8.3 Awd Oakdale Fountain Restor CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 06/10102 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: NO. 8 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. 3 BY: Steve Snyder $5 BY: Item: Award of contract for restoration of the Oakdale park fountain, project 02-1347 Back2round: The 2002 Special Parks Fund includes restoration of the Oakdale park fountain. This fountain, located in the center of the formal area, was first installed in lower Oakdale park in 1885. The original fountain consisted of an ornate cast iron base and a four (4) foot bronze statue. By World War II, the fountain had been vandalized and scrapping the fountain was discussed. Fortunately, the cast iron base was placed in storage, but the top statue was lost. In the late 1960's, the base was repaired and installed in its present location and a concrete statue was added. Today, the base is in need of repair including recasting of one of the three graces. Our initial goal was to restore the entire fountain as near original as possible. Proposals were received from three (3) companies, each proposing restoring the base, but providing different options to consider regarding the top statue. Work to be done on the eleven foot diameter base includes transportation to contractor's shop, removal of lead based paint, incremental cleaning to bare metal, recasting of the 9 races, baking the surface to remove moisture, and painting. Options for the top statue include casting a similar bronze statue, though not original in design, casting an original design bronze statue, or casting an original design aluminum statue. The proposals received are as follows: Deggingers Foundry Topeka, KS cast iron fountain similar bronze statue not to exceed $25,000 $4,000 Architectural Iron Milford, P A cast iron fountain bronze statue $26,400 $23,540 Robinson Iron Alexander City, AL cast iron fountain bronze statue aluminum statue $23,500 $8,100 $3,170 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 06/10102 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: NO. 8 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION APPROVED FOR AGENDA: ITEM NO. Page 2 3 BY: Steve Snyder BY: The Parks and Recreation advisory board discussed the options and recommended the restoration be as close as possible to the original construction, appearance and materials. The major difference in the Architectural Iron and Robinson Iron proposals on the bronze statue is that Robinson Iron possesses the mold for the original bronze statue. The proposal from Topeka would not specify an exact amount in the cast iron restoration. Budget for this project as identified in the Special Parks Fund is $27,500. Also included in the 2002 program is a reserve of $3,500. Allocating the reserve to this project provides $31,000. It can also be noted that two other projects in the special parks fund sub CIP have been completed at less than budget amounts. Therefore, staff believes we have sufficient funds to complete this project as recommened. Recommendation It is staffs recommendation the City Commission award a contract to Robinson Iron, Alexander City, AL to restore the Oakdale fountain, project #02-1347 including an original design bronze statue for $31,600. l' p. , , ,,' - ' . --;-,;,:"',,:,-, ,'c" " ó'"c.:::, f1' -,\"I;(~D:;"-< -":;~~" ,A~,-,~ífJjfI~"" f~rl ,,~~Mi" -.,-"""..¿;r-;.-":">-'-"'- ',.',>\'(\t f/':'" \ ), / ~:'" ~,,"~'.i.,...1 ~ "'" ""aaU :,'~" .'7 "- " . "':t ...... :: ~..,¿ ~,':iI:' ~ ,',oJ " \, -- 'Sb" ,. t.:; ~.~ ','" ,'. ~, ',~.1.' ~.' :),:t ~,' ~:::~ ::.. ~"I .. ":. þij fj; '<, ¡, ~ .!t. , ~ ' l~~'~ .~, :;. ~~ ~"" ';;.~...' , .. '. .., , . ~r' f! '~f~' ~?,¡, ¡ '" "\ Þ"', '~ '¡ ~ì' V~""', ; ~:. ~ .¡,~,~;: :;..a, "'..),' <: ".~" '" ¡, .. .r t J, ¡, f . . . " .; , ;, ;..'~~';~" i ~~ \I., , ~;!\t:' :.,: '\" .,. .: " i~, ,¡, .' . ~:o .' I rt..f, ~':':', . ~ .fi. ~",-",¡:'~c;; ~.;~~,¡f~ ~i'. ~: .~ "¡ ~ ,f£ì, ",' L::",;. ~,.~. ?Ml ~" ' '-, ,"!: " . ~'},jj~ . "", 7:'~}.>J "';':'¡ ;.~ ..~?tí' "</' ¡fj~-, .; .. 1Ii' 'r..' f r.-:. t:.,. ,',.of" , ::illl '*t...~ "";"'~':¡-'t} .~,~~ ~Xil Q t', '. if"" ~1'! ,t:..\.:.'~-!'" :" - ,; " \, ¡;: ,;' ~' ii, ") ;¡ l:! £~ ~.(þ!' \'~~~. ;. l' :tl' ..' '-,' il' , ',' t, 1 r'~ ; , .;~~ r ,\' ',,:",' ~'" ' - '!' . " ~ ~ ...~~ '~é4 :~: " , .,' . , ,., ,~ ",',', '- " / i\~ ,""','" ..,'-' I:.;: :" l ~~\ 'J~,',; . "I,¡ .'~L ~ '" -~.:.~~ .~~~.:~~'-~~ '~""."""'" .", ',.',-, ".".', 'iíw""",.""",..",~~,.t ,...- . '~f.4-:<" " , '" .fl" . . ..1iiJ ;1"."." ',' ~"..; :~.....~:: ~,_. ."'.. /' """'" -:,-ry",,-;-..-. ~:,,')~ =~""'..~~.,,;:. ..... ., t . . :u "".I. ...... ~. :sol t....Jt ":,,,:::"">.., .f