " '.' , ; '~<f", <' , i... .,_;._.",;:.' , ' s'.. " i.' ,:. ~ .:.'f.:: ," ..,. .'.'_ ".J ," . '. " ' ., < : " . : ~ 'V-t, " .1/0, '. ',.- '," .. '. 'Enclosed yo~wiIIfind ;de'mographic analysisoftaxi ~ide;subsidiied through. '. the Commissiml'on,Aging c!iscourit taxi ticket program in 2006: The27,859 total .....ridesprovidedin2006represent~d a 30.4 percent increase o~efthe'I1"timbe~of, . .' . - ':;' -: ," ..',,,. ',. ..: " ,',.' ," :,: ,,';" " .' :',: - " "_.rldesprovldedm~005,,' """":":>";".'; .',..." .", '.".' " (, ~. "', ;'.... v', .,' , " . '. . . ..' . ..' - .... ,. We would liKe, to ask. tIle City of Salina to consider ipcreasing its transportation" f~nding to the Commission on Aging from $:?3,OOOto $30,000,' This wiiLput us '<.. in abetter positiOlfto meet the require~ 'local match for tlleiilcreased KboT fUnding,'.; """" ,<" , ',',,";,' .,' .',' :', '.' ,,:. . " .' -<." _ "1"'., .," In riii; so~n;to-be-disco~t;nued Disco~nt Taxi Ticket pr~~r~;we pay the taxi, '. companies $2JJer tide and th~riaer pays ~hebalan'ceciftlie fare, . Iii 'the new mode'," . ;., of servic~; the rider will pay"$2per ride'arid we will pay-for the balariceofthe,: ,? ,; . '. . fare. This ~iIImat~h the rider fees, charged by OCCK(and Hotli~e), 'leading to .~.' ,', . , ,fuoreunifo~'and us'er- friendlY se~ice; but)t}~;iii~lsoT~a~ il1~t:we are paying ,\ \,.qut.'~~:?e!/i~~::;;!;:::: .:>., ' '" ~;':;J,: '<, '.:., ,',,~:: , . . 'ThMk you for consideri~g this request, and please jet me kno\y if-you have any ,qiiestionsorw6iildlike'~ny additional inf6rnHitiori, > .', .: ,,:',., ,'- ;, '.. . '\:;, ,: ,f' . " :', .. ~ '. .' -:.". .'. ,":. "', , _:'.'" " , .. -,/ :'. . ( ~~. ", ~'. " ,~, , : . , " ,,', ", l.', "- .' ; , ' "....J. <,,", " "e. .-, '.., , , ..: ,".'/ " ~ - ',' , ':. , '-'.)<". . ,'.;' '. , ';' ," '. -. ;. .,- "",' ". . ,,' "J ,., .,,'"1. . . . OCCKlSaline County Commission on Aging Public Transportation Partnership Taxi Company Discussion Points April 30, 2007 I. The Saline County Commission on Aging will discontinue its existing Discount Taxi Ticket program on July 1,2007. In its place, the Commission on Aging will consolidate its program into the OCCK public transportation program in a way that continues to use the services of participating Salina taxi companies. 2. Rider will call the OCCK transportation office to request a public transportation ride. OCCK dispatcher will arrange for either an OCCK vehicle or a participating taxi company to provide the ride. . EACH rider will pay $2.00 per ride to OCCK driver or taxi driver . any person in Salina may use the service (no income, age, disability or other requirements) . rides may be used for any reason (no restriction on trip purpose) . taxi drivers may accept an OCCK ride coupon in place of $2.00 ride payment ONLY if the ride has been dispatched through OCCK 3. OCCK will document rides dispatched to each taxi company, and provide this documentation to the Saline County Commission on Aging on a weekly basis (see attached form). Weekly reporting period will be Friday through Thursday. Documentation should be turned in on Friday. 4. Taxi company will document rides that have been dispatched by OCCK (see sample cards attached). Taxi company will use this documentation to submit weekly claim for reimbursement to Saline County Commission on Aging. Documentation should be turned in on Friday 5. Saline County Commission on Aging will verify taxi company claims against the documentation provided by OCCK, and then issue weekly payment to taxi company. 6. In 2006, the Saline County Commission on Aging paid out approximately $54,000 to Salina taxi companies. KDOT has tentatively approved a higher level of funding for the new consolidated service, so that we expect to payout more than $60,000 to Salina taxi companies in the first year of the new program. . . . Saline County Commission on Aging -- Taxi Ticket Program Demographic Analysis of Rides Provided Report Printed: 2/16/2007 From: 1/1/2006 To: 12/31/2006 Total Rides Provided During Period 27859 Sex: Female Male Household Income: Under $5,000 $5,000-$10,000 $10,000-$15,000 $15,000-$20,000 $20,000+ 19717 71% 8142 29% 10273 37% 9466 34% 3752 13% 2177 8% 2177 8% Disability 14594 52% Live Alone 14517 52% Purpose of Trip Medical/Health 3833 Food/Nutrition .5221 Shopping 18805 Total 27859 Age: Under21 1083 4% 21 to 59 14728 53% 60 to 74 4912 18% 75+ 7136 26% Race/Ethnic Status: White Black Asian/Pacific Island Hispanic Other 2339784% 3379 12% 20 0% 664 2% 395 1 % Taxi Company City Cab 1403 Economy Cab 0 Radio Cab 10024 Sunflower Taxi 2667 24-Seven 1394 A-1 Taxi 11481 Checker Cab 0 OCCK 890 # Persons Using Tickets During Period: 416 # Persons Registered At End of Period: 795