5.1 De-Annex & Vac CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME ~/18/~ 4:oo P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearings and ~tems ORIGINATING DEPARI~ENT: APPROVED FOR NO. 5 Scheduled for a Certain Time AGENDA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEM Planning Division NO. 1 Roy Dudark BY: BY: Item Petition filed by David and Homer Wells requesting the exclusion (de- annexation) of the following described property from the boundaries of the city: Lots 1, 3,. 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19 West of the present Dry Creek Channel in Block I of the North Park Addition to the City of Salina and the vacation of 20' of right-of-way along the West Grand frontage of the above described property. Site Data This property is located on the south side of Grand Avenue immediately west of the Dry Creek Channel (1000 Block of West Grand). The tract of land is approximately 13, 500 sq. ft. in size and has 120' of frontage on Grand Avenue. The property is zoned I-2 Light Industrial and is presently vacant. The land to the north and west is located within unincorporated Saline County and is presently being used for industrial and agricultural purposes, respectively. Public Facilities and Services 1. Streets - West Grand is maintained by the City as far West as the flood control dike in accordance with a maintenance agreement with the county. Street pavement ends at this property. 2. Sanitary Sewer - The property is not served by city sewer lines. 3. Water - The property does not have city water service. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACT ION DATE TIME AGENDA SECT I ON: OR I G I NAT I NG DEPARTMENT: APPROV ED FOR NO. AGENDA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEM Planning Division NO. Roy Dudark BY: BY: Page 2 4. Drainage - This proPerty is shown to be in the 100 year flood plain on the flood boundary map prepared for the city by FEMA. Also the old Dry Creek Channel is part of the City's stormwater storage and detention system and the City has a 90' drainage right-of-way along this stretch of the channel. Background The North Park Addition was platted and came into the city in 1887. In 1931, the original Dry Creek channel was straightened and realigned. The result was that the subject property, which was on the east side of original Dry Creek, ended up on the west side of the realigned channel. In addition, the realigned channel and the City's 90' drainage right-of-way run through a portion of the original platted lots~ thus reducing the size of this parcel by half. The resolution describing the city limits, which the City adopts every year, calls out the center of Dry Creek Channel as the west city limits, however, the resolution does not indicate whether this refers to the original channel or the realigned channel. The Official Zoning Map of the city adopted in 1962 still showed this parcel in the city and zoned Light Industrial. City and county staff have been unable to find evidence of any action by the City to exclude this portion of the North Park Addition from the city and therefore, have concluded that it is still within the city limits. Based on this conclusion, the owner filed a petition requesting that this portion of the North Park Addition be de-annexed. The applicant wishes to erect an agricultural building on this site which would not be permitted under the City's I-2 zoning regulations. The request for vacation of right-of-way arises from the fact that Grand was originally platted with 100' of right-of-way. County tax parcel maps show a 60' road reservation for Grand in the county. Vacation of the 20' strip adjacent to Lot I would give clear title of that land to the petitioner. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEM Planning Division NO. Roy Dudark BY: BY: Page 3 Applicable State Statute K.S.A. 12-504 is the statute governing the vacation of streets and also the exclusion of land from the boundaries of a city. The statute requires that petitions to vacate right-of-way and/or exclude land from the city limits be presented to the City Commission. To grant this request, the Commission must make a determination that: 1. Due and legal notice has been provided by publication; 2. No private rights will be injured or endangered by such exclusion and/or vacation; 2. The public will suffer no loss or inconvenience thereby; and 4. In justice the prayer of the petitioner ought to be granted. P.lannin~ Commission Action on De-annexation Request The petitioner's request to have this property excluded from the city has been referred to both the County and City Planning Commissions. The Saline County Planning Commission met on February 19, 1991, and determined that they had no objection to this property coming back into the county and noted that it would be zoned Heavy Industrial according to the county's comprehensive plan. The Salina City Planning Commission met and considered this request at its March 5 meeting. The City Planning Commission voted 8-0 to recommend approval of this de-annexation request due to the uniqueness of this particular site, especially the fact that it lies outside the natural boundary of the city and is not served by city utilities. