MOU Fire Hydrant Use
,between the
City of Salina, Kansas
and the
Rural Fire Districts of Saline County
I. Pu rpose
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish a working
arrangement regarding the use of fire hydrants between the City of Salina, Kansas, and
the Rural Fire Districts established by the Saline County Commission,
II. Background
The current policy that dates back several administrations requires a city staff member to
be present whenever a rural fire district utilizes a City fire hydrant for firefighting
purposes, This policy is outdated and is counter productive when dealing with emergency
III. Collaborative Objectives
The Salina Fire Department has a major incident plan that calls for the deployment of
rural fire apparatus in the City when all of the Salina Fire Department's resources are
deployed at an emergency, The City, and its residents, have a vested interest in a rural
department being able to draw water from a City hydrant when responding to a working
structure fire inside the City,
The City of Salina has Rural Fire Contracts with properties outside the City of Salina that
may require the transport of water from a City hydrant to the property via a rural fire
tanker under mutual aid, The City has a vested interest in a rural fire department being
able to operate a hydrant independently of any requirement during a fire situation,
Rural Fire Departments protect property that borders the City of Salina, The Rural Fire
Departments and the City of Salina have a mutual interest in limiting the destruction of
property and businesses that surround the City of Salina by fire,
IV. Working Agreement
The City of Salina will agree to allow the Rural Fire Departments to use City fire
hydrants and water free of charge for firefighting operations when in compliance with the
conditions set forth in this MOU,
Firefighting operations include any conveyance of water to the scene of a fire by fire hose
or water tanker operation, Such operations will include the actual extinguishment of fire
and subsequent overhaul operations to eliminate embers, smoldering, or the opportunity
for the fire to reignite,
The Rural Fire Districts agree to inform the Water Utilities Director of any use of a City
hydrant for fire fighting purposes within 24 hours of use. Notification can be by phone,
fax, or email. The notification will include the location of the hydrant(s) accessed, an
estimation of the gallons of water used and the incident type and location.
It is expressly understood the City fire hydrants may not be used for the routine filling or
flushing of rural fire apparatus without express permission of the Water Utilities Director.
V. Term of Agreement
This agreement will remain in effect until terminated by either party.
. VI. Termination of Agreement
Either party may terminate this agreement upon written notification to the other.
Agreed to this 5f-IL day of ~
By P/~AiiliR ~l 1'"0' . A
reSl ent, ura Ire lstncts. ssoc.