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ITEM Planning Division NO. Roy Dudark BY: BY: Page 4 £ngineerin9 Department. Report on Rig.hr-of-was Vacation It appears that no utilities exist in the proposed 20 feet of right-of-way nor will the proposed vacation have any adverse affect on the existing pavement or traffic. A 60' right-of-way will remain and be adequate for this local street. It is therefore recommended that the request for vacation be granted. Recommended Action 1. Open the public hearing on this item and receive comments from the applicant and other interested members of the public. 2. Close the public hearing and, if the statutory requirements are found to be met, adopt a motion granting the petitioner's request to: a) vacate the South 20' of street right-of-way of Grand Avenue adjacent to Lot 1, Block 1, North Park Addition; and b) to exclude the described property in North Park Addition from the city limits. Encl: Petition #4004 Original Plat Map of Current Situation Excerpt of PC Minutes 3/5/91 Ordinance #91-9430 Ordinance #91-9431 cc: David Wells COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: ,~ : ~ DO NOT ~RITE IN THIS SPACE : PETITION NUMBER ~/o~ ~ Item : _. FILED : '91 iH PM 2 : TO: THE COVERN~NO BODY : 0)T'l' OP' SAL~NA. KS City of sa~i,a. Kansa, : OITY 0LERK'S 0FF)0E : We, the undersigne(t, being residents and property owners in the : City of Salina: Kansas, to hereby petition your honorable body for: : ........................................... exclusion of the following described property from the boundaries of the city: Lots 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19, West of the present Dry Creek Channel in Block 1 of the North Park Addition to the City of Salina and further oetition for the vacation of 20' of right-of-way alonq the West Grand frontaqe of the above described property. Respectfully submitted by: David Wells AND HOtq, ER V~ELLS Telephone Number: 827-7241 NAME ADDRESS .j ~ : : : : : : : Salina City Planning Commission March 5, 1991 Page 3 Chairman Brungardt asked if there were any interested persons who would care to make a comment regarding this application? There being none, would the commission care to take action? MOTION: Mrs. Seaton moved that Application #CU91-3 be approved in that the proposed conditional use complies with all applicable regulations and will not dominate the neighborhood and will not cause substantial injury to the value of other properties in the neighborhood. SECOND: Mr. Morris seconded the motion. VOTE: The vote was unanimous (8-0) in favor of the motion. Motion carried. #4. Petition filed by David and Homer Wells for de-annexation. Mr. Dudark stated that this is a petition that was filed by the owners of a small piece of land (1/4 acre) that lies west of Dry Creek Channel and south of Grand Avenue. This area was annexed into the city limits in 1887 when the North Park Addition was platted. The configuration of Dry Creek came around to the west of this block and these lots and back along Grand and then on to the north. In 1931 the city realigned Dry Creek into a straight alignment going northeast and severed the block into two pieces. Since that time we have been calling the city limits the centerline of Dry Creek. Which Dry Creek is the question. This was annexed as an addition so they are platted lots and legally part of the city. The applicant and owner of this property wants to construct a barn that would house some horses. In the city, the property is zoned Light Industrial and that is not permitted. You have to have an agricultural zone which requires 4 acres. But in the county, you can do that. His request is to take the property out of the city and put it in the county. The applicant is saying that the property has not been in the city for years, although the property is technically in and is being referred to as that. This is a unique situation. We have kicked this around in-house a little bit frankly because we are concerned about the precedent for the future of de-annexing property. Is the motive only to be excluded from paying city property taxes? In this case we do not think so. We think there is a genuine and valid motive to pursue a plan that only would be permitted if it were zoned appropriately. Agricultural zoning would not be an appropriate zoning for this property. To the north is Hixson-Lehenbauer, an industrial subdivision and is in the county. The city limit line goes on the east side of it. This is the only tract in the city west of the creek. The applicant is not proposing a development plan that would require services. We do not feel that there is any real substantial reason to deny this request. This is not a growing area of the city. If we wanted to annex it in the future we could. It is a platted area and it is legal to annex platted areas. We are not precluded from bringing it back in if there were some need to do that or if the surrounding area came into the city, Chairman Brungardt stated that there is no one in attendance so he will not ask for public input. Mr. Kline asked if the applicant owns the land to the west of this property? Mr. Dudark stated that he is not sure. If the property goes into the county, it will be zoned heavy induEtrial like the surrounding zoning. The County Planning Commission also considered this application and they had no objection to the property coming back into the sounty. Mrs. Denton stated that she does not see any problem with this setting a precedent as it appears that this is definitely a unique situation. Mr. Dudark stated that if we were growing in that direction and had utility lines in the area and there were no physical barriers such as the creek, that might be a possibility. These conditions exist here and the same circumstances are not found in very many places. Mr. Hardman asked if Mr. Dudark is looking for a motion for a recommendation of approval or denial? Salina City Planning Commission March 5, 1991 Page 4 Mr. Dudark stated that the commission does not need to make any findings but perhaps a motion that the commission does not see any reason to object to the de-annexation of the tract for~ planning or development reasons. MOTION: Mr. Morris moved that after reviewing the presentation of staff on the petition for de-annexation that the Planning Commission does agree with the staff's recommendation of approval based on the unique conditions in that this parcel lies beyond the natural boundary of the city, its development potential is limited by its size and shape and it is not served by city utilities. SECOND: Mrs. Denton seconded the motion. VOTE: The vote was unanimous (8-0) in favor of the motion. Motion carried. #5. Application #Z91-1, filed by the Salina City Planning Commission. Mr. Dudark stated that the Heritage Commission has been working on achieving Certified Local Government Status. This is in order to get the state to recognize local efforts in historic preservation in the area. One of the requirements is that the board be structured so that it has 3 professionals out of the 7 members that meet their criteria. Presently, we do not. That seems to be the only real problem area for obtainin§ the certification. The Heritage Commission talked about changing the ordinance and restructuring the membership and makeup as providing a means to become qualified. Certain members would have qualifications. One way to get that is to add a second professional, a historian. In historic preservation, the two primary credentials are architectural or historical background. Those would be the two most important members of the commission. The third one you could chose from among the four different professions. It may be difficult to try to find someone with those credentials and interest them into serving. The other members would be left like it is. Sherry Denton is the planning commissioner on the herita§e commission. Then one member of the real estate or legal profession and two other unspecified members. Chairman Brungardt asked if a historian is defined? Mr. Dudark stated that it is at the state level. Our definition is non- existent. Whatever we say is a historian is a historian but we have to send a resume to the state. Chairman 8rungardt asked if it would be better to make this more flexible? Mr. Dudark stated that the state requires 3 professionals. My thought in drafting this is that it would be easier to get a architect or a historian than it would be to get some of the others. That is why they are listed singularly. Mrs. Denton stated that the Heritage Commission's main thought was that we are really kinda scratching just to try to meet the certified local government requirements regarding membership and we thought this was our best shot. MOTION: Mr. Hardman moved that Application #Z91-1 be approved in that the proposed amendment is consistent with the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance and the proposed amendment will no~ adversely affect the orderly development of the city of Salina and the proposed amendment will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety or g~neral welfare of the city of Salina. SECOND: Mr. Morris seconded the motion. VOTE: The vote was unanimous (8-0) in favor of the motion. Motion carried. #6. Other Matters. Mr. Dudark stated that we have received a revised planning and zoning bill that has been amended by the Senate Committee. We sent a letter to local legislators. In that letter we said that the governing body should adopt a plan or have the option of adopting it. Now the language is no compre- hensive plan shall be effective unless approved by the governing body. That